Destiny Failed and Interfandom tensions.

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Great Old One
First off, it's Anastar. Some jerk stayed up all night trying to figure out a cruel nickname and that was the best they could do.
I don't give a shit what pre FFVII AC stuff she did. Everything was speculation at that point. I saw people saying the person in the wheelchair was Sephiroth's mentor. Go make fun of them! PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES! PEOPLE MAKE BAD DECISIONS! GET OVER IT! Not only that but I've seen her admit when she's wrong. Nobody's bloody perfect but at least she can admit it sometimes.
I agree. One hundred percent.

It's as if people can't set the LT aside so they assume that Anastar automatically has to be an ebul person because she states her views (which, to be honest, aren't as bad others. I mean, that one who posted about the Tifa and the rape... what the fuck?), and she's a good debater, and she means best. In the Northern Crater, she was very lenient towards Cloud/Tifa fans, and fair. I don't think I've ever seen her call someone else an asshole, bitch, etc. (unless someone trolled her forum, which then I can see her reason to). And I don't like how she handles her forum, but it's her decision. I don't see why Destiny Failed has to go so far to mock them. If people have an account in that forum for trolling or intentions that aren't for Cloud/Aerith, it's really a waste to be there in the first place. Just let them be.


its sad, u guys make war not love. dont go to their website if u have no intentions...
leave them the fuck alone and let them be happy amongst each other in their happy community for fucks sake...


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
and honestly I don't care about Destiny Failed... but why does that shit need to be dragged here? Let DF deal with DF and how about we deal with lifestream stuff. What happens at X stays at X and I for one would like to see it stay that way for once.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Yes I saw it and I was in that one and I went :joy:
I like the attention :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I do wanna apologize if I offended anyone with my rant. But I needed to get that out of my system. If someone DID hurt your feelings online I'm sorry, but trust me, it's much better to just... just forget it. They aren't worth it. Vengeance begets nothing but vengeance and the worst thing you can do to your enemies is forgive them (at least in this case). I speak from experience :joy:

And a lot of you keep saying I'll be banned over... there.. and even if I did do something that resulting in a banning and they all went "QUE'S A BIG DOO DOO HEAD!" behind my back, I can't imagine caring. ANd for all I know they might have a big "WE HATE QUEXIONS!" thread in the admin lounge, I dunno. But why should I care? Just chill out, and be cool. That's really the best way to do it.


Great Old One
lol o lawd. You're the last person I'd expect to hear that from.

And a lot of you keep saying I'll be banned over... there.. and even if I did do something that resulting in a banning and they all went "QUE'S A BIG DOO DOO HEAD!" behind my back, I can't imagine caring. ANd for all I know they might have a big "WE HATE QUEXIONS!" thread in the admin lounge, I dunno. But why should I care? Just chill out, and be cool. That's really the best way to do it.
It's a good thing that you don't care - but sometimes it's not the best solution to ignore it, if it goes too far.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
lol o lawd. You're the last person I'd expect to hear that from.

It's a good thing that you don't care - but sometimes it's not the best solution to ignore it, if it goes too far.

well okay it'd depend on how far it went. If they burned my house down, or killed my family members, yes I'd be pissed. If they're gonna rant about me on another site entirely, I don't care.


quex..can i burn your house down plz? u didnt make a yuffietine sims!

and yes A, lol im just saying pming is nice lmao.


Great Old One
Lol at the burning your house down example, :monster:

I mean that it depends on the person they're ranting on. I mean, if the person has no reason to be teased or bashed at, that's a problem. But if they have the right reasons, I agree that it's best to ignore it.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I think everyone's missing the point. Everyone thinks this is personal. Or based on vengeance. It is not. It is based on the principle that deliberate lies, delusions, double standard, dirty tactics, two facedness, smears, and glaring omissions should not be allowed to stand. That they should be exposed. And mocked, if need be.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I think everyone's missing the point. Everyone thinks this is personal. Or based on vengeance. It is not. It is based on the principle that deliberate lies, delusions, double standard, dirty tactics, two facedness, smears, and glaring omissions should not be allowed to stand. That they should be exposed. And mocked, if need be.

And people with too much time on their hands :P
Also, if someone is hurting a friend of mine it's personal. But I do now understand that you weren't the one I should be angry with. There's someone else I should be angry at... someone who's taken their best shot, and now it's my turn.


unsavory tart
I think everyone's missing the point. Everyone thinks this is personal. Or based on vengeance. It is not. It is based on the principle that deliberate lies, delusions, double standard, dirty tactics, two facedness, smears, and glaring omissions should not be allowed to stand. That they should be exposed. And mocked, if need be.
It's about saying mean things because someone, somewhere else also said something mean, also their opinions are stupid.

DF is pretty hilarious for what it is. But trying to pretend it's some great crusade against injustice isn't going to work. It's assholism for the sake of lulz and favorite pairingism. Not going to lie, witty assholes are what make the internet fun, as long as they are going to admit they are assholes doing it for the lulz.

And the fact that one CloudAerith fan came and was heavily offended does say something that people are taking it personal and they are dragging their stupid shit all over the debate, and the lulz stop coming. Well, actually forum drama is pretty fucking hilarious, but at the same time annoying when trying to go through a post and getting "YEAH WELL YOU DO THIS STUPID PPLS, HRNNNN"

It's 330 in the morning and I just realized I'm debating about the feelings of people I don't care about over a trivial topic. Fuck.

PS. Using pink as an insult is like, the most faggot insult ever.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Soooo...lemme get this straight. has every right to mock, ridicule, ban, make personal attacks, complete with member bashing sub-forums, develop "strategies" for fighting a "pairing war" and lay the groundwork with completely ridiculous back-assward logic and hypocrisy, while the site that calls them out on it is petty and making it too personal?

**pinches self** Nope. I'm awake.


ps. OWD: I like my ginormous and irrelevant sig. :P
A neutral is not someone who just says "everything is up to interpretation and Cloud loves everyone." That's just someone who is too chickenshit to voice their opinion in fear of being bannedz and/or wants to make intrawebz friends.

Otherwise, a neutral is just someone whose brain is not governed by shipping preferences

I think a true Clerith forum shouldn't be so overly offended at something Cloti or members seeing Cloti or liking it. It just shows what those forums are really for. It's for LTD stuff, hating Cloti (both the pairing and the fans), making up facts or creating crazy theories; not for shipping. And I think that's one of the things DesFail points out.
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