Destrillians: Aftermath Act I

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Emma and Terra’s Apartment

Terra stumbled to her feet, head still throbbing and not having heard a response from Emma. The brunette rubbed at the dents her glasses had left on the bridge of her nose and decided to leave them on top of the pillow in her room. She stumbled into the living room and saw the other Destrillians as well as some people Emma probably knew and some weirdo in the kitchen, wearing an apron. And tending to something burning in a bowl. She half wondered if it was too late to turn around and go back to sleep. The TV was on the news, and she gave it a lazy glance before she realized that something was wrong. “…top military intelligence has decided to place the city of Osea under martial law and place roadblocks on every entrance in and out of the city. Civilians need not be alarmed by the increased military presence on the streets, but are advised to stay in their homes until the Destrillian menace has been exterminated.”

Terra’s heart skipped a beat when she realized they weren’t just watching some everyday news cast. She took one rapid breath followed by another, faintly listening to the others talk around her. “You’re suggesting we go down to Audoula?”

"Inconveniant as it may be, it seems like it is one of our best options at this point." Someone else said who she didn’t exactly recognize. Her legs felt weak as she realized they’d need to leave the apartment and all of the people they’d met. She was more concerned about Emma than she was for herself, since she knew that she’d made several human friends who she liked and cared about. It’d need to be like in the past, with only her and Terra to support her again. She’d be lying if she could say she wasn’t scared that Emma might stay here and get caught, all because of her friends at Osea. She knew the red-head loved her and wanted her to be safe, she just didn’t know to what extent it would be. Was she going to see her off and stay here so that she could be with Chris and her friends?
She stumbled across the apartment floor, reaching Emma with eyes that were threatening to tear up. She gave her the tightest hug she’d ever given. She tried to communicate privately with Emma’s mind.

Ema eye kno u luv chris and u luv yor friends 2 but no 1 wants 2 see u die. Wii need 2 go 2 audoula to be safe, and eye hope u want 2 come wif. Eye… really don’ wan 2 be without u.

The green-eyed girl wasn’t the type to cry for no reason, but the threat of losing Emma, the one person who had wanted to keep her safe those long years, prevented her from keeping a dry eye as she clung to her. It was selfish, she knew, to want Emma to be with her when they had to run away. But deep down, she just wanted her to be safe… just like she’d always wanted for her, right?

Eye will come with 2, She communicated to the other Destrillians, at least the ones who were able to hear her communicate. Pulling away from Emma, she wiped the tears that were left on her face. If it is safer in audoula eye wan 2 go 2.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
You ever have that feeling that you know your in a dream?
Where everything around you is just a work of your imagination?
Well what happens when your dream seems to last forever and there is no escape from the monsters of your mind?
Would you stand and fight or run away from your own mind?
Now what happens when the dreams you have are reality and the nightmares merely “procedure” when the monsters under your bes wear long white coats and poke and prod you with needles every waking moment of everyday. Where killing and maiming others inspires rewards, where children fight not only for survival but against their very nature.
This is my nightmare, one I can never seem to escape.

:The outlander club, Basement Level:

The nightmare was ending, it felt like an age but Castiel could finally his own body. His eyes opening to dazzling light, blinding him temporarily. Voices muffled outside and the sound of music were all that Castiel could make out, but where in the facility did they allow music to be played?
Groggy as if sleeping far too long Castiel blinked trying to clear his vision, stray hairs covered his eyes obstructing his view to the outside world with a casual blow from his mouth he tried to move it from his vision. When that didn’t work he tried raising his hands to his face but couldn’t, in fact he couldn’t move anything.

With the realisation that he hadn’t just been asleep Castiel’s mind began recalling the events that led up to now, playing with the other Destrillians in the pen. His vision becoming cloudy, his head throbbing as a headache crippled him then….then waking up to all the blood covering his handler. The guards pinning him to the ground as his friends were removed from him as if he was a danger to them all….

“Wha…what happened?”

His voice sounded different, no longer the high pitched tone that he knew it should be. Instead his throat hurt when he spoke as if extremely parched and his voice itself somewhat deeper like that of the scientists that used to train him. With this realisation however Castiel had overlooked the other detail that didn’t make sense, his hair was covering his eyes? How could that be, it was always kept short by his handler telling him that long hair would hinder his view in a battle.
Remembering everything that he could Castiel struggled against his restraints, looking down it down it took him a full minute for him to realise what he was looking at.

“My body….it’s changed”

His childish body was no more, in it’s place was the body of a man. His muscles defined, his height subsequently changed from what he remembered even his skin tone was different it seemed paler than it had giving him the image of a ghost.
“Maybe that’s what happened…maybe I died and this is hell” His thoughts immediately interrupted as a loud thud shook his body, the noise deafening him. The frosted glass in front of him seemed different now, lines covered it’s entirety stretching out from a point near his face. Castiel’s ears echoed as yet again he tried to break free of his restraints, the movements outside the glass distorted to the point where he could tell the people were not scientists.

“Hey Joe, I think I see something moving in this thing!”

“Your right, the ice seems to be melting a bit more. Give it another whack with the baseball bat and lets see what’s inside this giant freezer.”

Although muffled, Castiel had heard enough to know he needed to get out of there right now before his face was destroyed before he knew what it would look like.
Focusing to recall his training within the facility the pain in his head started to build until the point he felt he would pass out, opening his mouth he let a powerful blast escape….more powerful than he had intended.
The blast hit the glass and shattered it instantly, the metal frame holding it in place dislodged and was thrown directly into the face of the nearest human.
Castiel watched as the room shook with the impact of his blast on the concrete structure, the screams of the men filling the room as Castiel struggled for consciousness his vision clouding like it had the last time he remembered the facility. As the door burst open and Castiel watched as more men came storming in his headache increased, he was losing control and he knew what would happen next.

Laughter filled Castiel’s ears, uncontrollable laughter emanating from somewhere close so close infact that his body was shaking.
Opening his eyes Castiel found himself on the floor of the room, scattered bodies lay around him all dead from extreme blood loss. The laughter was no more, as if his awakening had stifled whoever had been doing it.
The sight was disgusting, the two men who had been in the room when Castiel had unleashed his pulse were the only two dead that didn’t have blood seeping from their eyes and ears.

“Just what is going on?”

He wondered to himself, how did he get out of his restraints and why had he blacked out? Standing to his full height Castiel marvelled at just how much his body had changed, he was no longer a small runt but instead seemed to have the body of an adult with a height he surmised around 6ft.
The blood from the bodies around him clung to his naked body, if anyone were to come in and look at him he surmised they would think him more monster than man….not far from the truth given present circumstance.

Scrounging through the bodies of the dead Castiel knew he had to get out of wherever he was and find safety before more men or worse yet the scientists found him.
His attempt to dress himself became a mismatched hell; picking clothing that seemed somewhat ok in comparison to some of the blood stained clothing that clung to the bodies of many. The end result was comical, Castiel stood with a long sleeved t-shirt with a black skull on the front, marred only with a few specks of blood on the sleeves.
His bottom half had been the awkward part, most of the trousers and jeans of the men surrounding him were smeared with blood, opting for originality Castiel opted to use a tartan blanket that lay at the opposite side of the room and fastening it in place with a belt from one of the larger of the dead men. The belt containing multiple satchels which he could store things if he needed, flicking through them Castiel found what seemed to be money although what currency it was was unknown to him.
Large black boots and thick socks were the last things to be found in his ensemble and when he looked himself over he deemed himself of feasible quality he opened the door that he had seen the last lot of men enter from.

The sound was the first thing to hit him, inside the room the low thud of a bass drum was all that could be determined but outside the door the scene changed dramatically. A staircase covered in darkness led up to a building filled to the brim with young humans, Castiel couldn’t feel the presence of any other Destrillian here and thought it best to air caution and escape as quick as possible.
Reaching the final rung Castiel checked to see if anyone was watching the staircase, luckily no-one paid him any heed and he immersed himself into the throws of the countless youths all gyrating to some strange type of noise Castiel could only associate as music.

“I know a place where the grass is really greener warm, wet and wild there must be something in the water sippin' gin and juice laying underneath the palm trees the boys break their necks try'na to creep a little sneak peek”

Castiel screwed up his face as the music blared out at a deafening level, trying his hardest to make his way to what seemed to be an exit he was continually touching and bumping into humans “God if I can just get out of here everything will be ok” he thought to himself.

“Oh-My-God what are you wearing?” Castiel watched as a young female wearing a belt for a top made her way into his direct path.

“Um excuse me please”

“What’s the rush? I haven’t seen you here before. My names Candy, what’s yours?”

Trying to reply Castiel soon seen that the girl didn’t actually care for a response.

“Wow I mean wow, you look so cool. Who did your hair? And your eyes oh my god are those contacts because I know a friend who totally went blind because of coloured contacts”

“Umm excuse me I really need to go”

“Oh ok well you know my name, how about I give you my number and you call me sometime?”

“Ummm what would you like to call you?”

The girl just stared at Castiel, his human interaction skills didn’t include busty women who never shut up.

“Hahahaha your soooo funny, here’s my number give me a call when you aren’t too busy and we can chat kay, right see you soon beautiful bye”

As easily as she had enetered the conversation Candy left it, Castiel left holding a folded napkin with a list of numbers on it.
With a dismissive shake of the head Castiel made his way out the club and into the quiet of the main street.

Bending over to catch his breathe Castiel revelled in the fresh air as the last notes of the music range out behind him.

“Thank god.”

He thought to himself, humans had strange habits but that was just ridiculous. Pocketing the napkin in his belt in case the numbers meant something Castiel walked down the street towards the lights ahead. Rounding a corner it was only then that he realised the light wasn’t from the sun but in fact from goliath structures. Building reaching the very skies themselves bathed the area in light and the whole city in fact seemed to glow amidst the night sky.
Castiel had often dreamed of the outside world away from the facility but this was too much.
A car horn woke him from his momentary pause and as he made his way from the middle of the street Castiel knew he had to get out of the open like this and somehow change his appearance before his handler arrived and the scientists forced him back to the facility.
With a pang of remorse he wondered why he came to be in the club and where his friends were now.

The sun had begin to appear on the horizon, Castiel had been walking through the streets of Crawsus for little more than 4 hours now. His stomach turned with hunger his throat dry with dehydration, the use of his powers had only aggravated the pain in his throat and he found it hard to even talk now.
Searching the pockets of the belt he had taken from the rather portly dead man he found the money and set out to find sustenance.

“Hello welcome to Mel’s fried chicken how can I help you?”

The woman in the fast food restaurant stared at the boy with the weird hair and clothes, her immediate thought being he was another drugged up teen with the munchies.

“Umm id like some food and water if you don’t mind?”

The woman used to dealing with these types of teens quickly set about preparing a chicken platter and a large water for the kid.

“There you go hun, there are condiments in the corner”

Smiling at the boy she watched as Castiel made his way outside with the tray and as if protecting his food began devouring the chicken almost ravenously.

“Poor thing, maybe he isn’t quite all there”

The food had been delicious, he had complemented the woman at Mel’s repeatedly thanking her and offering her more than what the meal was worth.
Although appearing happy she had declined his offer of the money and told him to merely take care of himself, the remark sinking deeper than she may have intended.
Asking her one last question Castiel queried the art that the human youths at the club had across their bodies, the woman had told him they were tattoo’s and that they were common among youths of today if you had the money.
Thanking her again Castiel left the restaurant and set out with one thing in mind.

“I want one.”

It didn’t take long till Castiel found what he was looking for, in such a large city, as Crawsus there were shops everywhere stretching from the mundane to the outright weird. A signed shop gave the name of “Joh’s tattoo’s” with a neon sign with a design that Castiel admired.
The shop seemed closed but just when Castiel thought his chances at having a new appearance were gone a man covered in the same kind of art he wanted shouted behind him.

“Hey kid, im just about to open”

Castiel turned to see a man about similar height walk towards him, his skin dark between his tattoo’s and his face kind with a smile that made Castiel felt instantly at ease.
The man walked with what seemed a slight limp but Castiel didn’t care, his plan would go through and soon even his handler wouldn’t be able to distinguish him from a normal human youth.

“Just give me a second to open up, it’s unusual to have a kid waiting on me to open up..infact its weird having a kid wait on me at all hahahaha”

The man’s laugh was lous and filled with joy, Castiel knew the man was exactly who he was looking for.

“So what you got in mind kid? A dragon? Some tribal?”

“I want something that will make me look different!”

“So a cock and balls on your forehead huh? Hahahahahahahahahaha, im kidding with you kid. You better give me a better idea than that though a tattoo isnt just something you slap on for the weekend remember this is something that has to say something about the person attached to it, something that shows you to everyone in the world without you ever having to say a word.”

The passion in which he spoke touched Castiel, he had never felt that strongly about anything other than his friendships and even then he never wore his feelings on his sleeve like Joh.

“I-well im not entirely sure what expresses me.”

Joh sighed as he clicked the final lock of the shop, turning to the youth he stared intently at his face and knew he was different than the usual punks that came around for their gang tattoos and thinking they were the shit.

“Come inside, il put on the kettle and we can go through the books”

Castiel smiled and followed Joh into his shop, the man holding the door open for him wasn’t like those at the club giving Castiel hope that humanity wasn’t all like Candy.

.:Joh’s tattoo shop:.

Castiel had been in Joh’s shop for a little more than an hour now, the man quickly going through all the styles he offered until he showed Castiel what he called his “Celtic motif” watching the eyes of the boy Castiel knew this was what would work.
Expecting simple work Joh queried the boy as to the position of the tattoo, Castiels reply being the entire right hand side of his body from foot to neck and including a sleeve.

“Shit boy, you know how long that’s going to take? I mean that’s at least 6 different sittings and around 2000 bucks to boot”

“No I need it done today and all at once!”

The urgency in the boys voice told Joh that the kid was in trouble, there were two reasons why people got art as extensive as this the first was a love for the individual style and the second being that they were on the run and needed to change their appearance quickly.

“Listen kid if your in trouble I can help we can go to the cops together and sort whatever it is out I mean there is alwa-“

“NO! No police, please!”

Joh sighed and rubbed his two fingers against his temples, he liked the kid there was something innocent about him that he couldn’t imagine being corrupt or in with the local gangs.

Castiel reached into the satchel that contained the money and handed the entire wad to Joh.

“Please I need this!”

Joh looked at the money, there had to be at least 5k in his hand. Buissiness had been down as of late and this could go a long way to helping his little girl get the medicine she needed from the local doctor with the strange hair.

“Ok kid, lets do this. Give me an hour to draw the design on your body then we will get to work.”

With that it was settled, Joh working hard and closing the shop to another other admissions while he worked on Castiel’s full body tattoo.
The boy never wincing in pain or complaining when he went over the sensitive areas that caused most seasoned professionals to swear out loud.

“Right kid that’s you done”

Rising to his feet Joh looked physically and mentally drained, it had been 6 hours since the tattoist had started working on Castiel and the concentration needed for his work had taken a lot out of him. Standing back though he admired his work, the boy seemed a little more prone to the pain than he had to begin with and as Joh admired the work he knew he would never do another tattoo like this again.

“Owww, I mean thanks Joh”

“Aint no need for gratitude kid im just doing my job, let me give you a sec to check it out. There’s a mirror in the corner give me a holler if you need any help moving around you took more than I expected from a kid your age.”

Castiel grinned back happily and watched as Joh exited the room, hobbling to the mirror Castiel felt the heat from his skin where Joh had worked, the pain only minor continued to rub as his thigh moved against his other leg.
Standing in front of the mirror Castiel’s face beamed with admiration, the designs were beautiful and intricate they encompassed everything Joh had described and he knew they would do the job of hiding him in plain sight in case his handler was still looking for him.

Clothing himself fully he winced slightly as his makeshift kilt rubbed against his tender thigh and side.

“Ok Joh im decent again.”

The door creaked open, Joh looking a bit better for the break walked in smiling once more.

“Well kid you have officially tired this old man out, but im damn proud of the work you got there. Just remember that those tattoos are now a part of you and you better not go to anyone else for anymore ink but me comprende”

“Tch no problem Joh, I wouldn’t trust anyone else to do as good a job as you have here anyway.”

Joh merely smiled at the boy and wondered what would happen to him now.

“Well if you don’t mind I have to get going, I need to find out some things and now that I have this work of art on my body I feel comfortable enough to go back to the club.”

Joh’s eyebrows raised as the boy talked in riddles.

“What clubs that kid?”

“The Outlander club I think.”

Joh’s normal full coloured face began to drain to white, looking more sickly now as if the name of the club had made him fall ill.

“Listen kid that club is bad news, you don’t want to get involved with anyone there.”

“I can handle myself if that’s what your worried about Joh.”

Funnily enough Joh knew the kid could handle himself, he seemed odd when he had first met him but even after a few hours he could tell that Castiel wasn’t quite like normal people.

They bid farewell and Castiel promised Joh that he would take care of his lovely work and not ruin it by getting himself killed. The old tattooist smiled his usual warm smile and bid Castiel adieu.

.:The Outlander club:.

Castiel had managed to backtrack his way through Crawsus stopping only to refuel at Mels chicken again before making his way to the club, he needed to know why he had awoken there and where the rest of his friends were. The only place he knew the answers would lie was the outlander club.

It had began to rain as he stood in the long line of youths, many of them talking among each other, Castiel merely content that he did not see Candy.
One by one the bouncer let each of the youths into the club, Castiel noticed several armed guards around the inside of the club this time. It was too much to hope for that no-one had noticed what occurred the previous night.


Castiel grimaced instantly when hearing the voice, without even turning he knew who would be there.

“Errrr hi Candy”


Candy appeared in front of Castiel, a large crowd looking at her as she screamed over the music. Her face red with anger and Castiel’s face giving back little more than a look of annoyance.


Reaching into his belt Castiel unfolded the number she had given him the night previous.

“I don’t own a phone and I was busy all through the day”

“You were busy?”

Noticing his neck and arm she immediately shut up, her fingertips tracing the lines lightly over his hand and neck.

“Wow that’s some pretty intense work, you got that all in one night?”

“Yeah a guy named Joh helped me out”

Candy’s face relaxed no longer seeming angry.

“That’s cool! Well I have told ALL my friends about you and I cant wait to show them my new boo”

“Your what?”

“My boo silly, you! The moment I saw you I knew we were solemates”

“Umm im really sorry Candy but I don’t quite follow, if you don’t mind im kinda busy and need to talk to the guys who own this place."

Candy merely grinned back, not the look Castiel had expected to see from the scantily clad girl.

“Well that’s easy, my dad owns this entire place”

.:Back office:.

“Daddy this is the boy I told you about, his name is…..umm Mike yeah Mike.”

“Castiel actually”

Candy had been an opportunity Castiel wasn’t willing to overlook, her father was the owner of the club meaning he knew why he had awoken in the basement.

“Nice to meet you sir, I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions?”

The room was that of a mafia wannabe, the entire office reeked of a small shot trying to make it look like he had more money than he really did.
Standing to attention the man who Candy referred to as “Daddy” stood a whole head shorter than Castiel, going bald and wearing an awful grey suit that made him look like more of a circus announcer than any sort of boss.

“Well if you’re the flavour of the week then I guess I cant help but indulge my little girls wishes, now what can I help you with….Castiel was it?”

“Yes sir, thank you. I was wondering if you can tell me what exactly you do in the basement of this club”

The atmosphere immediately shifted within the room, Candy looking more bored than anything and her father appearing like he would have a heart attack at any moment. His goons stepped in front of the only entrance which meant the only exit was also blocked.

“Well as you can see we have a large bar downstairs so the basement is where we keep the alchohol.”

“Im boooooored now!”

Candy interrupted yet again and Castiel had enough of the girl, ignoring her outright he decided to go straight to the point.

“I mean why did I wake up last night inside a Violan cryo-unit only to be attacked by who I assume are your hired goons?”

Candy immediately shut up, obviously she had enough common sense to know that Castiel wasn’t just playing nice to daddy.
Her father on the other hand went pale, he obviously knew the truth and possibly even saw the results of Castiels awakening and seemed like he would vomit in recollection.

“Candy, get out!”

Candy stared at her father slack jawed only to change it into a smile towards Castiel, kissing him on the cheek she sauntered from the office and out of the line of fire.
The moment the door clicked shut the goons were on Castiel, he knew something like this would happen and as they came at him from behind he turned mid punch and caught the first guard in the gut knocking the wind from him. The second removed a knife from jacket and attacked Castiel, still dealing with the first human Castiel merely turned and opened his mouth aiming directly at the guard as he lunged towards him.
With a blast at only half his power it was still enough to send the goon sailing across the office and slamming hard enough to knock him out against the wall.
Castiels vision started to become blurry again, the first goon had managed to wrangle from his grip and was now scrambling around the floor.
The rippling headache was much more intense than last time, Castiel grabbed his skull and watched helpelessly as the goon picked up his friends knife and lunged at his right side.
Instead of moving out of the way Castiel’s thoughts immediately remembered the promise to Joh. Sliding his body to the side he felt the goon sink the knife into his left side, the headache ceased immediately, clarity and pain racked Castiels brain and without thinking he moved his mouth to the goons ear and let rip the short wave pulse that would kill the goon within seconds.

Castiel watched as blood began oozing from the mans extremities, trying to cover his ears it was a useless act but Castiel made sure the goon felt every second of pain before he collapsed body twitching on the floor.
Pulling the knife from his side he used his right hand to cover the wound trying to staunch the bleeding as much as possible. Castiel’s eyes scoured the room until he found what he was looking for, Candy’s father was cowering in the corner, a pool of piss under him as he shook in fear.


“I-I-I-I don’t know! We just killed some military goons and brought that thing back with us, I had no idea anything was in it let alone anyone!”

Castiel staggered forward the pain causing him to wince as he inhaled.

“What else! WHAT MILITARY!”

“IIIIIIII Don’t know! I swear, shit god please don’t kill me! Think of my baby girl you like her and im sure I can like you! we can make a deal you know take her and spare me.”

Castiel heard enough to know the man was of no use to him, raising both hands he watched as the bleeding sped up from the lack of pressure. His hands found the mans throat and with little more than a twist the body fell to the floor dead.

.:City Streets:.

Castiel had made it out of the club with no trouble, Candy obviously no longer interested in her “boo” had made her way to the other side of the club amidst multiple men who looked like they gave a damn giving Castiel enough diversion to hobble out the club and down a side street.
The wound was bad, what little first aid he remembered from his training he knew he had to find a hospital soon or suture the wound. The hospital although a novel idea was totally out of the question, the latter option seemed to be the only option. His body had been moving on it’s own for several minutes now, he seemed to be moving somewhere as if pulled. His mind was becoming foggy and his movments slower by the second.

“Shit I need to find somewhere now”

His body stopped, the nagging feeling at the back of his mind had led him to a building with no visible entrance. “Must be the back of someones house or a shop” Castiel murmured to himself. Looking for somewhere to enter he thought breaking and entering would suffice if he could attend to his wound in time.

A window was propped open near the left hand side of the building as if calling out to Castiel.
His steps were becoming more and more laboured, he could no longer feel his toes and as he pulled himself through the window Castiels vision began to cloud.
Falling to the floor Castiel began to black out yet again, the last thing he seen before passing out was a door opening and someone standing in the doorway and the sound of a chair breaking as his body fell atop of it.

Raising his head Castiel merely muttered out.

“Pl-ease…Help me.”


That Guy With The Midgar Model
NoenGaruth, Stolz, Blitzwing, Ryoko Asakura, Judge Magister Gabranth, Col. Hans Landa, Itsuki Koizumi, Treize Khushrenada
Osea, Eastern Suburbs - Yesterday, 6am

Jelanda awoke to an unfamiliar sight, a room she didn't know. It shortly dawned on her where she was - the spare room in Major Matsuya's apartment. There wasn't anything particularly interesting in the room, it was clear that her superior had no sense of decor, which wasn't surprising given her personality. A more imminent thought then came to her mind as she was rather uncomfortable from lying on one side all night, and so as she rolled over in the bed, Jelanda found herself face to face with a black and white cat that stared at her for a moment before letting out a loud "Meow!"

At this point she was a little startled, and then confused as the cat bunted her on the head with it's. Jelanda sat up and looked down at the cat, who proceeded to flop onto it's side and stretch out. She never expected Majo- Kijo to be a cat person, or least she hoped it was her cat, otherwise something was definitely off. She once again surveyed the scenery, noticing that light was emitting from the edges of the closed curtains in the room, signifying it was morning at some point, and so got up from the bed and walked over to the door before opening it and leaning out into the hallway. Upon checking both directions and the lack of noise it seemed like Kijo was not awake, and not wishing to disturb her, Jelanda quietly creeped down the hallway towards where she beleived was the kitchen. After reaching her destination, she was greeted by the sight of Kijo sitting at a table, in full uniform, casually eating some kind of oat product in a bowl, and reading the newspaper with an unimpressed look on her face. After standing there for a moment unsure what to do, Kijo looked up at her over her glasses and flatly said.

"Ohayou Gozaimasu".

The words left Jelanda dumbfounded. Had she done something wrong? Was it an insult? She wondered if she should say something in response, and so just quickly blurted.


Kijo just gave her a long stare with the same unamused expression she always had, then calmy replied. "Yes that would be Mr. Nyargington, my cat. Do not ask about the name, my mother is to thank for that".

"Oh I see Ma'am...umm I mean Kijo". She said in an awkward tone. The other woman responded by standing up and stating.

"I got a call from Commander Farant not long ago. The city has been placed in a state of martial law, therefore we need to get to HQ, so please get yourself ready as soon as possible."

Martial law? Had things with the destrillians gotten that bad? Wait a minute the Major is staring at me still for some reason, and not amused. Oh that's right! I'm supposed to go get ready!

"Yes M'am right away!"
She called out then hurried back down the hall. Kijo simply sighed and looked back at the newspaper on the table. The headline read "DESTRILLIANS ON THE RAMPAGE?" Followed by an summary about multiple killings taking place last night where both cases involved horribly mutilated victims. Seemed like the call for Martial Law was a justified one after all...

IRIN Command Ship, Osea airspace - Present time

"Sir, we have a priority signal from Vanaheimr."
Called one of the operators on Solde-1's command bridge. "It appears there's a security breach on Headquarters's server network."

Vargas stood at the main observation window of the bridge, looking down on the city. They had barely arrived in Osea and already Vanaheimr is calling with bad news. He then sighed before turning to the operator and replying in an unamused tone "Well isn't that just grand. Is it another half-assed attempt by the A.L.M. to peer into our research?"

"No sir, the Server's watchdog AI is not detecting any of the usual tactics of the A.L.M."

Vargas' attention was then peaked. Who could be trying to infiltrate their systems now, or more accurately, who could be foolish enough to even try?

"Is that so? Interesting to say the least...." He paused and contemplated for a moment, before asking "Where is the origin of this intruder?"

"According to the backtrack, it's coming from somewhere here in Osea. Currently the precise location is still being calculated."

"Osea? This is the best news I've heard all day!" Vargas exclaimed in an excited manner. He then leaned over to the console in front of him, brought up a view screen and tapped one of the buttons on the display, followed by shouting into it "Everybody get in here!". The next couple of minutes Vargas stood silently on the bridge waiting, while the command crew just sat at their stations silently (and awkwardly) waiting for something to happen. Shortly after, the rear doors of the bridge opened, followed by Circe walking through, with Sophalla and Janus in tail. Their entrance caused Vargas to spring to life again.

"Ah good you're all here! It seems we've had an intruder in the Vanaheimr server."

Circe responded with a surprised "But how can that be possible Sir?" To which he quickly responded with "No not that one Circe, the network one..."

Janus then butted into the conversation by adding "So if some jackass hacked in I'm assuming a backtrack was run then? Which begs the question of....where's it lead to?" And ended by turning to the operator to the group's left.

"We've just finished zeroing in on the location, it appears to be a store known as 'Faiz Mechanics' belonging to a one 'Joseph Faiz'". The words generated a reaction from Circe, although Vagas on the other hand gave a dull expressions and said "Who?"

Circe gave him an odd look, which generated the reply "No really, who?"

"Joe Faiz. That man who you had kicked out of Viola."

Vargas then snapped his fingers at the words and loudly responded.

"AH YES FAIZ! Rather talented fellow actually, however he had the design capabilities of a 3 year old....honestly the look of some of things he actually wanted to build...

At this moment Sophalla cheerfully chirped in.

"So what's the plan dear Vargas? Standard crush kill destroy?"

Vargas paused for a moment at the words and contemplated. A large grin then formed on his face and he slyly replied.

"No I think 'ol Faiz deserves a different treatment..."
And turned to face Circe before adding.

"Prepare the girls for deployment."

In another section of the ship, currently in complete darkness, various small lights began to come to life on the machines in the room, and at the center of the room amongst the stillness, a pair of eyes opened on a darkened figure, followed by another set on a second figure, revealing the pair's glowing gold and silver pupils with lines of electric currents all around the Iris'.

They had been awoken and their orders received, which caused Zwei to smirk in delight.

Osea, Emma's Apartment

"Boring....Boring....Seen it....Boring.....I'm pretty sure that right there is considered bestiality.....boring....original was better.....Oh No! Televangelists!"

"Will you just pick something! Your constant channel flicking is giving me a headache...and I technically don't even have an actual head!" Virtue complained as Stolz randomly flicked through the channels on the TV set, hoping to find something flashy and entertaining to keep their mind off the powder keg that was brewing in the room.

"But it's all borrriiinnggg...." Stolz murmured under their breath. They then flicked it onto the news channel and left it there hoping there would be a story about an explosion...or two explosions...or a Tiger. Stolz was then reminded about the circus and how they had always wanted to go to one, and see all the animals and performers.....but not the clowns - Stolz disliked clowns. There was something about them that just seemed unnatural, surely anyone born with a big red nose and giant feet couldn't be trusted....

"You're off on a tangent again aren't you?" Virtue said calmly, then added "I can tell because you have that vacant look on your face that says 'I haven't been paying attention to my surroundings and just missed some very important things that were said' ". The sudden interruption caught Stolz by surprise, who then panicked that they'd missed something important, so instantly jumped up and shouted the first thing that came to mind

"Hey who wants to come home with me?!"

Virtue just placed her face in her hand and turned away from the spectacle. Just ignore it. Just ignore it. Just ignore it....

Osea, City Streets

The streets of Osea were deserted at the late hour, all thanks to the Military's declaration of martial law, otherwise this area would be active with those who would partake in Osea's colourful nightlife. The only activity now was a pair of figures casually strolling down the side of the street, occasionally being lit by the streetlamps as they passed them by. The duo were clearly not civilians, as stated by their uniforms which signified combat attire of the IRIN Secret Service - meaning there were very unlikely to be disturbed by military patrols wandering the city.

After a long period of silence and walking, the shorter of the two, who had strawberry blond hair which was worn in a pair of high ponytails on each side of her head, suddenly spoke up.

"Senior Zwei? Whilst I understand the actions required for us to undertake as per our orders, I do not understand the exact motive."

Zwei, who had been walking with her arms folded behind her head, looked aside at the girl in amusement, then replied.

"I'm surprised you're asking a question like that Drei, seems you've been bitten by the curiosity bug."

Zwei, unlike her subordinate, had Auburn brown hair, which she wore done up at the back. She was honestly more interested in taking in her surroundings then paying much attention to Drei, however since the other one was still in a learning phase, she supposed she would humor her.

"On a simplistic level, a person not in association by any means with IRIN International has performed an unauthorized intrusion onto our company's network in order to gain access to the Vanaheimr server and then proceeded to download specific classified information. Under Artolian law, this act is considered cyber crime and they must be punished. However, according to the IRIN command, it is considered an unforgivable act and they must be exterminated".

Drei contemplated the information, then slowly repeated.

"Exterminated? As in being deleted?"

"Similar. However to humans the correct term is Dying".


"Yes, Dying. To die, to sleep no more – and by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to".
Zwei responded in a melodramatic tone.

"Senior Zwei?" Drei said, confused once again.

"Don't mind me, I'm just reciting in a manner like that downgrade would....but to stay on topic, Death is an important part of all living things, for it is what they all must face one day, weather it be sooner or later. Most humans spend their entire lifetimes contemplating when and where it will happen, while some attempt to slow or cease the process entirely - fruitless efforts of course, for all humans must face the sweet embrace of death...." She then stopped and looked across the street, staring right at the location they had been seeking out. Turning to Drei, she smiled and added.

"...and one particular human's time has just run out."
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer

It had become obvious within a few minutes that he couldn’t just drive his van straight up to the doors of IRIN International. The reason was simple: there weren’t any civilian use roads leading to the sector of the city the IRIN kept their headquarters in.

It put Early in mind of the ruins of castles that littered some parts of Damascus. Immediately inside the castle was a trading town open to anyone. The actual ruler of the castle lived in the keep, which was separated from the rest of the castle interior by high walls and possibly an secondary moat.

However, like all arms manufacturers, the IRIN liked to put across a friendly public image. So, there were regular high-speed shuttle trains from the commercial and residential parts of town into the sector most overtly controlled by the IRIN. A few friendly enquiries on Early’s part had pointed him to the nearest such terminal.

After he parked his van, Early had to fight to keep his cool. The Keris was by far the oldest vehicle in the parking lot, and the most utilitarian. No doubt that would attract some attention by itself. Still, he followed all of the instructions, paying for the highest time allocation available and displayed the ticket in the front window.

Although this area looked savoury enough, Early still made sure he locked the doors behind him. He always wished there was some way to record the attempts of people who tried to break into it. He’d chosen a Keris because of how rugged they were, and a side-effect of this was that they were almost impossible to break into. In fact, Early had only ever heard one credible report of a Keris being broken into, and the gang responsible were carrying a blowtorch around for some reason.

Early took a brief moment to check his appearance in a side mirror. The wig he wore as Nate was still sitting quite inconspicuously on his scalp. It always did, but he always felt paranoid as hell when he wore a rug. Still, the few times a wig he wore had been dislodged was always marked by silent embarrassment from any onlookers. He guessed they assumed he’d had some medical complaint that was responsible for the loss of his hair.

Satisfied with his reflection, Early straightened the collar of his coat and began to trace his way to the shuttle station.


As the shuttle train hurtled between the skyscrapers of Vanaheimr’s civilian districts, Early had to suppress a smile. He could easily imagine a resident of any of the big cities of Damascus being confused for a country hick if they ever visited here.

The towering structures were on a completely different scale to the buildings of Damascus. A long history of battles, both domestic and foreign, had created a paranoia that meant the majority of buildings in Damascus never reached over five storeys tall, for fear of creating an easy target.

The only supposed exceptions to that were the skyscrapers of Hephaestus, which from the pictures he’d seen of them Early suspected might put a couple of these giants to shame, and some of the manufacturing plants in Ymir. However, he hadn’t seen either styles of architecture in Damascus firsthand, so he would take the info with a pinch of salt.

Still, Early didn’t doubt the ability of these buildings to defend themselves, despite their apparent opulence. And even if the civilian buildings were relatively undefended, he was sure that the IRIN owned skyscrapers would be packing the latest defensive weaponry, or some experimental force field.

The shuttle train hurtled across the greyish river that flowed through Vanaheimr, on to IRIN International’s headquarters.


As he reached the public archives building, Early had to begrudgingly admit to himself that the IRIN was either really public friendly or very good at pretending to be. It could just be that whoever had designed the city had an incredibly tidy mind. Whatever the cause, there were useful sign posts every few hundred yards or so, pointing the way to various buildings.

Again, after a few polite questions, Early had found out which building he needed. After that, it had been child’s play finding his way. His spine felt incredibly tense, though. That usually meant trouble of some sort.

He saw another security camera confidently in view above the main doors, and smiled tightly to himself. That was probably the source of his unease - with all these surveillance devices around, both overt and covert, someone somewhere was probably watching him, even if he moved from one person’s jurisdiction to another.

Early let himself into the building through the door conscientiously marked ENTRANCE. As he did so, he wondered which sort of bureaucrat he’d meet at the desk. There were generally two sorts, in his experience: the rake thin men who looked down at everyone who asked for their assistance because they could finally look down on somebody, or the short, stout old women who busied themselves at their job because they had very little else to fuss over.

“Can I help you?”

The imperious feminine voice that Early always thought of as the “old dame” tone answered his unspoken query.

“I hope so, ma’am,” he said, walking over to the desk with an easy smile on his face. As he did so, he made note of the unobtrusive IRIN guard by the little gate that no doubt lead into the archive proper. “I’m investigating a spate of murders in Osea - you’ve probably heard about them on the news? - and I couldn’t get any further info there short of joining the police force myself.”

The woman behind the desk fixed a steely glare at him. “You aren’t a journalist, are you?” The look and the tone of voice suggested she might be forced into saying some unladylike things if he was.

“Ha, no!” he said, a deliberately surprised smile on his face. “No, nothing as well paid, I’m afraid. I’m a private investigator, hired by one of the families involved.” As he said this, he pulled out the ID card he’d shown at the city entrance and showed it to her. He did so with deliberate slow ease. Waving it around wouldn’t impress her, and just flashing it at her would only get her irritated.

She took the card fastidiously and peered down her nose at it. “Well, Mr Reynolds, the picture doesn’t really do you justice,” she said at length, a frosty smile on her face. Early smiled boyishly like he thought it was a compliment. She sighed, obviously coming to the conclusion Early hoped she would. He knew from experience some people were just immune to sarcasm and lampooning, either because they were too patient, or, more usually, too dense to realise you were putting them down.

“Very well,” she said, quiet enough that Early wondered if she was saying it to herself more than him. She reached under the desk and pulled out a pile of papers. “You’ll need to complete these first, I’m afraid.”

Early couldn’t help it. His face fell in disbelief. “All of them?!”

The guard coughed in concealed amusement behind him. A brief, triumphant smile flashed across the face of the woman in front of him. “Indeed.”

Early started just browsing through the paperwork, his brow creasing slightly. This wasn’t good. Some of the information he had to input here had been formulated for use in Damascus, where it was inoffensive enough, even if it was used in a different province. Here, it would raise questions, about why someone with so many immediate links to Damascus would be taking a job in Artolia…

“Ms Hayle? I’m sure form 2140/B would be sufficient for a one-off access pass.”

Early turned, as Ms Hayle glared over his shoulder. The somewhat muffled voice was that of a cheerful young woman - Early would guess late teens, early twenties - and appeared to have issued from a pile of clothing. Early could just about make out two eyes peering from below a tight-fitting Fedora and above a tightly wrapped scarf. Over her body was an extensive long coat that put Early’s to shame in proportionate length.

Ms Hayle’s face was one of confused disdain, and no doubt she would have made a snide remark at the younger woman, if her expression hadn’t abruptly turned into disbelief. The young woman had just pulled an ID card from her pocket after a brief moment of apparent confusion over the necessity of it. At the sight of it, the guard had snapped to full attention and let her through the gate.

“Hmph. Quite so,” Ms Hayle sniffed, torn between indignation and nervousness. Early guessed the latter was because she’d almost torn a strip from one of her employers. She took the forms from in front of Early, and shuffled them compulsively before putting them away. She turned and walked across to a series of cubbyholes, before selecting a single sheet from one of them. She put it before Early with a hint of defiance.

Early flicked an eye over it. This was more like what he had been expecting. The sheet asked for his name, date of birth, contact details, and the nature of his inquiry. With a friendly smile at Ms Hayle, he bent over the desk, picking up the pen chained to the desk to fill out Nate’s details on the form.

He quickly glanced across at the gate towards the young woman who’d helped him, but she’d already disappeared into the stacks.
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Higher Further Faster
Emma’s head felt like it was about to explode. Not from a headache or one of the normal migraines from using her powers too much, but from all the frustration the events of this night had been causing. Fiona deciding to get into Chris’s face after hearing his objections made her really want to throw something very badly. She didn’t even care what, just that she could throw something.

But she had to keep calm. The last thing any of them need right now was even more freaking out to ensue. They’d be lucky if one of the neighbors didn’t call the police to file a noise complaint if the group kept up all this shouting.

Wouldn’t that be wonderful? She thought to herself.

Oh, quite.

But now was the time to start preparing for the inevitable. It was apparent that her and Terra would have to leave. Emma would have to leave behind the life she had built here in Osea, She would have to leave Chris and Riese, and the flower shop. Oh poor old Mrs. Nolan, Chris’s grandmother. Who would help her with her shop now?

Then there was the matter of her second job at the fast food restaurant. However, when she really thought about it, Emma didn’t think she’d actually miss that job much, if at all. Cranky crabby customers, all stuffing themselves full of grease; it was something Emma could certainly live without. She never would be able to figure out how a Destrillian’s stomach could churn at the mere thought of one of their quarter-pound double-deckers with all the trimmings and yet the average human could actually eat one without becoming violently ill. It was a feat Emma herself had never been able to master. The regular plain burgers off the cheap menu were enough.

All of this reminiscing would not help them, and it was probably best to not even think about it, as it would just make everything harder.

Once again Emma found herself pleading with Chris to calm down, trying to stop him from saying what she herself wouldn’t mind saying to Fiona a lot of the time. But she knew it would be a mistake, especially for a normal human, to piss off someone like Fiona. It’s a wonder she didn’t rip him apart already.

If that wasn’t bad enough, she could sense Riese standing directly behind her, staring. Emma turned to face her, and a bit more angrily than she would have liked, she said, in a very demanding tone, ”What?”

“You’re leaving us?”
she asked simply.

The way Riese asked this question was much different than the way Chris had been flying off the handle with his own. It seemed sad, and slightly hurt, yet at the same time almost understanding.

“Riese, I…”

“This is a lot of intense shit going on, I don’t even know how to process this. But damn, they got Tabby on the TV, and…”

As if on cue, Terra had entered the room and stumbled across the best she could and wrapped her arms tightly around Emma’s midsection, pulling her close for a tight embrace. She then spoke to Emma in her mind, in the jumbled way that Terra always spoke, her fear and sadness at the situation seeming very apparent.

Ema eye kno u luv chris and u luv yor friends 2 but no 1 wants 2 see u die. Wii need 2 go 2 audoula to be safe, and eye hope u want 2 come wif. Eye… really don’ wan 2 be without u.

Emma could have burst into tears then, at this desperate plea from the one person who had meant the most to her these past four years. Sure, Emma had friends, and an actual relationship with a wonderful guy, but Terra was, and always would be, her top priority.

The redhead wrapped her arms tightly around the smaller girl and responded telepathically.

Of course, Terra. I would never leave you. Ever. It’s you and me forever.

Even if that means leaving everything else behind,
she added to herself, not projecting this last thought to the brunette in her arms.

The two pulled apart, and Emma turned to face her fellows, ready to participate in the planning of their escape. Terra did as well, broadcasting to everyone, except those who were not Destrillian, Eye will come with 2. If it is safer in audoula eye wan 2 go 2.

And then an almost excited sounding voice piped up from near the TV.

"Hey who wants to come home with me?!"

Emma gave Stolz and incredulous look, wondering just what they were talking about.

Stolz really was a strange kid.


000 - 000 - 009
Sienna, Jenovas-Fifth, Idris
-IDRIS SAVAGE; Emma's Apartment-

“Everyone be quiet!”

Idris blinked in surprise, from her place in one of the apartment’s armchairs. It was just so odd hearing Kerr speak; the woman didn’t think she would ever get used to it. Ten long years of stony silence from the gravity Destrillian while they were in Viola saw to that.
Yet today seemed a day of breaking old traditions anyhow—right down to having humans in on the ploy. For it seemed that sooner or later, Emma was going to have to tell her two friends part of the truth. The one of them was acting in exactly the way they all thought a human would act: rash and loud and irritating. If the boy didn’t shut his mouth soon, they were going to get caught. The girl he had brought with him was more tolerable. She’d done what any intelligent person would do, and sat down to watch everything play out before asking too many questions.

But this boy – Chris, his name was – wouldn’t be cowed by anything. Not by Emma (who was apparently his girlfriend; Idris exhaled sharply at all the relationships happening in front of her. It was like the world was determined to prove to her all in one day that she was alone,) and not by Fiona and her threats. Nothing could stop him and his frantic, indignant, frightened inquisition.

“Listen!” But apparently, the urgency in Kerr’s harsh voice was able to convey to Chris that now was the time to shut up. Idris turned her head to face the television as the volume went up, causing Stolz – who was absent-mindedly flicking channels before – to get up and move a little out of the way, before resuming their staring off into the distance.

“…what officials are claiming to be a carefully planned rescue attempt by one or more of these Destrillians, to rescue former Viola President Jason Spencer. The siege of the Osean Acropolis has left more than fifty dead, including the entirety of the Artolian Supreme Court.”

Idris stared.

“In a response to the threat posed by the Destrillians, top military intelligence has decided to place the city of Osea under martial law and place roadblocks on every entrance in and out of the city. Civilians need not be alarmed by the increased military presence on the steets, but are advised to stay in their homes until the Destrillian menace has been exterminated.”

“Exterminated? That’s a pretty funny fucking word coming out of a human mouth!”

"Menace indeed,"
Idris added after Fiona’s comment. She looked around at all the tired, worn faces in the apartment, almost to add punctuation to her words; most of these people, these Destrillians, were now injured, unable to use their powers. They were hardly a menace at the moment. “So the city has told us we’ve overstayed our welcome – and no wonder. I guess it’s time to go.”

As the television continued on about a conference of some sort, Idris allowed her gaze to stray away from the bright little fluorescent box, and over the assortment of people. Lokka, the Destrillian with those bright green eyes, had collapsed in the doorway a little while ago, and was now leaning against a wall watching the television story. He’d come out of nowhere and, by some twist of fate, had wound up with the rest of the Destrillians. Together with Kram, that made two Destrillians that Idris, in all her worldliness, had never heard of.

How many of us are there, really? It was a question that required an answer—especially when the television story ended, and Lokka himself spoke up.

"That girl then. I knew her. Her name is Mileina, the one wearing the glasses and white top. She's a...Destrillian."

It just gets better and better – we’re popping up everywhere now. The slightest of frowns creased the pale woman’s brow. Why haven’t we ever heard of these people?

"May I suggest we go to her? We can ask her for shelter at the very least, while we wait for the publicity to die down."

“You’re suggesting we go down to Audoula?” c
ame the deadpan monotone of Kerr’s voice, again causing Idris some surprise. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

And since when did you talk, Kerr? And better yet, since when did you start saying “we” and not “I”?

"Inconveniant as it may be, it seems like it is one of our best options at this point. Unless you can think of any other options?"

“We both know there aren’t any.
Getting out of the country and going off the grid might be our best chance of survival. With the military presence being what it is in the city right now, I expect that the only way we’re going to be able to get out of here is in disguise.”

Idris listened silently as the man continued to form his plan, knowing full-well that he was more or less making it up as he went along and that really, it was little more than a courage boost right now. Saying they could escape was one thing – actually doing it was going to be a whole other story. “We’re going to have to steal one of their vehicles, and some of their uniforms too. We should be able to bluff our way past the road block. Hopefully by the time we figure out where we aren’t in the city then we’ll already be in Audoula.”

We should. Hopefully. Not very promising words, with the luck of a Destrillian. Idris cast a look around and saw that most of her company was having the same reaction she was; most everyone had a varying level of “this is not going to work” on their face. The lack of a positive response seemed to provoke Kerr into doing something Idris never thought he would do.
Talk some more.

Exclamation point! the metal Destrillian thought to herself, not without a bit of dark humour. “I am getting out of this city tonight, and so is he.You are all welcome to join us, or to stay here and die for all I care—but if we’re going to get out then this is the way we are going to do it. I can get a truck round to this house in six hours’ time; if you want to come with us, then be here for then. If you don’t, then don’t bother coming back.”

This day just got stranger and stranger. Idris tutted as she contemplated all that had been said; for once, the gravity Destrillian seemed to be thinking about somebody other than himself. Whether that was a conscious decision or not was up in the air, but Idris did know one thing.
Kerr had had practice at this sort of thing. He hadn’t been caught in these four years – and he certainly hadn’t been hiding himself too much. Thetis’ words of “it’s his fault we’re here in the first place” rang back in Idris’ head, and come to think of it, there had been a lot of news over the years of mass murders that the general population had been to ignorant to realize were more than mass murders. Kerr had been killing Destrillians, she knew that much.
But what that meant, was that he was used to staying off the radar.
Maybe they could do this.

“You’re right,” said Emma, echoing Idris’ final decision but with a strange, hollow tone to her voice that made Idris look up at the redhead. “We need to get out of here, and this is probably the only way.”

Her human boyfriend started to protest again – more and more, Idris wanted to just tell him to leave. He wasn’t helping Emma, the poor girl, telling her that she couldn’t leave him and that this was all crazy. They knew this was all crazy, and they didn’t need so much reminding.

“You can’t go!”

But we can.

“LOOK. I don’t care who you are out there, but in here you’re a little shit that I’d rather skin alive and beat to a pulp!” Fiona’s voice carried easily over Chris’, starting at a growl and building up to a crescendo, filled to the brim with everybody’s frustration. “Now take a seat before I get really angry and I’m forced to rip your tongue out and feed it back to you extra crispy!”

It was appropriate, all things considered. Idris didn’t mind humans, but this was like Kram all over again – somebody who didn’t understand what was going on, trying to be a part of it all. Emma and Chris continued their quarrel in the background, while Fiona promptly told Kerr that she was up for whatever he had in mind.

At least they had the Blazing Fury on their side, Idris thought to herself. Fiona might have been a bit of a chore to deal with at some times, but the girl was absolutely formidable in combat. They needed her for this.

The other human, the girl named Riese, was speaking loud enough to Emma for Idris to overhear. “This is a lot of intense shit going on. I don’t even know how to process this. But damn, they got Tabby on the TV, and…”

At this moment, “Tabby,” who had appeared just on time to hear the tail end of Kerr’s plan, rushed into the room and flung herself at Emma, clinging on to the nature Destrillian with all her strength. Idris could practically hear the static as the two exchanged some sort of telepathic message; what she didn’t need to guess at was it’s context, as Terra started to cry.

It came as a bit of a shock, really. Idris thought back to their Viola days, and was correct in thinking that although nice enough, Terra had always been cold… when she wasn’t being crazy. Seeing her cry…
Rock is solid. It’s unmoving. The earth doesn’t break down and cry over nothing.

That was when Idris Savage realized quite how much of a big deal this all was for them. For most of them, really: Fiona and Thetis had a place to call home somewhere in this city, too, and Kram had to live here somewhere. Chris and Riese were enough to show how much of a life Emma and Terra had made for themselves, and now—

Eye will come with 2. If it is safer in audoula eye wan 2 go 2.

And now it was all being uprooted.
“This is all his fault in the first place!”

Idris wondered whose fault it really was.

"Hey who wants to come home with me?!" came the voice of Stolz, who had only just leapt up from their spot with a slightly frantic look on their face. A few people stopped their brooding to stare at the child, including Idris.

Who wanted to go home?

Idris wanted to go home, but her home had been burned to a crisp like Kram’s salad over a decade ago, and she’d been forced into Viola and after ten. years. of facing all sorts of hell in that basement she’d finally freed herself – at the cost of one of her dearest friends – and when she got up to leave nobody had gone with her, and after four years of trying to live life she had been woken up from sleeping by Kerr and Thetis and their fight, and she’d gotten shot in the foot just for going to make sure they were okay and not both dead, and then they had all gone through sewers thick with grime and then there had been the nightclub and the pods and the dream and Eve and the chase and all this awkwardness in the apartment and—

The Gunmetal Glint just needed a break from being the Gunmetal Glint.
Just get me out of here for a while.

“I’ll go,” she said, unfolding her legs and standing up, brushing her dress off with a smooth flick of her hands. She looked around at everybody, almost as if to ask them “what will you do about it?” “I need to gather a few things as well, if we’re going on a packing trip. And a pair of shoes,” she added, not without evident annoyance, “might be nice as well.
“So sure, I’ll go home with you.”

If only.
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Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
The cold dawn air seemed to have no effect on Arctos as he surveyed the absolute wreckage in front of them, "DO NOT CROSS" tape painting the entire area a delicate shade of shiny yellow.
The rest of his team gathered their forensics equipment, although as Ted pointed out quite wryly, it would be like going over the area with a toothbrush.

"Admit it, boss, there's no way we're going to find very much in this mess." Ted adjusted the scarf around his neck with a sigh, Arisa fixing him a cold stare.

"We have to do something about this place. Comb it for clues. There has to be something that we haven't seen on TV already. Something that's happened before the TV crews started rolling in."

"Payton's right, Amuro." Arctos cut her off short, by surprise. He ducked under the tape, walking into the piles of rubble while motioning for the rest of the team to move forward.

"Then why are we -"

"Luis, just because Arctos thinks there's nothing we can do doesn't mean he isn't going to try and do something." Madison caught up to Arctos with a skip in her step. "Just like old times, huh, Archie, nothing but a big clusterfuck of explosions and giblets."

Arctos grunted a tired chuckle as he kneeled to inspect the muddy debris that had settled onto the ground of the crime scene, as well as the crater that had filled up with the same mud in the aftermath of IRIN's interference.

"Yeah. Old times."

Despite the midnight's chill that had blanketed the nation in an early greeting for a cold snap, he could still feel warmth under his feet from the concrete, still radiating from the attack that had their eyebrows raised. It didn't take very much for Wolfe's Pack to put one and one together and figure out that IRIN International had a big stake in whatever went on down here, and the particle cannon was like a neon sign pointing to the direction of their investigation.

It was like a war zone, bloodstains, bullet casings and body bags everywhere. chalk markings were scratched over certain imprints but there was a point where the police had given up chalking under the bodies.

Some of the killed from the scene were apparently removed during the attack on the motel. It was far beyond their capabilities to accurately picture a body-count, but it was as if several armies had converged upon the building, fought to a bloody standstill and ran off, leaving a trail of dead behind them.

Arctos wrinkled his nose at one of the closest bodies that hadn't been incinerated by the blast area. While most of his exposed skin was laced with burns, the features on his face were still recognisable, his equipment half-melted but overall still functional. A soldier's technology was built to last, even under conditions that would have killed the soldier long ago.

"Male, in his twenties, no ID on him right now. We will probably get something from his helmet, if that hasn't been fried yet." Luis brought out a camera, taking plenty of shots for later reference.

"Large shrapnel wounds, the most obvious one is the one in his gut..."

Arctos tapped the giant shard protruding from the base of the man's combat armour. "But the main thing that probably took him out is this thing... enters just underneath his trachea, exiting about... about here." With rubber gloves, he turned the man's head around just enough to see a dark crimson trickle of blood out the back of his neck, slow with coagulation as clotted lumps dripped downwards.

"Shrapnel cut through his spinal column."

"Mhmm. Died before he hit the ground." Arctos' eyes shifted upwards towards a low-lying section of wall still standing behind them, noticing a wedge-like piece of plastic embedded in the concrete, covered in blood. Ted raised an eyebrow as Arctos yanked it out from the wall, several inches long.

"That's beyond nuts, boss. That stuff would have had to been travelling -"

"Faster than a speeding bullet, no shit Payton." He sealed it in a bag, moving on closer to the site of the cannon's impact. The blast area was noticeably warmest around here, a lingering smell of ozone and the other signature elements left from the blast emanating from the glassed crater.

Arctos stopped as something caught his eye.

It was a small sewer hatch, almost cone-shaped like some sort of shaped charge. It was lying only a couple of feet away from the edges of the crater, warped as if someone had punched straight into it. As soon as Arctos saw it, it clicked in his mind.

Madison was the first one to voice the team's thoughts. "That's cast iron about four inches thick, isn't it?"

Arctos nodded. "Old pre-war metalworks. The Osea sewer hatches need specialised machines to pry them out. Back when they could afford it. This thing could probably stop anything less than a tank round."

"So anything capable of tearing this thing out would either have to have crazy-ass strength, or the right tools for the job..."

"So they escaped into the sewers."

"Right." Ted sighed. "And there's only one place people go if they need to go into the sewers."

Arctos hefted the absurdly heavy sewer plate up to survey the bottom face. "The Orange Zone is always a dead end. Let's reopen some of the old Viola files, see if we can get our hands on the new ones. Combing through the Orange Zone is only a last resort."

He ran through the facts in his head. The Destrillians from Viola's pet project had escaped, had been possibly running loose in Osea or god-knows-where-else up until now. They re-emerged. Multiple motives manifested themselves in his mind. Revenge? Some sort of grudge, or perhaps a rivalry. Or perhaps their disconnection from Viola had turned them into paranoid terrorists waging a war against the rest of the human race.

Maybe they just really didn't like the hotel.

Before they could continue, the distant rumbling grew closer until Wolfe's Pack saw the source of the commotion. A row of armoured personnel carriers and various groups of soldiers approached the ruined site, surrounding most of the area as soldiers poured out of the APCs.

A single commanding officer stepped out of the foremost APC, directing the soldiers through the streets as megaphones blared out at the already near-empty streets.

"The City of Osea has been placed under martial law. All residents are advised that a curfew will be in effect until the threat to the city's security is under control."

Arisa cast a sidelong glance at Arctos and Madison before fixing a cold stare at the officer in battle fatigues and powered armour. "What does this mean? The army's completely taking over this place? They had some sort of restrictions by law about this sort of thing -"

"There's supposed to be, yes."

"What the hell..." Arctos walked up to the man, who had a smug expression on his face as the other police officers were ushered away from the area. "Who the hell are you and why are you jarheads doing this?"

"We are not jarheads, policeman." The commanding officer narrowed his eyes and curled his lips, tapping the insignia on his chest. "I am Captain Colin Fairfield from the Artolian Self-Defense Force, commanding the 3rd Company, Osean Land Unit. We are placing this city under martial law."

"No wonder this place is going to the shits." Madison sneered as the soldiers tore off the tape marking the crime scene, the shouts of soldiers around them a cacophany accompanying the rumble of APC engines as they rolled past. "The army's taking over the whole fucking country. So much for that."

"I suggest that you take your AED rabble and do your job elsewhere, somewhere less intrusive and discreet." The officer folded his arms in finality, smirking at Madison's equally vicious stare. "Isn't there somewhere else the pawns of the justice system could be, being useless and everything?"

Arisa snapped, lunging at him. "You better watch it, Captain, or you're going to see how the system works around here!" She was pulled back by Ted, who barely managed to stop her from landing a blow on him.

"C'mon, babe, this guy isn't worth a swing, don't bother -"

"How can you let something like that slide, Ted? He's asking for it -"

"Payton's right. These jarheads aren't even worth half a fight. Let's go." Arctos turned away to leave, as the captain sneered in victory.

"Well, it seems there's at least one baboon in the police force worth something."

"Watch your step, Fairfield. Don't push it."

The officer snorted as he smiled a honeyed, condescending smile. "I'll step wherever I please, policeman, because this city's under martial law right now, and there's nothing the AED can do to change that. I've heard about you, Detective Wolfe. The last dregs of the police still worth a damn. How far you've fallen, using your Wolfe's Pack like garbage men to clean up after the city's mess-"

Before anyone could react, Arctos spun around and brought his right fist across the man's face with a sickening crunch. Fairfield's nose caved to one side, the pavement liberally flecked with blood where he fell. Above the officer's anguished howl of pain, Arctos casually wiped his knuckles on his shirt.

"We're leaving now."

Arisa barely hid her smile at Arctos'outburst, falling in behind him, eager to follow. "Yes sir!"

"Nice right hook, boss."

"Don't mention it."

"No problem."

"No really, don't mention it. We have enough problems back at headquarters as it is without more shit for the heads to worry about."

Luis hefted his forensics kit onto a back panel of their police truck. "I thought that our leader was too high-profile for them to touch anyway, yes? How could-"

"Times have changed, Redoña." Arctos let out a quiet sigh as he eased into the main passenger's seat. "I think what's happened this morning says enough."

The entire morning's events worried Arctos greatly, and for once he wasn't just rationalising his own gut feelings. Despite the nation's problems and their war-torn origins, never had Arctos seen such an outward display of armed forces dominance inside Osea.

At the very least, nothing of this magnitude. The recent incidents had been giving the military an itchy trigger finger, and it seemed the resurfacing of Viola's leftovers had given them the cheap excuse to finally roll over on top of the city. His mind wandered to his family, and the most present thought in his mind settled on the idea that he couldn't stand them living in a city overrun by the armed forces, where the government was finally just a doormat for the generals to wipe their feet on.

He would have to get them out at the first possible opportunity, preferably away from all the nonsense that was conspiring in Artolia. An extended vacation, perhaps with the old yacht that he and Lynn had been playing around with. The thought of Lana throwing trantrums and struggling to get over motion sickness almost made him smile. Travel would be limited, but he knew a few friends, some of which were former superiors, who left the force while the money was still good.

But for now, there was the job, and two more bloody crime scenes to visit, and to hell with the occupation.
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer

The coach pulled into the Osea transport depot with a sighing hiss, which was more quietly echoed by its driver.

“OK now folks, Osea terminus. All passengers to disembark. Thanks for travelling with us,” he said, almost on automatic. There were precious little people on the coach at this time of day, and they were all of the sort that would quickly and quietly shuffle into the crowd. They didn’t need him to tell them to leave.

Except one it seemed, the driver reflected after all the other passengers had gone. He’d done this route once a week for years now, and there was always one who fell asleep. This time, it was that lean, scruffy-looking kid. He was a little surprised the kid had the cash for the coach, but didn’t inquire as to its provenance.

The kid clearly needed the rest, too: he was obviously running from something. Whether it was the law, home, or even - hell, the kid was old enough - an ill-advised love affair or marriage.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t go and gently shake the kid asleep. The company’s policy was very strict on that sort of thing - it could be taken as assault, or at least lead to him being accused of such.

“Hey, kid!” he called to the prone body at the back of the coach.

~ # ~​

Lani where’s Lani oh gods what’s happening it burns ah my skin it’s on fire what’s happening to me what’s that sound someone’s screaming who’s screaming is it Lani is it me is it just in my head

MY SPINE oh SHIT what’s that no FUCK stop no stop please someone make it stop

Lani have to find Lani Lani who’s Lani THINK Lani LANI friend need love mate

need Lani need Lani find Lani need meat eat feed find meat eat feed meat kill feed meat kill meat feed RENDKILLTEARFLESHRENDKILLTEARFLESHRENDKILLTEARFLESHREND--

“Hey, kid!”

Kaden Wyndham started awake, an onrush of sensory information telling him he’d been having the nightmare again. Most cloyingly was the telltale scent of fear and anguish. He swallowed the urge to reassert himself, to wash the stink of his despair away with action.

Someone had woken him. He lifted his gaze. Right. The bus. He’d done it again. The driver - human, male, getting… what was the phrase? Over the hillock? - looked at him with concern. Kaden felt some of the tension seep out of him as he caught the driver’s scent. Some part of his hindbrain translated it into the words sincerity and compassion with a brief mental shrug. It wasn’t quite what the scent was, but there weren’t words for emotional scents. But most importantly, there wasn’t the stench of Damascus on him.

“Mm?” Kaden asked. He knew from some experience the driver would attribute the momentary pause to the disorientation of just awakening.

“We’re at the coach station,” the driver said. “You’re gonna have to get off.”

Kaden nodded compliance meekly, and rose to his feet.

“Hey, uh, thanks,” he said as he passed the driver. Something he’d learnt fairly quickly out here was that politeness cost him nothing and saved his skin a couple times.

“Think nothing of it,” the driver replied, waving Kaden on as he finished the paperwork that was needed to be filled in at the end of the route. Kaden nodded nonetheless to him and dropped out of the bus on to the platform.

He took a quick glance at his surroundings, both training from the facility he was raised in and experience from the outside world taking control of his senses.

Sight: two exit points from the transport depot to the streets. No sign of any military or police presence at either. Multiple humanoid contacts at both exits. One grouping of males by one of the exits was being given a wide berth.

Smell: he was the only non-human humanoid with half a mile. Somewhere beyond that, he could smell traces of non-humans - there was one obvious Animus, a Sekhmet, male; a grouping of unknown non-humans, mixed sexes, with other interesting scents around them (one smelt burnt, another like a stream, another like soil…); and one…very confusing scent.

Several of the humans here smelled uneasy. The group being avoided smelt of hostility. There weren’t any guns in the depot. But at least one of that group was carrying something else metallic. There was a faint smell of blood coming from whatever it was… a knife?

Audible… Kaden growled quietly to himself. Too many sounds, too many heartbeats, too many pairs of lungs, too much traffic on the streets outside. Damn it, focus!

“Look…there…kid who just got off…coach.”


“Looks like…tripping out…”

The group over there. They seemed to be interested in him. He focused, blocking out all the other sounds. He pulled a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, to make it look like he was checking a map, or a set of directions.

“First time in the big city, it looks like,” one said. Kaden’s ears twitched. That one was what the scientists in the facility called an omega member. Voice too eager.

“Look at that hair,” another said. Kaden felt his ears try to pull back against his skull. A beta member, nothing to prove. “Think it’s a boy or a girl?”

“Has to be a boy,” a third one said. Kaden relaxed a little - not another beta. This was a tertiary member, scuffling for position. “I see no tits.”

“Don’t mean anything,” the beta said. “I saw your sister the other night at her friend’s bachelorette party, she don’t have much of a rack and she’s gotta be older than that one.”

“Boy, girl, does it matter?” a fourth voice said. Another tertiary member, Kaden thought to himself. “They caught the coach, they must have some cash on them.”

“Or,” a fifth voice said. “They’re gonna meet up with someone who has cash.” Kaden felt his stomach spasm slightly. Alpha, had to be. More confidence and arrogance than a beta.

Still, he reflected to himself, none of them sounded all that bright. Plus, there was another exit. He might be able to get through this without risking an injury. He folded the scrap of paper up - a picture of a (probably human) girl who resembled Lani - and pocketed it. Then, feigning more confidence than he felt, headed towards the exit away from the group.

There was no noise, apart from a few surprised noises from the omega member, but he knew they’d got up and were following him. Kaden cursed to himself. Humans, worthless scavengers! Still, scavengers could easily be put to flight. But how?

They weren’t smart. He could try confusing them… no. The dumber ones were probably too dumb to be confused by him, while the smarter ones were just smart enough to have a chip on their shoulder about being as thick as shit. Rubbing their faces in it would force a fight.

Scavengers… Usually weak, in one way or another. A show of strength, or at least of intimidation… Yes.

Kaden put a bit more speed into his step, hearing a few muted chuckles from the pack of scavengers. They had realised he knew they were following him, and took his increased pace for fear. His upper lip twisted into a snarl, somewhere between amusement and disgust.

The tunnel leading to the street was almost too perfect, he thought as it turned a slight corner, hiding him momentarily from their sight. The overhead lighting was ideal for a spot of Lykaon style intimidation. Kaden picked up a small chunk of crumbled concrete from a slight ledge halfway up the tunnel.

He tossed it into the air and caught it. The denser musculature of the Animus pulled the stone back and whipped it towards the ceiling with greater strength than an ordinary human could match. It impacted with one of the lights with a satisfying series of sounds: the crack of the glass, the sparking of the damaged light, followed by the steady hiss of electricity. Kaden fought back the momentary urge to cough at the scent of ozone, and positioned himself underneath the broken light.

He swivelled on his heel to face the way he had come, smiling at the confusion obvious in the mutters, scents and scuffing feet of the scavengers. This light was perfect. To a human, it would hide and reveal just enough to ring alarm bells at a primal level. To the eyesight of an Animus, the light might as well have been fully functional.

Kaden had to fight to keep his face passive as they rounded the corner, their footsteps faltering as he just stood there, facing them. Their faces remained impassive for the most part, but their scents betrayed their unease. No doubt the way his eyes reflected the light only added to their discomfort.

After a second’s pause and a barely noticeable non-verbal command from the alpha, the beta took a step towards Kaden. ‘Now,’ he thought to himself, and he began to growl.

The hindbrain of humanity recognised that noise. It wasn’t the sound of an angry dog, or a powerful engine. It was the sound of what they used to cower around fires to avoid. At some distant level, Kaden felt the same spark of alarm at the noise evident in the scavengers. However, more immediately, he could feel the muscles in his throat rippling with the sound, the slight vibration of the saliva in the back of his throat in response to the sound waves.

Now he allowed his lips to curl back, his teeth bared in a snarl. “Here is death,” the whole display said. “It is ready for you.”

Kaden found it all slightly ridiculous. He knew that when he did attack, he wouldn’t announce it so obviously. The whole thing was a threat display, nothing more.

The scavengers had backed away from him slightly, not daring to take their eyes off of him. Eventually, the alpha broke the spell.

“Freak,” he muttered, and turned away from Kaden. With that, the other members of the pack turned to follow him back away, similar insults pouring nervously from their lips. Kaden didn’t care. Humans had called him freak before, but he was still here. It just meant they were afraid of him, but wanted to save face.

Satisfied they were leaving, Kaden turned and began to walk towards the street. There was a slight swagger to his stride he couldn’t stop, but all the same he made sure he didn’t hang around. It wouldn’t take long for one or another of them to rationalise they could take him, freak or not.

Sure enough, there were some mutters coming from behind him. The beta’s voice cut over the rest: “You think you’re so tough, Ade? You go after him.” There were a few mutters of agreement.

‘Just one,’ Kaden thought to himself with a smile. ‘And the others think he’s a fool. That should be enough to deter him.’

A split-second later, Kaden cursed the foolishness of humans. The scent told him it was only one of them, and the nature of the action - plus the fact that it was the beta who had shouted him down - meant it must be one of the tertiary members.

Instincts and thoughts fought for dominance in his head: he could take this whelp; he could get injured; it’s just one human, he is Lykaon; the human could get lucky; he is Orthrus; the legendary Orthrus was killed; Lani.

“Where do you think you’re--?”

He had let the human get too close. No more choice.

Kaden ducked, muscles coiling as the knife flashed through the air above him.

Wrist. The first rebuke was instinctive, and Kaden latched his teeth into the outstretched wrist. His attacker screamed in surprise and pain, the knife clattering to the floor. The taste of blood swam through Kaden’s mind, threatening to overwhelm him.

“Kade, focus!” The memory of Lani’s voice was a lifeline.

He blinked, his mind snapping back into place. He released his grip on the wrist, spitting a gobbet of blood into the floor. His attacker was still in a daze, the human’s adrenaline not yet cutting through the shock. Kaden sneered in contempt. It had been ten seconds since he broke the skin, surely the human should be ready to fight or flee.

He found himself forcibly reminded of what Doctor Pertwee, their physical instructor had taught them in their first lesson: the body of an Animus was better engineered towards conflict and survival than the human body.


“You’re not an animal, Orthrus! And neither are you, Thanatos! Stop acting like such, and fight like the sentient beings you are.” Doctor Pertwee’s sparring sessions…

No teeth. Kaden brought his right hand back, palm facing upwards and jabbed just below the human’s diaphragm. The scavenger choked as the air was forced out of his body on reflex.

For the coup de grace, Kaden brought his forehead down against the human’s. For a moment, his vision flickered out of focus before returning to normal. The human had it worse. A dazed and incomprehensive look was transfixed in his eyes, before his legs simply gave way and he collapsed.

Kaden became aware once again of the taste of blood in his mouth. He realised the exertion of the fight was too much for his metabolism as his stomach twisted violently. How long was it since he’d last eaten…? He felt the Hunger begin to rise in his gullet, and felt a sliver of saliva trickle from his mouth. Raw meat, right there, his for the taking…


Kaden tore his attention away from the unconscious body, fighting back the Hunger and his disgust at the disappointed whimper that spilled from his lips. No. A badly beaten scavenger like this would just be par for the course. If he killed him, there would be a search for a killer. If he ate from the body, then Damascus might find out.

Kaden heard murmuring from down the passageway and wary scuffing of feet. He scowled. It seemed the rest of the scavengers had decided they couldn’t just abandon this sap, and were overcoming their fear from the sounds of the struggle. Kaden stopped, and sniffed and listened. Traces of scents in the air and muffled noises from his surroundings told him a little over a minute had passed since the human had provoked him.

It seemed longer.

Kaden turned to leave, when a thought stopped him. He quickly ducked down and searched the prone human. The useless junk many humans carried littered his pockets, a mobile telephone, cigarettes, lighter… Wallet.

Kaden stood, taking the wallet with him. He started to lope down the tunnel, searching the wallet as he did so. Plastic cards that could be used to buy things, but were usually more hassle than they were worth, forms of identification…

Kaden grinned as he excavated some rumpled papers and small metal discs that were unmistakably currency. He tossed the wallet back behind him, his musculature making it hit the ground beside its unconscious owner.

Kaden broke into a sprint, hearing the disbelieving gasps from the other scavengers behind him. He knew he could have theoretically taken the whole group at once, but what was the point in taking the risk? He now had some money, and he knew what to do with it.

Food. Now. As much of it meat as he could eat.
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We have come to terms
========== SIX DAYS AGO, IN CRAWSUS, AUDOULA ==========
(just past three A.M.)​

As he lay awake in bed, hands under his head, Jenny from the coffee shop curled up against him in blissful sleep, Telran couldn’t help but think about the day’s events. It had certainly been quite a day, far removed from the usual monotonous, boring routine of things. And if there was one thing Telran hated, it was tedium.

So many people often found themselves stuck in a rut, trapped within the shells that their lives had become, with no means for escape; and so they suffered on, every day wishing for something to happen to shake them to the core, to set into upheaval the foundations upon which very their lives were built, that they might be set free from this inescapable prison of their own making.

Telran was such a person, Destrillian though he was. And he hated it. He hated the situation he found himself in, tethered to such inane dealings with humans, day in and day out, with only the occasional rare disease or interesting use for his powers to break up the monotony. His life was a blur, each day blending into the next…and he was stuck that way. He certainly didn’t hate the humans (how could he, having once been one himself?), but he found no satisfaction in his life as one, because his life as such was incredibly dull, following the same general routine, day in and day out. He needed a change. He would have loved to have lived life under his own name, not having to hide who he was (or his powers, which he enjoyed using very much) – but that would never be possible. He knew that though it had fallen from grace, like an angel that had lost its way, the remnants of Viola still lived on as IRIN International. Powerful as he was, the lightning Destrillian was well aware of the limits of his powers, and knew that while he could probably decimate several contingents of their elite soldiers, he would never be able to take on the full might that the company wielded, and that it would be foolish to try.

And so he “consented” to live life as a regular human (which wasn’t so bad, he had to admit), taking up the “Gabriel Astra” persona to vanish into Audoulan society…which was particularly prudent, because in Audoula, standing out was a very bad idea. The fact that he was probably still wanted in Artolia after that little incident at the border only exacerbated the situation, further impressing upon him the need to keep a low profile. And this is why he didn’t make a fuss about things – Audoula was just as powerful as Artolia, but more strict with their law enforcement. If they saw you step out of line, you were in for some very serious consequences.

Such was the life that Telran has acquired for himself, and he hated it. He could never find what exactly it was he sought from life, no matter how hard he tried or where he looked; however, since he couldn’t truly say what it was he was looking for, this was to be expected. Even in his escapades with the women of Crawsus, he found no satisfaction, no meaning – only a temporary release.

He knew, however, that he wanted more.

And today, he had most certainly gotten just that.

========== Nine hours prior ==========​

“Finally – the end of another work day,” Telran said, stretching to relieve some of the tension in his shoulders. It was now just past six in the evening, and the sun was just beginning to dip down toward the horizon, lighting the neighborhood, including Astra Clinic, in a dazzling display of fiery reds and oranges. It was a breathtaking sight…or would have been, perhaps, had Telran been able to pay attention to it. As it was, he was placing the last file of the day into his cabinet in his tiny office, as his final patient, a woman of forty two who seemed to be suffering from a mild strain of pneumonia, set a date for the follow-up appointment with Alessa, his receptionist and nurse.

An exceptionally bright and cheerful young woman, Alessa was probably a bit overqualified to work in such a tiny clinic, though Telran would never tell her such – after all, he’d have to find a new assistant if he did. They got along exceptionally well, given that Telran tended to be a bit on the quiet side and preferred peace and quiet, which Alessa constantly ignored, inserting her chatter and gossip into the silence with next to no need for Telran to actually say anything for the “conversation” to continue. But she did understand and respect his unspoken need for space, and could tell when he needed to be left alone for awhile. And Telran could appreciate this, and was grateful to her. He felt like if there was anyone he could actually call a friend, it would be her, for she had a way about her of dispelling Telran’s deeper musings about the darker side of his existence. And, surprisingly, as attractive as he found her, she was one woman he had never tried to bring to his bed. And even he could not explain this…anomaly.

This particular day, after the patient had gone and the clinic closed, they began their daily cleaning ritual, with Alessa turning on the small clock radio set at her desk, singing along to her favorite songs – even the ones she didn’t actually know the words to (prompting her to just sort of make them up as she went, never using the same set of lyrics twice). On the other hand, she was, at least, capable of carrying a tune, so it wasn’t so bad.


Always I wanna eat with you
And make some quiche with you
And swim in lava deep lava deep oooh looove

Telran rolled his eyes as she sang. ”You DO know those aren’t the words, right?”

“They totally are! Unless you've suddenly become Mr. Expert-on-Music! Why don't YOU sing, hm?”


“That’s what I thought! Now less lip and more cleaning,” she laughed, giving Telran a playful shove as he swept while she cleaned the windows. ” You should know by now not to mess with the music mistress! You probably don't even know the NAME of that song. I, on the other hand, know every popular song put out this year,” she finished, with a smirk of superiority upon her features.

”Oh, really? I hadn’t noticed,” said he, smiling back at her, one brow raised in amused skepticism. ”I’ll be sure and keep that in mind in the future.”

”That would probably be best for the both of us,” she replied. ”OTHERWISE I might have to resort to certain…other measures”, she said, grinning.

Telran wheeled around, a look of horror on his face. ”Anything but Cherry Honey!”


After the cleaning for the day was finished, Telran usually went for a bite to eat, never really having any idea of where he would go or what he was in the mood for, and instead just ending up wherever his feet took him. Crawsus was a big place, though not quite as large as Villnore, the capital, so there was always someplace new to try. Sometimes Alessa came along, too, and they would sit and talk about whatever came to mind: politics, how much they couldn’t stand the patients, that new TV show that came on the night before. Tonight, as they left, they decided to go and try the noodle place that had opened just down the street, claiming to have the best in Audoula.

Audoula was a large country of lakes, greenery, and magnificent castles, which tended to be what the cities and towns themselves sprang up around. Indeed, Crawsus was one of the many cities in Audoula that was built directly on the lake, a floating bastion of peace and prosperity amongst the picturesque landscape. Telran had never been anywhere else in Audoula, including Villnore, the capital, but he’d heard all about it from Alessa once, as she went on and on about how big it had been, how nice and polite everyone there was, and how they had food from all over the world.

Alessa was easily impressed sometimes.

Upon reaching the small restaurant, they were greeted by a tiny, petite woman (or possibly a teenage girl, Telran couldn’t really tell which) who swiftly seated them, took their orders, and brought their drinks. As they sat waiting for their food, they talked a bit of business – they were running low on hypnokayne, and would, in all likelihood (based on how well it sold) need more before next week’s shipment. Alessa kept the clinic running, from an administrative standpoint, and so she was well aware of what brought some of their “patients” to see them. ”It just seems like some of them are starting to get seriously addicted to it. I know it’s none of our business, really, but what happens when one of them does something stupid and the police start asking questions? I don’t want to get caught, Gabe.”

Telran took a slow sip of his drink, closing his eyes as he considered his answer. ”Don’t worry.” he finally said, with a slow shake of his head. He opened his lamplike eyes to look into hers. ”There IS an explicit warning on the bottle to be careful with it, and the dosage is clearly listed as well. We should be okay by just claiming that they took too many or didn’t pay attention to the label. It happens all the time,” he finished, with a half shrug.

”Well, I suppose…” she said, trailing off as the food arrived. ”OH MY GOSH THAT LOOKS SO GOOD!” she squealed with delight, snatching up her fork and diving in with great enthusiasm. Telran just chuckled, taking up his own and beginning to eat his own meal (noodles with fish and vegetables). It was (surprisingly) quite good, especially considering that he’d never really gone for that type of foreign cuisine before (Telran wasn’t a big fan of anything even remotely resembling the cheap instant noodles often eaten for extended periods by college students). But the flavor was excellent, the vegetables crisp and fresh, and the fish cooked perfectly. It was easily one of the best things Telran had ever eaten. His enjoyment must have been visible upon his face, because he had to smack Alessa’s hand away with a grin, as she tried to steal some of his food.

As they ate, they continued to talk, moving to lighter subjects. They’d just started talking about the upcoming humans vs. artificial intelligence movie when a man approached the table. There was nothing about him that really stood out, as he wore a plain long-sleeved shirt and jeans. He was the type of person that you wouldn’t ever really notice or pay attention to; even his hair was a plain sandy brown. By the time he reached their table, Telran was already bored from looking at him. He began to open his mouth to speak, then paused for but a moment upon seeing the look on Telran’s face. Alessa was oblivious, as she contentedly scarfed down her food. The man spoke (with a slight accent, Telran noticed):

“Excuse me, sir. I’m sorry to interrupt, but are you Doctor Astra, by chance?”

Telran rolled his eyes internally. This happened sometimes; he would be out and about, just minding his own business, and people would ask him for medical advice. He supposed it came with the territory - given the way he looked, it was only natural that he was very difficult for people to forget, having been seen once.

Can’t a guy eat in peace?

”I am, yes. Something I can help you with?” Telran asked, hoping that the man would pick up on the slight hint of annoyance in his voice and leave them be (after all, it had been a long day as it was).

”I need your help,” came the reply. ”My friend collapsed not too far from here, and some people near the clinic said that you’d headed in this direction when you left – I saw you as I was walking past. Can you come with me and help him, please?”

Telran glanced at Alessa, with a slightly raised, questioning eyebrow for her his only reaction to the request. Though still eating, it was clear from the look on her face that she’d been listening, and, if past experiences were any indication, knew what Telran had been thinking – he didn’t really want to go, and would much prefer staying. She gave a very slight half-shrug in response to his unasked question.

Telran sighed almost imperceptibly. There was a slight pause, then:

”Where is he?” he asked, then turning to the stranger.

The man gave a huge sigh of relief. ”Oh, thank God. He’s at one of the warehouses at the docks we work at. We were just leaving to go home for the day, and-“

”Let’s get going, hm?” Telran cut across him. He could tell he wasn’t going to like this guy very much.

”Huh? Oh, yeah, right! Follow me!”

Alessa made a movement as to get up, but the man stopped her. ”No, that’s okay, miss. I didn’t mean to ruin your meal; please, stay and finish. I’ll have the good doctor back as soon as I can – shouldn’t be more than twenty minutes or so, right, Doc?”

Telran ignored the man's familiarity. ”Indeed. I’ll be right back. You stay and enjoy,” said Telran with a nod. And don’t eat mine.

Alessa nodded, her mouth stuffed so full that she was unable to articulate words, or even garbled nonsense. All that could be heard was the sound of her using her voice to form words without opening her mouth (because that would be rude). Telran gave her one of his lopsided smiles, and the two men began to leave the restaurant. Telran stopped long enough on the way out to pay the bill, an incredibly tiny, wizened old man being at the till near the door. He smiled at Telran as he presented him with the bill; "Didju rike it?” he asked in a heavily accented voice.

”Yes, I did – very much. I’m sure I’ll be coming back soon,” he replied, a slightly wistful expression on his face as he turned away, knowing just how good a meal he was leaving behind. This had better be worth it, he thought.

As the stranger (he still hasn’t introduced himself yet – that’s a bit odd, isn’t it?) led the way, away from the restaurant and back in the way of the clinic, Telran surreptitiously began studying him out of the corner of his eye. There was something a bit unusual about the guy – he was very, very plain, with absolutely no outstanding features or qualities about him that really drew one’s attention. The only thing that was unusual about him was the company he was in, and for some reason, Telran found this slightly unsettling. I wonder what I’m in for this time…

After ten minutes’ hurried walking, they’d reached the docks at the southern portion of the city. The outer edge of the city was, in fact, completely comprised of docks, with their accompanying storage facilities and warehouses, except to the northeast, where there was a much busier and bustling port to service the aquatic traffic that came and went along a lengthy river that led toward the capital. At this time of day, though, the dock workers had all gone home, and so the place was deserted.

…well, almost.

About a minute and a half after they reached the docks, turning left towards the east (and away from the city proper), Telran began to notice that there were actually more people around than he thought. Constantly aware of the flow of electricity around him, he picked up on three people in a small building to the left, and another, slightly further ahead, near a large section of shipping crates. He thought nothing of it at first – it WAS a city, after all – but as they continued, he noticed that they were following at a cautious distance. As someone who had been trained for tracking and stealth himself, he had to give them credit –they were very, very good, whoever they were. He probably wouldn’t even have noticed them at first if it hadn’t been for his powers. He stopped, suddenly, half turning around – no one was following behind, though he had caught a half glance at someone who appeared to be struggling with some netting; he was just as plain and nondescript as his guide, right down to the generic faded blue jumper of a dock worker.

Telran’s eyes narrowed slightly, face hardening into an unreadable mask.

”Hm? Something wrong?” asked his companion.

There was but a moment’s pause before the reply came: ”No, nothing. I just thought I heard someone call my name.”

”Yeah, I get the same feeling,” the man laughed. ”Sometimes when I come down here to think, I swear I can hear the water talking back to me.”

”Mmm.” Telran didn’t like where this was going. “Almost there?”

”Yes, it’s just up ahead – the next one on the left up there,” he replied, pointing at a large warehouse with the number “11” painted on its concrete surface in a deep, slightly faded blue. Telran stretched out with his senses, and…

Sort of what I’d expected. Inside of Warehouse Eleven, Telran could sense quite a few things crackling with the (to anyone but himself) impossibly fast bursts of electricity that he had long come to associate with humans. In the work of a second, he determined that there were ten of them inside, bringing the total headcount for this welcoming committee to sixteen. Not bad. Not bad at all. But, he thought, with a hint or pride, unfortunately for them, they have no idea who they’re dealing with.

As they entered the warehouse, Telran took a quick glance around. They were inside of a large warehouse entirely populated by rows and columns of shelving units and wooden crates, arranged in a neat and organized fashion along the walls. The central area itself was entirely empty, creating an open space about twenty feet across. It was on the opposite side of this space where Telran saw his “hosts” – ten men, all in various forms of nondescript garb (the type that made it very easy to blend into a crowd). The men themselves also looked extremely plain and unremarkable as well, but there was something about the way they held themselves that just screamed trouble. He could tell these men had had extensive training (or were extremely confident) to have tried to ambush him here like this; factor in the skill with which his tails had stuck with him, and the look of the guns which Telran could now clearly see scattered among them in various sizes and makes, and he came to the conclusion that they had to be with another gang, or possibly the military. Either way, it didn’t really matter much, though it certainly did pique Telran’s curiosity.

”Hello, Mister Astra. Thank you for coming to meet us on short notice.” A man slightly to Telran’s right spoke out, his baritone echoing slightly among the crates of the rapidly darkening warehouse.his face was almost expressionless - almost. Telran thought he detected a faint trace of mockery in his tone of voice, but it belied the way his face was tightened, his jaw set - he was nervous (and rightly so). Four of his men made to reach for their weapons, but he stayed then with a casual wave of his hand. "Now, now; let's not get ahead of ourselves, boys. The good doctor hasn't even had a chance to hear what we have to say just yet."

Telran's face was passive as he glanced over his shoulder at the man who had led him here. "Your friend?" he asked, receiving a large grin in reply.

The leader broke in again: "Ah, yes, so sorry for the inconvenience of the way we had to get you here. We have something rather important to discuss with you, you see, and we needed to be sure we'd be able to speak to you in private, away from...prying eyes. So we brought you somewhere where we would be able to discuss this with you alone." The man gave a sweeping gesture with his arms, indicating the slightly chilly warehouse in which they now stood. He spoke matter-of-factly, as if he knew that Telran would never have come of his own volition otherwise (which was all too true).

"And what is it you'd like to discuss with me, then?"

The leader beamed, giving a clap of his hands. "Ah, excellent! Straightforward and right to business! I like that!" he chuckled. "Well, Mister Astra, it's actually quite simple. We have been sent here by our employer, to discuss your relocation - in short, to collect you. Our employer desires your services, and has charged us with seeing to your safe delivery to him. And so we came here to Crawsus to find you and take you to him," he finished.

"Your employer? And what is it he wants with me, exactly?"

"You'll find that out when you meet him, of course. We're not at liberty to give you any other information at this time, however. Shall we be going, then?" he asked, gesturing towards the exit.

"Going where?"

The man frowned. "To meet our employer, of course."

"What makes you think I'm going anywhere?" Telran asked coldly.

The leader's face turned to stone. "We came to get you."

"And I'm not going anywhere, other than back to my meal," said Telran, turning to leave.

"Let's drop the act, Mr. Miara. We are under orders to bring you back with us - by force, if necessary. It's very simple - we can do this the easy way, or the hard way."

Miara? They know who I am?! Telran thought, for the first time feeling a mild sense of panic. If they knew who he was, then there was a good chance they knew WHAT he was...

"So you WILL come with us, Telran. Is that clear?" asked the leader, breaking into the million and one thoughts running through Telran's mind.

While this conversation had been taking place, the men that had trailed Telran and his guide had spread out along a higher balcony level that ran around the warehouse - defensive positions. The leader and his men had slowly moved their way across the empty space to Telran, and began to usher him along.

Telran's mind was a mess. Between trying to figure out who these guys were, or who they knew, that they knew who he was, and trying to decide if they were just trying to kill him, Telran's mind was racing, his heart beating entirely too fast. He tried to calm himself, but he was having more than a little trouble with that at the moment.

And then, as they reached the edge of the open space, one thing came through:

He had been taken away once before, and he had gone through hell then.

Never again.

He stopped.

The leader of the group didn't immediately notice, as he was looking over his shoulder and communicating with his men, one of whom stopped, pointing. He came up short, face once again a stony mask.

"Is there a problem? Something that you need to get before we go, perhaps?"

"Yeah, like that woman you were having dinner with!" his guide laughed.

He didn't know what it was, but something about that remark made him angry. Angrier than he already was for being lied to, and for being expected to just go along with being taken in like a runaway slave. It fanned the fires of his anger, and it was the final straw.

"Yes. The problem is that I'm not going. Period," he said, turning to face the group. The leader backed away slowly, hand creeping toward his sidearm; his men grabbed their rifles and took aim.

"And that's your final decision, then?" he asked, blood draining from his face.


"So you're choosing the hard way. A pity." He shook his head. "Then you leave me no choice." He drew his sidearm, and, with amazing speed, raised his gun to fire at Telran's leg from the hip.

He pulled the trigger.

Before he'd even gotten the gun out of the holster, Telran had already dashed to his right, further into the warehouse, taking out the first of the would-be kidnappers with a clothesline to the neck. If it hadn't been for the gunshot, the crack of his first vertebra would have been extremely audible - the man was dead long before he hit the ground. Telran continued to dash toward the aisles as the warehouse erupted into gunfire.

Well, this is a fine mess we've gotten ourselves into, thought he, as he weaved his way through the maze of shelves and crates. Fifteen to one isn't SO bad, though...I HAVE had worse, after all. Just a matter of using a little strategy; that middle area is a deathtrap.

He came to a stop near one of the corners of the warehouse, and glanced around. There was one aisle to his right, connected to his present location by a tiny corridor just ahead. He took one of the immense crates and ran to the other side, placing it squarely in the walkway, and stacked another on top, forming a barrier six feet high and completely blocking the ability to come from this direction. In the work of a second, he stretched out with his powers to feel out the enemy - it looked like half of the men were camping in either the open area, or near the two main exits, while the rest, including the men on the balcony, had fanned out to search for him. Perfect, he thought, his lopsided smile spreading across his face.

One of the men on the balcony was approaching. He felt him before he heard his footsteps as they clattered across the metal gangway. He waited for but a moment, then leapt at the shelving unit next to him, using it to launch himself up and toward the gangway on the other side. The man, sharp-eyed as he was, couldn't follow the movement, and only again spotted Telran when he had landed about three feet away. As he brought his rifle to bear, Telran quickly ducked down and under towards the man, coming up next to the man and under his guard. Casually, he reached upwards to take hold of the rifle and continued to guide it in its upwards arc, tearing it from the assailant's hands with circular motion. He then, in the same, fluid movement, stretched out with his right hand and landed a palm strike directly in the center of the man's chest, which would have only knocked the breath out of him (along with the pair of broken ribs he received upon impact), but for Telran reaching out and redirecting the electric current in the man's body to send it straight for the heart, triggering an instant (and fatal) heart attack. The blow sent the man flying, landing a few feet away in a heap. Two down.

The man had nothing else of use on him - a large hunting knife (Telran had knives of his own stashed away in his jacket), a pair of grenades (which would attract rather too much attention), and three clips of ammo (which Telran wouldn't need, given that he didn't need the rifle to begin with). Telran slung the rifle over his shoulder with its strap, concentrating on his next move. The next opponent was back down on the ground, about ten feet along the aisle and completely oblivious to his companions fate. In the work of a moment, Telran had landed silently behind him and broken his neck with the stealth of an assassin. Three. This one actually had something of use on him - a smoke grenade, which would definitely come in handy.

Telran made his way up the stairs to his left, making his way toward the next target, who was searching while headed in the opposite direction. The lightning Destrillian was four feet away when the man noticed him, turning on the spot. He raised his rifle in attempt to knock Telran out with the butt; Telran's right hand took hold of the stock in an inward sweep, changing it downward trajectory to come down toward his abdomen. In a flash, he tapped the butt with his left hand, causing it to arc upwards and catch the man under the chin, eliciting a very loud crack as the jaw broke. He then took a half second to reposition the rifle, then waited. There was a pause while the man clenched his jaw, and then he opened his eyes to find himself staring down the barrel of his own gun.


Telran dropped back down to the floor, as all of the balcony troops were taken care of. His next opponent happened to come around a corner just in time to be knocked senseless by a crate sent flying his way. This one's death was very quick and painless, his throat slit while unconscious.

Eleven left, and four are at each of the doors. Unfortunately, two were in the open middle area, which could be a problem. The last was patrolling a middle aisle along their line of sight. He knew what he would have to do; he didn't like it, but, after all, he was a Destrillian, and this is the sort of thing he'd been trained for.

He threw one of his knives at his next victim, catching him squarely in the foot and causing him to shout out in pain. This, of course, caught the attention of the other guards, but it couldn't be helped - they would have seen him soon anyway. At least this way, one was distracted by pain. As Telran approached, the injured soldier starting swinging wildly at him, his weapon laying forgotten on the ground. Telran twisted around one of his wild lefts, tripping the man up and sending him in a forward flip in the process. As he got up and tried a right hook, Telran ducked down and sent his palm straight upwards at the man's elbow, tearing the ligament and tendon and shattering the forearm with the force of the blow, tiny, jagged pieces of bone breaking the skin. The man howled and dropped to the ground.

Suddenly, Telran felt a shooting pain in his side - the two in the middle had opened fire, and one of the bullets had passed through his right hip. He would have to finish this quickly, because it was definitely going to hamper his ability to deal with a drawn-out encounter. The hell with this. He slung the rifle back over his shoulder, took aim, and caught the first in the chest, and the second in the face, in the work of an instant. Gotta wrap this up...

He tapped the side of his watch, letting loose the catch that held the wire hidden within in place. He held it in his hand, taking careful aim, and dropped it directly into the midst of the four men standing at the rear entrance, directly underneath a rather leaking air conditioning unit that had created a small puddle on the ground beneath them. He began to slowly walk toward them, arms raised in surrender. "Don't shoot...I'll come quietly," he said, as they immediately trained their weapons on him.

One of them eyed him suspiciously before lowering his weapon slightly; the others followed suit. "This isn't some kinda trick, is it?" he asked. "Because I'm warning you, any funny business and we're gonna send you to the boss in traction."

Telran just smiled. "Of course it is."

He then tapped into his powers, feeling the electricity flow through him, from the cell phone and pager he always kept on him, and the residual bursts of electricity that would normally go from nowhere to nowhere in his mind, and sent it through the wire. Fortunately for the men, while standing in a puddle, were also wearing thick-soled rubber shoes, so any attempt to electrocute them would be met with failure.

Unfortunately for them, that was not the lightning Destrillian's aim.

He guided the electricity from the wire into the puddle, where it crackled around them, and then up...up, and into the extremely metallic guns they held in their hands. From there, the shock spread throughout their bodies, at first only mild enough to cause their hands to twitch and them to jerk slightly, ruining any attempt at aiming at the slate-haired combatant. However, with concentration, he sent up from their hands, through their arms, and into their brains. The sudden surge of electricity was too much for their weaker human bodies to handle, and they all began to seize uncontrollably. Telran left a knife sticking in the first one's chest, moving to the next to slit his throat, leaving him a gurgling, spasming mess on the floor. To the third he took the wire, using it as a garrote; the last, unable to move, eyes wide in terror, watched as the Destrillian stooped over him, placed a hand over his face, and squeezed, crushing his skull.

Prototype #028 hadn't exerted himself like this in a very long time; while he would have been able to handle something like this during his time at Viola without breaking a sweat, he'd not had a need to practice his combat skills in some time, or had to use his powers so much so quickly - he was beginning to feel exhaustion creeping into his muscles, slowing his movements. He'd have to make this quick.

As he made his way over to the exit, he spotted the man who led him to this ambush, and the leader of the men as well. He took cover behind an aisle, pulled the pin on the smoke grenade, then counted.

One. He stuck his head out from behind the cover.

Two. He drew his arm holding the grenade back, judging the proper distance.

Three. He threw the grenade, which landed directly in their midst.

Four. He left his cover, heading toward the last of his targets, who, looking up as the grenade landed, hadn't spotted him yet.

Five. He drew a pair of knives from his jacket. The armed men began to point, mouths open.

And then the grenade exploded.

The area was enveloped in a thick smoke, causing the men to cough and flail about, attempting vainly to wave it away. Telran didn't need to see them to kill them, knives flashing in the moonlight as he headed directly into the smoke.

He kept low, sweeping the first two, one the squad leader, off their feet with slashes to their Achilles', sending them to the ground screaming in pain. As he rose back up, he spun around, narrowly avoiding a knife slash from his right. As he spun, he used the momentum to drive the knives deep into his opponent's back, puncturing his lungs, ensuring a slow death from asphyxiation - he would either suffocate because he couldn't breathe, or he would drown in his own blood.

The final member of the group, the guide, last of the snatch team sent to take the yellow-eyed Destrillian to an unknown fate, met his own as a quick series of taps to his limbs, accompanied by low-current electrical charges, paralyzed his arms, causing him to drop his weapon. Telran caught it in midair, spinning to his left, and leaving another short charge coursing through his abdomen, increasing sensation. "This is going to hurt," said Telran coldly as he placed the barrel of the gun in the center of the guide's midsection, lamplike eyes fixed on his last enemy's, whose eyes were wide in disbelief; who would have thought a single man could do all of this? This guy couldn't possibly be just some no-name doctor, could he?

Telran pulled the trigger. The bullet ripped through the man's intestines, causing it to begin to fill with bile. The charge Telran had given his nerves made them many times more sensitive then normal, meaning the bullet tearing into his body was far and away the most painful feeling the man had ever felt in his life. He fell into unconsciousness from the shock, bleeding out onto the floor. He would not wake.

As Telran began to slowly walk to the leader, the other man whose tendon had been cut tried to take aim, shaky arm unable to move quickly enough to get a bead on the Destrillian. Telran kicked the gun away, then applied pressure to a point just below the jaw. The man slumped over, dead.

"What kind of monster are you?!" shouted the leader, eyes wide in fright. "That's not possible! There's just no way! WHAT ARE YOU?"

"The man you shouldn't have picked a fight with," came the reply. Telran began walking over to him again, then squatted down next to the man. He kept hold of him by his worker's uniform, pulling him up to stare him full in the eyes. He wanted answers. "So. Who are you, and how do you know who I am?"

The man began to shake his head, terrified of some unseen force. "If I tell you that, he'll kill me! "

"And what makes you think that I won't?"

The man continued to shake his head. "But I don't KNOW anything! He paid us to get you; said you might resist and we could use force. But he didn't tell me you were some kind of freak! He just said that you'd be using the name Astra, but that you're actually this Telran Miara guy. I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ELSE, PLEASE!" he cried, clearly scared out of his wits. Telran began to wonder...who, or what, could inspire such fear in someone that was face to face with a Destrillian that would make the superhuman seem mild in comparison?

Telran let the man go, standing up and turning. He'd barely gone a step before he stopped. He heard the cocking of the man's sidearm. Faster than the leader of the dead squadron could blink, he had kicked the gun away, breaking the hand in the process. He yelped in pain, then began to realize what a bad idea that had been as Telran stooped back over him.

"That was very foolish. I would have let you live, to go report your failure."

The man began to shout incoherently, eyes wild with the insanity of impending death. "Go ahead and kill me if you want! GO ON, DO IT! But it won't matter, oh no, ha ha ha. He's going to come for you himself if he has to! And you won't like that, will you? No, no, ha ha. He will take everything from you! If you strike me dow-"

The man was silenced as a foot crashed down on his face, crushing his skull.

Telran took out his phone. It looked like there was just enough power left for a single call. One's all I need. He dialed the familiar number, waiting as it began to ring on the other end. The party on the other end picked up:

"Ah, Gabriel, my boy, so good of you to call! How are you this fine, fine evening?"

Telran ignored the man's jocularity. "Valmur-"

"Ooh, did I tell you that I finally got my order in?! Twenty really rare films from way away on the main continent!" he said, as though he hadn't heard Telran.

"Valmur." Telran spoke a little more forcefully this time. "I need some help cleaning up."

There was a brief pause. "Where?" asked Valmur, suddenly very serious.

"Southern docks. Warehouse eleven. Cleanup for sixteen."

"Sixteen? Someone's taken a very...keen interest in you, then?"

"Something like that. It's been dealt with."

"They'll be there in fifteen."

"Thank you."


A few hours later, the cleanup had been finished, and Telran left a message with the cleanup crew to let Valmur know he'd give him a call the next day. He then headed to one of his favorite places in the city, the coffee shop nearest his home, to relax and unwind. It had been a very long day.

As he headed in, the tiny bell chimed, and one of the two employees left, a rather stunning brunette named Jenny, looked up. When she saw him, she smiled - she was always very kind to him, asking him about his day, giving him extra cream at no cost. He was rather tired from his day, but it was about ten P.M., and he desperately wanted some coffee; seeing her face light up as he walked in was merely an added bonus.

"The usual, Gabriel?" she asked, still smiling warmly. He nodded; her smile dropped a bit at this, since he usually replied with a "yes, please, thank you" and a smile of his own. "You okay?" she said, frowning slightly.

He nodded again. "Yeah...just been a rather long day, and I need to unwind a little," he replied, taking a seat at the counter near her, rather than his usual armchair in the corner. He was the only customer there, and the other employee, the night manager, was about ready to close up, so he glanced over at Telran as he said this. Telran noticed and said, "I won't be ten minutes, I promise." The manager nodded, then went back into the office. Jenny came back with his usual, a hot cup of regular coffee with extra cream and sugar. He smiled his lopsided smile as she placed it in front of him. "Thank you."

She returned the smile, then leaned in a bit to talk to him. "You said you'd had a long day, huh? Any plans for the night?"

"Mmm, nothing much. Probably head back to my apartment and watch some movies. Maybe even cook a little dinner," he added thoughtfully, realizing at that moment just how hungry he was; it seemed like dinner had been days ago, though it had only been a few hours.

"Ooh, what did you have in mind?" she asked, perking up. Telran knew where this was going, and it showed as the smile on his face grew.

"Dunno...probably nothing too fancy. Maybe some lasagna or something."

"Oh woow, you can make lasagna? Really?! I wish I knew how...I love lasagna!" she exclaimed, leaning in just a bit more.

"It's not really that hard, actually. I'm not much of a cook, but I make a pretty decent lasagna. I can teach you sometime, if you'd like."

Jenny's eyes grew wide. "Really?! You mean it?!" she said, drawing just a bit closer; their faces were now only a foot apart.

Telran nodded. "Sure. In fact," he said, smiling again, "I could teach you tonight, if you'd like."

Jenny leaned in further, smiling broadly. "I'd like that," she said, taking Telran's hand in hers.

========== Just past three A.M. ==========​

Telran wasn't sure what all of this meant. Who were those would-be kidnappers? Who was their employer, and what did he want with him?

Telran pushed the thoughts from his mind, and decided it would be better to concentrate on the here and now.

He smiled. Especially since the here and now involved a beautiful woman in his bed
It's not masturbation, Tennyo.

========== TWO DAYS LATER ==========
(four days before the present)​

Telran liked to walk through Crawsus at night; there was something about being able to see the stars, and the twin moons, and the cooler air of the night, that made him feel at peace. It helped him clear his mind, which is what he was trying very hard to do just now.

For the past few week or so, he'd kept having this strange sensation in the back of his head...a kind of fuzzy, muddled feeling. He wasn't sure what it meant, but it tended to get stronger the closer he went to the clinic. He wasn't really sure what it was, although it was somewhat similar to the time he had run into her. He wondered what it meant; maybe it was a sign that...

No, no, that can't be it, he thought, shaking his head. That was silly. Preposterous, even. There just wasn't any way...was there?

Then again, wasn't she here, too? And what about Telran himself? It wasn't so improbable.

But it just couldn't be!

The feeling had grown much stronger, to the point where it was almost as though he could see it, hear it; he stopped, then did a double-take. His feet had taken him straight to the clinic in his wanderings, drawn there like a magnet.

Then he heard a crashing sound inside.

Eyes narrowed, he unlocked the door, and then, as he opened it, the feeling intensified tenfold, hitting him in the face like a tangible wave.

And then he realized what the feeling was.

He opened the door to his office. And a voice spoke to him:

“Pl-ease…Help me.”
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alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer

“I’m in. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

As the words left Fiona's mouth, the trio simultaneously headed for the door. They got out into the corridor and realised that two more had joined their small group. The large man Nova and that girl Jettison had followed them out. Without saying a word the five of them headed towards the elevator to make their way down to ground level. The fire Destrillian looked back through Emma's open doorway where she could see Thetis. Something was nagging at the back of her mind to exchange a word or two before they split up, but her ego shoved that thought away and she filed into the lift after Kerr. As they entered, Lokka spared a short glance at the staircase, before closing the doors and pressing the button for the ground floor. Only a couple of seconds had passed in the elevator before the sound of familiar music was literally smashed until the speaker broke. Nova had obviously not been impressed by his first experience with this elevator. As soon as the elevator started moving, Kerr assumed the role of leader and begun sharing the plan.

"We need to acquire uniforms. This will be the easiest part." He said as he studied the many physical differences between the five would-be comrades. "The standard Artolian divisions patrol in teams of six. It shouldn't be too hard to ambush them and then drive their vehicle to the nearest barracks."

Lokka silently agreed. He would easily be able to locate the nearest base in relation to where they were.

"You mean dressing up like a monkey?" Fiona remarked, not able to keep the words to herself.

“You’re free to stay behind.” Lokka replied. Whilst he realised her abilities in a fight may be rather powerful, it wasn’t going to do them any favours sneaking in.

Fiona tensed up and shot both Lokka and Kerr a look, since the latter had been glaring in her direction anyway. The ice was broken when Nova started talking.

"Hey, I know y'all are all special an' shit, but we got skills to help you out as well, yeah? All sneaky-sneaky and everything. No lie, smoke an' mirrors. The whole deal."

“This is pathetic,” Fiona said, scowling at Jettison. She pointed her finger at Lokka. “At least you’re one of us! But why are we bothering to ask for help from these…weird humans?”

"Haha, ya hear that, Brand? Hardcore lady thinks we're just vanilla-gorilla humans, haw haw. Not too bright, eh? Eh?" Jettison continued to silently ignore him as he prodded her shoulder with his elbow.

“We’re bothering to ask them because we need all the help we can get.”

The silence didn’t last long as the elevator doors opened shortly after Kerr finished his sentence. They were in the familiar lobby of the apartment block. Deciding not to waste any more conversation on the matter, the five of them poured into the adjacent side street. Kerr ran at the head of the group, moving quickly. Behind him Lokka and Fiona kept pace with each other, with Jettison and Nova following closely. Their footsteps echoed in the quiet neighborhood, the only other audible sound being the light rain falling around them.

The group tore through the various alleyways and side roads that the area had to offer. If the military really was looking for the Destrillians, then they weren’t going to find them by just hiding. After a few more minutes the group caught a break and found a patrol. Just as Kerr had said, there were what looked like six of them. One of them was driving the transport vehicle, a jeep. The other five were outside of the jeep. It almost looked like they were waiting for something. Lokka grabbed Kerr’s shoulder before he ran forward.

“Let me draw them out.” He said as he gave the enemies a once-over. “The less damage we do to the jeep and the area the better. Take the other three and circle around them; I’ll wait until I can see you.”

Kerr nodded and signalled for the others to follow him. Running the long way around they took an alleyway and managed to be directly behind the group. Lokka spotted Kerr on the opposite side of the street and so walked out into the road. He took his gun out and fired a shot into the air, getting the attention of the armed men.

“Drop your weapon!”

Lokka ignored the order and fired another shot into the air. This time the enemy didn’t hesitate. The few men in front opened fire instantly whilst the remainder filtered around and shot from a better angle. In no time at all, all five of the men were shooting at the toxic-eyed Destrillian. The driver had got out of the jeep at this point and had also armed his weapon. Bewildered faces spread across the men as they fired, realising that the threat was still standing. They hadn’t seen anything like it. It was as if every single one of their shots were missing. But that was impossible.

The highest ranking officer of the patrol seemed to have a keen eye. As he let his men fire their weapons he was examining the impact. Slight disturbances and reflections were almost appearing as the shots were fired. He also noted that not a single bullet seemed to come within two metres of the man. Alarmed at his sudden realisation he fired the rest of his ammunition until it seemed like his men had given up.

“Learn your place. You don’t even know how to kill us.”

As Lokka finished speaking, the glass-like shell that surrounded him became fully visible. The guards at this point didn’t have time to react. From where Lokka was standing, he already considered them dead as he watched the rest of his group.

A loud and quick succession of cracks reverberated through the street as the one of the soldiers fell to the ground lifeless. Fiona had downed one man without the others noticing and was already on her second target. The fire Destrillian swept her arms beneath his and held him against her body. Her hands latched onto his neck and his body convulsed and turned a harsh tone of red as large bubbles surfaced on his skin. The nameless brute cried out in pain, but Fiona covered his mouth before he could alarm any potentially close allies. “I don’t like screamers.” And with that, the soldier collapsed to the ground, emitting trails of smoke and pus.

Fiona had always made a nice distraction; she was loud and flashy, great for diverting attention. From all the way back to their days in Viola when they had worked in the same team-based exercises there had always been this one pattern. Fiona would charge in first to draw the enemy’s fire.

“Another one!”

Whilst Kerr went around the back. There wasn’t much time for the humans to process anything. All they knew was that another Destrillian was in front of their eyes. Exterminate.

Kerr leapt forwards, bent low to make himself as small as possible of a target to the soldiers. Not that it was necessary; he was at such a close range that he needn’t have taken such precautions. One soldier saw him far too late, before he could turn his rifle barrel on Kerr’s form, the Destrillian of gravity had already closed the gap and snatched the rifle barrel upwards so that it pointed harmlessly into the sky. The look of shock barely had the chance to register on the man’s face before Kerr’s other hand unsheathed the combat knife from the man’s belt and thrust it upwards into the soft underside of the man’s chin. Killing him instantly.

He wasted no time, he was in his element here, and his limbs had been refilled with renewed strength from the brief rest at Emma’s apartment. He twisted the blade of the knife and pulled it free from the man’s skull, simultaneously twisting on the spot so that the man he had just killed would act as a human shield to absorb the spray of gunfire from the fourth frightened marine that tore his way out from behind the jeep.

All his bullets did was manage to turn his friend’s back into a bloody mess. Kerr waited for the pause in between firing before he dropped his human shield, keeping hold of the handle of the assault rifle and dragging it free from the dead body. With his other hand he threw the knife with an almost casual skill, that hit its target in the centre of his next attacker’s forehead with such force that the man was thrown backwards.

He dropped to a crouch, his senses indicating to him the locations of the final two guards, one of them was training his sights on Fiona whilst the other was bringing his gun up on Kerr. Too slowly, the Destrillian’s reflexes were always going to be faster than even the most experienced soldier’s. He brought up his stolen assault rifle and fired a quick three round burst into the man’s chest, sending him gasping to the floor, dying as the blood filled his shredded lungs.

The final guard started to charge at #004, but was tripped by her sweeping kick. Before he even touched the ground, Fiona’s knee met his spine while her elbow met his rib cage. SNAP. CRUNCH. He was out. It typically wasn’t her style, but the fire prototype was making these kills as clean as possible. It pained her that there could be little to no bloodshed.

She glanced over at the gravity Destrillian’s progress and saw the mess he had made. “Tch! Leave some monkey suits half fucking decent for us, Bones!”
Kerr gave a blank glare at Fiona, she had a point, but he was going to be damned if he was about to concede that point to her.

“We’ll just have to make do with what we have.” He said gruffly, pulling off the outer layers of camouflaged clothing from the nearest dead soldier. The collar was splattered with blood from the man’s knife wound, but given the battle that had occurred to previous day. The army was unlikely to be suspicious of a couple of their soldiers uniforms still bearing the scars from it. “As long as you don’t mess it up.”

Fiona gritted her teeth and snarled back at him, “I’ll make do with my boot in your face.”

Fiona couldn’t see the sarcastic look through Kerr’s pitch black eyes, but the scowl on her face damn well proved that she had felt it. “Save it.” Kerr snapped back, as he pulled on the soldier’s fatigues over his regular clothes, removing his jacket and placing it in the backpack the soldier had been carrying. “Just don’t blow our cover.”

The fire Destrillian had already changed into another dead soldier's boots and shoved her special ones in a bag with her vest. She simply grunted in response to her gravity counterpart as she threw on a uniform over her own clothing.

A voice rang out from the other end of the street as they were getting into their uniforms, a second patrol turning around the corner. "Gunfire! Wh... where's Foxtrot Patrol gone?"

"I - they were just there a few minutes ago!" The Destrillians were suddenly disembodied, unable to find their feet (or the rest of them) under their eyes. The jeep had disappeared. So had the rest of the bodies and the blood.

There were another five soldiers down at the end of the street sprinting straight towards them, until one of the soldier's heads suddenly exploded out behind him in an arc of blood. Another was bodily lifted off the ground and slammed into a wall, his rifle bent in half like a twig. The heads of two more of them were simultaneously twisted around on their sockets, and the last two simply vanished an a cacophony of screaming.

"Haha, squish squish, squash squash, ha ha!"

Jettison and Nova rematerialised, as did the rest of the carnage between the pair and the Destrillians. Jettison yanked her metal staff from out of the back of one of the soldier's helmets, as Nova dragged the last soldier to one of the storm-water drains on the kerb of the road, casually crushing his head into a flattened pulp under his boot without much effort.

Jettison threw a clean set of uniforms at the Destrillians. "Sorry I didn't warn you beforehand." She disappeared momentarily again, reappearing as the last man crushed underfoot, complete with full gear and the same voice. "You don't need to worry too much about me."

The Destrillians received the clean clothes and started changing into them. Lokka stared back at Jettison for a few moments. At this point the differences between their kind were few. The girl had slaughtered the other humans without a second though, barely acknowledging the common ground between them. She wasn’t a Destrillian, but ‘Human’ wasn’t the right word either.

Fiona ripped off the messy uniform and quickly switched it for the fresh one and kept an unwavering gaze on the strange pair that tagged along with the Destrillians. 'Just what the fuck have I missed?' The firestarter hadn’t been given much time to process all of the new crew since she’d woken up to a room full of her kind and then some, but she was determined to get some answers out of this baffling duo.

As he finished adjusting his uniform, Kerr pulled open the door of the jeep and jumped straight into the driver’s seat. Taking it upon himself to direct; Lokka took the seat next to him, knowing that he would know exactly where to go. Nova and the girls piled into the back and without a seconds notice Kerr pushed down on the pedal.

“Take this first right.”

Lokka began picturing the various maps of the city he’d memorized. The military base they were after wasn’t the full-blown thing, more of a checkpoint within the city. This didn’t mean that the group had an easy task ahead of them. These guys didn’t cut corners, they still employed the same state of the art technology and security that is used for the most important of assignments. The disguises would give the group a head start, but not by much.

“We’re heading toward Seaburn Square. I assume you know the way?” Lokka asked the focused Kerr as he sped down the large street. A simple nod sufficed at the time. Lokka spared a glance back at the other three. They all seemed pretty tightly wedged into the seats. Why the brute Nova chose to sit in the middle was beyond Lokka’s comprehension.

It was bad enough that she had to sit in the back of the jeep with the two newbies, but now she was uncomfortably becoming intimate with the interior of the side door. Fiona’s expression was that of a very distinct snarl and the fire prototype didn’t care that her anger and irritation from the scenario reflected in a steep rise in her body temperature. If she was going to suffer with this ultra large hooligan shoved next to her, everyone else could share in the torment. All she could focus on was just getting to this military base without accidentally causing the engine to overheat or even explode. Any questions irrelevant to the mission on hand would have to wait for a more tolerable time.

Half an hour passed by in the vehicle.

“Are we there yet?”

Kerr had taken the car around some of the smaller side streets in order to maintain a low profile. They had the disguises but staying out of the enemy’s eyes would only benefit them further. The shadow-eyed Destrillian slowed down the jeep as it pulled onto the grove at Seaburn Square. He turned his head towards Lokka, as if ask where they were going from here.

“Straight up that road. We need to take the first right and then pull down into the second road up on the left. We’ll be nothing more than a few feet from our target.”

Fiona growled under her breath. "About damn time."

Kerr nodded once more and brought the vehicle up and back into the lane. He followed the directions exactly and in no time, the group was closing in on what looked like a warehouse from the outside, garrisoned by large sandbagged walls and an operated gate. There were about a dozen men outside the gate in uniform. The figures were armed and on-duty. From their position, the team couldn’t see much past the gate, but there was nothing of interest outside it.

The base itself looked to have been hastily constructed, its walls being primarily constructed by parked vehicles and supply crates and centred around several large office and warehouse buildings. However that did not change the fact that roughly two hundred soldiers appeared to be taking refuge and patrolling the inside of their makeshift base. The army must have moved in quickly, Kerr thought to himself, to have erected such a large base in such a short amount of time. Hopefully they would be able to use this confusion and disorganization to sneak in without raising too much suspicion.

"Looks like they rolled out the red carpet for us." Fiona looked out the window like a child pulling up to a toy store. So many military assholes to take out, so little time. The fire prototype was getting excited quickly, ready to take all of these guys on. Hell, she was ready to run through all of Osea and bring down every chump that pointed a gun at her.

Lokka cut short her anticipation all too soon. "Unfortunately, we need to kill as few of these humans as possible."

Reluctantly, Fiona sank back in her seat with a clearly sour look on her face. "Of course." The statement was spat out all too fast and sarcastically. This stealth business was pretty annoying.

There were a half a dozen vehicles, some of them scouting jeeps and some of them large, armoured transport trucks, queuing in front of them; each one was being subjected to what appeared to be a hasty debriefing at the base's checkpoint.

"Everyone going in and out of that base is getting debriefed" Lokka pointed out "We can either take the jeep straight through, or make our way in without it."

The group shared a few glances within the jeep. They knew that a direct encounter like this would be difficult either way, having to blag their way through security. Curiosity pushed a question to the forefront of Kerr's mind. He turned in his chair and faced the young girl.

"Jettison is it?" He asked. The girl only nodded. "Would you say you are powerful enough to get us all through that gate unseen?"

"I can get you where you need to go, but you must be quiet." And by 'quiet', leaving the jeep behind was probably the only option. She systematically evaluated the surrounding area; the walls of the compound, the soldiers beyond that, and the makeshift inner fortress visible from the gates. Sneaking in could have been harder had the army been more prepared, with the technology they had normally brought out in full force. With enough coordination, it wouldn't be too difficult.

"I'm sure we can manage that" Lokka said, glaring at Fiona.

The fiery redhead glared right back. "I think I might be able to pull that off."

Kerr wasn't optimistic, though he kept his mouth shut. He kept his eyes trained on the road in front of him and paid attention increasing military presence around the vehicle. He decided against voicing his concerns, it was far better to just sit quietly and just keep focused on the mission at hand, rather than attempting to undermine the bold-faced optimism of his Destrillian comrades.

As the jeep rolled up to the checkpoint, the atmosphere almost became noticeably tense as the Destrillians seemed to collectively hold their breath in anticipation. All of them had been witness to Jettison’s apparent power in the nightclub, full of the strange and unnerving visions and dreams. But that was different; the danger was less real then. The only thing to fear was the fear of the unknown, rather than the fear of the dozen armed men at the checkpoint, each one shouldering an automatic weapon and each one whose eyes were trained on the figures in the car.

Thoughts and suspicions flashed through Kerr’s head so quickly they were almost impossible to process. They were the same kind of primal doubts that played on your instinctive fight or flight response. The stomach-churning sensation that would force a man to either turn and run, or launch himself into a fight, he had to exert every last drop of self control to will himself to remain perfectly still and calm.

He rolled down the driver’s side window, keeping his face and calm and stoic as possible.

The young soldier who leant towards the opening didn’t smile. His eyes seemed distant and there was a recently stitched up cut hidden amongst the dark hairs of his eyebrow and a large, raw scrape that stretched down his jawline.

“What detachment are you guys with?”

His sky blue eyes did one searching look of the interior of the jeep before coming to rest on Kerr’s jet black eyes. Apparently he didn’t see anything odd about them at all. Jettison’s trick must have been working.

“I said what detachment are you with?” the soldier repeated again, an edge of frustration in his tired voice.

“Watch your mouth private and let us pass. My squad has important information on the Destrillians and needs to see the Colonel straight away!” Kerr snapped back at him, saying the first things that came to mind and hoping that Jettison had the forethought to disguise him in the uniform of a superior officer.

The Private narrowed his eyes as they travelled from Kerr’s to the patch of his uniform’s lapel where there would ideally have been a mark of an officer’s rank. They widened upon seeing something that wasn’t there in reality.

“Yes sir, Lieutenant! Sorry to have held you up sir!” the Private snapped to attention and threw up a hasty salute. “Let them pass! Let them pass!” he called out, and the soldiers stepped aside, letting Kerr gently squeeze the accelerator and edge the jeep further into the compound.

"Excellent work, Lieutenant Bones."
Fiona quipped from the back seat.

“Yo, looks like our ride over there.” Nova spoke up from the back seat, forcefully clapping Kerr on the shoulder and pointing with his other hand towards a large row of transport trucks that had been parked across the lawn of the office building that made up one wall of the military base.

He didn’t bother explaining that it had been a close call there. They all already knew that.

Trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, Kerr drove the vehicle up into line where most of the other jeeps were parked. From within the jeep watchful eyes were counting off the numbers of men currently milling about in the open ground, the number of weapons they were carrying and the number of men that might have been occupying the surrounding buildings.

“I estimate there’s in excess of five hundred soldiers in this base; do you agree?” Kerr gravely voiced his concern to the car. Powerful as they all were, it had been a long few days, and with the exception of Nova and Jettison, none of them were at peak physical condition. If something went wrong then there was no guarantee that they would make it out alive.

Fiona expertly scanned the area surrounding their vehicle. "Five hundred potential asses to kick, yeah." She was in a trance. So pent up with excitement, ready to unleash her abilities on these weak creatures, but making sure she was on her best behavior while their stealth remained intact. She could barely contain herself, and was just itching for the chance to blow their cover and cut loose the moment it was.

The group got out of the car and began to cross the open parade ground towards the transport trucks. It was difficult trying to be inconspicuous when one was completely aware of how completely shoddy their disguises looked. Having to place their trust in a complete stranger to keep up their masquerade when less than a day ago it had been her machinations that had led to them all being imprisoned in pods that had been so reminiscent of their time in Viola was something that was far beyond the capacity of most Destrillians.

#004 couldn't help but stare down every set of eyes she was met with. All sorts of emotions were running through her, nearly to the point of losing it all.

Kerr whirled around at the arm that was firmly placed on his shoulder. His face locked in a grim scowl, and his left hand instinctively jerked towards the pistol holstered at his waist.

“Didn’t you hear me shouting for you, Lieutenant?” inquired a brawny, tall soldier that Kerr took from the uniform’s insignia to be a man of superior rank to him (apparently).

“No, sir, Sorry sir.” Kerr instantly barked back. The reply came more naturally to him than he would have liked.

“You and your squad are the ones with the information on the targets?” the senior officer asked, Kerr nodded in response.

"I was just looking for the colonel to debrief us, Sir,"
he added. The superior officer didn't say anything in response and merely grunted.

"Follow me, Lieutenant. The colonel is just over by the transport trucks. He's arranging for a company to be despatched to the Destrilliums' last known location in the Orange Zone."

'Convenient' Lokka thought to himself.

"Destrillians." Kerr corrected him as he and the others fell into line behind the officer that was leading them towards the the

"You what?"

"The targets are called Destrillians. Sir,"
Kerr added. He hadn't meant to correct the officer, it had been instinctual, a slip of the tounge. Perhaps it was just pride. But too many slips like that were likely to compromise the mission.

The captain just shrugged and the Destrillians followed him into the busy hangar. Half a dozen soldiers and engineers were teeming all over seven large, flatbed transport trucks. These would be ideal, Kerr thought to himself, paying close attention to the thick off-road tires and the reinforced armour plating.

"Colonel Plainview, this is the man," the captain addressed a tall man in dusty combat fatigues who was directing affairs inside the hangar. His face a criss-crossed maze of wrinkles and old battle scars that rounded on the group with piercing sky blue eyes.

"Well?" he asked, his voice was as weathered as his face.

Kerr stared at him blankly. It was fast becoming apparent that neither he, nor anybody else who had volunteered for this mission, had thought much past this point.

The colonel narrowed his eyes at them, "You are the group that has information on the Destrillians, aren't you? Spit it out then."

Kerr remained tight-lipped, mentally he was counting off the number of soldiers and the number of guns present in the open hangar. The cogs in all of their heads were whirring, but no ideas were coming out.

"Fuck this noise."
Fiona shoved Kerr and Lokka away, lunged toward the colonel, grabbed him by the throat, and ripped his larynx straight out of his neck. Blood sprayed onto her face, but the fire prototype acted as if it was nothing more than water. The mutilated soldier clawed at the large gash as he fell to the ground gurgling and hacking in a sickeningly grotesque manner.

Kerr only briefly turned to look at Fiona after witnessing her solution to the problem. It took him less than five seconds to realise that it was about as effective as anything else. Unfortunately, it took the other guards in the room a good ten seconds to actually process what was happening. Five seconds difference was all that was needed for Kerr to unholster his weapon and put three bullets in the heads of the three soldiers that were reaching for the guns.

"No more tiptoeing through the fucking tulips anymore!"
Fiona's voice crescendoed and a sadistic grin began to creep across the fire prototype's face as she lunged at another guard. She took hold of his exposed head and smashed it against a fuel barrel, throwing his now lifeless corpse to the wayside.

"Somebody get the truck!"
Kerr yelled out loud, somewhere in the base a siren had gone off. But he was barely conscious of it as he ran around behind the vehicle, a duo of soldiers were hurrying over to try to open fire on the group. Judging by the looks of shock on their faces, they didn't expect their prey to run straight at them. The first one fired a shot from his pistol, which Kerr ably leapt over, planting one foot on the concrete back wall and kicking off to give himself more height and then driving his knee straight into one of their faces, feeling th skull break over his leg. Simultaneously he dropped the arm holding the gun and unloaded a single bullet between the eyes of the second soldier.

He hit the floor feeling content, the sounds of the army doing battle with the rest of his group now filling the confined space of the hangar. Not wasting any time, he clambered onto the back of the flatbed of one the larger transports, noting with some concern the fact that this one did not have an armoured roof, instead being open topped, with only high walls to prevent gunfire from the ground.

It would have to do, now was not the time to be picky.

For a last-minute army base, the military force present was pretty impressive, although, they didn't stand a chance in hell considering whom they were up against. The fire Destrillian was barely able to suppress a shudder of excited anticipation. All those years, locked away in the pits of Viola. Restrained even after escaping, for fear of being captured again. And now she was free, free to do as she pleased, and to revel in the destruction. This was the moment Fiona Myrwind waited for. Too long had she been contained by one situation or another. Now was her time to unleash the inner inferno absolutely. Now was her time to show off what Blazing Fury really meant.

"OPEN FIRE!" A commanding officer shouted amongst the armed men before the group.

"Just try and hit me!"
#004 evaded the bullets and plasma shots that attempted to take her out with great ease. In the midst of conflict, Fiona was finally in her element again. Adrenaline pumping and restraint out the window - it was exhilarating.

Fiona took hold of the closest soldier, swung him around once, and threw him into a line of men who had not yet registered the Destrillian's speed. They all fell like dominoes, a pile of limbs and weaponry all muddled together.

"Burn." She threw her hand in front of her and massive stream of flames engulfed the mass of feeble, pathetic weaklings. The fire prototype brought her arm down and stopped the destructive element. A smoking pile of ashes was all that remained of her hapless opponents. Delicious.

A bullet whipped just past her head, dragging her back to the reality of the situation. A second bullet came just inches close to the Destrillian's face before it seemingly ricochoted off an invisible field.

Fiona whipped her head around a looked to Lokka with a sarcastic grin. "My hero."

The lambent-eyed male had been keeping his newfound comrades as safe as possible, watching the blind spots that they couldn't. A small group of around five soldiers had noticed that the Destrillian hadn't been taking an offensive role in the combat and opened fire. Of course, the attempts were useless, but the sheer determination of the youthful armed men had only served to remind Lokka that at this rate, the group was in for a long fight.

"I guess sometimes chaos is inevitable."

The shallow comment was barely said aloud and as the last word rolled off the Destrillian's tounge, the firing group were thrown off their feet a few yards onto their backs. They hadn't even seen or comprehended what might have hit them.

As a few more senior officers ran at Lokka whilst firing their small arms; they were met with a similar impacting force. One of the men could only make out a semi-transparent shaped hurtling towards him before he was pushed across the diameter of the base.

Out of the corner of his eye, the white haired man spotted the first of many sniper teams assembling in the nearby apartment block. As the first man readied his finger and pulled the trigger, he flew backwards as the force of his shot was redirected at him, after the bullet travelled only a few centimetres from the barrel of his gun. It didn't matter though. Groups were assembling above and around them and they were soon to be completely outgunned. Even if the Destrillians did fight them all off, this kind of chaos would surely leave the entire area in ruins, leaving them with absolutely no transportation and causing them to go on this mission in vain, with the sole results being exhaustion and alerting the military to their continued existence. They needed to get serious and stop screwing around.

"Hey, Redhead!"
Lokka shouted out toward the flaming harpy. "Make yourself more useful and bring down that building!" He pointed toward the hulking fortification guarding the fast assembling sniper and explosive teams.

Nova went to the driver's side of the truck, casually pulling the door off its hinges as he forced himself into the drivers seat, chuckling to himself as he tore out half of the hard plastic panels under the steering wheel. "Shit, they make the hardest rigs sometimes." After a few more seconds of fumbling, he managed to snap the wires and start the engines with the right connections.

"Yo, kids, get on before they rip us a new one! Keep those firecrackers off our asses!"

Almost as if by bad luck, a soldier fired off a rocket, directed straight towards the back of the flatbed, but before it could make contact with one of Lokka's shields, it spun around in a neat arc as Jettison caressed the fishtail of the rocket with the palms of her hands, delicately sending it out in a different direction as it took out another truck parked further away, and the soldiers emerging from behind it.

The truck pulled out of the building as the driver began to edge the slow, heavy transport truck out of the garage and into the courtyard. Almost instantaneously the sound of bullets rattling off the armoured plating of the truck greeted their ears of the Destrillians hiding in the bed of the truck. Nova snorted in amusement as the bulletproof glass began to take a monstrous beating from bullets, forming dense, opaque white cracks that spiderwebbed across the windshield and made looking where he was going harder by the second.

Kerr growled to himself, ducking his head and keeping himself low to avoid taking a bullet to the head. With one of his legs he kicked open one of the full boxes of weapons that were stockpiled near the driver's cab of the truck. He spun around to retrieve (much to his gratitude) a the long, slender tube of a rocket launcher. An older Artolian model, his extensive knowledge of weaponry courtesy of Viola allowed to him to swiftly assemble, arm and load the rocket launcher with the deft confidence of a skilled professional.

He shouldered the weapon and closed his eyes, trying to concentrate as best he could to find the most dense gravitational pull in the outside courtyard that didn't belong to one of the buildings or the Earth itself. Training all his senses on what he suspected as a group of a dozen or more soldiers heading in the direction of the truck. Raising his body up he was above the safety of the truck's armour for just long enough to squeeze the trigger. Kerr didn't linger to admire the handiwork, though the large explosion that followed and the cries of the dying and the maimed from the rocket attack told him that the attack had been successful. He quickly moved to slide another rocket into the barrel and fire again.

If they weren't working together, Fiona may have just done to the pale Destrillian what she did to the last two guys for that "redhead" remark--decapitate him. She'd have to remember that when they were far and away from these guys.

Explosions were becoming more frequent as she fended off more soldiers that ran her way. She had to take out the cowards with the long ranged weapons perched on that balcony before everything went to hell in a handbasket for all of them. A phantom pain invaded her shoulder. It made the fire Destrillian pause for a split second. That was all it took for a grenade to fall near her location and engulf her in a violent blast.

If Fiona wasn't who she was, that would have most certainly been the end of her. Instead, only the poor military uniform she draped over her regular clothes were burned almost completely away, leaving tattered bits hanging on her.

She scoffed to no one.

Back on track, she made a beeline straight for the building that the snipe and explosion teams were now solidly set up at. No one could touch her: she was all too fast for anyone that tried to attack. It helped that she had finally switched her weighted boots for regular ones.

Cover me, ghostboy! #004 relayed the messaged to Lokka as she covered the last bit of distance between the tower and herself. She leapt and grabbed hold of a window frame and skillfully climbed up the side of the building. Some of the ground team shot at her in vain, a new barrier protecting her exposed back. Unphased, Fiona scaled and jumped all the way to the tier full of rocket launchers, sniper weapons and twenty or so dead men walking. Throwing herself up the few feet left between herself and the balcony, the fire Destrillian landed on the ledge and couldn't hold back a large smile saturated with malicious intent. Only a few of the soldiers were even aware of her presence before she made roasted giblets out of the whole bunch.

"Let's set off some fireworks for Osea!"

Anyone within the immediate area could see the violent succession of explosions set off by all of the incendiary ammunition meant to take out the dastardly Destrillians from the highrise. All of the soldiers left standing took a moment to look on in awe at the destruction of a large chunk of their hastily-made base. A maniacal laugh resounded through the area as Fiona emerged from the flames and explosions unharmed. She seemed to be propelled by the detonations as the prototype sailed through the sky, intentionally headed for a specific landing point.

The firestarter landed squarely into the back of the new transport they had commandeered with all the grace of an acrobat. A smug grin in place, she gave Kerr an arrogant look that could only say "that's right, that just happened".

Much to Fiona's irritation, Kerr did not appear to be paying attention, instead rolling over to the truck's cab and banging on it with his fist.


"That's it, we're all on board! Get us out of here!"
he shouted, his voice going slightly hoarse as he raised it over the sound of the screaming and the gunfire going of all around them.

"Argh, we rollin', yo."
Nova squinted through the sole remaining space on the windshield of the truck unblemished by the cracks. By now, they were obscuring nearly the entire front view of the truck as the soldiers continued to riddle the vehicle with bullets. He sighed, and gave up, prodding a hole through the windscreen, pushing tiny fragments of bulletproof glass outwards just so he could see where they were going. The behemoth of a man stomped on the accelerator as hard as he could without pushing his foot through the floor of the driver's seat.

Feeling the weight of the truck lurch forwards, Kerr looked to the figures of Lokka and Fiona in the back with him, slightly tired but uninjured. The plan appeared to have gone off better than expected. His sharp eyes caught the attention of a pair of soldiers rounding the back of the truck. He wasted no time in activating his power, focusing on the gravitational pull of the ground behind the two men aiming their assault rifles into the back of the truck and then concentrated it around the rocket launcher he still held in his grip before throwing it from the truck like a spear. The gravitational pull, much stronger than usual sent it tearing through the air like a missile, impaling the first man through the stomach, punching clean through him and leaving the barrel of the weapon embedded in the thigh of his partner.

They drove through the sandbag barriers and the reinforced gate, which crumpled as it gave way to Nova's suicidal driving. Turning a corner, Nova directed the truck to the nearest freeway, letting the truck shrug off absurd amounts of gunfire, as units from the military all over the region which they were in began to converge on the checkpoint. Bullets continued to whistle past them as they encountered more and more patrols, emerging from the street, cutting them off at more and more paths of the city. It was fortunate that, like many of the Destrillians themselves, Nova knew the city like the back of his hand, evading the roadblocks and pushing his way through alleyways with no concern for the damage that the flatbed was being punished by.

Nova ducked as bullets finally collapsed the windscreen, exploding into tiny fragments that peppered the driver's seat with laminated glass. In retaliation, he drove the truck to the sidewalk, bowling over the emerging soldiers and running them over before they could continue to rain hell on the escaping group.

"There's our exit, kids!"
Ignoring the cuts on his face, he drove into an opposing lane, up to the elevated freeways above them. Nova caught another patrol by surprise as he slammed his truck into a jeep turning into the exit, flipping it over and speeding past them without a thought. He left it to the Destrillians in the back to stop them from pursuing.

Machine gun fire began to rake over the transport from multiple directions as they drove further and further past groups of soldiers and vehicles that were catching on faster, now that they had a thorough knowledge of the reconstructed roads that the government had built on top of the old city. The Destrillians held off the onslaught quickly, but Nova was soon running out of options as a stray rocket barely spun out over the top of the truck. Despite the elevated freeways being littered with construction vehicles to evade gunfire from and the clear pathway in which to push the stolen transport's engine to the limit, the lack of alternate routes away from hastily-constructed but heavily armed blockades were beginning to take its toll on the vehicle.

They came to a head as they were driving down a long, straight section of road, with a slowly thinning rank of jeeps firing at the back of the truck. Even besieged by the withering hail of gunfire from behind, Nova stared straight ahead at the gun emplacements in front of them, as the horizon of the road seemed to approach them rather quickly.

And then he realised that it wasn't a horizon.

"Awwww hell to the naw!"
He ducked again as the guns in front of them opened up, punching holes in the headrest where Nova's head has been mere milliseconds before.

He had run out of options. Unless...

"Gravity guy!"
Nova bellowed at the top of his voice above the swathe of shrapnel tearing down the top of the flatbed and the outside of the engine block. "Yo, get need an assist!"

There was only a split second of confusion before realisation dawned on everyone else, and another split second before Nova quickly spun the steering wheel to the right. The transport veered off to one side of the freeway as the abyss in front of them rapidly caught up to them.

They barely avoided the sandbags as they again bowled past the gun emplacements, taking out a few soldiers. But, as Kerr gritted his teeth and prepared himself for Nova's move, the soldiers were soon the least of their worries.

The transport hurtled off the edge of the unfinished road.

Even over the noise of gunfire, for a moment the only things the Destrillians could hear was the strained engine of the truck revving over thin air, Kerr grunting with the strain of preventing the transport from instantly dropping like a dead weight, and a long, roaring, whooping scream of excitement from the driver.

The truck didn't land so much as it collapsed onto the adjacent freeway, several parts of the flatbed simply falling off from the impact. The shock absorbers practically burst from the landing, and the truck was by now almost wrecked beyond repair.

Still, it was a landing, and everyone on board was still alive. Nova was still hollering with delight at his stunt, Fiona was still swearing, Lokka was still shaken, Kerr was still slumped against the back of the truck, and Jettison was still gripping the side of the truck so hard that her fingers where completely white and the rail guard was warped under her grip.

Most importantly, above all odds, their transport was still moving. A few of the jeeps had, either by accident or by more intrepid drivers, jumped over the edge as well, but the few that did immediately plummeted to the bottom, victim to the fate of regular, unaltered gravity.

"That's what I'm talkin' about, baby! That's a touchdown for the news reels, man! WOOOOOOO!"

"Damn you, you retarded piece of shit!"

"Haha, you're welcome, girl! This ride flies like a motherfuckin' bird, man."
He slammed his foot back onto the accelerator, a wild grin on his face.

And with that, the escape continued.

Mere bullets, even from over-size mounted miniguns weren't going to take down the super-powered rag-tag team. It was more or less the last resort of the Artolian military, considering that the remainder of the rocket launching experts were quickly handled with another large explosion off in the distance. Left and right the pursuing vehicles tried to catch up and apprehend the stolen transport, but to no avail. They were either flipped and thrown, hit an invisible wall, or burned up. A flawless escape appeared to be very tangible for the group. Artolia had ran out of resouces.

Until the helicopters flew in.

A blast, merely meters away from their location, rocked the truck and snapped their attention to the skies. Nova was the first to vocally register the new threat.

"Ahh, shit! They got some killer birds up in the sky now!"

Kerr said nothing, just looking up grimly at the trio of helicopters that had materialised in the sky like dark, remorseless raptors. Fiona just snarled at their presence; words were meaningless at this point. Reserving any energy for fighting the enemy was also beneficial, since the extensive use of her abilities was starting to catch up to her. It was strange this time around, her breathing became shallow every now and then and that strange pain in her shoulder kept coming back. She figured it was due to not utilising her powers in such a manner in so long and it would pass once they were through with this poor defense force.

"I'll handle this one, keep the truck moving."
Lokka got out of his seat and moved to the back of the truck, balancing on the grate of the boot. He faced up toward the sky, helicopter spotlights shone off his emerald eyes. A protective shell encompassed the truck as miniguns rained down upon on the ground, each individual bullet failing to pierce the barrier.

This lasted a for a few minuted before one of the chasers loaded a missile and open fired at the group. The explosive weapon smashed into Lokka's shield causing a noticable flicker in the barrier's physical form. Lokka pushed through his exhaustion to sustain the shield but it was obvious that their pursuers had noticed the weakness. The male's eyes widened as he noticed the other two vehicles simulatenously loading missiles. The missiles fired and as they approached the dwindling shell, Lokka let out a small shout as he forcefully pushed outwards and sent the incoming danger off at undirected angles, with one of the explosives coming into full contact with one of their airborne pursuers. Pieces of the helicopter flew off as it hurtled toward the ground, causing quite a large explosion on the ground far behind the group. Lokka fell to one knee as the shield faded.

"We have a problem!"
He yelled toward his allies. "We can't keep this up!"

Kerr cast a sideways look at Fiona, hoping to catch her gaze. The message was obvious and mutually understood. The fire Destrillian nodded to her gravity counterpart. Even with all their combined powers they would not be able to hold off all of the helicopters' missile attacks if they unloaded all they had at once. Which unfolded before their eyes not a moment later. Six rockets fired off at once aimed right at them.

"Everyone OFF!"
Fiona shouted instinctively. The missiles were milliseconds away.


An extremely banged up shell of the transport slid and screeched on bare axles to an excruciating halt into the side of a steel building. Jettison, Kerr, Lokka and Fiona had all jumped some yards away. The fire prototype landed on her one shoulder which was forced out of place. She took no time to fix it, pulling it back where it belonged with a stifled grunt of pain. As she did so, her eyes and senses scanned the area for enemies. One of the two remaining helicopters were flying away, most likely out of effective ammunition - much to their benefit. The second was searching the trail of the transport carefully with a bright spotlight; a pair of platoons were marching after it.

Jettison landed in a roll to shift her momentum across the whole side of her body, orienting herself upright on her feet and splayed fingers like a spider. Expressionless, she eyed the smoking wreckage as a single soldier finally managed to reach the other side of the truck.

The top of the driver's compartment exploded outward to the side and the soldier flew across the street from the impact as Nova pushed himself out from the wreckage with a slightly miffed expression on his face, attempting to dust himself off by ripping off the tattered remains of his suit jacket and pocketing the now cracked reading glasses that he had forced onto the bridge of his nose before.

He trudged towards the rest of the group, sniffing in discontent. "Argh, blew up our ride. So much for the big steal, huh?"

"We have to improvise!"
Kerr shouted in response. The head injury he had sustained earlier was throbbing with pain, but he was otherwise unhurt.

They collectively made a run for it. No telepathy, hand movements, just running, moving as a single unit. A large and functional vehicle was the only thing they needed to get back to the others with, and their previous attempt was a pile of scrap.

They ran some miles and eventually Lokka spotted a potential new vehicle to get away with. It seemed to have pulled onto the side of the road for, most likely, a break in a long road trip. The car, one of the Normandy models created by the Keris company, was a Winnebago meant to accommodate a good number of people at one time. As soon as she was aware, Fiona immediately acted on retrieving the transport to get back to the others.

"Try not to trash it too much.
" Lokka said to her, sarcastically.

The fire Destrillian sprinted toward the armoured bus of a vehicle and jumped on top of it. Not the most subtle of approaches, but the unexpected lurch from above would catch almost anyone offguard. #004 tried to pry the main door off, but to no avail.

"What kind of shit is this?"

She didn't want to waste any more time messing around and potentially losing this fine catch of a transport. The door seemed bolted, which meant a little heated influence was neccessary. Both hands glowing, Fiona expertly hit all of the sealed points of the door several times, simultaneously blowing fire out of her mouth onto the door. Eventually it gave way to her hasty handiwork. She pried the door open, swooping up and into the Winnebago and grabbing the male driver by the collar of his shirt.

"What the hell?"
he grunted in annoyance, raising an elbow to try and fend the fire Destrillian off.

The defensive manuever was child's play for her and countered with great ease. "Nice wheels, pal! I think I'll take it!" The fire prototype casually flung the man out onto the ground.

The man seemed to be in some form of shock, bordering on trauma. Still, his instincts seemed to make up for the conscious hesitation, as Fiona found a gun drawn on her. It was a compact pistol with a suppressor over the barrel.

It was blunt and ugly, with no doubt of its purpose left in the mind of any who found themselves staring at it.

Fiona kicked it out of his hand contemptuously. "Is that piss poor peashooter supposed to scare me?"

The man seemed to snap out of his fatigue. He scowled at her "Fire bitch!" He leapt to his feet and made a dive at her.

Fiona couldn't help but grin at the lame name-calling. "Yes, that's one my more popular nicknames." She grabbed one of his arms with one hand and put the other on his stomach, hoisting him over her and tossing him some distance. The fire Destrillian ran after him, pinning him to the ground where he fell, shoving a handfull of fire into his face. She grabbed his collar with her free hand.

"Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way! You're getting your ass handed to you no matter what!"
she growled.

He seemed almost mesmerised by the fire in her hand. He then blinked, as if pulling himself out of an abyss. He looked at her with brief disdain.

"So, you're a Destrillian, right?"
he said, meeting her eyes. "I guess those rumours about elemental manipulation aren't the BS I was hoping for, then?"

Fiona was thrown by the unexpected reply. It was usually a "please, no, don't hurt me!" or some manner of crying by this point. Not so with this strange human who looked straight back into her eyes. She replied, even though the urge to waste this insignificnant mercenary was strong.

"Yeah, I'm a Destrillian, which means you're fucked no matter what way you try to squirm out of this."
The hand on his collar jerked him harder into the ground.

The man seemed to consider his options. "If I could move my hand... I'd offer you my middle finger." Hostility flared in his eyes. His lips twisted in a nervous sneer. "A pyrokinetic like you was the first kill of my career. Poor bastard couldn't control it, see. Burnt half a county to the ground."

There was a noticeably malicious gleam in her eyes as she replied. "So it'd be fitting for me to kill you here and now." Fiona brought her hand closer, the flame becoming more intense.

The man shook his head. "Well, if you really want to, don't let me stop you. But it really wouldn't gain you much." He paused, before adding; "Except maybe some extra trouble when my employers come looking for me."

#004 didn't know whether to believe him or not, but she had the upper hand, and information was invaluable to them right now. She allowed him to explain. "Go on, human."

The man trapped below her seemed surprised by these turns of events, but nonetheless attempted a shrug. "I work for one of the provinces of Damascus. I'm here to clean up one of their messes. If I don't let them know the mess has been cleaned up, they're like to get... upset."

"Fiona, either kill the damn human or leave him behind. I don't care which."
Kerr growled impatiently. The group had just been standing to one side whilst the exchange was taking place; the army could not be far behind them and they were wasting time.

"Keep him, at least for now."
Lokka chimed in. "He might have information that may be useful to us. If not, we can use him for insurance getting out of here." The white-haired Destrillian looked the man up and down, sizing him up. It was clear that he didn't pose much of a threat to the five of them at this point.

"Everyone get in!"
Kerr barked as he pushed past Fiona, completely ignoring the human and pulling himself up into the driver's seat. His displeasure at having to spend more time than was necessary with another human stray becoming apparent.

"Oh, get the fuck over yourself, Bones!"
She looked back at the mercenary. "You, you're my new plaything for the next several hours." Fiona hoisted the man up with one arm, practically dragging him back to the Winnebago and throwing him into the small closet in the back. "Try anything funny and you'll see what a real fire bitch is capable of."

"What the hel--?"
the man began to protest, before Fiona struck him casually around the back of the head, knocking him unconscious.

"I'm tired of you talking. Be a good human and shut up for a while.
" She shut the door, keeping the knocked out captive stuck in the tiny space even after he wakes up. The adrenaline pumping through Fiona was slowly wearing off as she lounged in a bed adjacent to the closet, revealing a throbbing pain in the one shoulder that had been ailing her off and on this whole time. The proud fire Destrillian refused to display pain from this strange ache that had no clear physical indication. Her main concern was that the pain felt like it was spreading.

"Everyone on?"
Kerr shouted out the open door. He didn't pause to hear the reply, instead just slamming the door shut and stepping on the accelerator. He recognised the street. In trying to evade the helicopters Nova's driving had brought them reasonably close to Emma and Terra's apartment. He wasted no time in manoevering their big, heavy, stolen vehicle back towards the rendezvous point because there was no longer any time to waste. The military would be right behind them now, they had to have seen them survive the missile attack. It would not be long now until they regrouped and came after the escaping Destrillians in force.

"If they aren't outside in 5 minutes, then we're leaving without them."
Kerr snarled at the occupents in the back of the vehicle as it came to a standstill outside their apartment.

He hoped that everybody had already returned to the apartment. It would be much simpler if they did. Much less fuss.

Fiona made her way to the front of the vehicle as they waited for their comrades and leaned against a wall with her arms crossed and a snide look on her face. "You know, Bones, getting laid might do you some good sometime."

Without taking his eyes off the rear-view mirror, Kerr raised his eyebrows but inwardly bristled at the Fire Destrillian's barbed comment. "Is that a proposition, Fiona?" he replied back in an irritated tone. His mind concentrating solely on the challenge ahead.

"Not in a million years, you murky-eyed bastard." The fiery redhead looked away and out the open door, waiting to see Thetis walk through.

The already small window of oppurtunity that they had to escape Osea without having to fight the full strength of the Artolian Military was closing so fast that if they lingered here for much longer, then it would be closed for good.
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fresh to death
Kram & Thetis // IBC

Kram watched the humans fall one by one on each floor. Wherever he directed his water counterpart, she would kill the unwary guards and he would quietly dispose of them before they inevitably find out. They were already at the 8th floor, only 12 more to go before they would reach Venus.

By the 12th floor, they managed a temporary reprieve as no guards were spotted. Kram looked around carefully and used Dark Sense around the perimeter. Only two cameras were nearby, while the other, irrelevant parts of the floor had countless others. The building was like a maze, no doubt where the floor staff would conduct their meetings on shows like Cherry Honey or Super Judge Brent.

“This floor’s blank, do you want to catch a break? The fight from the androids earlier must have taken a toll on you.” He told her, his voice a little careful due to watching her butcher at least a dozen or more men.

"We don't have time to take breaks, Kram." She said sharply.

“You look tired, cousin. I know you’re confident in your powers as a Destrillian but rest for a moment, you need it.” He insisted. He slumped against the wall as he saw the magnificent skyline of Osea out there from the window; IBC was a spectacle in itself from inside. But looking back at Thetis, he wanted to talk to her a little.

“I’m surprised as well that Viola managed to claim one of my family members too.” he started. The water Destrillian slid down the wall beside him.

"Just an unlucky coincidence, I guess."

There was brief moment of silence between them before Kram used his Dark Sense to run another sweep of the building. The guards below had failed to see any difference or them infiltrating IBC. He sighed and returned to the matter at hand

“It’s just wrong... Why would our parents do this to us? We don't deserve this" he said, extending his hand as Dark Matter hissed through it.

"I'm sure mom and uncle--" Kram felt uncomfortable for a moment, maybe perhaps he didn't want to offend her. "--had their reasons. But I wanna know why they gave us up. I never got to see mom and my real father because I was raised by Viola and became a Destrillian when I was only 6." he explained to Thetis.

"At least you never knew what it was like,"

He tilted his head slightly; he couldn't convey his confusion, as the helmet prevented it from doing so. "What do you mean, cousin?” he asked as politely as possible.

"I know I had something,” she said “It’s just that I can’t remember it."

He turned away from her, no memory, no sense of any semblance to the past unlike him, who was grown in captivity but still had portions of his memories, his heart sank a little. He couldn’t find words to express how he felt towards the fact that she lived a life filled with misery and no sense of understanding of where she was going.

“I’m sorry.” Was all he could say, he reached out his good arm and patted her affectionately, for a second and then returned to viewing the skyline before them, Osea was sleeping and yet it was still filled to the brim with conflict and hazy, deceptive activities.

“I’m so sorry you had to go through all that.”

"Whatever," she said with a trace of sadness in her voice. “I still dream about them."

"Dreams..." he said quietly. In the end of the day, his brethren and his cousin deep down longed for something that they could possibly never attain: a loving family.

Filled with confidence, he got up from his position, faced her and kneeled down to her level, he patted her shoulders again with his two hands and stared at her, from her point of view it was no doubt a strange and surreal scene with his helmet.

“Don’t be sad, Thetis. Gramps..." he paused for a second, his eyes slightly watering as he controlled himself once more “Gramps always had optimism and the determination, in the long run it'll always pay off. Whatever happens, cousin, we’ll get through this. You won’t feel the stained sadness of doubt and loss anymore. You’re my family. ” He clenched his fist in determination and hugged her.

Thetis glared at him, swatting his arms away as she rose to her feet. Kram's comments had pushed her over the edge. To be introduced to a relative after 14 years of having no-one, then being expected to welcome them into your life? It was too much for her. "I only met you 6 hours ago, don’t try and act like you’re my family!"

Kram shook his head in disagreement. “Once we get mom out of here and head for Audoula, we’ll have plenty of time. To make up for the moments you’ve lost, everything. I promise. I know it’s too much to bear now, but I’m sorry I wasn’t there. But I’m here now, as a Destrillian and as your cousin.” He bowed to her knees, feeling guilty for failing to be there before standing up and turning away from her, to look at the neon lit city of Osea.

“It’s just how I was raised, cousin. I am that attached to everyone, even Destrillians who are as dangerous and ruthless like Salem or Castiel.” He admitted.

"It's your weakness, not mine." Thetis said with a shrug.

He turned back to her, but didn’t face her.

“It’s never a weakness, Thetis.” He said.

After that, he silently made another sweep with Dark Sense; the guards at the ground floor were looking for the first Victim Thetis killed. It was getting suspicious as of now; he suspected that they’ve lingered in their spot for too long.

“We have to move, they’re looking for Wilson at ground floor. You’re all rested up?” he turned back to Thetis.

“Let’s go.” She said.

They continued their journey towards Venus, Kram constantly used his Dark Sense to ensure that she was at the same spot and not moving, as far as he can tell they assumed that she would never be able to escape. Upon arriving at the 15th floor, the guard count increased, forcing the both of them to quietly out manoeuvre the patrol units.

“You don’t need to kill them.” He assured Thetis as they proceeded to enter the 16th floor. Worried that she might just snap another guard's neck and clearing him out of the way would be another difficult task.

"If you want to get out of here alive, you'll let me do what I have to do,"

“We can still try and get Mom out without alerting them! You can do what you want if I think they're dangerously close!" he hissed quietly, worried that they could compromise the mission if Thetis snaps another guard's neck now.

"Don't think that you can tell me what to do, Kram." She hissed.

Kram merely gulped in shock, he nodded uneasily "I didn’t mean it that way, cousin!! Sorry for my outburst, I'm kind of anxious because of the amount of these idiots lingering around." without another word, primarily without any intentions to insult her any further, he gave way for her to the 16th floor.

Upon arriving at the stair well of the 16th floor, Kram had to tell Thetis to stop. Everywhere, littered around were guards loaded with deadlier sets of fire arms than the ones he saw during his sweep below.

“Fuck.” Kram swore under his breath.

"The pair closest to us, take them out and use them as shields if you have to. I'll go for the one on the left," she advised Kram.

“Understood. This is where trouble begins." he sighed under his breath.

“Kill them. Given half the chance, they'd kill you." She said.

“I will. Let's get this started. Mom's only 4 floors above.“ he reminded her.

A simple breath from the both of them and the two Destrillians rushed towards their respective targets at near blinding speeds, Kram grabbed the guard and filled his mouth with Dark Matter, instantly knocking him out. Using his left hand, he directed his aim at the nearest guards to him before they were alerted, instantly knocking all of them out to unconsciousness. He pressed forward a couple of meters from the stairway upwards to create a perimeter for his cousin to escape. The last guard turned around in horror as he dodged Kram’s Dark Matter stream.

Thetis on the other hand grabbed her victim and held the submachine gun, she opened fire at her opponents; she fired a precise single shot against her victims from the left. Despite her aiming, she missed the last two guards as they ducked for cover, Kram failed to secure one of them as well, his guard ducked at the right wing. He could hear him calling for back up.

“Thetis! Get going! The stairs are behind me! Go, go, go!! I’ll handle the remaining guards!” he alerted her.

When Kram reached the next floor, he found Thetis was uninjured.

“Not bad, Thetis. I was wrong to doubt you.” He said proudly, giving her the thumbs up.

"Two more floors, right?"

“Yeah, please take guard at this floor, the elevators on my last sweep are unavailable at the moment. I’m gonna sweep the last two floors, this will take a while. I gotta see what we’re up against.” He told her.

“You take point.” She told him. Kram nodded and stayed near the stairwell at the front stairs leading to the 18th floor while Thetis took arms behind him and guarded the stairs leading to the floors below, concentrating quickly, Kram took another sweep of the floors with Dark Sense.

The floor above were now swarming with guards heading towards their direction, the 19th floor are preparing for their inevitable arrival, with notable guards that didn’t seem to fit with the other standard ones. These men were apparently trained to repel any form of intrusion such as terrorists and the violent mobsters of The Orange Zone, this worried Kram momentarily. But they’ve never been able to face a Destrillian head on yet, a one hope spot he decided to cling to.

The Destrillians bolted from floor to floor, every so often killing a stray security guard who was unfortunate enough to wander into their path.

Kram drew his knives from his belt before turning to Thetis.

“We have to hurry and get Mom out of here…Now. IRIN is possibly gonna get involved if we drag out too long. There’s at least a dozen more ahead.”

"Right." She picked up a gun from the floor "Don't use too much energy, we have to get back out again."

Kram tossed her another vial of EBS. “Use this, I got a feeling we're gonna need a dose to get out. I found two possible exits for us three. "

She threw it back to Kram "Save it for later. How are we gonna get out?"

Catching the vial and stashing it without objection, he massaged his neck and thinking about the matter, trying to remember the building with his last Dark Sense sweep. "There's the elevator that can take us down... and I don't mean the old fashioned way, we're gonna have to cut the line and force it down. Another alternative is using my line to climb down outside, at least we aren't in the 100th floor. " he said.

"We'll use the second one ONLY when we don't have a choice, there's an exit near one of the elevators that could take us straight to Fang for a quick get away before IRIN arrives."

"Elevators are too much of a risk, not even a Destrillian could take the impact if we cut the line this high" she warned Kram.

" I've experienced a higher fall than this before. Just climb unto me and I'll do the rest. " he gave her an assured thumb's up. To emphasize the safety of the first plan, he bashed the armour he was encased in. "This baby can take a fall higher than what we're going to do. So don't worry about me."

"Alright, let's go." She said.

Without another word, Kram went forward and pinned himself against the wall, he made another small sweep with Dark Sense to get a further clear view of how many were gathering now. He alerted Thetis to his side.

As the both of them treaded through and dispatching guard after guard with their respective methods, Kram didn’t care about his vow not to kill when it came to Thetis, surprisingly it didn’t unhinge him anymore; in fact he was glad that she was there to help him get through this. He had his way and she had her own, it was the first step he’d come to respect her with in their progress as cousins.

Noticing she was running out of ammunition with her pistol, Kram picked up a decent working assault rifle from the remains of a guard and tossed it towards her along with clips of the weapon.

“ I trust you enough to use these, Thetis. The guys upstairs are loaded with deadlier weaponry be careful.” He said as he threw a knife towards the last guard at the right flank.

"It's the last floor right? I think powers will be enough," she said as she tossed her pistol away.

" If you're cool with it. " he said as he picked up his knife from the wounded guard and kicked him to unconsciousness.

Both Destrillians approached the final floor, Kram performing one last sweep with Dark Sense on both above and below, he was suspicious about the lack of resistance emerging from the floors below. Concentrating as hard as he can, he tried to communicate with her via telepathy.

Thetis… no one’s coming from below… and the opponents above are suspiciously calm… It’s too good to be true… just like those video games….

Should I go first?

Do you... have ... your... rifle....? He tried to communicate with her via telepathy to keep the group ahead calm and unwary of their impending arrival but it was strenuous and difficult to maintain speech, having only used the shadows and darkness as his medium for telepathic communications before.

Don't need it. I've paced myself.

Alright. ...Give them... hell, I'll ....cover you. He said finally, staying behind this time while giving her to let loose against the guards while still monitoring the status of the guards below.


“You're not serious are you?” Resal calmly said into the intercom on her desk. A panic stricken voice replied from it “Yes ma'am, it's exactly as I said. Two unknown individuals have broken into the building and are making their way upwards. All attempts to subdue them have failed.”

Resal slumped back in her chair looking unimpressed. “Great, just great. Well what do these two 'intruders' look like?”

“From what I've heard ma'am there appears to be a blue-haired girl somewhere in her early 20's and the other one is possibly a male dresses in what looks like some kind of insect-gimp suit, age indeterminable.”

Of all the things Resal had expect to hear, that was certainly not one of them. Insect-gimp suit? Perhapse it's that flamboyant jackass that was shown on the news screwing around with the military along with the resurfaced Destrillians... Blue hair possibly denotes that the girl is a Destrillian. Well now this is certainly interesting, at least enough to alert the higher ups.

“Alright, looks like a couple of freaks have decided to cause trouble here. Just keep them busy for the moment and I'll make some calls for reinforcements.”

“Yes, ma'am!” The guard on the other end replied and Resal hit a button on the intercom to end the call. She paused for a moment, then picked up the phone and dialled some numbers into it. There was no wait as it seemed whoever she was calling picked up right away.

“Yes, what is it?”

“It's me. Apparently a Destrillian has wandered into the IBC building and is causing trouble, no idea what they want or why they'd be here.”

“This is an unexpected move, I wouldn't have figured there was anything of value to their kind there, and I seriously doubt they're after you.” The voice replied in a calm tone.

“Of course, no one knows my connections so it's impossible for those sub-species to. But now that I think about it, maybe there is something here they might come after.”

“Oh? You're not suggesting THAT are you?”

“Why not? We assumed that sooner or later a relative might come snooping around here, so is it too far-fetched to think one of these things might be?”

“Interesting point. So then if that indeed is what they're after, what course of action do you suggest we take?”

“I've got the building's security trying to slow them down, but I've never seen regular human soldiers make much of a stand against a Destrillian, therefore I'd suggest calling in better a better prepared military organization.”

“I think I understand what you're getting at, alright I'll make some calls. Shouldn't be too hard for IRIN to respond since they've amassed a sizeable force in Osea already.”

“Why thank you Avidez, does this mean I owe you one?”

“You wouldn't pay me back anyway...” Avidez replied, after which he had hung up so Resal couldn't get the last word in, which of course made her pout. But that didn't bother her too much, for soon the festivities would begin. She got up out of her chair and headed towards the door.

I'd better not be late then if I want a good seat...


Kram had knocked the last guard out with a simple roundhouse kick laced with Dark Matter. Thetis dispatched her prey with a single pistol shot.

The 20th floor was quiet, not a soul could be seen and the dark skies outside were giving Kram a foreboding mood of something terrible to happen if he did not act quick.

“We’re here… She’s just a few doors ahead.” He addressed Thetis.

"You go first," She stepped to the side to let him pass.

Kram briefly hesitated for a moment, unaware of what lay ahead nor is sure about what would his mother tell him when she sees him, or if he would even recognize her. He took a deep breath and beckoned Thetis to follow him. He arrived at a hall with a lot of brown doors facing towards what appeared to be a Studio set, lined with a large series of posters.

It would have been wrong to say that Thetis wasn't nervous. As she walked around wooden structures that she could only assume were parts of a movie set, the water Destrillian took a moment to think. Her aunt, this stranger, was only minutes away. What would she look like? How would she speak? Would she know anything about the rest of the family? What was she going to say?

Thetis paused. What was there to say? She trailed behind Kram as they traversed their way around the backdrops of various locales.

Kram looked around the set, one from an episode of Cherry Honey which he was familiar with. One where his mother was forced to play for a long 20 years, he wondered how they had been treating her. Ralph’s ambiguous message prior to arrive here lingered in his thoughts...

Raising another hand for Thetis to stop, he took the time to sense the direction of where his mother was. Making sure that she was at the same floor, he sent another sweep of Dark Sense around the entire floor. And sure enough, her signal still remained at the same area.
He could not wait, all these spinning thoughts and concerns for her safety and his general feeling of abandonment, he wanted to know why she left him to Viola. Why he was forced to go through everything they had done to him and to Thetis. He ran towards the strength of the signal.

He arrived to another set of halls, this time a cold and dark area, no doubt the rooms of the casts for them to change during breaks. He ran upwards, beckoning Thetis to follow him, he trailed the signal to the far end of the floor where the emotional strength got stronger as he drew closer.

He stopped at the foot of the door labelled ‘Andrea Cameron’. He clenched his right fist. Judging from the door’s appearance and locks, they spent a great amount of time to keep her in here. He turned to Thetis and nodded.

She’s here. He communicated to her via telepathy.

There was a nod and a deep intake of breath as Thetis waited for the door to open.
‘READY’ Kram charged the belt.

‘Exceed Charge’ the HUD said; sending a vast amount of Dark Matter to his right leg and he kicked the door down with extreme force and rushed inside, knife ready and his ferocity at its edges. Thetis followed in instantly.

He saw a woman at the bed, startled by the sudden burst and noticed her hand was hand cuffed to the bed, the windows barred unlike the other areas of the building. Her face pale with fear and shock, she looked very young in her early 20’s. And her eyes were abnormally coloured pinkish red, while her hair was light pink or pink blonde; in all essence she looked old enough to be his elder sister due to her spiky hair and the shape of her mouth.
“Wh-who!?” she whimpered at the both of them.

Kram was shocked and surprised. It couldn’t be.

“You two…” she said carefully, trying to maintain her modest composure infront of them. “ You’re the two I’ve seen in the news… The Dark Rider,” she indicated to Kram, who flinched slighty “And …” she looked at Thetis in a puzzled manner, while trying to remove the handcuffs from her person.

"I'm Thetis," the water Destrillian didn’t turn from her watch at the door. She didn't want to look. They couldn't lose their focus, not now.

Venus turned her attention to Kram as he approached her and broke the handcuffs from her bed, shortly after he removed his helmet. She looked at his face, the same mouth as her own, and her own spiky hair similar to his and his nearly effminate face very similar to Otoya’s, save for those tear drop-like tattoos on his cheeks, she was staring at a spitting image of her deceased lover.

“Otoya!?” she exclaimed in shock. The emotional burden weighed heavier on Kram’s mind, it was truly his own flesh and blood. His mother, Venus Alcesteos was infront of him in the flesh.

“ I’m…not him. I’m Kramskov Walker Niet,” he said quietly, shying away from her face. She insistently directed it back to her gaze and her eyes watered. He broke the silent conversation as quick as he could, time was short.

“She’s your niece… And uncle Hector’s daughter.” He indicated back to Thetis who was watching the door and keeping an eye out for them.

She clasped her mouth in shock and tearfully embraced Kram. It became apparent as to why Hector didn’t want to speak to her as much; he too was carrying the same weight of guilt. She looked at the both of them and held Kram tightly.

Thetis ran her fingers through her hair before taking a deep breath. She was a little bit scared. Turning to face her newfound relative, the scowl on Thetis' face faded to a sad smile.

“I can’t believe this is happening. I never thought I’d see you again. Kram, my son; Thetis, my niece. Hector you idiot.” She let go of Kram and approached Thetis, hugging her as well. She felt awkward and emotionally burdened by seeing not one but two of the family members after going through a horrendous episode with The Sponsors prior.

“You look beautiful, Thetis.” She said affectionately, holding a few strands of her white hair as she tearfully hugged her.

A blush painted Thetis' cheeks as she looked down and muttered something inaudible under her breath.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what Viola did to you but I’m sorry my stupid brother let them do this. I’m sorry what happened to the both of you. Forgive me.” she tearfully said as she continued hugging Thetis.

“Mom! What the hell happened?” Kram asked, she turned back to him.

“You look...”

“I know. It’s a long story.” She said as she patted Thetis affectionately and turned her attention to Kram.

“What have they done to you? How is this even possible?” he asked her.

“I’ve been a result of years worth of experimentations. Your father, real father Otoya Richmond Niet was the one who created these things within my body.” She said. Kram looked back at her, unimpressed and unconvinced. Why would the man who was biologically his father do this to her?

“Yeah I got that part that he was the one who did this, the question is: why would he do allow them? It doesn't make any sense for this to happen at all!”

Venus held herself and looked coarsely downwards in shame, extremely reluctant to say something until she gave in. "He didn’t. They performed the experiment without his knowledge.” she said.

Kram looked back at Thetis and to his mother, everything from his birth to his own relative’s grief, it was all done by Viola. He massaged his head as he tried to picture and piece everything by what happened, and above all what would be the next course for them once they get out. First it was IRIN who keeps getting in the way and now the shades of Viola continue to haunt them till this day.

“More importantly,” she addressed them both. “ You two have to get out of here. I can’t, I can’t escape with you,” she said sadly. She didn't admit it yet, but she failed to divulge to them the complexity of the nanites in her body and with the knowledge of Resal and her lackey Hurrikan controlling them, it would be difficult to determine how they would even try escaping without her dying.

“I can’t allow that,” Kram protested, his face glaring at her but he tried to fill the tone of his voice with gentleness, in spite of Joe's death. “We came all this way to ensure that you be free of this horrid corporation, and gramps died doing so,” he said flatly.

"You're leaving with us. That's that." Thetis folded her arms and stared at Venus. "We didn't come all this way to turn back empty handed."

“It’s not that I don’t WANT to leave.” She snapped back at the both of them. “I can’t! someone in this building has a certain device that could electrocute me if I leave IBC’s vicinity. Some man named Hurrikan, and my boss Resal Demonio are taking great measures to prevent me from leaving.” she said sadly.

Kram sighed heavily and massaged the temple of his forehead. He did not think that they would create this kind of a detailed quandary just for one woman, it didn’t occur to him how valuable his mother would be in various fields. She was the only one with proof that nanites exist and is quite a rare feat even in today's world.. He didn't care, he would free her from this horrid servitude.

Thetis pulled Kram over to one side "What do you wanna do? Our ride leaves in 2 hours, we've gotta make it quick."

Kram nodded, they have a short time to pull this off or else it’ll be a doomed plan, he had to think quick and the only person he knew how to solve this problem was halfway to Canctra. Without any other choice, he placed the helmet on quickly.

“Contacting encrypted number. Standing By.” The HUD said.

“Ralph.” He contacted Kram.

“It’s me, Bro.” Ralph said on the other end. Venus twitched up at the sound of the HUD from her son’s helmet.

“The situation is far worse I’ve anticipated, Mom’s been bugged with something in her body that’s going to fry her if she leaves the building. She says someone has the device but we have no time to do so” he said urgently.

“ Judging from the report dad got, they’ll only work if her heart rate is above a certain point, like if she’s excited or frightened, the best move for now is to temporarily incapacitate her so the device they have won’t be effective in the slightest until you bring her to me. I’m preparing a chemical component with EMP capabilities that will remove any tracers within her, but you have to get her to me” Ralph said.

“Understood. Over and out,” Kram nodded and removed the helmet again and looked back at Thetis.

“Once we get to the lower floors, we’ll have to knock mom out. Ralph said it’s the only way we’re going to get her out of here without them pulling the switch on her.” He told Thetis.

"You can have the honours." She said.

The both of them turned back to Venus, who was confused and felt scared by what they were about to do.

“ Kram. Thetis. Thank you.” She bit her lip uneasily.

“Let’s go.” Kram said.

Kram placed on his helmet again, he nodded and Thetis checked the outside hallway, it was clear for the time being. The both of them went on towards the exit with Venus slowly trailing behind them, it was only made apparent by now that they saw how fast they could be compared to a human, Venus struggled to keep up with them. Despite being enhanced by the only nanites known to the world, she wasn’t bestowed with the attributes of the Destrillians, to compensate, Kram stayed behind to help her while Thetis took point.

Venus remained in the middle of the group, shifting her gaze left and right, frightened and uncertain that her son and niece would be ambushed any second. She was well experienced enought to know that anything can happen in IBC, and that they are not a force to be trifled with, especially if it concerns something of a profitable value to them. What Resal said before imprisoning her forcefully continued to weigh heavily on her, about the mysterious Sponsors and what they are capable of.

Thetis suddenly stopped in her tracks and halted the both of them. Kram looked forward in confusion as to what was wrong.

"Kram?” Thetis’ voice rose above the skeletal set-pieces “We’ve got a problem.” Their rescue mission had taken too much time, and it was only natural that IBC had identified them by now. As Kram rounded the corner to meet his companion, he was greeted by a less than welcome sight. A security squadron had surrounded the trio and blocked their exit, pale faces and pistols peeping from behind the looming wooden structures. Voices crackled and died on communicators, but otherwise, there was silence. In all honesty, Thetis had had enough of killing for the day. It was so primative, so savage. Yes, she was made to kill humans, but that didn't mean it didn't get tedious.

"I'm a Destrillian!" Thetis paused, although she was anticipating some form of theatrically exaggerated gasp from her audience. Nothing. Her voice grew a little bit louder, as if to punctuate her point. "You're in my way!"

Silence. Not one of them moved a muscle. Humans were brave, Thetis had known that from the beginning. But that didn't make them any less stupid.

She sprinted towards her enemy, building her momentum with a swing around a piece of scaffolding. Before the soldiers could register her speed, a guard was tackled to the ground, his head hitting the concrete with an unmistakable crack that was music to the Destrillian’s ears. Thetis lunged to her nearest target, clamping her hand over his mouth before un-holstering his pistol.

Three men fell to the floor with bullets in their heads. The air retched with gagging sounds as the man in Thetis’ grip began to succumb to the water that was filling his lungs. Dropping his lifeless body to the floor, the blue-haired Prototype focused her attention on the remaining soldiers, one of which had decided to charge her head on in some kind of misguided suicide attempt. Blood blossomed over the fabric of her hi-tops as the soldier’s face collapsed beneath her foot. So fragile.

Another soldier lunged at the Destrillian, combat knife drawn. Thetis’ muscles moved involuntarily as she ducked the swing of the blade before using the man’s movements to send him flying into the backdrop of some moonlit balcony. There was a sickening crunch as the final three men were swept into a brick wall by a crest of water. Their backup would have to wait.

"We need to go!" The stoicism in her voice had vanished, replaced by the urgent tone of someone who knew all too well what was coming if they hung around. After a long day with little rest, Thetis couldn't be sure that the pair of them could take much more.


“Alright let's get this over with, where are they?!” Vargas yelled as a pair of soldiers threw open the doors to the room, allowing the IRIN CEO and General Circe to stride into the room. Their attention was immediately fixated on the two people standing in the room already, who seemed to have been beating up guards. Vargas' gaze was dead fixed on Thetis as he had finally came face to face with one of the Destrillians who had destroyed Viola four years ago. He grinned then pointed at the girl.

“Thetis Alcesteos, prototype three! While not my first preference, fate has indeed been kind to throw you right at my feet!”

"Prototype Six." Thetis spat at the all too familiar face from four years ago. She took a few steps back to Kram and Venus. Seth Vargas was unpredictable, and with IRIN behind him, the prospect of escaping was becoming slimmer by the second. They needed to be careful. "What do you want?"

Vargas shrugged “I could never remember which one was which.” And pushed his sunglasses up along his nose before continuing.

“Now what do I want....what do I want. Well first thing's first, little lady, four years ago you lot were supposed to perish along with Viola, and unfortunately that didn't happen. So you see now this, this just doesn't sit well with me since I'm renowned for making things become dead – so I'm sure you'll understand that I simply need to take care of unfinished business...” He finished by adjusting his tie.

"Looks like you've got a pretty big job on your hands," Thetis drew herself out of her slouch. She wasn't going to back down from a challenge like that. A smug smile spread across her face as she spoke in a self confident drawl. "How's the motel clean-up going?"

“Hah hah! It's going pretty swell, it's just a shame they aren't cleaning you off the pavement as well.”

Thetis glared at Vargas and gave an indignant grunt.

He turned his head for a moment to exchange glances with Circe then looked back at the water Destrillian, and then over to the person standing next to her.

“You I don't even care who or what you are, but judging from the ridiculous look of your outfit I'd say you're some kind of flunky of ol’ Faiz.”

Kram's face twitched and indicated Venus with his arm to join her niece.

"Mom, leave me. This old man and I have something to discuss." he said coarsely. She nodded and stepped aside to join her niece as he turned his attention back to Seth Vargas. Kram knew him alright, but he didn't know that he had such connections to Viola. Drawing a single knife from his belt, he pointed at the middle aged man.

"You, what have you done to mom? Why did you send those--things--after gramps!?" he spat at Vargas. Despite being tired from their journey and the fight prior, not to mention the pain starting to kick in from his hands, he was begining to fume with anger once again.

“Whoa whoa whoa, one question at a time bug-eyes.” Vargas replied in a mocking tone, then snapped his fingers on his right hand in the direction of Kram

“First question. Something about nano-machines doing something that stops her from aging or something. No idea really, this stuff predates my work.”

He snapped his fingers again. “Second question. I sent the two lovely ladies after ol’ Faiz because he did something he wasn't supposed to, and he sure as hell should have known I'd respond in this manner if someone starts sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.”

Kram's body was shaking slightly, this man, Seth Vargas, wasn't a leader for nothing. Each words pierced him with authority and the bluntness of a superior, similar to his commanders from his participation in the wars years back. Regaining his composure, he tried to speak as calm as possible.

"I can tell that you're not gonna let me and my family leave quietly," he told Vargas as he took a secondary knife and threateningly assumed his deadly stance.

"But I'm not going to let this end here! Like it or not, I'll take you and everyone in this room!" he snapped back at Vargas, it was a big risk saying those words. He was wounded from his hands and starting to feel tired from the fight they had been through up to this point.

“Yeah sure kid, you do that.” Vargas replied, clearly not impressed by the melodramatic performance. He turned his head towards Circe once again and nodded to her, who then simply responded by stating in a cold voice.

“Kill them all.”

Not even a few seconds later, all the windows in the room were smashed as IRIN soldiers came rappelling in from above. The moment they landed their weapons were already raised and pointed at the three targets in the center of the room.

Vargas grinned. “Well now it's time to die, Destrillian and comic book reject. So that's all for today.” After which he gave them a wave as he turned towards the doorway and proceeded to walk through as did Circe, leaving Thetis, Kram and Venus alone with the large group of soldiers.

The troopers cocked their rifles, all prepared to fire at a heartbeat. It almost seemed like it was the end of the line for the two Destrillians as they were surrounded from all sides and heavily outnumbered. Thetis glanced from the shattered glass window to the line of soldiers that stood between the pair of Destrillians and their exit. This really had been the worst day in quite a while. Filled with conflicts from start to finish, with no rest in between; there was no chance #006 could take on this new threat unscathed. She could see Kram out of the corner of her eye. He was shaking, whether with fear or anger, Thetis couldn't tell. If Kram's previous actions had given the water Prototype any hint of his disposition, she knew that he was impulsive. The slightest step out of turn, a single fault or fumble, and they'd both be dead. Yellow orbs scanned the ceiling.

Pipes that led to sprinklers.

Kram’s fists were shaking, enraged by what Seth Vargas had done to Joe and how callous he was, now that he has calmed down. He could see the man leaving with the woman who ordered their deaths, it wasn’t a second and all of his troops descended. He quickly turned his attention to Thetis and Venus, in a panicked voice.

“Thetis! Cover mom!!!” Kram yelled as he dove straight ahead to cover Thetis and Venus before they rained down bullets upon them. The armour was durable and strong enough to protect him from harm, but he could feel the pain filling his hands, the wounds sustained from the earlier fight at the shop had left Kram with half his strength and potential. He had regretted not fighting them fully armoured but still didn’t falter at the current situation, he charged at the soldiers to pave a path for Venus and Thetis.

"IDIOT!" the screech of Thetis' voice ripped across the gunfire as she pushed Venus behind a steel storage crate for cover. A storm of bullets whistled by the Destrillian as she attempted to evade each by a hair's breadth. Not good enough. #006 was caught on the arch of a dodge, metal slugs plucking at denim and flannel as they tore the surface of her flesh, Howls of pain went unheard as a bullet clipped Thetis' kneecap and the leg crumpled beneath her.

Whether it was the primal instincts of a Destrillian or the anger that uncoiled within Thetis like a spring, her powers reacted to her pain. A flex of the fingers, a groan of metal, and water burst from the sprinklers like a monsoon rain. As men were crushed under the weight of her power, the Destrillian shouted over to her counterpart.

"We need to get out of here!" Thetis winced in pain as she shuffled towards Venus, taking her by the arm and pulling her out of cover. The IBC starlet didn't protest as she was dragged to the exit, pink eyes darting from soldier to soldier as tendrils of water threw them backwards as if they were nothing more than ragdolls.

"Take her down to the lower floors and knock her out! Just go! I'll fend these guys off and follow!" he yelled back at her as he stalked Vargas and Circe towards their original exit.

"Thetis! Are you okay?? Hang in there!" she asked the water Destrillian as she effortlessly defeated IRIN troopers. She was worried about her exhausting herself, at this point she felt the need to call Kram back so they could just leave while they still can. Ragged breaths fell from Thetis' mouth as she bent double to catch a break. She gritted her teeth and spoke with reluctant finality.

"We can't leave without Kram."

"Damn it!! Where is the hell is that stupid child?!" she said in an irritated tone as Thetis dragged her along downstairs, worried about her own son.

Kram wasn't going to let Vargas and Circe get away so easily. Joe's honour and death weighed on him heavily, as he defeated a couple of troopers blocking the way. Kram was determined to capture him then and now. He ran towards the helipad where they were. He stopped dead on his tracks, seeing them board the VTOL to leave the scene. Kram's gritted his teeth in fury as he dashed towards them as fast as he could run, with the armour's weight slowing him down slightly and panting heavily due to running out of breath.

"Vargas!! Come face me, Coward!!! My fight is with you!!!" he yelled with all his might and rage against the man who ordered his surrogate father's death. He could see the helicopter about to lift off and depart, he pushed himself further to reach the vehicle and turned his Baton accelerator on, hoping to at least disable the helicopter long enough to capture him, he sent a large slash of Dark Matter at it, but it only hit half his target. His hands were getting weaker due to the wounds sustained from Zwei and Drei's fight and overusing his powers to locate Venus prior. Upon landing at the hard steel of the helipad he knelt down, catching his breath, wheezing and punching the helipad's floor for failing to capture him.

"Damn! Damn it to hell!!" he wheezed in frustration.

“Sorry Kid, looks like you were too slow. Ciao!” Vargas called back as he stood at the open doorway of the VTOL, after which he made the gesture of a thumbs up towards something unseen, and with that the VTOL flew away, leaving Kram alone on the Helipad. At least, it seemed that way.

“SO, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE ONE OF THESE DESTRILLIANS THEN?!” A voiced boomed over what sounded like some kind of speaker. Not a moment later a large humanoid-looking machine arose from the abyss below the edge of the helipad. The machine was massive, coloured a shiny black with dark blue detailing, with large wings attached to its back.

Kram breathed heavily and massaged his hands from the pain. This strange humanoid machine staring him in the face, he felt a cold fear tingle down his spine. The size of the large machine with its large wings glowing made him all the more regret his move to run after Vargas. Panting and tired, he stood up from his kneeling position and flicked his right wrist in defiance.

"Maybe. That large chunk of metal isn't gonna frighten me." he wheezed. He tried to put up the brave facade, and trying to slowly encircle himself away from the terrifying machine in order to escape towards the entrance. He was in over his head this time and his recklessness paid for it badly.

“IS THAT SO? WELL THEN, PERHAPS THIS WILL” At which the machine pointed its right arm at Kram and lowered the hand, bringing attention to a pair of gun barrel's mounted on the forearm.

“EAT LEAD YOU FREAK!” The voice yelled at Kram, and an instant later the barrels began spewing 50 calibre shells onto the helipad.

"Oh shit!!" Kram swore as the ammunition from the machine rattled the helipad without a second to lose, he ducked near the quickest supply box at the helipad as the machine rained down bullets on the environment. The odds were not in his favour, he was out of breath and extremely tired, with supply boxes scattered around the helipad, all he could do was use them for cover until he could muster enough strength to get out of there. At his current condition, that chance was extremely slim.

Suddenly the gunfire stopped. “DON'T THINK YOU CAN JUST HIDE LIKE A COWARD, YOU LITTLE COSTUMED PUNK!” And the machine rose its arm above its head then slammed it down on the helipad, shaking the whole floor but narrowly missing Kram with its impact.

Despite severely weakened and barely holding up his strength, Kram made for cover against the boxes to hide from potential enemy fire after the impact. He checked his sides, his leg and left arm were already spewing electricity wires, a sign of failure from the armour.

"Warning. Critical power failure detected. Maintenance required." The HUD said as electrical sparks flew from his legs and arms, Kram growled in pain coupled with his wounds and already tired condition.

He panted heavily as he looked at the direction of the entrance and the huge machine. Mustering an ounce of whatever strength he had, Kram summoned a pair of small Dark Matter grasshoppers and clenched them at his fists and took a pair of knives he had at his person. Ducking behind the boxes, painting and looking back and forth at his opponent and the exit, Kram prepared to counter attack and make a quick escape. The boxes scattered along the sides going to the entrance would serve as great cover in case he opened fire.

"Hah!! I'm not the cowardly human hiding behind some giant machine!!" he retorted back out loud as he fired the last two pairs of Dark Matter Grasshoppers attached to a pair of knives he saved at the left leg of the machine's joints, hoping to weaken it. Taking a deep breath, he used whatever ounce of strength he had left to dart for the entrance with all he has, the escape was extremely tiring and heavy due to the armour weighing heavier than usual, most likely due to power failure on the left limb and legs. Whatever the chance, he would make it for the exit and get out of there as soon as possible. The entrance was near, tired and weak from the fight, he used his instincts to direct him to safety. Survival was all he could hope for at this moment.

The grasshoppers and knives bounced harmlessly off the machine's armour, causing the booming voice to speak up once again.


The machine began to move once again, this time its left arm reached behind its back and withdrew what appeared to be some kind of gun. It took aim right at Kram and as the trigger was pulled, a massive shell came hurtling from the gun's barrel and impacting into the helipad, causing the whole thing to erupt into a large explosion which sent debris flying in all directions.

Kram felt the shockwave of the explosion hurtle him into the entrance where he came from as debris destroyed whatever functionality of the armour he had on right now, coupled with wounds and a half destroyed helmet. Kram landed hard against the wall and fell to the floor.

"System Failure. Shutting Down." The HUD's static voice finally said before all of the suit's capabilities died out.

"OUCH!!!" he yelled in pain as he regained movement. Slowly crawling away towards the area to meet with Thetis and Venus, he panted as each crawl brought a lot more pain and weakened him severely, The armour carried to much weight for some reason after he regained his memories. If he were to reunite with Ralph again, he had a few words for him. But for now, it's trying to get out of here with the three of them or else this would have been done for nothing.

"Thetis!! Mom!!" he called out in pain. To be reduced to this much after a fight like that, Kram felt lucky to even be alive after the encounter. Ralph was going to face serious competition is all Kram could think of at that moment as he tried to call his mother and cousin to him.

The sound of Kram's cry for help echoed down the stairwell, and his fellow Destrillian skidded to a halt, turned on her heel and dashed up to the top floor, Venus in tow. A low growl caught in her throat as each step was taken with a limp, a jolt of pain shooting through her knee with every step.

So when she reached the top floor, the water Destrillian felt a strange sense of smugness as she caught glimpse of Kram slumped on the floor, trapped in his broken armour. She had warned him. Going against IRIN soldiers was one thing, but actively chasing after Seth Vargas? It seemed like the 'Dark Rider' had a death wish. The water Destrillian crouched beside him, wary of the stray electrical wires that crept over his suit like poison ivy. "You're an idiot." Thetis said bluntly as she hoisted Kram to his feet and guided his arm around her shoulder.

Kram snickered weakly. "Heh. At least you guys are safe " he wheezed. Venus just approached him and slapped him angrily, enraged that he had to go that far just to chase down Seth Vargas. Seeing him after 19 years and now risking his life for petty revenge did not sit well with her. The pain from the tough helmet did not help with her disposition either.

"Stop acting like a stupid Comic Book hero, Kram! This is reality! You can't just charge in like I always do in these stupid sets without risking your life! Just because you're ... you're... not Human anymore doesn't mean you can just throw your life away like that!! You still mean alot to me and to other people! You're my son!!" she yelled at him. She couldn't hold herself from berating her only child for charging in like a fool.

"God damn this all to hell!! Let's get out of here quick!" she snarled at Kram as she attempted to help Thetis carry the armoured Destrillian downwards. They skipped over the stairs, Thetis half limping under Kram's weight and the gunshot wound in her leg. Yellow eyes darted over to Venus. She was slow. The sound of heavy combat boots rattled the stainless steel stairwell as they rounded on the fifteenth floor, the threat of another confrontation snapping at their heels.

"We need to move!" the water Destrillian's voice climbed to a crescendo as the trio stumbled over the bodies they had left on their ascension.

"Just keep going!!" Venus yelled as she struggled to keep up with her niece. As she had thought, the Destrillian's speed were extremely fast compared to human's and Thetis making it with a wounded leg and Kram in tow was a testament to their strength. She would ensure that they both would leave the building if no other option were available to them.

Upon entering the 14th floor, it was an inevitable confrontation with the state she is dragging Kram and Thetis. Venus looked at them and downwards, where the troops were preparing to face them. It was certain death with her dragging them, she hated admitting the fact that it was a hopeless situation. She stopped in her tracks and looked down at the floor.

"Thetis!" Venus called out to her niece. The water Destrillian spun to face her, shifting Krams weight on her shoulder as she backed towards the stairs.

"There's no time, let's go!"

Venus shook her head sadly. "Listen to me, Thetis. What we're about to do is a suicide mission. You still have to knock me out in order to successfully get me out of range from the device. Coupled with Kram and I, you won't make it. I have to divert them while you two escape. I'm sorry, but there's no other way." she said. She knew it from the start the moment they arrived, Resal had probably rigged it to electrocute her if she goes lower than the 13th floor.

"Mom! No! Don't do this! I can still s-stand! Don't think l-like that!" Kram wheezed and stuttered as he tried to break off Thetis' grip in a failed attempt to convince his mother that he is capable of escaping. But the injuries he sustained from the fight with the mysterious gigantic mechanical being was too much for him to handle at the moment.

The grip on Kram's arm only tightened as he struggled to get free of Thetis, who was becoming gradually more frustrated by the pair of them. "You must be as much of an idiot as him-" she jerked a finger at Kram "-if you think we went through all of this just to leave you here!"

Venus' voice was shaking as she tried to regain her composure. "I know how much you two have been through but look around you! IRIN will corner you both and you will die right here and now if you go with the original plan! You can't - " her voice broke slightly. " - You can't save me anymore! The Sponsors own me now. I've admitted that fact the moment I saw that man Hurrikan with the device." she said tearfully. She hated breaking this to her niece at the last minute, but she was right, they had come this far for nothing, everything was compromised because of Kram's attempt to capture Vargas. Still, even for a moment, she was happy that she had the pleasure of seeing her child and her niece in one night.

She focused her eyes on Thetis before finally speaking again. " Please. Just go, the both of you. You both will always be my most cherished children.. You're my niece and he's my son." she pointed at the still weakened Kram being held by Thetis. She then finally said "My little brother Hector is still alive. Hector Alcesteos, your father. Find him! I know you both can!" she told Thetis. She remained firm with her decision, not willing to lose them to the troops down below.

"Fine," there was anger in Thetis' voice as she turned her back on her aunt, dragging Kram down the stairs. She shouted back up at Venus as she reached the next floor, ignoring the darkness Destrillian as he tried to break free of her grip. "We're lucky my side of the family isn't stupid!" And with that, the water prototype broke into a sprint without another look back.

"Mom!!! NO!!!" Kram yelled as his voice gave in trying to reach out to his mother who remained behind to give them time to escape. Venus ignored her niece's retort, certain that this was the only way they would escape alive. She wept quietly as she went to the nearest phone at the floor and called the troops below.

"This is Venus Alcesteos. I surrender. Take me to Resal Demonio." she said tearfully over the phone.

Near the exit, Kram didn't struggle anymore, too weak to even move his body as Thetis carried him over to the location of his motorcycle. He tried to regain all of his strength to try and speak for the time being, nothing could be done but escape before that dangerous giant humanoid would shoot the both of them down.

"Get on - the bike." he croaked at Thetis with his weak voice. " Do you - know how to drive?"

"I ride a pedal bike, Kram," she snapped, the stress of the day's events finally taking their toll. "What do you think?"

Kram reached out for his destroyed belt and quickly took out the slightly burnt key for the vehicle and jammed it at the motorcycle's keyhole, the bike silently turned on without any noise to attract the troops within the building.

"St-steer. I'll handle the brakes and turbo." he croaked weakly as he tried to firmly place his two feet on the left and right, brakes and turbo respectively. He remembered the location towards Emma's house, all he could do was guide her before he ever passed out.

"Reverse-a-and afterwards. T-take a left." he panted weakly, indicating the control for Thetis, which would be easy to follow. The water Prototype nodded, throwing the jacket hood back over her hair as the bike screeched out of the car. It wasn't as hard as it looked, Thetis thought. But then again, the blue-haired girl swore she had seen something like this on TV before. The knowledge acted as a welcome back-up when, halfway on-route to Emma and Terra's apartment, Kram's foot began to slide off the pedal.

"Oh, come on!" Thetis couldn't help herself. After all of that, after the fight with the androids, after infiltrating and escaping IBC; now was the time Kram chose to fall unconscious? She slammed her foot onto the accelerator.

TV was not a good teacher.

The bike sped away with a high-pitched scream from the water Destrillian as she was nearly thrown back onto the road. White knuckles grabbed the handlebars for dear life, and a stream of expletives sounded over the engine as the water Prototype attempted to stop an unconscious Kram from falling onto the asphalt. Finally, after sheering off both wing mirrors, driving through an alley full of garbage bags and nearly running down tens of hapless pedestrians, the bike ground to an halt outside Emma's apartment.

It took nearly ten minutes for Thetis to peel her fingers off the handlebars. It was only after she had hoisted Kram over her shoulder that the water Prototype noticed the vehicle her fellow Destrillians had commandeered. Their transport was not military class, that was for sure. If first impressions were anything to go by, the Destrillian was not impressed. Was this the best Kerr came up with? A battered mobile home? Thetis sighed as she lugged Kram over the vehicle. The escape was going to be interesting.

As she limped through the open door and onto the Winnebago, Thetis didn't need to look at the others to tell what they were thinking. It had been a long day.

"Don't even ask," the water Destrillian snapped at her comrades, pushing past Fiona to dump Kram on the threadbare upholstery. With wearied sigh, Thetis sunk onto the couch, arms snaking over the back as she made an effort to blend in with the furniture. Her conscious attempts to avoid everyone's gaze were unsuccessful. Thetis could still feel them. All the different eyes searching her face for answers, looking for some kind of explanation, a story, an account of her adventure. But what could she say? It had been a complete waste of time. For her efforts and injuries, Thetis had gained nothing except another millstone of humiliation around her neck. They could probably see it in her eyes. With a huff and a frown, Thetis crossed her arms and glared at the nearest wall.

"Let's get out of here."
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L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
========== FOUR DAYS AGO, IN CRAWSUS, AUDOULA ==========​

(early evening)​

The last moments of consciousness seemed to last an eternity; everything was going in slow motion as Castiel felt his head hit the floor. The wave of pain spread through his body like a virus, causing his side to spasm and another wave to emanate from his wound. Through gritted teeth, all Castiel could do was let the pain engulf him and slip quietly into oblivion.



Here, at the clinic.

Well, this is just great, Telran sighed.

He walked over to Castiel's now unconscious body and examined him. He had a deep, jagged laceration across his side, which was bleeding heavily - the likely cause of his passing out. He'd probably also sustained a concussion, based on the ugly crack he'd heard when the other Destrillian's head hit the floor; he noticed, too, that he'd have to get someone to replace some of the tiles, as Castiel's head had had as much influence on the floor as it had made on him. Additionally, Castiel's skin had a raw, reddish look about it, which seemed to be the result of the extensive tattoos on his body - he must have just had them done with the past few hours. All in all, an easy enough job - just time-consuming.

Telran wheeled a gurney from the exam room into the office, then rolled Castiel's limp form onto it, and began to roll him back into the exam room.


At first, he enjoyed the respite from the pain that had previously racked his body; his side no longer hurt and his head was no longer cloudy. The nagging feeling at the back of his skull was still there but he was becoming accustomed to it now. He normally took the time to shield his mind from anyone or anything that could pick up on him being a Destrillian, but for now he was content just lying in the freedom of his dream.

“Hey, what are you doing here?"

Opening his eyes, he was immediately blinded by the light above him. Grimacing as spots appeared in his vision he held his hand to his face and tried to gauge where the voice had came from.

Pushing his body up from the floor he merely looked around and took in his surroundings, dreaming was new to him however in the short time he had been having them he had enjoyed the respite they brought his mind.
“Heh, took you long enough to wake up." The voice was familiar, yet he couldn’t place who it belonged to. “Who’s there?" His own voice boomed in the darkness that surrounded him; the light above illuminated just a fraction of the room, meaning that a large proportion was still out of his view. If anyone was there, they could easily sneak up on him if they had enough training.

“You know, I rather like the way you turned out. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside, just think ten years ago and you were just another pet project for Ms. Penelope now look at you. Unconscious and admiring the fact you can dream." His breath caught in his throat; this wasn’t your average dream. Somehow it was beginning to seem more like a nightmare.

“Just who the hell are you?" The anger in his voice caused the room to vibrate, his powers building in his vocal chords as anger filled his being.

“Who am I? Hmm...Now that is a very interesting question, isn’t it? Tell you know who YOU are?"


As he staunched the flow of blood seeping from Castiel's abdomen, Telran found himself lost in thought, performing his actions robotically, his mind elsewhere. He knew Castiel, of course - he as from Viola's second facility. However, he couldn't really say what he thought of him, as he had spent a great deal of time in cryosleep. He remembered, however, that Castiel was more than a little unbalanced, and, as such, was as much a danger to himself as he was to others - which, as a Destrillian, was quite a lot.

His thoughts then began to wander...he wondered what had become of the others. The green-haired, wise-cracking Salem (Telran smiled, remembering the time he'd felt the need to ignite his flatulence like a child, lighting a scientist on fire in the process). The stoic Lokka, master of barriers, with his startlingly green eyes (Telran missed his friend). The frail, albino-like Tao (he frowned slightly; he heard she'd disappeared). Telran paused. Kram. He couldn't suppress a real laugh this time; Kram was probably still just as stoic as ever.

And then there was Mileina. His grip on the washcloth tightened, his knuckles almost white. He hadn't forgotten what happened the last time he'd met her.

As he moved on to suture the wound, his mind then turned to his kin at the first facility that he had spent time in. They were a blur of faces to him - he had never know their names, never seen them beyond the occasional brief glimpse in the halls. There were only two exceptions - one was a blue-haired girl he'd seen in the rec room as he came in one day; she immediately ran out, a frightened expression on her face. The other exception was the time he had once run into a young girl with glasses, accidentally knocking her down; her glasses landed near him, unharmed. He had hastily apologized, then offered a hand to help her up. Her dark, forest green hair a wild mess, she scrambled about, searching for her glasses. He bent to retrieve them, then held them out to her. She quickly snatched them away and took off.

He shook his head. Focus!

He went back to the task at hand.


His ability to keep his anger in check was beginning to waver; even though he knew he was within a dream he had the innate urge to kill something. The sound of a footstep to his left was all that it took to let out a large shockwave. “Wow, impressive. You got stronger since Viola. Glad to see that the tube didn’t cause any severe damage to your abilities.”

If for only a second, he swore he heard footsteps; weakened from his attack, he wondered how anyone could have dodged it at all. The light was still shining down on him and out of the corner of his eye he noticed a pair of shoes to his right; taking one last deep breath, he lunged and grabbed the front of whoever had been goading him. Pulling the body into the light made it painfully clear why the voice had seemed so familiar. Staring up at him was a reflection of himself from ten years ago.

“Hey." The cocky looking smile illuminated the face of the child Destrillian until he dropped his dream self to the floor.

“Just what the hell is going on?"

The boy merely tilted his head and dusted off his clothing before standing up in front of him. “Well the good news is that you're not going crazy...well no more than you already were to begin with." The boy grinned at him the way he remembered grinning at Kram when they used to fight. “I am you, and you are me. As to why we're having this conversation, fuck knows. It’s your head, dude, and I'm just the image you want to use to deliver this message."

Staring in disbelief as he watched himself walk around his own body Castiel could only wonder if the fall to the floor had done more than just hurt his head.


As Telran stitched up Castiel's cut carefully, he wondered what kind of trouble Castiel had gotten into to get it in the first place. A street fight, perhaps; who can say? Telran remembered there being some sort of incident with Castiel's handler, which had been what ultimately landed him in cryo. Thinking back to his on rebellious days, he did have to admit that he'd been quite a handful, though he'd never killed anyone other than the occasional nameless grunt - and that, Viola didn't care about. But killing a scientist was like wasting an important resource - they didn't take kindly to that, no sir, not at all.

He paused. He knew that other subjects had been terminated for a lot less than what he'd done. So why was I allowed to live...?

All his wondering did was leave him with more questions than his own medical history questionnaires.


“I'm here to make you realise the truth; you need to remember what happened in those last few minutes before they left you in the freezer." The boy stared intensely into Castiel’s eyes, and as the twitching in the back of his head took hold, the boy began to disappear right in front of him. Soon the twitching became agony - his skull seemed to be exploding from the inside as memories and fragments of times that had long been forgotten came flooding back. The fight with his handler, his friends in branch two...everything was there, and it all hit home at once.

Falling to the floor, he gripped his head as the pain seemed to intensify by the second, his eyes no longer responding to him. Eyes closed tight, his mind began to reply the events of everything that had happened in branch two and why he had been locked up.

As the memories began to slow, the pain remained; his eyes blinking open, he was no longer in his own mind. His child self was gone and gazing down at him was the face of the past, the reason he knew where to travel and the answer to the next riddle:

“Why am I not dead?”

"Because you happened to pass out in the clinic of a fellow Destrillian." Telran raised his eyebrows thoughtfully. "Though I suppose that raises the questions of why you chose here, of all places, to pass out, as well as what you're doing, how you managed to almost be killed, and why you're in Audoula. Care to fill me in, Castiel?"

Castiel looked into the eyes of Telran, he remembered him from his days in Viola but had never really developed a close relationship so to speak. His head was still awash with memories from his childhood days, trying to dissern a reason to why he hadn't been killed for his actions were more problematic than it seemed.
Sighing loudly Castiel began to recap the events of his awakening to Telran hoping that the fellow Destrillian could make more sense of the outcome than he had.
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000 - 000 - 009
Sienna, Jenovas-Fifth, Idris
-IDRIS SAVAGE, EMMA JOHNSON, STOLZ; Streets of Osea, Stolz’ Apartment-

“So sure, I’ll go home with you.”

The words caused Stolz's eyes to light up. In all honesty they'd expected to just be yelled at in some way, or to see another salad catch on fire. But this was a good omen; not only did someone actually want to go with them, but it was one of the nice ones.

"Really?! That's fantastic! I really needed to head home, since like if we're going to be on the run from the law I have to go get equipment and stuff and I have a ton of electronic deedlies and other useful crap back at my place!" the child exclaimed joyfully.

A small idea popped in Emma’s head then. “Things that will help us escape safely? If so I’ll come help you, too.”

“Huh? What about…” Chris began, but Emma turned quickly to shush him up.

“You and Riese will stay here with Ter…Tabitha. I’ll explain everything when we get back. I promise.”

“But Tina…”

She put a finger on his lips to silence him once again. “Please, just trust me.”

“Okay, I trust you. But please hurry back.”

“I will,” she replied, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. She then bounded off toward the door, slipping into her boots and putting on her jacket. She then exited the apartment with Idris and Stolz following behind.


"...And so that's the story of how I saved Christmas," Stolz proudly said to their companions. Virtue said nothing – it seemed like she wasn't listening.

“Stolz, what on earth are you talking about,” Idris asked, not unkindly. She seemed to be actually interested.

"You know, Christmas! It's a day of giving and stuff to celebrate the Prophet Christian Bale."

Idris had never heard of Christmas, much less somebody named Christian Bale, so she contented herself with just giving the child a bemused look. It must have come off looking more cynical that she’d intended, for Stolz instantly jumped to the defense. "It's True! There's an entire religion based on this guy! It's called 'Christianity'."

Virtue decided to speak up, even if Stolz was the only one who could hear her:

"Is anything of what you say ever true?"
Some of it is...

On they walked, the small whatever-Stolz-was and the two Destrillians, down sidewalk after sidewalk in the early morning of Osea. While passing a store that was still open – there were a lot of dingy 24-hour stores in a city like this – Idris noticed the time. Three thirty in the morning. Doing the math in her head, she realized that the group would be making their mad dash more or less as the sun rose. It was fitting enough, the woman supposed. They continued walking.

The night was cold, and the fact that everything was still damp from the rain earlier didn’t help much. Emma silently zipped up her jacket for extra warmth, then crossed her arms for lack of anything else to do with them. Stolz had decided to start rambling once again.

"Remember, if you see any police or soldiers, keep completely still. Their vision is based on movement." Idris, Emma noted, seemed to be enjoying herself while humouring the kid.

Emma couldn’t understand how any one of them could possibly be happy right now. She hugged her arms even tighter around her as they went, trying all the while to keep herself from crying. She had managed, throughout everything in the apartment, to remain calm, but now that it was fairly quiet and she could actually think about things, all she could do was think about how unfair the whole situation was. Mostly, though, she thought about having to leave Chris.

Then there it was: a sniffle. Her own body was beginning to betray her by revealing the physical symptoms of her emotions for all the world to see. She quickly wiped her nose with her sleeve and kept on walking in silence, wrapping her arms around her even tighter still.

Idris had heard the sniffle too. “Emma..?”

Emma glanced to her left only to find the metal Destrillian looking at her with concerned eyes. “I’m fine,” the taller girl replied, hastily wiping the tears from her eyes. However, Idris didn’t seem very convinced.

They continued walking along in silence for a few seconds more, Emma hoping that Idris would take the hint and turn away. She didn’t, and for some reason Emma felt compelled to explain.

“It just…”—she couldn’t think of a better word—“sucks, you know? We have to pick up and leave the city, even though we all have our own lives here. And for what? For the sake of someone’s ego? Because others couldn’t find it in them to be civil, even for the sake of just blending in for survival? We can’t just pass each other on the street and pretend not to know each other so as not to draw attention to ourselves?
“And Kerr! He is such a pompous prick, thinking that he’s better than the rest of us. And he does, too, I can tell. Could you feel how disgusted he seemed earlier when he met Chris? Why I ought to…”

Instead of finishing her sentence Emma made a frustrated grunt and stomped her foot, causing a small tree they were passing under to suddenly sprout a few more feet.

The three of them looked up at the tree with surprise, none more so than Emma, who gave her companions a rather sheepish look. “Oops, I didn’t mean to do that.”

She looked up at the thing with a frown when the other two weren’t looking, but chose not to put words to what all else was bothering her. She just needed to calm down and try her best to keep a level head.


About halfway through the walk, Idris re-realized just how much she really, really wanted a pair of shoes. The asphalt was cold and wet and not at all pleasing to her feet, which had already had a considerable trial today. Looking around, she couldn’t see any store that would be selling what she’d want.

And then they turned the corner and she saw it. A costume shop just across the road. Some might have called it quaint, others might have just called it old. Maybe if she were lucky, she would find something in there.

“Stolz, Emma,” she called quietly to her companions, who stopped to look back at her in question. “Would you mind terribly if I just nipped over there and… well, you know.” She gestured to her bare feet.

Emma furrowed her brow a little. “Sure Idris – but hurry, okay? I don’t want us to be late…”

“Shan’t take more than a moment,” she shorter girl promised. Stolz seemed perfectly happy to stand and wait a few for Idris to get herself a pair of shoes, so the metal Destrillian took a step off the sidewalk towards the costume shop.

The light in the store was off – it was evidently closed. No matter though; Idris hadn’t been planning on getting her shoes the respectable way in the first place. She stood in front of the door for a minute, allowing herself to get a good feel of all the security systems in the store – and they were primitive – and all the little metal bits within them that made them work.

The woman closed her eyes to focus, and with a satisfying little wave of aftershock that only she could feel, the security broke, rendering the poor store helpless to her ransacking. Idris pulled the lock open with a little more of her power, and stepped inside.

The costume shop was just the sort she needed. It was small and out of the way, so it didn’t have the amount of attention that would have made it hard to sneak into; at the same time it obviously held itself above a certain standard. Idris scanned the shop until her eyes landed on a corner that had footwear. With a brief glance backward at the waiting forms of Emma and Stolz, Idris walked over to the corner and crouched down to see what her options were.

Being a costume shop and not a shoe store, there wasn’t too much variety, but she did find a pair of ballet flats meant for some sort of princess outfit that fit her petite feet. Idris pulled them on and did a few experimental hops to see how they fit, and whether they would hold out in whatever horrific situation she was going to get into next. They seemed sturdy enough.

Satisfied with that, she was about to leave when, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted something. The small woman turned to look at what it was: a blonde bob-cut wig.

It set her thinking.
We’re supposed to be enemies of the city. If anybody from the old days is in on the hunt, they’ll be coming into it knowing what I look like. Haven’t I worn a wig these past years for this exact reason?

For all Idris knew, these few extra moments grabbing herself her black hair back might save their lives some time.
She turned to the wall behind the counter, where all the shop’s wigs were displayed. The small woman approached them, looking over each with a critical eye; the establishment was too proud of itself to do cheap nasty wigs, she found. Allowing herself a small smile, Idris slid smoothly over the counter and gently lifted a straight, black wig. Pulling it on with an expertise born of four years of practice, Idris turned on her heel to see her reflection in a mirror. It was as if she had her old wig back.

Well at least part of my life is back to normal, Idris thought, with a twinge in her stomach that was starting to get annoyingly familiar. She glared at herself in the mirror and willed all those negative feelings that she’d had this past evening to disappear into the back of her mind, where they would remain until she didn’t have to be objective. She could sit around and brood and whinge when it was over.

She jumped back over the counter and walked to the exit, taking a last glance around her and wondering when the next time would be when she would have to find a new wig to replace her old one. To find a new life to replace the old one.

Everything changes from here on out.
She opened the door and rejoined her companions.

Emma and Stolz each stole a glance at Idris’ new hair as they continued their journey. Emma had only seen Idris once with black hair, and found it a little off-putting from the girl’s normal short blonde. But she remembered that Idris had been on the news, so a wig was definitely in order if they were to escape. At least this one looked better than the previous, she thought.
Stolz had never seen Idris any other way at all, but being Stolz, they didn’t particularly care whether the girl wanted to run around wearing a fake scalp over her head. There were other things to think about.

After a long period of sneaking through backstreets and alleyways, the trio came to stand at the front of an apartment block. The building seemed to be in good shape; the architecture, while not exactly 5 star, still looked like it would be fairly expensive to live inside. It was apparent that this was where Stolz was leading them to by the way the child looked up intently at the building with a joyous expression. Stolz then turned to their two companions. "Okay here we are! Now remember this place has a night watch person guy, so just leave all the talking to me!" they said, and then they marched in the front doors.

Inside, the building's lobby was certainly fancy looking, what with the use of marble and carpets with intricate patterns all over them. At the desk sat a man in a dark blue guard's uniform reading a newspaper. As Stolz and company walked up to the desk, the man lowered the paper to see who it was.

"Oh, Good evening Convoy. I didn't expect to see anyone tonight due to the martial law."

Stolz grinned at him. "Hehe, yeah I know, but my friends were meant to come over tonight and no army is going to tell me when I can't go out!"

The guard gave a small chuckle. "Ah you never change Convoy. Well at least it's good to see you have friends now, have a good evening...well, morning technically."

"You too, nighty night!" Stolz replied back cheerfully and headed over to the elevator, then proceeded to repeatedly push the button thinking this would make the elevator come faster.

Emma shot look at Idris; “Convoy?” she aked through their telepathic link, wondering just what kind of name for anyone that could possibly be.

As they waited, just allowing themselves to cool off from all the running and walking and such, Idris looked down at Stolz. ‘Stolz.’ Not Convoy.
“What’s with the alias?” she asked.

“Oh that old thing?” Stolz replied with a shrug and a grin. “Just my business name is all - Convoy Butterfly!”

“Convoy Butterfly?” Emma smiled a little at the name. “It’s weird, but it’s nice,” she commented. The elevator doors opened and they stepped inside.

The elevator ride was not worth mentioning, which was really just as well after the last one. Climbing out, they were standing in a hallway on the seventh floor, in front of a door that had the numbers "7-11" on it. Stolz reached into their pocket and withdrew a set of keys which they used to unlock the door and open it. Stolz then looked back at Emma and Idris.

"Well here we are! Room 7-11; open all day, every day...except when it's closed, because that means I'm asleep. Or not here."

Inside Stolz's apartment was certainly a change from most of the other locations they had visited today. The place was well furnished...and there seemed to be what could only be described as 'everything' all over the place. Shelves of small model robots and spaceships, cabinets of figurines, and an assortment of swords and firearms mounted on the walls.
“Wow,” Emma commented, looking the multitude of posed action figures in a glass cabinet. “This…is quite the collection, Stolz.”

Stolz suddenly grabbed Idris’ hand and pulled her over to a specific shelf, and picked up one of the robots displayed on it.

"See this! It's the Mobile Frame Excellion F-Type! I assembled and painted it all by myself. Even applied all the decals and United Sphere Consortium Logos on it!"

Not even a few seconds after Stolz finished talking, they dragged Idris over to a table which had a figurine of a girl in a school outfit holding an unusually over-sized gun.

"Oh! And this is Chall Heartfeld for the game series 'Cries of the Old World 4'. She's an exclusive edition with a production run of only two hundred!"

Upon raising the figure up to show it off, Stolz caught a whiff of the odor from their armpits, which caused them to freeze on the spot and make an unusual face. They then leaned their head forward down to take a sniff of the area between their vest and top, to which they made yet another odd face.

"Ummm....despite not being in a sewer anymore I seem to still smell suspiciously like one. Which means I need a bath! Or actually a shower since this place doesn't have a bath for some reason!"
Stolz then picked up the TV remote, switched it on, and charged towards the bathroom calling back “MakeyourselfvesathomeI'llbebackshortly!"

As Stolz disappeared into the bathroom, Idris and Emma were left alone. Although Stolz had said to make themselves at home, neither felt particularly comfortable. Eventually, Emma sat down on the couch, with Idris standing to her left. The two watched the television for a few minutes – something about a plane crashing yesterday at high noon, right into some poor family’s house – but as gripping as it would have been another day, it did nothing to distract the two women.

They would just have to talk to each other to ease the tension. Idris tilted her head sideways to look at Emma. The redheaded girl was scowling, but it was the sort of scowl that a person doesn’t even know they’re wearing. Idris was reminded of the talk on the way here, and again, it was brought to her attention how much harder this had to be on Emma, who actually had a life worth living in Osea.
I think it’s time I tried to cheer her up a bit, Idris thought. But Idris herself wasn’t in a particularly peppy mood—that’s what coming here had been for in the first place, after all. To cheer her up. So instead of cheering Emma up, Idris would have to settle for taking some of the burden off the plant Destrillian’s shoulders.

“Hey.” She looked at Emma and her freckly scowl. “You look the same way you looked outside before I asked what was wrong. Are you…” she lifted a shoulder in question, “feeling a little better after that talk? Now that it’s out of your system?”

Emma slumped down on the couch, her scowl softening into a face of terrible resignation. “Not really.” Idris took the opportunity to sit down beside the taller girl, placing her hands on her pale knees.

“Want to get a bit more of it out of your system, then?” she asked, her grey eyes cloudy with concern. Emma bit her lip for a moment before replying.

“It's just...” The girl paused, and then started again. “I've tried so hard to fit it, so hard to make a comfortable life for Terra and I. And I've made friends, you know?” She looked down. “And Chris... Well. I don't know if you noticed, but we're kind of a thing..."

“I did.” As if it had been possible to miss something like that.

Emma sighed, looking back at Idris. "I don't want to leave that. I mean, I know he kind of freaked out and we kind of had a fight...but most of the time everything is great."

There was a bit of silence as Idris mulled over this information. How must Emma have felt, having such a close relationship for all this time? Such a normal one? And now she was being asked to leave it. “How long have you two been together?”

"Almost two years now."

The paler woman chuckled; it sounded hollow to her ears, but maybe she was just reading into her own bitterness too much. "Even by human standards, that's a good while. I'm impressed. Now how did he snag a girl like you?"

"I work for his grandmother," Emma replied, a blush hiding the freckles on her cheeks. Idris snatched at the window of opportunity to joke around with the girl, and maybe to make her smile a little while she was at it.

"Ahhh, so the gran hooked you up?” Idris forced herself to grin most slyly at a protesting Emma, (“She did not!”) who blushed even deeper. “You've got a job and everything - even more impressive. You really mean it when you say you've pulled it all together."

“Yeah…”Emma leaned back against the couch, looking upwards, speaking to the ceiling. “Sometimes when I think back on where we came from, and what I have now, I can't believe it. Makes sense that it wouldn't last forever, though, huh?"

Of course it made sense. Idris knew that well enough – her, the pale little thing running from one building top to the next, never staying in one place longer than a few days. Nothing lasted more than a week, let alone forever… the only thing that had lasted throughout all these years had been Idris herself. And she was starting to wonder about that, too. Had she really? Or had bits of her been lost in the never-ending race to keep off the world’s radar?

Idris turned back to face forward. "Nothing lasts forever, Emma."

The abrupt switching of gears was not lost on Emma. The redhead sat back up properly and took a good look at Idris. "What about you, Idris? What kind of life have you been building these last four years?"

"Me? Well, after we..." Idris stopped. She didn’t need to say it aloud – Emma remembered it well enough. After the escape from Viola, she and Emma had carried the corpse of Eve Daly to somewhere far from Viola, and from the city, and together they’d buried the girl. It did not bear reminding, especially after the dream. So she started again.
"I've got something of a place in the forest close to the Damascan border, but I'm usually here. Up on the rooftops - near the sky, you know?" Her smile came easy, fake though it was. "Mostly just keeping my eyes and ears open - learning what I can from the city. There's a lot here to learn, after all."

Then there was a loud noise as the bathroom door slammed open. Idris and Emma were temporarily startled out of their conversation by the sight of Stolz in a bathrobe, shooting like a bullet from the bathroom to what was presumably their bedroom. Then that door slammed shut, and again there was silence, save for the droning of the TV in the background. Emma eased back into where they’d left off:

"You know, I could feel you nearby sometimes over the years. And some of the others as well. It always made me sad that we were all so intent on remaining separate…”She looked to Idris, her face almost imploring, asking her for an answer. “But maybe it was for the best that we did, or maybe it didn't matter at all. Who knows?"

"Who knows..." Who knew indeed. Idris sighed. "But some of us DID wind up together, didn't we? Fiona and Thetis - you and Terra."

Emma tilted her head, almost to get a better look at Idris. "And what about you, Idris?"

The pale woman took a breath—

"Hey I'm back now! Hope no one peeked on me while I was showering!" Stolz exclaimed with a grin, making both girls start. The arrival was timed almost too perfectly to be unplanned, and for a moment Idris and Emma just sat there, silently wondering whether they would ever be able to finish the conversation they had started.

The silence elongated past the six-second mark, and then began to get awkward. All three of the people in the room had had enough awkward for the night—and for the next week, really. So Idris took it upon herself to break it with a question she had been wanting the answer to for a while now.

“If you don’t mind my asking, Stolz… what exactly ARE you?”

Stolz just smiled and shrugged. "Why whatever do you mean? I'm Stolz of course!"

Idris returned the smile with the kind of look that said there was no way on earth that the person in front of her was anything even approaching normal, and that they had better start explaining, NOW.

Stolz tilted their head sideways. "Looks like there's no fooling you two, so I guess I'll come clean...which is even easier now that I just came from the shower," they said with a grin. However after a few seconds the grin changed to an empty expression, and right before their eyes, Stolz's pupils shifted into long slits, resembling something like those of a cat or reptile's. Stolz then began to speak—but unlike usual, their tone was now cold and serious.

"You see these eyes before you? If you ever encounter another being with, just keep running and don't look back."

Now Idris was doubly confused; apart from the evident fact that Stolz was not a Destrillian, there was a nagging feeling in her to do exactly as the child told her. To run and not look back. The woman steeled herself against Stolz and their slitted eyes, and instead asked, “Why?”

"To be blunt, there are so many things neither of you know. About yourselves, about me, about the world. In truth the world is a far more terrible place than you already perceived, and the answer as to why can be told in one word - 'Lyverius'."

Emma enquired.

"Yes, Lyverius. It is the name of my kind. You are Destrillians and I am a Lyverius. The main difference between the two is that while a Destrillian is a creation of the Viola Corporation, a Lyverius possesses their abilities from birth, with no experiments or genetic modifications of any kind. The other notable difference is that your kind suffer from a flaw where you are unable to use your powers without succumbing to painful headaches - this is not the case for me."

Now this was a surprise—especially to Idris, who had worked so hard over the past few years to eradicate the headaches with something that could only barely be called success. Here was something standing in front of her that had no such problem. She almost felt cheated.
“So you can just la-di-da the whole day away with your power, and nothing happens to you? No ill effect at all?”

"That's correct; I can use my powers as much as I want, and thanks to a chemical that is produced naturally in my brain, I suffer from no headaches or migraines..." They paused as they let out a humorful 'hmpth' and added, "of course while more effective, it's not the most covert, because when I use my abilities this happens." And as Stolz began to form a shard of ice around their right arm, their slit eyes quickly shifted into two glowing red spheres.

Giving those red eyes a long look, Idris felt a strange sense of having been cheated again – in a different way. Somehow, she’d expected something worse, but the glowing red eyes weren’t so bad… of course, they weren’t exactly the most attractive things she’d ever seen, but they weren’t as scary as she’d been prepped for. That newly awoken instinct in her mind was telling her to book it out of that room as fast as possible, but again she pushed it down – Stolz wouldn’t hurt her, after all.

All the while Emma had been sitting in complete and total silence as she watched what Stolz was showing them. Her nerves were so on end she felt like she needed to vomit, but she pushed the feeling down as best as she could.

It wasn’t right. It didn’t feel right.

But it makes so much sense, she thought to herself.

Yes, yes it does.

Perhaps, when she really thought about it, the real reason Emma felt so nervous about what Stolz was showing them these things was because it seemed so close to answering certain things about herself she was afraid to ask. Like things that happened in that dream earlier.

"Freaky is it not? This is why I've always got the pair of goggles on my forehead, as of course,” they said, pointing at their eyes, "these stick out a lot more than anything you two have."Stolz then walked over to the kitchen and shook the ice off into the sink, after which their eyes shifted back to the long slits.

"Now to answer your second question...well, I think I'll sit down first." They headed over to the coffee table placed in front of the couch that Idris and Emma were seated on, and planted them self on it, facing the two girls.

"Those people at the club, even though you didn't see them… to be honest you're better off. They are what I'd best describe as demons. They are also Lyverius – however, unlike me they are vicious, apathetic killers. All I can really tell you about them is that they are extremely cunning, powerful, and their bosses seem to want you and your kind dead."

“Well that’s just peachy,” Idris said, heaving a sigh. “If there were anything that could make today a better day for me, it would be that. Mind at least telling us why they want to off us, having never met us?”

"Well, if I had to guess, from their perspective you are seen as inferior copies. While I'm just theorizing here, it's entirely possible that their organization is also performing a cleanup of Viola's mess, in a similar fashion that the IRIN corporation is."

“Oh joy,” said Emma.

“So that’s all we are, then?” the Gunmetal Glint asked, with a dangerous softness. “The Cassius morning clean up?”

"You could put it that way, but it's really not surprising as the other Lyverius I've encountered are all clearly insane, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if the upper hierarchy are the same..."

Idris gave the… Lyverius, a look that challenged the idea of Stolz being sane in comparison.

"Alright, alright, I guess the word 'psychotic' is more appropriate in this case," Stolz said with a weak smile.

Idris smiled back. Not one of the mirthless, grim barings of the teeth she’d been doing all night—a real smile. It felt nice to smile at something genuinely amusing; Idris re-realized why she’d gone with Stolz in the first place. To get answers, sure, but also to get away from all the doom and gloom her old comrades dragged with them everywhere. Stolz was a nice change.

Stolz let out a sigh and closed their slitted eyes, then a few seconds later opened them again to reveal their regular ones. Shortly after the cheerful smile came back to their face.

"Okies! I think that got all the explaining stuffs out of the way, sorry if my serious half scared you or anything, they can get a bit intimidating at times," Stolz said in their perky tone.

"Anyways we seems to be running out of time and stuff, so I should probably get the stuff we came here to get!" Stolz exclaimed, then charged over to a closet on the other side of the room and proceeded to rummage through it. After a minute they emerged with a backpack which looked to be packed full with something and had cables hanging out one of the sides. The other thing they brought out was a metal box which seemed to have no details on it.

Emma and Idris scrutinized the bag and the box – it was evident what was in the first item, but the second was a mystery. Eventually Emma asked, “What’s in the box?”

"Oh this?" Stolz said, and opened the box revealing a number of cylinders inside "They're flashbang grenades. I was planning to throw them at a house down the street next new years ‘cause their parties always end up being really loud and really bad Karaoke."

Virtue, who had seated themselves on the kitchen counter, simply threw one arm up in the air as if to say 'I can't even be bothered commenting anymore.'

"ALRIGHT! I think that's everything, so yes! We should probably head back to your place to do that leaving stuff," Stolz stated, the last part being directed at Emma.

“Yeah, Chris and Riese are probably chomping at the bit, wanting answers.”

Not wasting time, Stolz threw one or two other things into the bag which Idris and Emma hadn’t the time to look at, nor inquire about. Then they ushered the two girls out of their apartment, cheerfully slamming the door and then making it down the hallway to the lift.

The three left the apartment building and began the walk home. Time had elapsed since they’d arrived—much more than they’d anticipated. They would need to be quick to arrive in time, or else…

Or else what? thought Idris. Or else they’ll leave without us? Kerr had said that they would leave regardless of who got back, but Idris didn’t believe it for a second. For one, Terra wouldn’t stand for leaving without Emma. For another, there had to be somebody who would object to leaving her behind, right?
It doesn’t matter anyway. We’ll get back in time.

Emma tried once or twice to catch Idris’ eye as they made their way back to the plant Destrillian’s apartment. She was never successful; Idris knew that if she were, then telepathic communication would undoubtedly follow, and she really did not want to come up with some sort of answer to Emma’s question. She barely had an answer for herself as it were – what Idris needed was time to sit down quietly and think it all through, to sort it out for herself. But time like that wouldn’t be available until they were safely out of the city, at the very least. Time passed and they walked and the Gunmetal Glint suppressed everything but the simple, functional need to get out of Osea. She was thinking like a true Destrillian now – Viola would have been proud.

“...alright, looks like we're almost—” Stolz stopped dead in their sentence and froze as Emma threw out her arm in front of Idris. Both of their eyes were wide and alert, looking around frantically for something.

“It's them, they're close. And the other one is with them also,” Stolz said bluntly.

“Other one? My my Stolz didn't anyone teach you any manners? We do have names after all,” came a woman's voice from out of nowhere. Idris and Emma looked in all directions for the source. Then all of a sudden, there appeared a shadowy figure in the middle of the road.

“Well what an unexpected surprise. The little one has brought us not one but two little rodents to play with.”

“And what's that I spy? Idris Savage, perhaps? The runt might have saved your worthless ass last time, but now there's no stopping me,” a second figure called out from the left of the group. Idris raised her eyebrow. Last time?

“Hey look, big tits is here too. Man this really is turning out to be a good night,” a male's voice called out to the right of the group.

Emma’s cheeks flushed a bit; it wasn’t hard to figure out who the man was referring to. In her annoyance she took a defensive stance. “Excuse me? Come closer and say that, why don’t you!”

The three shadowy figures began moving in, and as they got closer their visages became clear. The woman in the middle of the street had long, orange hair with her body concealed by a long cape; the woman to the left had dark magenta hair and wore some kind of visor style sunglasses; the male on the right had short, greenish coloured hair and was wearing a military-looking outfit. The one thing that all three of them had in common, however, were the long, slit pupils in their eyes that Stolz had shown Idris and Emma earlier.

Emma blanched at the sight. Way to put your foot in your mouth, genius…

“Oh dear, this is bad, this is really bad!”Virtue called out at the sight of these new people that had close to surrounded them. “Stolz, do something, otherwise they'll kill Idris and Emma and possibly even you too!”

Stolz thought for a moment on what to do next, while constantly trying to keep an eye on the Trio before them. Finally they decided to make a move.

“Idris. Emma. Remember how scary me told you about when you see people with slit eyes? Well now is the time to be heeding that warning, SO RUN LIKE HELL!” Stolz spun on their heel and bolted in the opposite direction of the scary people, with Idris and Emma quickly following suit.

Watching their prey run off down the street, the Trio just stood there for a moment completely dumbfounded.

“Aww shit, they ran off. Now we're gonna have to go chase them,” Vollerei said with an unamused tone.

“What's wrong Voller? All that eating and boozing gotten you out of shape? I for one don't mind a nice little game of cat and mouse – gets the blood all running by the time I move in for the kill,” Inveja replied mockingly.

Vana however wasn't amused in the slightest. “COWARDS! COME BACK AND FACE ME!” she screamed at the top of her lungs at the fleeting prey, her eyes now wide with rage and her pupils shifted into the glowing red spheres. It was clear to the three Lyverius that this was going to take awhile.

Stolz, Emma and Idris ran for all they were worth. At least there was no question of coming back to the apartment on time – they were going too fast to possibly be late. That instinct from before, the one to run from Stolz and their red eyes, had kicked in in overdrive at the appearance of the three Lyverius.

“What did they mean, last time?” Idris called to Stolz as they fled the street. Stolz either couldn’t hear her, though, or they didn’t want to answer just now, as the child remained silent. The pale woman huffed at all the answerless questions that were cropping up, but again, there was a time and a place for inquisition and it was not here and now. Here and now was for escaping.

At last, they skidded around a corner and the apartment building came into view. Parked in front of it was a van, from which just about every Destrillian’s energy signature was radiating. Idris looked at the vehicle; it didn’t look military grade. It didn’t even look like a van. It was a mobile home. Sturdy, yes, but not the sort of indestructibility she’d been hoping for.

I guess the plan went a bit wrong—not like we have much of a choice. We’ll have to settle for less.

The Lyverius were chasing them, the three could tell. Stolz tried to make Emma and Idris get in the vehicle first, so they could guard the two’s backs in case they were caught up with—but Emma sidestepped the child and bolted to the front of the apartment, where a confused Riese and a panicking Chris were standing together. Idris spared but a moment’s glance at the three before she leapt in.

Idris took note of who was here. Lokka was sitting on one side, with the two sewer-dwellers (she still had no names for them, and it was frustrating) on the other. Terra was wedged in a corner; Stolz had made themselves happy on a chair; Kerr was in the front of the Winnebago, as was Fiona. Emma was still outside with her boyfriend. Where were Kram and Thetis?

Her answer didn’t take long. A few minutes of tension later and the two crumpled into the vehicle. Kram was unconscious, Idris noted; in fact the both of them looked ridiculously roughed up.
So I guess everybody’s trip went wrong somehow. She looked at Thetis to see if she could discern a story from the water Destrillian’s eyes, but Thetis seemed determined to not meet anybody’s gaze.

“Don’t even ask. Let’s get out of here,” she said, the harsh tones in her voice ringing with something akin to humiliation. Being all accounted for, it was time to act on that notion.
At least we all made it back alive, Idris thought. Now comes the really hard part.

If just getting ready for the escape had cost them all this much, how were they going to handle the escape itself?
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
===========Before Stolz, Emma’s and Idris’ return, Emma and Terra’s Apartment=======

Terra was confused as to what was going on, feeling quite left out of the loop. Which really wasn’t an awkward state for her, considering she may as well have been born out of the loop, but she would have preferred knowing what was going on when they were escaping to another country. And Emma said she was going to leave too, wasn’t that a good thing? But there still wasn’t much of a plan on how they were getting out of there, other than apparently going over to Stolz’ house—home. Of course, given the fact that Stolz was Stolz, which meant they were a very strange person indeed, it was entirely possible that she lived in some sort of mansion and was waited on by dogs who walked on their hind legs. And of course, she had no idea how they were still going to get to Audoula, though hopefully, they’d get back and tell her what they’d grabbed.

Most of the Destrillians left the apartment, leaving her alone to pack anything they’d need: she grabbed some of her clothes, some of Emma’s, some that Chris even had lying around. She walked into the bathroom to grab… well, she didn’t know what to grab, exactly, but she grabbed some basic toiletries and took a brief glance over at the mirror. Evidently, she hadn’t noticed prior, what with all of the chaos going on, but her natural, green hair was starting to show through in the roots of her hair, which made her hair look rather uncomfortably trashy (in her own opinion). Though this time, she didn’t react with the same disgust she normally got from her… unnatural hair color and rush to the bottle to get the dye reapplied. In all honesty, it didn’t matter what color her hair was, at the end of the day, her and her friends (plus scary kidnapper guy) were still being hunted down like wild animals. She grabbed a random toothbrush that was probably hers, and another one that she hoped was Emma’s.

Ignoring Chris and Riese, she shuffled into her room and searched for some sort of bag to stick everything in. She could only find one of the old grocery totes she’d used about a week prior, but decided that would work well enough as she stuffed everything into it. There was something in the back of her mind, the acknowledgement that she wished she wasn’t nearly as messed up physically as she actually was. Whining about it didn’t change anything, so what was the point in it? She just had to help in whatever way she was able to, even if it did mean that she wouldn’t be fighting like she had in the past.

She grabbed her glasses and put them back on, remembering her original reason for leaving: to find her glasses, the ones that she loved so dearly and felt so connected to. The ones she had now weren’t the ones she had searched for, as she’d found an incinerator in the facility where she’d assumed they’d been burned to ashes, along with anything else they others may have lost. But she’d moved on, because she had people she could consider friends, people that weren’t inside of her own head.

She stood, grabbing the bag and slinging it over her shoulder. She noticed the cold feeling boiling in her stomach and realized exactly what it was. The Destrillian sat back down on the bed, getting used to the fear that sinking into her stomach. Up until this point in time, she’d never exactly confronted the fact that she was leaving this place, not for a day or a week, but forever. This would probably be the last time she slept in her bed and the last time she walked around the apartment. She knew she could handle this, and that she’d survive for another day, just like every other day of her life. Fear didn’t have any room in a situation where survival was necessary anyways.

The brunette (though how long she’d retain this title, she had no idea) smiled inwardly, though it wasn’t one of happiness, just feeling amused that again, she’d been left alone. After all, she was the one who couldn’t walk, what else should she expect? A real Destrillian was a creature of power and prowess. A real Destrillian wasn’t a child’s broken toy, trying its best to live from day to day. A real Destrillian would have been able to handle the landslide she’d performed four years back, oh, and did they want a side of sandstorm to escape by as well? It was funny, in the sort of way that seeing a star athlete in a wheelchair makes people laugh uncomfortably. Terra had been trained to be the one who could snap a person’s neck with a hard enough punch, even the scientists knew she was miserable at controlling her abilities. And being crippled now, well that just made this frosting on her cake of irony.

The girl couldn’t even attempt to be a semi-normal human, her natural hair color was green for gods’ sakes. Someone who couldn’t walk, talk, move their arms right, all of that would always mark her as something ‘different’, and humans didn’t like ‘different’. A terrible Destrillian and a weird, useless human, well that was just getting to the point of some higher being just laughing in her face. She never regretted burying that horrid building, but just once, she wished she’d taken some sort of medicine beforehand so she wouldn’t be the useless lump she currently was.

“Hey, uh, Tabby, you okay in there?” Chris asked from back in the living room. He was starting to sound a bit anxious, probably for Emma. Which made sense, Terra was worried about Emma—Christina—well it wasn’t like she ever needed to use her pseudonym or anything anyways. She nodded, getting to her feet. Almost in this precise moment, someone knocked on the door. The crippled woman stood terrified for a moment, hobbling for cover from the front door’s line of vision, only slightly hearing the quick whispering from Chris and Riese.

One of them hurried to the door, probably hoping that Emma had returned: if they were lucky, this would end up being the case. “Police! We have the place surrounded! We suspect you’re harboring Deslittians in here!” Terra jumped a little in surprise, she had to get going. Could she sneak out the window while Emma’s friends kept them busy? She could only hope. She shuffled to the window, wriggling her fingers underneath the bottom of the windowsill, pulling it up (it squeaked loudly, which absolutely terrified her and made her hurry along.)

“Who are you? Where’s your badge, if you’re a policeman?” Chris’ skeptical voice echoed through the apartment, the news still quietly informing Terra of the current weather. She pushed the last cover of her window open and started to squeeze herself through the admittedly small hole she had made.

“Aw, c’mon man, I’m just messin’ with ya. Shit sucks in this stupid military whatever it is. The bars even closed down, I swear! You have something to drink in here though, right? We could be really great friends…” Oh. So apparently, he was just a random drunk who had decided to harass whoever lived inside. She wished she’d heard that before she’d ended up mostly through the glass. She also wished she’d thought about the fact they lived on the second floor before her feet slipped out and sent her tumbling forward.

If nothing else, she was at least quite durable. She fell through some big van-ish car, though some sort of open roof. Not that she could remember what those were called. Terra was also fairly certain she’d made some sort of noise that sounded like ‘YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII’ as she curled up to hit the floor, hearing her back crack loudly as she hit.

Oh. So this was what they had grabbed to escape. Well then, that worked out quite well, except for the fact that her back was as of right then, screaming at her for daring to topple out of a window, which she silently promised to it would never happen again. She made a rather noisy groaning noise and pulled herself to an open seat, coughing and wheezing.

Is ema here yet? Wat about eyedris an stols?

Stupid question, she decided as she looked around. They hadn’t arrived yet, obviously, and she didn’t wait for an answer to figure this out.

Lets wait 4 them ther gonna to get her soon.

She had assumed that they would continue to wait for them, but it never hurt to reiterate that they were still missing people. After all, they wouldn’t have left without Thetis or… well, actually, they might have left without Fiona, who she had planned on naming next, but at the same time, someone had to care about her.

Even if that someone wasn’t her.


Higher Further Faster

Chris sat on the couch with a huff, crossing his arms and staring blankly at the TV. Riese tried to reason with him, telling him to “chill out” in the nicest way possible, but even she eventually threw her arms up in the air, too exasperated to argue with him.

“You are impossible to be around when you get into one of your moods. You know that?” she spat, trudging off to Chrissy’s room for lack of anyplace better to go. She slammed the door shut without letting him get in another word edgewise.

“You’re not the only one who’s pissed off, Chris,”
she said, mostly to herself since she was speaking too softly for him to possibly be able to hear her through the closed door.

She sat down on her friend’s bed for a few minutes, just contemplating all that was happening. It seemed like quite a lot to take in such a short amount of time. Chrissy and Tabby were involved with these Destrillians that the news had talked about, and what’s more it seemed as if Tabby actually was one.

It was then that she felt something small and furry on her foot.

“Oh! Squeak! I didn’t realize you were in here,”
she said, scooping the mouse up in her hand. She stroked his soft fur gently as he curled up in her palm.

“I suppose you’re leaving, too, huh?” she asked the rodent.

Squeak looked up at her and twitched his nose. It was then that the weight of the entire situation began to bare down on her. Chrissy was leaving. She was really, truly leaving. The girl that Riese had come to call a friend, maybe her best friend. Her eyes began to sting with tears.

She looked across from her to the closet and dresser that Chrissy had in her room. There was a backpack leaning up against the latter, and it got Riese to thinking.

“If Chrissy has to go on the run, she’ll need stuff to bring with,” she said, looking intently at the mouse in her hand as if she expected him to comment.

The young woman stood up and walked over to pick the bag up off the floor, setting Squeak upon the dresser as she did so. She then put the backpack down on the bed and took a look around. There were a lot of clothes strewn across the floor, no doubt due to those other two Destrillians who had come out wearing some of Chris’s clothes.

She quietly picked the heap of clothing up off the floor and folded the pieces onto Chrissy’s bed. Whenever she saw something that may have been useful she placed it aside. After she had finished with this she went through the closet and dresser looking for things that would be practical (yet also fashionable, since she wasn’t about to let her dear Chrissy go on the run wearing something “fugly”).

A few years ago she never would have done something like this. She never would have thought of it. But Chrissy was always doing little thing – nice things – like this for people, that Rise felt maybe it was time to return the favor.

“What do you think of these?”
she asked Squeak, holding a pair of jeans up for him to see. He gave a squeal of approval and she fold them up and put them in the bag.

Things went on like this for a while. Riese would hold things up and get Squeak's approval. Of course she didn’t believe she was actually getting input from him due to the fact that he was a mouse, but the notion made her feel better at least for now.

Once the backpack was full she tossed it on the bed and flopped down on her back beside it. Now she had run out of things to distract herself with it was starting to get a little more difficult to keep her cool. She thought of the idea of her friend leaving forever and it brought on the sensation of tears again that she wasn’t sure if she would be able to hold back this time.

Was the idea of Chrissy leaving really so hard to bear?

The door to the bedroom slowly creaked open, and standing there just on the other side was Chris. He was silent, and looked slightly sheepish. Riese sat up to look at him better, but couldn’t get a good read off his face.

“I’m sorry for being a jerk,” he said

“Apology accepted,” she replied, giving a small smile.

“And?” he asked.

“And what?”
She was genuinely puzzled but the remark.

“Don’t you have anything to apologize for, too?”

Riese tilted her head and thought about it for a moment, then replied, “No.”

All Chris could do was give a bemused sigh and run his fingers through his hair. “Whatever. I’m going to watch some more TV.”

“I’ll join you!” the young woman replied, grabbing up the backpack and heading out of the room.

Squeak just remained on the top of the dresser, squeaking indignantly at having been forgotten. He surveyed a plant that sat atop it with him whose long vines stretched all the way down to the floor. He would have to do this the hard way apparently. Stealing his nerves the best he could, the mouse grabbed hold of the vine and slowly made his way down the dresser.

Once down, Squeak scurried over into the living room where the two humans sat on the couch watching TV. He located Emma’s backpack and crawled up on top of where the small front pouch stuck out. He would remain here all night if he had to; there’s no way he was being left behind.

Chris and Riese sat there on the couch watching TV for a very long time. They flipped between stations that were running news stories talking about the incidents with the Destrillians and the escape of Jason Spencer.

“Were they really involved with that?” Chris asked.

“I don’t know. Did they even have time to be involved with something like that?” replied Riese.

“Good point. But what about this hotel thing?”

“Well they’ve got pictures. I don’t think I really want to know the details, though.”

After a long while they both began to feel very anxious. It was very early in the morning now and no one had come back yet.

“I don’t get it. Where are they? Shouldn’t someone have been back by now? All Tina needed to get was some supplies from that one kid’s house, right?”

“Hey I haven’t seen Tabby at all, either. Is she okay?” Riese asked.

“She seemed like she was fine earlier,”
Chris replied. He stood up from the couch and turned to face in the direction of Tabitha’s room . “Hey, uh, Tabby, you okay in there?”

There was no answer, and at first that made Chris worried. Then he remembered that Tabitha couldn’t speak to begin with. He began to make his way over toward her open door when there came a knock from the main door to the hallway.

“Police! We have the place surrounded! We suspect you’re harboring Deslittians in here!”

Chris froze instantly, afraid to move. Squeak dived into the front pocket of the backpack as Riese quickly snatched it up, ready to flee if need be.

“Who are you? Where’s your badge, if you’re a policeman?” Chris called, inching his way toward the door to look through the peephole.

“Aw, c’mon man, I’m just messin’ with ya. Shit sucks in this stupid military whatever it is. The bars even closed down, I swear! You have something to drink in here though, right? We could be really great friends…”

Chris sighed and nearly doubled over from the sense of release, then as he regained his wits he felt agitated enough to be compelled to yell back.

“Fuck off, you stupid drunk!” he yelled through the door.

As Chris and the drunkard in the hallway exchanged words through the door, Riese heard a very strange noise coming from Tabitha’s room. She made her way over and peaked her head through the doorway in time to see a pair of feet disappear out the window as a girl’s voice could be heard making a strange, “YIIII!!!” sound. At first she was more stunned than anything else, standing there with one strap of the backpack over her shoulder. But after a couple seconds the reality of the situation dawned on her.

“TABITHA!” she screamed, rushing over to the window. When she looked out there was no sign of the girl. Instead, there was a large motorhome with a broken skylight sitting directly under her window.

she screamed, panic threatening to overtake her.

Without actually waiting for a reply Riese ran out of the room as fast as she could toward the door. “CHRIS! CHRIS! TABBYSHEFELLWEGOTTAGOCHECKONHER!”

“What?” the young man asked, not understanding what she was talking about.

“COME ON!” she yelled, grabbing him by arm and yanking him through the door. “Tabby fell out the window!”

“WHAT?” now it was Chris’ turn to freak.

Ignoring the alcoholic man going from door to door in the building looking for booze, the two humans raced down the stairs and out the front door.

“Where is she?” Chris asked.

“She fell into the motor home!”

As the two raced around the building they were greeted with yet another sight. Chrissy, Stolz, and Idris were running down the sidewalk at top speed. Idris and Stolz went straight for the vehicle while Chrissy turned and jogged over to them.

“Chris! Riese! You two have to go back inside now!”

“What? Why?” her boyfriend asked.

“Chrissy! Tabby fell into the motor home! We have to see if she’s okay!”

The red head made a quick glance over at the vehicular monstrosity that she could only assume was the best that the group in charge of stealing their means of escape could do.

“She’s okay,” Chrissy replied.

“How do you…”
Riese began, but was cut off.

“Listen, things aren’t going as planned so you two have to go hide. Now! You should be safe inside until morning after which you have to leave and never ever come back. Do you understand?”

“Tina? What…?”

Chrissy looked up into her boyfriends eyes, trying hard not to burst into tears. “I’m sorry, I don’t have time to explain everything to you. But it’s probably better this way anyway. Knowing too much could be dangerous.”

“That’s okay, just explain it all another time when things die down,” he said.

Her eyes grew wide at this comment. “Don’t you get it? There won’t be another time!”


“This is goodbye. I’m not coming back. Ever.”

Riese took a small step forward. “That’s what I was afraid of. I packed you another bag, with some clothes and stuff.” She held the backpack out to her, Squeak’s little head poking out of the pocket to sniff the air.

Chrissy leaned in and gave the girl a hug. “Thank you, Riese. You’re the best. I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you, too,” Riese replied.

Behind them Thetis and Kram appeared and clambered on up into the motor home, after which Idris leaned out the door and gave a yell.

"Emma, don't mean to rush you in your moment, but we need to go. NOW. Hurry up!"

“Emma?” Chris asked.

His girl pulled away from her friend and looked up at him. “My name…isn’t Christina.” She then quickly spun on her heal and walked away.

“I’m sorry,” was all she said.

Chris stood there dumbstruck for a second, then leapt after her and grabbed her by the arm, spinning her around to face him.

“No! It can’t be like this! I…I love you.”

Tears began to role down Emma’s cheeks as he said this.

“Whatever your name is, I don’t care! I can’t lose your forever like this!”

Emma stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him passionately, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing up against him tight as he wrapped his arms around her the best he could with the backpack in the way.

“Take care of your grandmother. Tell her that I’m sorry,” Emma whispered as she finally pulled away.

“No, please…” Chris pleaded.

“You have to go back inside. Please! They’ll kill you!”

Riese came walking up beside him and grabbed him by the arm. “Come on, I think we should do as she says.”

Emma turned once again toward the vehicle where the other Destrillians were, but before walking away she said, “I’ll always remember the two of you. I wish it didn’t have to end like this. Goodbye.”

Squeak watched the two humans from inside the pocket of the backpack as his master walked away. He felt sad about having to leave them as well, but as long as he had Emma and Emma had Tabitha everything would be okay. At least he hoped. Eventually he lost all sight of them as he and the plant Destrillian joined the other’s of her kind in the vehicle.

Riese had to wrap herself around Chris’s arm and pull him back into the building with all her might. Why couldn’t he get it through his thick skull that they had to get off the street? After she got him through the front door it became a little easier. The elevator was thankfully on the ground floor and she pushed him inside. After the painfully slow ride up to the second floor she pushed him out and back into the apartment.

Like a zombie Chris walked straight into Christina, or rather, now Emma’s, room and flung himself on her bed. Riese ran around the apartment making sure every window was shut and locked and all the lights were off. She then joined Chris in Emma’s (now former) bedroom and shut the door, sitting on the floor near the end of the bed.

Whatever it was that was coming, she prayed that it wouldn’t find the two of them, and also that it wouldn’t get its claws on Chrissy and Tabitha, either.

Exhausted, she leaned her head against the mattress and fell asleep. Chris, on the other hand, spent the rest of the night lying in silence, his cheeks wet with tears.
Last edited:


000 - 000 - 009
Sienna, Jenovas-Fifth, Idris
From the seat of a VTOL transport, Osea seemed quiet and peaceful… until of course, one caught a glimpse of the smoke and bright orange glow coming from one section of the city, where a temporary command post for the Destrillian search operation was located. Kijo simply gazed out the window, angered by the knowledge that the Destrillians had not only been able to sneak into an outpost that had an entire battalion of troops stationed there, but had also killed a number of her fellow officers. She turned her attention towards the other people in the aircraft.

“Marshall? Do we have confirmation on the target's current whereabouts?”

“According to reports they seemed to have commandeered a civilian vehicle and are now speeding around frantically with a suggested course being towards the R7 Highway.”

Kijo was able to connect the dots in all of this and figure out their quarry's goal. “It is quite clear what they are doing. Sneaking into an outpost in uniform, making off with a transport truck, they are trying to flee the city. And this knowledge gives us a sizable advantage.”

“In what way does it ma'am, if I might ask?” Marshall replied in a rather confused manner.

Kijo looked back out the window once again and said, “There are only so many routes leading out of the city, and most of them are via bridges and tunnels that we have been able to securely seal off…” She pointed out the window towards a section in the east of the city. “Except that one. The M3 expressway is a direct highway that takes you directly out of the city, and due to the size of the multi-lane road it is difficult to seal off as you can not simply raise it like a bridge.”

“Oh I getcha ma'am! This means if they plan to leave the city then they'll have to go through here and we can cut 'em off!” The lieutenant replied excitedly.

“That is exactly correct. And what works to a greater advantage is that a large stretch of the M3 passes through what is now abandoned industrial sectors which are all planned to be demolished within the next few months—which means we can utilize our forces effectively without the risk of endangering civilians in the process.”

“You sure do think fast, Major. So what exactly are we going to be rolling out this time?”

Kijo paused for a moment, contemplating how much firepower would be necessary to assure the targets were positively eliminated this time. Considering there would be no problem with civilians this time, it would be wiser to simply go all-out and make sure the goal was achieved.

“Alright, here is what we are going to do. Mobilize the 5th and 6th armored companies and have them set up on both sides of the M3 along the abandoned industrial sector. Then deploy twelve squadrons of VTOL gunships and have them standing by to engage at the command. Finally call IRIN and have them situate their vessels at the far eastern end of the highway. If the targets make it past our forces by some means, I find it very unlikely that they will get past two of those command ships also.”She actually wondered what would happen in the event they did escape all that, but then dismissed it as being simply impossible, and spoke up again.

“Well, that’s everything then. Issue the orders and we will then proceed to rendezvous at the industrial sector.”

“Yes ma'am!” Marhsall replied, then jumped onto the radio to relay his superiors orders as the VTOL veered off towards the eastern side of the city.


"Emma, don't mean to rush you in your moment, but we need to go. NOW. Hurry up!" Idris Savage called from the open door of the mobile home turned escape vehicle. Idris knew how important the two human beings outside were to the nature Destrillian, but her instinct to get out as fast as possible was beginning to override her tolerance for a long goodbye.
Tossing her reacquired black bangs out of her eyes, Idris stuck her pale arms out of the door and helped Emma in. The redhead quietly acknowledged everybody with a nod, and then went to sit beside Terra, the tears running silently down her cheeks. Terra herself squirmed around a little bit, looking here and there and everywhere, until finally she said to the Destrillians:

Evrybodii is here nao. Wii shud go wile wii can.

There were a few nods of agreement here and there; Nova and Jettison hadn’t heard Terra speak, of course, but they figured from the looks on everybody’s faces that the time had come to make their getaway.
Kerr hadn’t heard Terra either, which prompted Fiona into translating for him. “Floor that goddamned pedal and let’s GO already!” she snapped, slamming one hand on the back of his seat. Kerr gave her a withering glare before starting the mobile home wordlessly, and just like that they were off.

Stolz made a big fuss of getting to the back window, where they kept watch for… something. Only two of the other passengers knew of the menace that was, probably at that very moment, chasing them down—and neither were willing to dump it on their companions, agitated as they all already were. So Emma sat with her head nestled on top of Terra’s, and Idris perched delicately on the edge of the table because there was no more room for her to sit normally, and Stolz kept disturbingly silent vigil at the back, and not a one of them spoke.

It was silent. Tense. Nobody wanted to talk about anything – not about the catastrophe that had brought them all together, and not about the nightclub, and certainly not about all of their respectively failed missions. Each and every person in the Winnebago simply kept quiet and steeled themselves for what surely lay ahead. Idris met Thetis’ eyes once, accidentally, but the blue-haired girl looked away with a scowl. Jettison was speaking in hushed tones to Nova, probably about the rest of their group and what was to become of them; Lokka had sat himself down on the armrest of the couch that held the unconscious Kram, and was looking at him with some sort of reminiscence in his eyes.

And the quiet choked them all, because not a single one of them wanted to know what would happen when the silence did break.

It took about ten minutes of manoeuvring the big, heavy vehicle before the highway was in sight. By then the ride was growing smoother – Kerr was a fast learner, and he’d picked up skills much more difficult than driving a mobile home before.
Emma had wiped the tears from her cheeks with her sleeves. She was done with crying about it, for now at least – now, it was time to concentrate on the escape.
“We’re gonna make it through this Terra,” she whispered to the brunette-turning-greenhead beside her. Terra just bobbed her head up and down – of course they were. Because if they didn’t they would all die, and Terra didn’t want to think about all their bodies smeared over the road, so of course they would make it through.

Just then Stolz let out a heart-stopping gasp – in hindsight it was just Stolz being dramatic, but Idris’ sharp eyes caught a trace of real shock on the child’s face when they turned from the back window to face the rest of their company and announced, “Just figured you should all know, but that trio from the nightclub is chasing us and they’re probably gonna catch up real soon.”
“Oh, just great,” growled Fiona from where she was leaning on the back of the shotgun seat. “The last thing we need on our heels is those crazy fuckers.”
“Agreed,” came Lokka’s cool, composed voice from the couch. “It would be best if we made all due haste. Trust me – none of us wants to have to face those people down.”

“Then let’s hurry up and get on the highway already. Can’t this thing go any faster?”
Thetis said, her voice tight with agitation.
Idris could just about feel the resentment coming off Kerr in waves. Clearly, being the driver only meant you were going to get criticized on your driving. A lot. Nevertheless, the Winnebago neared the highway seemingly without incident, and as the group felt the gentle pull of inertia which meant the vehicle was starting to accelerate, they began to relax just a tiny bit from their terseness.

That was a mistake.


“Well fuck my ass, why'd they have to get a damn car!?” Vollerei called out as the trio charged across rooftops that ran alongside the street the mobile home was currently speeding down. Inveja was taking the lead, as she was most intent on catching up with the fleeing vehicle. As the road came to a bend, she saw a shortcut along the roofs that would allow her to cut off the vehicle, and so leaped across onto the next rooftop, which placed her in perfect position.

“You two are pathetic, so why don't you just catch your breath while I pay them a personal visit, okay?!”Inveja called back to her comrades. As the vehicle passed by, she leapt from the building and landed square on the roof of her target.

The sudden impact startled the Winnebago’s occupants—in particular, Stolz, who could sense exactly what had just landed on the roof. “Oh crap! Oh crap! It's Inveja! Someone stop her quick or we're in really big trouble!” Stolz shouted at the others.

Idris scanned the inside of the vehicle – nobody was looking particularly eager to get back up on their feet to fight a Lyverius.
Nobody except for Fiona.

"Time for me to shut this bitch up once and for all," the woman said, easing off her place leaning against the shotgun seat. She cast everybody an almost amused glance before jumping through the open skylight and onto the roof, facing the woman, Inveja, who she had fought once before at the underground club. "Well if it isn't the crazy-eyed freak back for the rest of her ass-kicking."

“Fire slut," Inveja snarled. "We'll see who's getting wiped off the pavement when I'm done with you!" she shouted at Fiona, arms crossed, katana held backwards in her right hand.

"Try me with that dull knife you call a sword."

“Hmpth—I'll make you bleed,
Destrillian,”the magenta-haired woman scoffed at Fiona. In a quick motion she unfolded her arms and flicked her sword out to the side. Fiona smirked and charged at her, dodging the first swing from her opponent's blade, and followed it up by throwing a punch which landed square on the flat side of Inveja's katana. The impact was enough to make the Pure stumble back for a moment before regaining her composure; she pulled off her left glove with her teeth and darted at the fire Destrillian. Her left arm, now covered in that shining black substance, reached forward in an attempt to end this fight quickly.

Fiona saw the woman's hand coming right at her, and knew exactly what her enemy was trying for.
Not this time.
She rolled forward under Inveja's arm and to the right, then as she rose up she spun around, extended her right arm, and connected with Inveja's upper chest, knocking her off her feet. The Lyverius fell backwards and tumbled off over the back of the vehicle's roof.

Fiona stood triumphant on the roof of the Winnebago, watching the Pure roll along on the road, getting further away every second as they pulled onto the highway. She knew better than to assume Inveja was dead. Nevertheless, the victory felt good, and she couldn't help but smirk. She rubbed her shoulder—it was really starting to bother her—and sauntered back over to peer through the skylight.
“Bitch wasn’t so tough. We’re all clear.”

“You don’t think they would attempt a second attack?”
asked Lokka, his voice carefully devoid of any worry. Surprisingly, it was Emma who responded.

“I don’t think they can,” she started, squinting out the back window at the asphalt racing beneath them. “We’re traveling too quickly for them to catch up without a vehicle – they can’t run that fast.” She sounded sure enough to put everybody at ease… which brought to Idris’ mind the question of, why did Emma sound so sure of herself in the first place? The metal Destrillian looked at her freckled fellow closely. Intently. But she looked the same as she ever did, just the same Emma as always.


A few minutes had passed without incident, but the Destrillians and their company weren’t going to let their guard down again. The city’s martial law had placed a strict curfew on all the citizens; this restriction rendered civilians unable to make their way to work until an hour or two later than usual. Kerr made good use of this – the Winnebago tore down the empty R7 at twice the legal speed, for all the world as if it were on some dusty, abandoned road in the wastelands to the east.

It was too easy. They were all thinking it. Nothing ever only had one problem – problems always came in waves, especially when there was more than one of their kind involved. The woman named Inveja could only have possibly been the beginning of their trouble.

“Maybe we’d better have someone on lookout,” Idris said, voicing everybody’s thoughts. “Just in case.”

“In case what?”Fiona sneered, sticking her head through the skylight again. She was still on top of the Winnebago, possibly enjoying the wind screaming through her fiery hair. “In case another glowy-eyed freak makes a miserable attempt to mess with us? In case the big bad city sends out its incompetent military? Well fine! If it means I get first crack at the bastards, I’ll stay up here—”

It must have been the adrenaline that let her hear it so far off.

“Get down!” Idris said, uncoiling from her place on sheer instinct and leaping up through the skylight, pushing Fiona’s head out of the way as she went. A small shock ran through her suddenly outstretched arm. The metal Destrillian opened her eyes – she hadn’t even remembered closing them – and brought her hand to her face. Uncurling her palm, there lay inside a shiny bullet. A machine gun bullet.
She’d snatched it right out of the air.

“Watch where you put those fucking hands, Baldy!”
she heard Fiona say as she cracked her jaw back in place. She must have used a lot more force to get the girl out of the way than she’d intended.

“I’m sorry,” Idris said, slinging the bullet right back where it came from and watching it hit home on the chest of one of the troops. “Next time I’ll just let the bullet do it, shall I?” Fiona glared—and then Idris smiled, and the fire Destrillian smirked right back at her.

“Whatever. Let’s thrash these idiots.”

“On your mark.”

Inside the Winnebago, Lokka moved from his place beside Kram’s unconscious body to one of the side windows. He didn’t like what he saw there. A good half-dozen armoured vehicles, each loaded with as many troops as they could fit, and each with a rather sizable gun mount to boot. And there were probably a few more right behind. And he was sure there had been VTOLs following them earlier.
He knew from their little team effort that Fiona was the fire Destrillian. Recalling information from files he'd read long ago, the viridian-eyed man remembered that the small one – Idris – was the Destrillian of metal.
That was going to be useful in this situation.

I’m sure I can provide an equally useful service,he thought, with a tiny, mirthless smile. We’ll fight better knowing we can’t be hit. “I’m going up with them,” he announced, over the sound of gunfire, and then he too sprang through the open skylight, landing casually beside the two female Destrillians.

As it happened, Fiona and Idris were a little too busy at the moment to acknowledge a third helper.
The Gunmetal Glint had spread her arms wide and conjured up a magnetic field to catch the bullets that were coming their way. Already, the three Destrillians were practically encased in a globe-like swirl of them.
“Any time now Fiona,” Idris called above all the noise, her voice strained with all the effort she was putting into their shield. Fiona herself just smirked and dragged her hand through the bullets, like running river pebbles through your fingers. Everywhere her hand touched, the metal began to heat up – it spread, and soon enough the entire sphere was glowing red-hot. Lokka shielded his eyes with one hand as the two worked on.

Idris waited patiently at the centre of the magnetic field as the air around them grew more and more unbearable. Finally, just as the bullets themselves began to melt, she took a deep breath and slammed them all together into one massive conglomerate. Taking careful aim, the small woman launched the twisted, burning projectile straight through the window of one of the VTOLs that had just caught up. The machine zigzagged away through the air before crashing and burning some space away.

Not a single one of them had spared the time to watch it do so, though – Lokka had quickly drawn on his power and thrown a shield around the group as Idris’ magnetic field went down, and the bullets were spanging off the almost-invisible wall by the dozens now. The white-haired Destrillian drew his gun and shot two men straight through the head, and another in the shoulder. But the chaos complicated things, and even though his hand was rock-steady, Lokka missed the next two shots entirely. The Winnebago was swerving around to keep from being hit too hard, and what with the targets already moving, it was hard to hit straight.
Wait,the man thought, with a sudden burst of clarity. Maybe I don’t have to.

“Yes?” the metal wielder called back, risking a look over her shoulder at Lokka. “What do you want?” The man simply held up his gun in response, looking at her intently, and she knew what she needed to do. A little smile escaped her—this new Destrillian was creative. “Where do you want them to land?”
“Don’t waste my ammo,” was the answer. Idris acknowledged it with a nod of her head and shook her hands out a bit to prepare.
Lokka shot four bullets in quick succession—
“You’re aiming too far to the right! What the hell’s wrong with you?” shouted Fiona, who had finally aimed precisely enough to burn one of the vehicles’ drivers alive.
—and Idris was quick to guide them home, curving their paths just enough for their own propulsion to land each one in somebody’s head. The four men slumped, dead in an instant – the poor, hapless fifth barely had time to call the three Destrillians something quite rude, before the entire vehicle burst into flames.

Fiona dropped her outstretched hand and cocked a smug eyebrow at the looks Idris and Lokka gave her. “Thought you two dumbasses had missed.”

“Did it take you that long to aim?” retorted Idris.
Fiona took casual note that the woman’s voice was a little more snappy than usual. She just chuckled at the metal Destrillian and resumed the task of roasting as many people as possible. It felt good to be able to stretch her limbs after so long hiding in that dump of a city; if she didn’t know any better, then the fire prototype would have thought she was genuinely enjoying the fight. And she would have been. If only it weren’t for that stabbing pain in her shoulder.


Inside the Winnebago, the rest of the group sat tight and listened to the battle above and around them. Emma had developed an odd behaviour; every minute or two, the redhead would start, or exhale a little too sharply, or her leg would give the most almighty twitch you’d ever seen. Of course nobody noticed but Terra, partly because Terra knew enough about Emma to know she wasn’t naturally twitchy in a fight, and partly because Terra was the only one watching.

U ok?

“Fine, I’m fine,”
the nature Destrillian said, as there was a scream and a boom and the freckled woman grit her teeth, hard.

“If you’re so fine, then why don’t you help?” spat Thetis from the other side of the Winnebago, her hands clamped white-knuckled on her bleeding knee. “Can’t you like, sprout some trees or something? They need help and you’re just sitting there!
“And him,” the blue-haired girl continued, throwing an icy look at Kram, who was blissfully unaware that any of this was happening at all, dead to the world as he was. “Great load of help he is, taking up space there. If he hadn’t been such an idiot then maybe he could be useful right now—like as a human shield.”

Emma bit her lip against retorting – the last thing they all needed was for a fight to break out inside the Winnebago as well as on the outside. Thetis did have a point, although the way she chose to phrase it was a bit unfair: Emma could help out.
She fumbled in her bag and produced a packet of seeds, and then got up and hurried to the window that Stolz had opened to look out of. Gently pushing the child aside, Emma emptied her packet of seeds into her palm and focused on them: on the tiny little life that was hiding in each seed, ready to bloom into something huge and magnificent.
She held her breath, concentrated, stuck her hand out the window—and let the seeds go.

Lokka, who had backed down to the defense for a short while to conserve energy while Fiona and Idris took the offense, was the one who caught sight of the seeds flying through the air—and then suddenly not being seeds anymore. For as Emma concentrated in the Winnebago, the tiny little seeds burst into bloom.
The men in the closest vehicle couldn’t believe their eyes. It looked like plants were just growing out of thin air; they landed smack on the windshield and there they swelled unbelievably, growing entire feet in mere seconds. It happened too fast for anybody to think of trying to get rid of them. Before anything could be done, the entire windshield was a green, leafy mess—and the plants didn’t stop there. No, they grew and grew, into the front of the vehicle, wrapping themselves around the soldiers and choking them to death. The vehicle swerved off to the left and crashed into another, which the plants quickly spread onto. The soldiers on that car met a similar fate.

Fiona, meanwhile, was setting fire to the gas tanks of the vehicles behind them. Every once in a while, when the occupants least expected it, their transportation would simply explode, raining fire and shrapnel down on the remaining opposition. It didn’t happen often though – it was a game of precision, which was never something Fiona had bothered too much with in the first place. Add to that a rain of bullets which she had to avoid, and the constant swerving motion of every goddamn vehicle on the highway, and the firestarter wound up with a hard time.
“Where the fuck’s that shield gone, Lokka?” she yelled at the green-eyed Destrillian. Their defence had flickered, faltered and died a moment ago, as the first stab of a headache invaded his mind. Setting his jaw, Lokka brought up a new shield, throwing a disparaging look to Fiona, who had given up on the whole precision thing for a while and was simply shooting fire from her hands at their pursuers like a human flamethrower.

"At least you had a sleep in that pod earlier – I've been saving your asses all day,"he called back to her. She didn’t bother to reply, but he caught the grin on her face at the reaction. Did the woman ever stop with the taunting?

Idris, meanwhile, had also heard what he’d said—and she’d noticed the strain that was being put on him, too. Quick to think, the small girl whipped up an idea that would hopefully buy them all a bit of a rest.
“Lokka, fit that shield around the outside of this,” she said, and with a tense and flick of her wrists, her magnetic field reappeared… only concentrated into one spot, right splat bang in between the Destrillians and their pursuers. Lokka was quick to do as she said, having caught on: the shield’s purpose was to ricochet the bullets away from them, but the field that Idris was generating was designed specifically to pull the bullets towards them. The overall effect was rather like a giant lethal slingshot – the pressure would build and build until Idris saw fit to let go and send the bullets flying back at their owners.

And she did. The soldiers in their vehicles shot for all they were worth; they’d figured out by now that one of the Destrillians’ number was pretty much bulletproof, but it was all they really had and they weren’t about to stop trying any time soon. Points for perseverance.
But for all their diligence, not a one was fast enough in the split second where the Gunmetal Glint let out the breath she’d been holding, opened her eyes, yanked a bit on the field to give it one last boost, and then let it go.
Lokka’s shield just about cracked from the intensity of the pressure change; bullets ripped through the vehicles behind the Winnebago, leaving absolutely nothing but slowing, broken wrecks and bloodied bodies.
“Step on that pedal, Kerr – give us some distance!” Idris called over her shoulder. The three instinctively adjusted their footing as they felt the subtle change of air resistance, and for just a little while, they lost their attackers behind them.

Without pause, Fiona jumped down through the skylight into the Winnebago – nobody noticed the way she had to catch her breath a bit. Lokka followed suit, and then Idris, the three of them taking a moment’s rest from the onslaught.
“Are you all okay?” asked Emma, with a concerned look in her eyes. Neither Fiona nor Lokka bothered to answer her, so Idris responded with a nod and walked past them to the front, rubbing the back of her head a little as she went.
“How’re we doing up here, then?” she asked, realizing that since she’d left the inside of the Winnebago, Kerr had been joined by none other than Stolz, who was happily riding shotgun.
“Fine,”Kerr snapped. His voice was tight, but Idris wasn’t sure what with. Anger, apprehension, stress – all were viable candidates. She found it weird enough that she could hear emotion in his voice at all. She took a quick glance at the speedometer—and then left him to do his job, that being to drive them out safely while going that speed.

“And the rest of you?” she asked the others, feeling more and more like she was forcing the idea of talking and liking it less and less. The response she received didn’t help to dissuade this idea; vague “mmhmm”s and “uh-huh”s, a nod or two, and Thetis’ bitter laugh.

“We aren’t going to last if we keep going at this rate,” she sneered, and for once Idris felt a little offended by the water Destrillian.


“What the fuck do you mean, we aren’t going to last?” Fiona cut in, saving Idris the hassle. “Maybe you haven’t been able to see it because you’re just sitting in a corner there, but we’re kicking ass.”

“You can only fight for so long – once the headaches set in, what will you do? What will any of us do?”

“I dunno, Thetis,” Emma began with trepidation. “We’ve made pretty good progress, haven’t we?”

“What, you think this piece of junk”—she kicked the wooden panel on the side of the couch and scowled even deeper when it fell off—“is going to get us to Audoula? Are you kidding me?”

“At least it’s something,” countered the plant Destrillian. “We could be running for it on foot! And it might not be an armored car, but it’s been pretty sturdy so far.”

“Sturdy. Yeah.” Thetis blew her hair out of her eyes. “Well that put my mind at ease. I’ll remember that when we’re splattered on the asphalt.”

“Could you stop being so negative, Thetis?” Idris said, a pleading tone in her voice. She had no idea what the girl’s behaviour could be because of, but it wasn’t helping any of them. The last thing they all needed was to start bickering amongst themselves.

“Maybe if things had happened differently, we wouldn’t be in this mess,”Thetis snarled, throwing an acidic glare at the back of the front seat. There was no reply. They just drove on in silence.

The silence didn’t last longer than another few moments though. Once again, the sounds of approaching vehicles could be heard – and even more discouraging, the sounds of VTOL engines. It was time for round two.
“Fuck this shit, yo!”It startled them all, as they hadn’t heard Nova speak since they’d gotten into the Winnebago in the first place. “I’m getting antsy just standing in this thing. Y’all are way tense. Screw waiting around for you people – it’s my turn to get a piece of the action!”
“It didn’t feel right, just standing here,”agreed Jettison, rolling her shoulders in a preparatory manner. “Let’s go.” And before anybody could stop them, they both grabbed hold of the lip of the skylight and swung themselves up, shimmering into nothingness as they went. It was done less with grace than with perfect form; they’d obviously practiced things like that a lot.

To be absolutely, perfectly honest, Fiona could have done with another minute or two of break time before getting back to fighting, but HELL if she was going to let anybody know that. “Well I’m with them,” she shrugged, a smirk on her lips. Her gaze roved across everybody’s faces for a reaction—lingered on Thetis’—and then, apparently satisfied with whatever she saw in them all, she too leapt back into the fray above.

She arrived just in time to see Jettison and Nova ‘get their piece of the action.’

She couldn’t see them of course, but that was the point. Jettison and Nova, under cover of Jettison’s illusion, had waited patiently (enough) for one of the vehicles to catch up with the Winnebago. At last, one poor group managed to just about pull up behind them – there was a mere ten feet between them now. Without so much as a by-your-leave, the two leapt off the Winnebago, flew through the air—
—and kicked straight through the windshield, sending glass flying everywhere. Nova was quick to dispose of the troops by simply picking them up and tossing them out at other vehicles, while Jettison got behind the wheel with a grim little smile. They rematerialized, just to give the Destrillians some idea of what had just happened, and then proceeded to drive right up alongside another vehicle… which Nova, hanging out of the side of the hijacked car, stuck a hand under and tipped, ‘till it had fallen onto it’s side and smushed one or two of it’s riders.

Even Fiona had to admit, that was impressive. Maybe there was a reason why they’d allowed those two to tag along, after all.
And it got her thinking.
She knew that as powerful as she was, her strength did not lie in precision – all this aiming bullshit was hindering her of her natural ability to win this fight one-handed. So what she needed to do was to follow Jettison and Nova’s example. Fiona needed to take the fight to her prey.


Inside the Winnebago, Idris and Lokka were preparing to go back and join the fight. Idris had tried to assuage the little headache she had, but everything else going on around her made it impossible for some reason. She just couldn’t quite manipulate herself the way she had at the motel, and that irked her greatly.
Kram stirred for a moment, but before anybody could make a conclusion as to whether that was good or bad, he’d fallen back under. Thetis threw the unconscious figure a look that said she clearly blamed him for a lot of what was going on—if not all of it.

“Well,” Idris started, and she could hear how forced her voice was. “We’ll be going back up, then.”

“I wish I could help you, Idris,” Emma said from her seat. “I really do. But there aren’t any plants here…”

“Don’t worry about it.” She smiled a tight, forced little smile. “You’re just as useful staying down here and making sure that we don’t all tear each other to pieces.” She swept a look across the rest of the Winnebago, and its occupants. “We’re good at that.”
She jumped back up onto the roof, quickly joined by Lokka—and the two of them had just enough time to wonder where Fiona had disappeared to when a massive explosion bloomed red in front of them and the Destrillian in question rode the shockwave back to the Winnebago. She was smiling a hunter’s smile.

“Now that’s more like it,”she said, admiring her work for a beat before turning to the other two. “The two freaks we picked up at the nightclub are driving around somewhere in there, so watch where you’re hitting. I’ve found a better way to deal with these idiots than just sitting my ass on the roof and hoping.”
To make her point, she jumped from the edge of the Winnebago roof onto another vehicle. The poor soldiers hardly knew what to do – they panicked. So much the better. Fiona burned one of their faces off, delivered a punch so strong it snapped another’s neck, and then before the other ones could get their heads back on straight and maybe try to stop her, she clicked her fingers and ignited the gas tank, leaping back out of range as the car exploded.

“See?” she gloated as they watched the two wrecks burning. “I’m almost bored already – it’s gonna be too easy from here on out.”

“Don’t underestimate them Fiona,” replied Lokka, who had thrown up a small shield, just enough to keep them from getting hit if they stood close together. “They may be stupid as hell, but they’ve got numbers. And Thetis was right – we have limits.”
The firestarter ‘hmph’ed at the mention of the blue-haired girl. “She’s just sulking because her little rescue mission crashed and burned. She’ll get over it eventually.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” Idris chimed in, giving Fiona a good long look. “You do know her best.”

Fiona had nothing to say to that, so instead she just leapt to another vehicle and started her process all over again. That left Idris and Lokka to fend for their own on the Winnebago, and as helpful as Fiona was being (another car exploding proved this point) they still had the problem of only one person fit for offense.
“How many bullets do you have in that thing?” Idris asked, nodding at Lokka’s gun.

“Not enough.”

“Good answer.” She grit her teeth. “Alright, save your energy – I’ll cover us. Just don’t miss.” The man nodded and stepped forward while Idris retreated to just behind the skylight and rooted her feet in the metal of the roof. Then, placing an incredible amount of faith in them all, she forced herself to close her eyes and concentrate. The magnetic field sprang up once more, not just around her and Lokka but around the entire back half of the Winnebago. They’d neglected to cover their transportation this whole time, and although it seemed a good strong vehicle, to withstand so much and still be going, the pale woman didn’t want to risk their ride out dying beneath them.

Lokka took the best aim he could. Most of the time, he hit home; one bullet was all that any one vehicle needed, as long as he hit the driver. Fiona was still hopping back and forth, leaving a burning trail of destruction along the highway, and he needed to avoid hitting her instead seeing as she gave no warning as to which car she was about to pulverize. But he made do.
He emptied the revolver’s rounds, reloaded with his last reserves, and emptied them again in mere minutes. After that, there was nothing he could do except to maybe use his barriers as blunt force. It would cost him even more of a headache, but it was either a headache or death.
So Lokka took the headache option. It took him barely a thought to conjure the barrier, solidify it as much as he dared, and send it flying like an invisible brick wall towards the vehicle closest to them.
The effect would have almost been seen as comedic, had any one of them been in a mood to laugh. One moment the soldiers were speeding along, looking like they meant business; the next they were smushed up against nothing, it seemed. The barrier flickered and died as soon as its job was completed, and Lokka sent one more vehicle to a similar doom before a stab of pain reminded him that he wasn’t supposed to be using his power so much. That’s what Idris had been trying to prevent.

"I'm running out of energy here,"Lokka called out to the pale woman, forcing more energy out of his body at their pursuers. "Is there anyone down there able enough to take over?"

Idris didn't risk opening her eyes for fear of breaking her concentration. "There'd better be," she replied through gritted teeth. "Go and check - I'll be okay up here." She didn't think it worth mentioning the headache that was slowly but surely increasing in magnitude - he understood it's presence by the very fact that he had one, too.

"If any problem should arise where you need me, just shout,"were his last words to the girl, before he jumped back down to safety.


Before all this, though, Kerr had been doing his best to keep them all out of the line of fire; the VTOLs had caught up and as safe as the back of the Winnebago was from bullets, there was still the problem of the front half being entirely vulnerable to an aerial attack. He was grateful that the others at least had the presence of mind to shut up while they rocketed down the highway; one wrong move and they would be “splattered on the asphalt,” as Thetis had so eloquently put it. Beside him, Stolz watched the action in the rearview mirror like a vulture, screaming out “LEFT!” or “RIGHT!” as appropriate, and although Kerr was loathe to follow orders, the child proved helpful sometimes.
But sometimes Stolz’ left really meant right, or he wouldn’t go quite far enough to the right, and they would all feel the Winnebago shudder a bit as it was grazed by a spray of bullets.
It was tough to stay civil, to say the least. So Kerr settled for frigid silence as he pushed the Winnebago for all it was worth—the sign for the M3 expressway was in sight, and that meant they were half way there.
Another shriek from Stolz and Kerr swerved them all to the right, gripping the steering wheel ever-tighter, eyes locked on the exit to the expressway.

“What the hell are they doing up there?” Thetis grumbled. “It sounds like they’re just taking a breather or something. This isn’t the time to slack!”

“You’ve been sitting there this whole time complaining,” the black-eyed man finally snapped. “If you were any use at all, you might go up there and fight them yourself!”

Terra, meanwhile, had been sitting quietly beside Emma, trying her best to do what she could to help—which was basically sitting quietly itself, because she could barely walk, let alone fight. Something like anger, or maybe shame, bubbled up inside her. This was a time where she was needed. There was plenty of earth all around them; the concrete itself, she could manipulate. But she couldn’t. If she were any use at all, she would be standing tall (or as tall as her 5’2” would allow her) and impaling vehicles by the dozens. But she couldn’t.

“Terra?” Emma said, sensing her friend’s distress. Terra looked up at Emma, her red hair and her freckles and her bright blue eyes. So full of life.

Eye’m useless.

“Don’t say that!”
was the reply. Emma took Terra’s hands – the right one was shaking, as it sometimes did – in her own, searching the girl’s face for a way to convince her that she wasn’t useless at all. But as much as she wanted to ease Terra’s mind, Emma couldn’t lie. The both of them had, for the most part, been sitting safe in the Winnebago as the others fought for all of their lives. What had they done to deserve an easier time of it?

“I’m helping,” Thetis said through a clenched jaw, trying to justify the words even as she said it.

“How? Moral support?” Kerr mocked her from the front. “Are your our cheerleader now Thetis? You’ve done nothing. You’d be a better help if you were unconscious like Kram.” The words served their purpose, as they shocked Thetis into enough of an indignant silence for Kerr to focus on swerving out of the way of another rain of bullets.

Terra squirmed around in her seat to look out the front window. She could see the exit to the expressway up ahead – if that got blocked off behind them, maybe they would be safe for a while. Terra really, really wanted them to be safe. It would be the most wonderful thing in the world if they were safe, even for a few minutes. It was that thought that spurred her to get up shakily, slipping her hands out of Emma’s and gripping the edge of the Winnebago’s table for support.
She could do this. Maybe. If she concentrated hard enough. She only needed to bring up one or two spikes anyway – that would be enough to slow them all down. But she needed time and timing, and they were going to be through that exit in less than a few seconds. Maybe she couldn’t do it.
But then she heard a little noise, so lost in all the other noises of battle that it couldn’t have been anything less than pure chance that she’d heard it at all. It was the sound of Idris giving the smallest cry of pain as bullets were caught in her field and slung back around – her headache was getting worse.
It didn’t matter if Terra couldn’t do it. She had to.

And she had to do it now or else the point would be lost. Lokka dropped back in, looking like he was going to say something, but she didn’t pay him any attention. The brown-going-green-haired girl took a big breath and concentrated on the concrete beneath them shooting out in big, magnificent spikes. Ten feet tall and terrifying to behold. Of course they wouldn’t turn out that way at all but she figured the overexaggeration would at least help her along.
She made a pained noise, but she felt something shifting, changing within the concrete. Her concentration was making her feel like her head was going to explode, but she focused the pain in her head to the cement behind them. It felt like her skull was cracking, but Terra realized it wasn't the only thing that had exploded: the road behind them must have been covered in spikes, the way she was focusing on it. For a moment, she poked her head out the window and saw the road wasn't covered the way she wanted, but there were at least two spikes vitally blocking the road.

Terra flopped onto the floor with a sigh, head feeling like a nail being hammered into a board. Emma was quick to kneel down at her side, asking if she were okay and what was she thinking, and she could have hurt herself doing that! But Terra didn’t mind – somewhere, buried under the spades and spades of pain in her head, was the sense of accomplishment she’d been wanting this whole time.

Up on the roof, Idris had been standing by her lonesome, eyes closed, focused on simply keeping them from getting torn to shreds. At once, she felt the heat rush that could only belong to Fiona appear at her side.
“How we holding up, Baldy?”the girl asked, and before she could say anything, “And where the fuck did Ghost boy go?”

“He’s tired – leave him be,” Idris replied, not opening her eyes. She felt rather than saw Fiona’s eyes sizing her up, and she knew that the fire prototype understood. Idris wasn’t really only talking about Lokka.
Fiona raised a hand to clap onto Idris’ shoulder, then thought better of it and just said “Think of how great it’ll be when we’re out of this goddamned city.” And then she was off again, dodging VTOL gunfire as she swung herself into the front of a vehicle, taking both soldiers out with a vicious two-footed kick and then blasting the last one. She jumped onto another car, aiming to use it as a springboard back to the Winnebago—
—but then the road convulsed beneath her and she was thrown back as three concrete spikes appeared, blocking the expressway that her comrades had just driven down. She’d been effectively left in the dust.
The vehicle she’d landed on had promptly crashed into these spikes, rendering it useless. She crushed the skulls of the two surviving passengers in her anger, and then whipped around, looking for another car to jump onto. The sight of how many were left did not lighten the situation.
How many of these assholes did they send after us?
As she watched, a half dozen whizzed right on past her, continuing along the R7. She frowned at their actions as she rubbed her arm to alleviate the pain that had spread from her shoulder.
And why are they just barreling right on down that way? They’re not stupid enough to miss the expressway sign – what are they doing?
And then she remembered that the R7 had two exits. It was such a popular road that they’d needed to add a second one to help the traffic flow. The next one was further along; all she had to do was find something to hitch a ride on until they reconnected.

Then she spotted it. A vehicle with a smashed windshield.
She grinned and leapt.


“Is there anybody who can go up there and help?” Lokka asked the Destrillians in the Winnebago, fearing the answer. Terra had just done her part, as far as he could see, and he wasn’t inclined to force more out of her; Emma, the plant Destrillian, would be no use in this situation, no matter how much she wanted to be. Kerr looked a bit too preoccupied keeping the Winnebago moving, and although Lokka could have taken the wheel, he decided against it. The aim of being down here was to rest.

Stolz, though, seemed in perfect condition to aid them all. The child started to scramble over the back of their seat—but they were stopped by Thetis. The yellow-eyed girl stood up, forcing herself not to wince at the sharp pain in her knee, and blocked Stolz’ path.
“No. I’ll go,” she said, holding her head high. She could feel Kerr staring her down through the rear view mirror, daring her to do it. So she walked under the skylight with all the dignity she had and then jumped up, albeit a bit clumsily. Lokka watched her go, and then promptly took her seat and closed his eyes, resting his head on the wall behind him.

Up on the roof, Idris hadn’t felt nearly as much gunfire in the past little while. She risked cracking one eye open and saw that there were in fact no pursuers behind them – not at the moment, at least. That tremor she’d felt must have been Terra’s contribution to the fight; they would only have the VTOLs to deal with, for a while at least. She would have smiled, but the strain of maintaining a magnetic field that big, for that long, had sapped all her liveliness. She was just quietly grateful for a quick break.

Just as she let the field dissipate, Thetis popped out of the Winnebago and landed awkwardly on one foot in front of her. The girl took a good look at the lack of opposition, and then turned on Idris.
“There’s nobody there,”she started, almost looking annoyed. Of course the moment she tried to help, there wouldn’t be anything to help with. “You said you needed help! Why—”

“Stop.” The sound of Idris’ voice froze the water Destrillian. “Just stop.”
Well what was that supposed to mean? Thetis frowned, but didn’t say anything; she just stood there, waiting for an adversary to appear. They passed into a tunnel for a few seconds, and the two were plunged into sudden darkness. The sounds of the outside highway were muffled or lost completely, and in the dark and silence, Thetis realized something.
“Where’s Fiona?”

Before Idris could open her mouth to tell her, they re-emerged from the tunnel just in time to catch a Winnebago-full of VTOL gunfire. Growling out her frustration, Idris deflected most of the bullets, but one nearly hit her, missing by inches and instead punching a hole in the roof beside her.
Thetis glared at the VTOL; willing water to materialize out of the air itself, she focused all her anger into power and shot the pressurized stream at the aircraft like an arrow from a bow. The water cut right through the heart of the VTOL and down it went, spiralling into another part of the highway above them and exploding. Satisfied for the moment, Thetis turned back to Idris.
“Well? Where is she?”

In reply, Idris merely pointed upwards. Thetis followed the girl’s pale, slender finger… and looked at the aforementioned highway above.
“We lost her when Terra blocked the expressway – she’s up there somewhere fighting.”
“Can’t we get to her somehow?” The barely suppressed panic in the girl’s voice reminded Idris again of just how much the two cared for each other. “There’s got to be some way!”

“There’s one more entrance onto this expressway from there,” Idris explained, looking up as well. “If we cross that at the right moment, she could jump back on.”

“Well GO FASTER then,” she shrieked over the sound of the wind at Kerr. The wind carried back his reply:

“I’m TRYING. Just shut it already!” He certainly sounded like he was trying, at any rate. Thetis clenched her fists until her knuckles were white – this was just all going so wrong. None of this should have happened in the first place. If Kerr had just minded his own damn business instead of trying to kill her, then none of them would be in danger. Fiona wouldn’t be in danger.

“Incoming!” called Idris above the unbearably loud sound of a VTOL swooping in to meet them close-up. With a cry of rage, Thetis lashed out with a razor-sharp whip of water – the entire left wing of the aircraft was sheared off and it went down hard, crushing into the road behind them and spraying bits of asphalt and shrapnel everywhere. Thetis caught a piece on her cheek and a hiss escaped her at the fresh new pain.

“Nice shot,” Idris remarked from behind Thetis. The blue-haired girl just nodded, not bothering to look back. The fighting felt good – it was giving her a way to let out all the tension that she’d built up in the Winnebago.

“I’ll do the same to anything that comes our way.”

“I sure hope so.” A pause. “We’ll get her back, don’t worry.”

“I’m not worried,”
the water Destrillian spat to the air in front of her; her point was countered by the way she stomped her foot down on the roof of the Winnebago, a wordless encouragement for Kerr to drive faster, already.

“Want to sit down?”


“Your knee looks pretty bad, though.” It was at this moment that Thetis realized that Idris was trying to quietly make up for snapping at her earlier. She turned full-on to face the small, pale woman sitting on the roof of their ride.

“That’s Kram’s fault,”she replied, though her voice was a bit less harsh this time. Idris nodded.
“All the same, you should be taking care of it. I don’t think you want it to give out now, mm?”

“I guess,”the water Destrillian replied, taking a step towards Idris. She spared a moment to look up at the highway above them, towering on supports made of concrete and steel—and then Kerr ran the Winnebago over a pothole and she lost her balance. Just as Idris had predicted, her knee crumpled beneath her, and she toppled through the skylight and landed entirely undignified on the floor of the mobile home.

“Thetis?” she heard Idris call from above. She sounded worried, but suddenly Thetis didn’t care. The fact that somebody was worried over her almost made her angry – in fact it did. People shouldn’t have HAD to worry about her! She should have been strong enough to not let something as stupid as a pothole in the road bring her down. This was pathetic. She was pathetic.

Idris stuck her head in through the skylight; as she did, her wig fell off onto the floor. “Are you alright?” she asked. Thetis glared straight into the woman’s tired grey eyes.

“Fine,”she quipped. “Absolutely fine. I don’t think I could ever feel any better than I do right now.” She picked up Idris’ wig and put it down rather forcefully on a countertop. “So why don’t you quit mothering me and protect us?”

Something about the way Idris looked at her, right before her now-blonde head disappeared back on top of the Winnebago, made Thetis want to take it back. But now that she’d said it, she couldn’t; the embarrassment would kill her, on top of everything else. Scowling deeper than ever, the Raging Charybdis slunk back to her corner – shoved Lokka aside, muttering a “move” – and curled back up in it, brooding.
She just couldn’t do anything right today, could she? There was this, and the trip she and Kram had made to save Venus; Fiona had left her to hurt in Emma’s bathroom; she hadn’t even been able to kill Kerr during the motel fight. She should have been able to. And with a sudden epiphany, Thetis realized that it wasn’t entirely Kerr’s fault; it was hers, too. If she’d just refused that one pizza order, called in sick to work that day, something, then she wouldn’t have come face to face with the gravity Destrillian in the first place and he wouldn’t have tried to kill her.
Good job, Alcesteos. She curled tighter into herself. You really can’t do anything right.


On the R7, Jettison, Nova and Fiona were having a right time with it all themselves. Jettison had the wheel of their hijacked vehicle in both her palms, wasting no effort in maneouvering it down the long, straight highway. Although they had unintentionally managed to keep the heat off of them by riding in an enemy vehicle, Nova's antics had caused a number of the pursuing vehicles to divert their attention away from the Winnebago. Even though he was just one man, he had managed to make an absolute mess of the highway behind them, simply by pushing and throwing other vehicles as they closed in, like some kind of child's video game.

"Yo girl, you sure you don’t wanna swap places? These fools keep coming," the colossal man grinned as he shouted to his partner; one of his hands was clutching the frame of the side door that he'd ripped off some time ago, the other was shoving the front end of one of pursuing transports,causing it to spin out and crash into the concrete divider at the side of the road. The explosion, while small, managed to wreck two additional vehicles, cutting the enemies' numbers down further.

"I'm okay
,"Jettison replied, finally taking her eyes off the road to glance behind her at what Nova had been doing all this time. She had been concentrating too much on driving the vehicle; she hadn't noticed just how many cars her accomplice had turned to scrap metal. It was helpful—
—but again, so were Fiona and her exploding gas tanks.
Fiona, having been separated from the rest of the Destrillians and Winnebago, had been ricocheting down the same road that the two superhumans had taken. Jettison had recognised the importance of not leaving the flame Destrillian behind, despite not liking the girl very much. Fiona had resumed her system of destroying enemy vehicles, using the duo's commandeered transport as a home-point; having just ripped the driver out of an armed truck,Fiona launched herself back to safety, popping her head down to speak to the young ruffian.

"How much longer is it going to take for you to catch up to the others, already?" she said, peering in at Jettison. "Even Bones drives faster than you."

Jettison chose to ignore the second sentence. Instead, she peered down at the highway beneath them, looking back to check the distance between the Winnebago and its pursuers. "Your friends need to put their foot down," she said, glancing back at their own enemies.They were growing in numbers. "Otherwise they're going to collide with OUR problem."
"And that shit ain't gonna be pretty!" Nova half-chuckled as he threw a ripped-off tire into the crowd of vehicles behind them.

“Hmph,”was all Fiona bothered to reply with before bounding off again. It was just so easy for her to destroy all these idiots that she was practically getting bored – to entertain herself, she made little challenges. How many bones can you snap in one body before you have to move on; how long can you play around on one car before it blows up; how close can you get to the gun turret before they shoot. Things like that, just to keep her mind from straying to other things. Things like the Winnebago and how the others were doing, and things like how her entire upper body was hurting now—including her head. Even Fiona got migraines from overexertion.

But she pushed those thoughts back and focused on nothing but laying absolute waste to every soldier who came her way. Again and again she pounced on these vehicles and their passengers, and it was death and destruction every time. But what she didn’t see coming was an old black car, which entered the highway from one of the connecting roads at the last possible second—instead of landing on another hapless team of men, Fiona found herself face-to-face with somebody she recognized.
No way.
It couldn’t be.
But it was.

After righting herself, Fiona took a look into the front of the car. And then she threw back her head and laughed. “Nice wheels, hag,” she yelled through the windshield at a surprisingly unsurprised Ms. Petrowski. Rather, the grizzled old woman just looked angry that the fiery-haired girl was in fact standing on her car. Instead of panicking like the soldiers would have, the heavyset woman just shrieked something back – it was muffled by the gunfire and the windows, but Fiona was sure it had been rude, whatever it was. She gave the car a friendly goodbye pat – leaving a dent in the roof – and jumped on away, still laughing that wild, raucous laugh of hers.
The landlady had more balls than any one of these troops, she had to admit.


Idris had been left alone on top of the Winnebago to think – and to fight, but there was nothing to fight at the moment. To be honest, the pale woman wasn’t sure whether she wouldn’t rather still be fighting. It would take her mind off of what Thetis had said, at least.
“Quit mothering me and protect us!”
She sighed, rubbing her temples as another stab of pain reminded her that yes, her headache was still there, regardless of her efforts to slow it down. Maybe she shouldn’t have said anything; Thetis was full of pride, after all, and Idris understood that. She was also in a bad mood to begin with… which Idris could also understand. Maybe it was just bad timing. But Thetis had also changed since Viola, and the Gunmetal Glint could only guess as to whether the blue-haired girl was being snappy with her because of pressure, or because she had some sort of personal vendetta. She had been making disparaging comments the whole way, after all. Maybe Thetis just didn’t want to talk to Idris.
Or maybe it was just that Thetis wanted to talk to Fiona more.

She sighed and looked up—just in time to see a VTOL positioned and ready to spray bullets right into her face. She was actually caught off-guard enough to gasp quite loudly. For one lurching moment, she felt like her magnetic field wasn’t going to come up, but it snapped into being as it always did and all it cost her was another little piece of pain. The sound of the gunfire was hurting her ears by now.
“Somebody want to help me out a little?” she called into the Winnebago while she got to her feet – with the smallest of difficulties – and took a fighting stance. She realized suddenly that the model of the aircraft she was facing down was identical to that of the one she’d pulled out of the sky at the motel. That meant that she knew where it’s important bits were.

She took a deep, steadying breath, and felt around with her power for the intricate little pieces that allowed the VTOL to fly; it took longer than she would have liked, swerving as they were and moving as her enemy was, but she found them. Idris forced herself to look into the cockpit and smile at whoever was flying, and it must have scared them to death.
And then she broke them. You couldn’t even tell from the outside, but the aircraft went down instantly and crashed in some field beyond the highway.
A field? That means we’re nearing the edge of the city. She shook out her tingling hands and turned around to face into the wind, trying to see to the edge of Osea and maybe beyond, but she had no luck. There was still a ways to go.
Well we aren’t dead yet, which is nice, all things considered. Although a bit more help would have been nice; she called down a rather sarcastic “Thanks a ton!” to her comrades, but there was no answer.

The small woman made a noise of irritation in her throat and sat back down, only to leap back up again as she spotted the place where the R7 above her would come down and merge with the M3 expressway. That meant they would be rejoining with Fiona (it was funny how she didn’t even stop to consider any other possibility) and also…
“Well.” She exhaled sharply and pushed her blond hair out of her face. “I guess break time’s over. Does somebody please want to come give me a hand?” Again, no answer – either they couldn’t hear her, or they didn’t care to acknowledge her. She could only hope it was the first one.

Down below, the occupants of the mobile home really couldn’t hear Idris’ pleas for a teammate. Kram was still passed out, although he’d fallen off the couch some time ago and was presently squished up beside it on the floor; Terra was still recovering from the concrete spikes, with Emma by her side. Thetis was determined, it seemed, to be as sulky as possible for the rest of the trip out. Lokka seemed to have fallen into a light sleep. And Kerr was busy with timing their passing of the R7 entrance just so, to allow Fiona to get back to the group without getting lost in another wave of combatants.
Only Stolz, who had done nothing this whole time, was in a position to hear the metal Destrillian’s call for help. “I’m thinking someone wants you up there,” the child said to nobody in particular, pointing a hand up at the roof. Kerr threw a sidelong glance at them; when it was made clear that he hadn’t understood, Stolz added, “I mean I heard her calling for help but I guess she’s okay now or else she’s been shot through like swiss cheese.” They paused for a second, frowning a little at the idea of Idris not being perfectly alright and alive. “Checkup time.”

“I didn’t hear anything,” countered Kerr, and maybe it was childish of him but he figured that anything that Stolz could hear, he could too. “Leave her alone. She’s alright on her own.”

“Are you sure?” asked Stolz. “Because you people’s heads all hurt after using too much power and she’s been firing away this whole time.” The blond child rummaged around in their bag, making quite a bit of noise, until they produced an ominous-looking box. “Ooo! Also I’ve got this box full of flashbang goodness here in case we get in trouble and we need to blind everybody and—”

“By flashbangs, you mean flashbang grenades?”


Well that was that decision made, then. Kerr returned to focus fully on the road. “No.”

“Awwww, why not?” Stolz pouted. “Unless you’re ignoring her on purpose because it’s all part of some big sinister plot to kill her off in the fight like you tried with popsicle girl.”

“I’m not ignoring anything!” the black-eyed Destrillian growled back, getting more and more irritated by the second; it was worth noting also that Stolz had figured out what Kerr had been attempting to do before the trip into the sewers, purely based on Thetis’ incessant whining and the comments of the others. That took skill, and it did nothing to lighten his suspicion towards the child who was experimentally shaking the box of flashbang grenades around, sticking the side of their head up close so they could make sure the grenades were all still in working order. Just knowing that those things were in Stolz’ possession put worry in Kerr’s mind. “And put those away already.”

“Fine, fine – geez, you people are all so hard to please.” Stolz put the box back and returned to keeping watch out for any sort of attack on the vehicle.

Meanwhile, Terra had been watching Thetis brood for a while now. All things considered, she felt bad for the girl; Thetis had just been having a bad day, and Terra knew how that felt. Seeing the angry way the water manipulator stared out a side window—and was that a tinge of worry in her eye?—made Terra want to go over and give the girl a hug. And so that’s what she did. She made a little squeak of pain as she dragged herself back onto her feet, but she forced her body to obey her and move over to beside the yellow-eyed girl.
Thetis barely knew how to react when Terra awkwardly wrapped her arms around her, so unexpected was the move. Even more unexpected was the warbly, staticy voice that waved into her head, saying exactly what she wanted somebody to tell her:

U hav bin very helpful Thetis.

Terra patted Thetis’ hair once or twice, which just about made the girl want to cry. Eye don’t see wai Kerr is saying ur useless. U did moar than me aftur all.

“You did plenty,”Thetis said back, reaching over and patting Terra’s green roots in return. Not another word was exchanged, but the two girls sat in slightly more companionable silence, bolstered by their common need to accomplish something good for once.

And then they passed the entrance to the expressway.

The only real way to describe it was ‘a descent into hell.’

Apparently Kerr’s driving, smooth as it was, hadn’t been quite fast enough to catch up with Jettison, Nova and Fiona – their vehicle shot along far ahead of them, which left the Winnebago once more in the midst of the enemy. The very angry enemy.

“PLEASE will someone get up here NOW!” Okay, whether or not Stolz had been right before, Kerr had definitely heard Idris that time.

“Give it a minute!” he shouted through the roof, hoping she could hear him over the screaming winds out on the highway. Taking into consideration what Idris said back, the gravity Destrillian figured he didn’t really have a minute.

But what help could he be? He didn’t want to risk using his powers for offense just yet, especially after he’d squandered any time he’d bought back in Emma’s apartment, during the mission to retrieve the van. He needed a weapon.

That man.Kerr narrowed his eyes, trying to think while at the same time swerving madly out of the way of two armored cars and their guns. He had a gun. Where would he have kept it?

Of course he knew that the particular gun in question had been snapped to pieces by none other than Fiona, but just maybe he’d get lucky. On sheer instinct, Kerr opened the glove compartment, and lo and behold, a set of dual pistols lay innocently within. Kerr snatched them both up in one hand, and before he could think too hard about what he was about to say, he turned to Stolz and said “You. Take the wheel.”

Stolz’ face of unbridled glee was lost to the gravity Destrillian, who promptly slammed the side door open and swung outside – with a precision born of practice, he adjusted his own personal gravity field to hold him against the outside of the mobile home. It wasn’t the most secure sniping spot, but it was all he could do.

Leaning precariously low and close to the ground, Kerr took aim and with two shots, took out one of the pursuing vehicles’ wheels. Shouts were just barely heard under the wind in his ears as the pursuers careened straight off the highway, plunging to a rather messy death.

He shot another two slugs through the windshield of the armored car just about to come up beside them, instantly killing whoever had been behind the glass. They too swerved around crazily until another vehicle got in their way. The resulting crash shook the entire highway.

That was about when the enemy noticed there was somebody shooting at them again. It was hard to scope out the creature who was picking them off, stuck fast to the side of their target as he was, but a few gun turrets went off, and their aim was a little too good for him to be comfortable. Kerr grimaced as a bullet clanged into the side of the Winnebago right near his ear.


The girl heard him and, with a groan of effort, whipped all the metal off her magnetic field and into the VTOL above her before expanding the sphere of protection to include her companion.

“You couldn’t have just jumped up here like a normal person, could you?” Idris called over the cacophony of noise at Kerr. “No, you had to be special and pick a difficult place to cover from.”

“Jumping through a skylight is by no means NORMAL,” he shouted back, his voice going hoarse from all the shouting he’d done in the past little while. “This spot is just as difficult to hit as it is to protect.” Idris said nothing back, but the black-eyed Destrillian could feel her irritation. He returned to shooting, and she returned to shielding, and it was all very well until a blur of black and red shot through the distance between them and a flaming vehicle and crash-landed into Idris’ shoulder.

Idris cried out in surprise, losing her magnetic field as she caught Fiona to keep her from overshooting the Winnebago and landing on the highway. A piece of shrapnel, flung from the explosion the fire Destrillian rode in on, landed on her already-bandaged foot; the heat seared her flesh, causing her to let go of Fiona and drop to her knees, shaking the smoking bit of metal off of her.

“You fucking LEFT me over there!” yelled the red-haired woman, advancing on Idris. Idris, feeling a surge of anger herself, rose swiftly to her feet, twisting to face Fiona head-on—only to notice with a shock that the Destrillian was looking distinctively unhealthy. Her skin had this sickly green tone to it, one which Idris didn’t like one bit.

“…are you okay?” she ventured, fearing the answer.

“Me?” Fiona started, towering over the smaller girl. “Oh I’m FINE. Thanks a LOT for abandoning me with those two freaks—” She broke off as a pained look spasmed across her face. Fiona coughed twice. Then another two times. And then out of nowhere, the proud, invulnerable girl was hacking up a lung, her body shaking with the force of her rasping breaths.

Idris couldn’t even lift a hand to help her before she tumbled backwards into the Winnebago.Thetis, who had heard Fiona’s voice up above and had only just been about to let go of a tiny little bit of tension, got a bit of a nasty shock from the sight of it as well.

Fiona crashed into the ground, not even seeming to register that she had as she coughed up a storm. Quick as anything, the water Destrillian was out of Terra’s sisterly arm and at Fiona’s side, looking around frantically for anything she could do.

Stolz, meanwhile, was having a roaring good time with driving the Winnebago. It had been nearly impossible to hit the thing from an aerial point for the past five minutes, it was swerving so badly; the child kept shouting things like “Full power to the engines, I’m taking this thing into overdrive!”

Just as Fiona landed in the mobile home, Stolz decided that then, right then, was a really good time for some chase music. Taking their eyes off the road entirely (“If I just keep turning the wheel left and right I’ll never hit anything!”) they took a few seconds to turn on the radio and to fumble with the dials, switching from station to station, never liking what was playing until finally:

I looked out this morning and the sun was gone
Turned on some music to start my day

I lost myself in a familiar song

I closed my eyes and I slipped away

“That’s more like it!”Stolz yelled joyfully, revving the engine and jerking the Winnebago forward even faster. For a fearful second, the inertia threatened to dislodge Kerr from the side of the mobile home, but the gravity field stabilized itself and after a moment’s pause to make sure he wasn’t going to tumble to his death any time soon, he resumed shooting at the enemy with the dual pistols. He found he was quite good with them, despite the situation; at least half a dozen vehicles had met their doom thanks to his marksmanship so far.

It's more than a feeling (more than a feeling)
When I hear that old song they used to play (more than a feeling)

I begin dreaming (more than a feeling)

'till I see Marianne walk away

I see my Marianne walkin' away

Idris’ headache was stabbing by now, digging into her brain and tearing it to shreds. She didn’t even take the time to growl in pain; she clenched her jaw so tight her teeth could break, and soldiered on. She could see the last of their pursuers, finally. Somewhere a few dozen vehicles back. At least she knew there was an end in sight.

Whatever that end is, she thought, her heart pounding in her chest.

So many people have come and gone
Their faces fade as the years go by

Yet I still recall as I wander on

As clear as the sun in the summer sky

“Are you okay?”Thetis said, fluttering her hands over Fiona, trying to turn her around but not wanting to agitate the girl. Emma and Terra looked on, both wanting to help but neither daring to interfere. After much too long, Fiona finally stopped coughing; she spat a huge glob of blood and phlegm onto the Winnebago floor and then propped herself up, baring her teeth at the water Destrillian.

“Just peachy.”

“What happened? Why is this happening to you?” Thetis replied quickly, brushing Fiona’s hair out of her eyes only to have her hand slapped back. “You can’t have exerted yourself this much!” she said, worry no longer concealed on her features.

“My goddamned shoulder's been itching,” the fire Destrillian groaned, glaring at the aforementioned part of her body. The skin there had taken on a frighteningly papery texture, and it had gone all transparent, allowing for her now-greenish black veins to show through. It was like a toxic spider web beneath her flesh; they could practically see it spreading as they watched.

Thetis couldn’t stop looking at it. Somewhere in her, fear began to claw at her. Not fear of the chase or fear of getting shot at – that was nothing compared to the paralyzing feeling she was getting now. “Why didn’t you tell me?” was all she could manage, in a shattered whisper.

“Because I'm fine.” Fiona winced and coughed up more blood – a cold sweat had broken out on her brow.

“This is
no time to be PROUD, Fiona!” Thetis shrieked, startling Lokka awake behind her.

“What’s going on?” the white-haired Destrillian asked, instantly concerned with the sight in front of him.

“Oh, nothing, Ghost Boy,”Fiona cackled through her bloodied lips. “I’m probably snuffing it is all.”

“Don’t say that!”

“Shut up.”Thetis blinked, hard. Fiona was glaring at her now, and her stare was surprisingly serious. “Now, stop whining and let's get back to kicking some ass.”

“…okay,” she replied, reluctantly holding back another rebuttal behind a strained expression. Her heart wrenching, she tore herself away and bounded up onto the Winnebago roof again.

Fiona smirked at the remaining three, forcing herself to stand up tall despite the spots in her vision. With concealed extra effort, she stood tall but couldn't help but wobble from an airy feeling that came over her. Before she could follow Thetis back up onto the roof, she passed out right there.

It's more than a feeling (more than a feeling)
When I hear that old song they used to play (more than a feeling)

I begin dreaming (more than a feeling)

'till I see Marianne walk away

I see my Marianne walkin' away

Idris almost could have cried with relief, seeing Thetis come up for another shot at the opposition. Kerr had stopped firing on the vehicles as he tried to reload the pistols without falling from the side of the Winnebago, and so the metal Destrillian had had to take the brunt of an entire legion on her own. Now somebody was here to take a bit of the load again.
As she had done so many times before, the pale woman shifted her weight and sent all the swirling metal projectiles outwards, some landing helpfully and others not. She had stopped trying to aim a long time ago – now she was just trying to keep their view clear.

Thetis didn’t even notice the strain Idris was under, she was so distressed. In fact, the only thing Thetis had seemed to notice was the sudden absence of Fiona's consciousness. She had just disappeared. Dropped out of Thetis' head. Just like that. It was unfamiliar, it was frustrating, and most of all, it was frightening. After four years, the silence frightened her.
Goosepimples skiterred across the water Destrillian's skin as she thought of her partner's shoulder. Not even Fiona could beat something from the inside.Thetis had never seen anything like it. Those veins that stretched over her skin, a network that pumped black blood, pulsing and shuddering as if they were about to burst. And what if it got worse? What if it spread? What then? What if...? The thought trailed off, and Thetis barely registered the bite of nails in her palms.

What if they couldn't fix it?

The yellow-eyed girl snapped a bit. In a moment of beautiful, cold clarity, her panic sieved into raw power and she proceeded to flood three cabins at once: the water rushed out of absolutely nowhere and filled the vehicles to the top in ten seconds flat, sloshing around as the cars screeched wildly and their drivers all drowned. Thetis didn’t even bother to kill them properly – she dragged the water out of the vehicles, pulled it from cracks in the windows that its pressure had created, having only rendered her enemy unconscious. And then she watched them die, watched the unmanned cars lurch off the edge of the highway with a vicious satisfaction, and then whipped around with a cry of pure hatred and did the same to another two.

When I'm tired and thinking cold
I hide in my music, forget the day

And dream of a girl I used to know

I closed my eyes and she slipped away

She slipped away

“TURN THAT OFF ALREADY.”The water Destrillian was unstoppable. She simply left the water inside the vehicles, pulling more out of the air and freezing it all into razor-sharp arcs. Those were slung at the tops of armored cars like giant sickles, slicing the tops clean off.
And still she was not satisfied. Idris watched from behind, a scowl of worry on her face. It was unlike Thetis to enjoy fighting so much…
But maybe it wasn’t enjoyment. The pale woman winced as her headache advanced towards a full-blown migraine; maybe Thetis was using the fighting as a distraction from everything else.
Oh no, not this again. I’m through with Thetis and her maybes. I’ll just ASK her later—
The vehicle behind them exploded outwards as Thetis forced super-condensed water into it, crushing and crushing it together, and then finally releasing it with a scream of effort. The spray of water doused Idris—and more importantly, her newly injured foot. The pain shot up her leg, causing her field to go down again; it was unfortunate in that this time, it didn’t come back up immediately, resulting in a bullet grazing Kerr’s forearm, tearing the skin off and causing yet another wave of pain.
“Where’s that shield?” he shouted upwards as, entirely ignoring the blood that his arm had spattered everywhere, he finished reloading, aimed upwards, and shot a VTOL out of the sky.
“I’m WORKING on it!” Idris yelled back, dodging a bullet or two of her own. She sat down hard on the roof of the Winnebago and forced herself to concentrate. It was difficult. The magnetic field slowly came back, weak at first but eventually solidifying into its previous impenetrable state.
“Don’t you dare let that thing down again!”Thetis screeched over the sound of gunfire. Her voice wasn’t angry so much as panicked, but Idris felt another stab of irritation towards her comrades. She didn’t waste energy getting angry, though, instead fuelling her power with the emotion.
You’re metal, aren’t you Idris? Be mechanical, then.

There were barely half a dozen cars left now. Through the whirl of bullets and water and explosions, Kerr could make out the distinct shape of one of them getting tipped over. Nova and Jettison were back in the fray, it seemed.

It's more than a feeling (more than a feeling)
When I hear that old song they used to play (more than a feeling)

I begin dreaming (more than a feeling)

'till I see Marianne walk away

“MAXIMUM WARP!”cried Stolz in delight, veering from one side of the highway to the other. With a noise of protest, the Winnebago sped up yet again; nobody dared look at the speedometer to see just how fast they were going, by now. Emma, Terra and Lokka sat tight inside, each wishing they could help the battle outside, each being incapable of doing just that. Fiona's unconcious body simply slid back and forth in the Winnebago from the velocity of the vehicle.

And just when it couldn’t get any worse?
It got worse.


“Ma'am! Target has been spotted and is closing in!” Jelanda called over to Kijo. The Major ran over to her subordinate and replied.
“Good. How far is it until we can open fire?”
“Roughly two minutes. The VTOL scouts say the target vehicle is definitely coming in this direction as planned.”
“Alright. Have all the vehicle crews at their stations and prepared to fire on my signal; also, pass the information on to IRIN. This time we have to eliminate them at any cost,”Kijo said with a strong sense of determination. She would not let these Destrillians run rampant any longer in the city she was assigned to protect.
“Yes ma'am!”Jelanda responded with a salute, then jumped back onto the radio to relay the message.


“Oh my, they certainly are putting up a good fight, wouldn't you say Circe?” Vargas asked as he gazed intently out of the bridge's main observation window.
“From a certain perspective I suppose you could say that sir,” she replied bluntly.
“Sir! The Artolian field command is reporting that the targets will be in range within two minutes. Their forces are now getting ready to attack,” a bridge operator said to the pair. Vargas' expression lit up with joy at the news.
“Ah, excellent! I was hoping we'd get to see a nice big fireworks display.”He pressed a button on the console in front of him, which caused a screen to pop up showing Sophalla on board the second ship.
“Sophalla, we'll have the Viola rejects inbound momentarily. Personally, I'd love to roll out the particle cannons again, however I doubt the Artolians would like that so we're gonna opt with keel-mounted plasma cannons and standard 50 cal guns.”

Sophalla smiled cheerfully back at him and saluted. “Okay Vargas sweetie, sounds like a plan!” And with that the screen disappeared. Vargas then turned back to Circe.
“Well Circe, if they can get out of this one then I'll admit their skills are impressive.” He pushed his sunglasses up his nose before adding, “Just barely of course.”


With a triumphant shout, Kerr shot the wheels out from the final pursuing vehicle. The car was reduced to scrap in seconds as it nosedived right into the asphalt. Now, the only problem was to deal with the last of the VTOLs—
“You’re kidding me!”
Everybody froze. Stolz’ voice never sounded frustrated.
Emma, Terra and Lokka looked out the front window just as Thetis turned around on the roof.

The water Destrillian felt a swell of hope as her eyes landed on what she wanted to see: the end of the expressway. The world beyond Osea. They were almost there. And then she looked up, and her hope was crushed.
What they’d been fighting was child’s play compared to the intensity of what they were about to drive into.

Emma, with a sudden inspiration, sent out her powers to feel for how many men there were waiting for the Winnebago. She didn’t like what she felt. There was a huge amount of life out there, waiting to kill or be killed. They were in the hundreds.
She yelled this information outside, in hopes that it would help. Emma didn’t even care if somebody asked her how she knew the information later – it would all be worth it if that little bit more preparedness kept them all alive.

Kerr, from his place on the side of the mobile home, was able to see beyond the confines of the expressway. This last stretch ran through an abandoned industrial sector; all around them, the hollowed-out skeletons of buildings shot up into the sky, patiently waiting for their turn to be broken to pieces in the name of redevelopment. The horizon itself was jagged and cruel with the peaks of all these ruined sectors… and in every single carpark, lot, over and underpass, there were enemies.
Kerr’s sharp black eyes scanned over everything: tanks, artillery, rocket launchers, the works. The VTOL gunships were like flocks of birds in the sky. They’d really pulled out all the stops for this last shot.

The first shell exploded a foot behind them, and suddenly Kerr decided that being stuck to the side of the Winnebago wasn’t the best place to be with their current situation.

“Thetis, Kerr, get in the Winnebago and get me Lokka now!” Idris called over the roaring boom of a hundred different artillery shells being fired. There was no way that either of them could do anything against an enemy that far off, and Idris herself wasn’t about to try. The only thing they could do was to shield the mobile home as best they could, and to hope.

“Right now!” Idris repeated. She couldn’t see Kerr from where she was, but she could definitely see Thetis and the way her face clouded over with anger.
“FINE,”the water Destrillian yelled back, throwing her hands up in exasperation and jumping through the skylight, landing rather loudly on the floor within. She turned to face Lokka. “Go on, go up there already!”
Lokka took one look at Thetis’ face and then hurried up to the roof.

Thetis turned, about to yell at somebody else for something that she hadn’t quite figured out yet, and then she saw Fiona’s body on the floor of the mobile home. The girl dropped like a stone, instantly at the fire prototype’s side. Fiona was alive… but her breathing was catching. The poison in her shoulder had spread quickly since Thetis had last seen it.
Hardly knowing what to do anymore, Thetis picked up Fiona and, shooing Emma and Terra off their couch, gently placed her down. Fiona almost fell off again a few seconds later when an explosion rocked the entire Winnebago – they swerved madly to and fro, avoiding shells and VTOL bullets, until the blue-haired girl couldn’t take it anymore.

she yelled at the front.
Kerr, having climbed back through the side door moments ago, had literally only just gotten the wheel back.
“IF YOU CAN DO A BETTER JOB,” Kerr replied, his voice at absolute top volume, “THEN BE MY GUEST.
“Out,” he growled through grit teeth, throwing Stolz out of the front seat and into the back with the rest of the entirely shocked Destrillians. Even if there hadn’t been a telepathic link between the lot of them, each individual would still have come to the conclusion of leaving the gravity manipulator alone for a while. With an abrupt noise, whatever disproportionately perky song that had been playing from the radio stopped, and they were once again surrounded by nothing but the sound of battle.

But there was another noise.
Nobody really registered it, at first – Terra cocked her head when she first heard it but dismissed it as bits of debris hitting the side of the Winnebago. Stolz heard it, but was too busy running around looking out windows to mention it.
Finally, Thetis, who was again looking for something to distract herself, realized that there was in fact a sound other than the gunfire outside. It was the sound of something knocking against the inside of a cupboard.
Something alive.

She got up and opened one. Nothing. The girl tried to listen through all the outside noise to hear where it was coming from, but she found that once she tried concentrating it only grew fainter. So she resorted to opening all the cupboards until—

Until she found Early.
Only just barely conscious again.

And then she slammed the cupboard doors shut on him again.
“And who is HE?!” she said, turning on her comrades with a menacing eye. Nobody answered – nobody knew. Lokka was up on the Winnebago roof, holding out against the enemy’s legions; Jettison and Nova were still behind them, managing by some miracle to tail them exactly so as not to get blown up; Kerr was busy driving and Thetis didn’t want him to answer anyway. Nobody who’d secured the Winnebago was available to ask.

“Ha!” came a shaky but contempt voice from the couch. Fiona cracked her eyes open, noticing with some agitation that the light was hurting them. “The guy in the cupboard’s just some stupid human we brought along.”
“Why?”Thetis asked, and then her brain registered that Fiona was talking. “Never mind that, are you okay?”
“Fine.”The firestarter propped herself up on her elbow, albeit with a wince of pain. “And we dragged him along because we thought he’d be useful – and because I’m really gonna need something to thrash after all this is over.”
Before Thetis could say anything to that statement, a shell landed right in front of the Winnebago, exploding in front of them; most of the blast was deflected by Lokka’s shield, but the heat still reached the inside of the mobile home, and the light blinded them all for a second.

Outside was a little less domestic.
It had already been tough, what with the hailstorm of bullets that the VTOLS were sending down, and the blooming explosions and dust kicked up by the tanks and artillery and their shells. But as they crested one last rise in the expressway and began their drive down the last straight, flat stretch before the city limits, Idris and Lokka saw their final challenge.
It was a blockade. Two stories tall at the very least, it was a gargantuan metal wall blocking their path; from the looks of it, far off though it was, there were a good two or three dozen army snipers positioned on top, ready to take out the Winnebago and Jettison and Nova’s car behind it.
And then they looked up a bit more and it got even worse. Because above the blockade – as if it weren’t bad enough already – were two massive command ships. Each one was a leviathan in the sky, armed to the teeth against the Destrillians. One of them, Idris recognized from the motel parking lot—and she remembered what they could do.

And we aren’t even there yet, Idris thought, the slightest bit of panic creeping into her mind. We still need to make it to the blockade through all this!
‘All this’ turned out, in part, to be a rocket launcher shell exploding against the side of their magnetic field/ shield combination. The force knocked both Idris and Lokka back half a foot, but it was a testament to their willpower that their defenses held.
“How on earth are we going to get past that?”Lokka called to the smaller Destrillian. Idris shook her head – she didn’t know. She was too busy taking care of the now to think about the future, as immediate and imminent as it may have been. And that scared her. Idris prided herself on always being three steps ahead of the game – being in a situation where she was forced to think up every step on the spot? That meant they were in real trouble.
“Someone get up here to help!” she called down. Maybe, if they had another person up here to figure out a plan while they held their ground…

“Oh sure,”Thetis spat, not loudly enough for Idris or Lokka to hear. “First you want us all down in the Winnebago, and then you want us helping, and then you want us hiding again and now you want us helping. Make up your mind!”
“Thetis?”Stolz called cheerfully.
“Shut your trap.”For just a moment, Stolz’ voice had gone all cold and serious again—but then they stuck one hand into their bag, pulling out a black box. Before anybody could say anything, the child had jumped up to join the fight themselves.

Ignoring the raging battle around them, Stolz opened the box and dug out an armful of flashbangs. During the one silent moment in between all the firing, they managed to yell one word. A word that instilled fear into every person who heard it.

From the vehicle behind the Winnebago, Jettison saw the blond child yank the pins out of a good half-dozen flash grenades. Not even bothering to try and hold any of their levers down, they simply tossed them up in the air – and the child was quite strong, for the grenades flew high.
The result was like being struck by lightning. An overwhelming crackBOOM sounded out along the road, and the white light was intense. For about ten seconds, barely anything came at them as the soldiers nearest to the expressway desperately tried to clear their vision and hearing. But temporary solace was all it brought them, as the enemy was far enough away to not be very affected by light and sound.
Stolz drew out another armful. They yanked the pins and tossed the grenades high.

And this time Jettison concentrated.
If the last batch had been like being hit by lightning, then this one was like a supernova. Jettison augmented the light as much as she possibly could, going so far as to need to scrunch her own eyes closed as well. Nova swore himself blue beside her.
But it worked. A few VTOLS crashed into one another in the sky – the disadvantage of packing so many into such a small space. Combined with all the thick smoke in the sky from the MLRS shells, the opposition wasn’t able to see their target any longer.
The Winnebago sped out of the light and onward to freedom.

“Stolz!” Idris said, her immense relief at the child’s appearance taking the form of a strained smile. “What do you think we can do about that up there?”
Stolz’ eyes widened almost comically as they followed Idris’ finger.
“Well that’s obvious!” Both Idris and Lokka looked back at Stolz when they heard the zealous determination in their voice. “We’re gonna smash right on through!”

Idris looked at Lokka. Lokka looked back at Idris. Neither one of them had wanted that to be the answer.

But what choice do we have?

There’s no other way.

“Go and tell the others to brace themselves!”Lokka called to Stolz, who was already scrambling down through the skylight. “They’re going to need it.”
He’d only just barely said it when a migraine stabbed through his head as his shield was assaulted by a dense, glowing light. The command ships overhead were firing pulse shots at them now, which were a lot harder to ward off, being not conventionally solid.
Idris had figured out the warning signals of Lokka’s shield by now – when you could see it physically, that meant it was under too much strain. She didn’t like the fact that she could see the entire thing one bit.
“Move already!” she yelled, stomping on one side of the Winnebago and unintentionally forcing it to bank right, veering them a little out of the line of fire. A few moments later the pulse shots slowed and stopped. If they went fast enough, then they’d be out of the city before the cannons could send another volley at them.

Inside the Winnebago, Kerr’s mood blackened even further as Stolz shouted the plan to everybody. Was there even any guarantee that this was going to work? Or would they all get crushed up against the metal wall?
He took a breath and floored the accelerator—they’d need to be going at top speed to make it through the blockade.

Terra looked behind them and saw the miles and miles of concrete that they’d traversed in their escape. All of it looked like some planetary monster had let its infant teethe on the scenery. It was broken up, unstable… and that was a good thing, the earth Destrillian realized. Broken highway was good.
She wobbled to her feet again, determined to not look over her shoulder, to not look at the insurmountable wall of death that they were hurtling towards at what felt like the speed of light. She set herself steady against the wall, and then grabbed Emma’s warm, live hand in her own, just in case.
“What are you doing?”Emma asked, fear in her voice. Terra’s deep green eyes scanned the long road behind them, searched out the breaches, the cracks in the mortar, anything that would break to pieces if she told it to.

Helping out, Emma.
With a scream of effort, she willed the expressway to break apart into pebbles and dust. To blast it all into nothing but grit and sand and a sad, grey reminder of why nobody messed with a Destrillian. And just once, just for one time, when they needed it most, Terra’s potential shone through.
The expressway shuddered behind them. And then it cracked. And then it gave way and crumbled behind them, falling far, far down to the ground beneath.

Idris forced the bullets and shells and bits of shrapnel off her magnetic field and up at the command ships, but she knew they would barely reach, let alone injure them in any way. “Lokka,” she said, pushing her damp blonde hair out of her eyes. It was time.
The green-eyed man nodded at her and rematerialized his shield.
This is it,he thought. Everything came down to this – if he wasn’t able to power the Destrillians through this blockade, then every ounce of fighting would be for nothing. And that didn’t just mean today: it meant every day he had spent poring over files, finding contacts, painstakingly collecting information and tracking down allies. It would all go to waste. All their struggles would be for nothing. Deyn and Hannah’s deaths would be for nothing.
And that just couldn’t happen.
He poured every last bit of energy into one, massive barrier, refining it and refining it and solidifying it, until it was so incredibly, unbelievably strong it was almost opaque from density. And he dug his heels in and held it there.

Idris herself knew she had her part to play as well. The blockade was made of metal. She could feel it. And that meant that, if only she could summon up the strength, she would be able to help their final desperate move.
Can I do it, though?
There was no questioning it, really. It was do or die. And so Idris took up a solid fighting stance, closed her eyes, and felt deep, deep down. Down through her fatigue, and through her pain, and through all of the frustration that she’d accumulated this past while; down through all her loneliness and her sadness and her fear, down through emotion itself, back to the core of power that she knew was there, somewhere.
And she found it.
The Gunmetal Glint’s storm-grey eyes snapped open and she thrust her hands forward, twisting, tearing, practically rending the air itself in two. There was a screeching noise, like tearing paper magnified to a thousand.

Knock knock.



“THEY GOT AWAY?!”Kijo yelled as she lowered the binoculars from her eye level. She couldn't believe that a mobile home was capable of fending off and ultimately evading half of the entire Artolian defense force and two IRIN command ships. It seemed that she had greatly underestimated her opposition and as a result allowed them to escape.

The question now arisen in her mind was, what exactly were these Destrillians and what exactly were they capable of? While it seemed they were now out of Osea and no longer a direct threat, there was still an elimination order on them and they still were within Artolian borders (at least for now.) Kijo knew she'd have to find out more about them if she was to combat them effectively.


Vargas simply stood quietly on the bridge, looking outward onto the expanse of forests that bordered the outskirts of Osea; his expression was not a very impressed one.

“Right...what the hell just happened?” he asked in an equally unimpressed tone.

“I believe you're supposed to admit that the Destrillian's skills are impressive, are you not sir?” Circe responded, in which wasn't a mocking tone but clearly the underlying intention was there. Vargas simply let out a short laugh.

“Alright, so they can hold their own in a fight. But there was something interesting I noticed during the shitstorm that just happened,” he said, and brought up a screen showing an image of the Winnebago during the firefight. He then focused on a section which appeared to show a large stream of fire coming out from one of the people on top.

“Circe my dear, where there's smoke there's fire. And where there's fire, there's that person,” Vargas stated with a sly grin. "Fiona Myrwind, I've found you at last."


Emma opened her eyes.
It took her an alarming few seconds to blink the spots out of her eyes – the impact had been so strong she couldn’t even remember it clearly. Taking a quick glance out the back window, she could see the form of Jettison and Nova’s stolen vehicle trundling on behind them. She smiled tiredly. They’d made it out, too.
But behind them, Emma could only make out the blockade in the distance. The smile turned into a frown – the crash had to have been at least a few minutes ago, from the looks of it. She shook her hair out of her face, feeling how bruised her skull was, looking around to see if everybody in the Winnebago was alright.
Fiona had passed out again a while ago; running the blockade hadn’t seemed to wake her. Emma wasn’t sure whether that was good or bad. She could still feel Fiona’s life pulsing away, strong and warm, but it was tainted with a sickly, clammy feeling which she felt the need to physically shake off. She couldn’t even imagine how it felt for real.
Terra had fallen to the ground moments before impact, after she’d taken out the M3 behind them. After gently asking if she was hurt, the brown-haired girl told Emma that no, she hadn’t been physically injured by anything, but she was about to explode from her headache.
It was oddly funny, the way she said it, and Emma let an ever-so-slightly unhinged laugh escape her chapped lips before helping Terra up onto a chair so she could close her eyes and sleep. Then, forcing her legs to stop shaking, she stood up to survey the rest of them all: Stolz had been thrown against one of the Winnebago’s sides, which had opened the cupboard with the human man inside. Both lay dazed and silent, but they felt uninjured enough.

She turned her blue eyes towards the front of the Winnebago. Kram was the same as ever – still and silent but not any worse off than he had been before. Thetis was sprawled across the table, hands gripping white-knuckled at the edges. Her breathing was shaky and her face was drained of all colour, but she, too, seemed alright. Emma looked past them all at the front: logically, Kerr had to be okay, or else they wouldn’t still be moving, but she felt it her duty to check anyway. She took a few steps up to the front to see him properly.
A cool wind blew in from the shattered windshield, which she’d only just noticed had broken. And no wonder, she thought. I don’t even know how fast we were going. Kerr had a nasty cut on his face, presumably from one of the glass shards, but if he’d noticed yet, he was ignoring it quite well. He spared her a look before turning his glare back to the road ahead.
She breathed a sigh of relief before remembering that not every member of their party was inside the Winnebago to begin with.
Panic seized her once more. Emma rushed to the skylight and swung her way up, looking around frantically before her eyes settled on the forms of the two Destrillians.

Idris and Lokka had been thrown unconscious as well for a while after impact; the amount of strength they had exerted, combined with the sheer force of the Winnebago smashing into the blockade, had knocked them out almost instantly. As Emma made her way over to the two of them, Lokka’s unnatural green eyes flickered open – he was only just able to sit up before Emma threw her arms around him.
“Thank you,” she said. “Thank you so, so much. I don’t know what we would have done without you.” She checked him over—there were tens of shallow cuts all over him from all the shrapnel, but none of them were serious—and then turned to Idris.

She wasn’t up yet. For a cold, sickening moment, Emma thought she might be dead, but her power reached out and felt the pale woman’s cool, rhythmic lifeforce ebbing and flowing as it always did. The redhead hurried to her side and took her up in her freckled arms; Idris had cuts all over her body just like Lokka, and Emma also noticed how her entire palm was bruised black.
“Idris?”she called softly, her eyes searching for signs of consciousness. “Idris, wake up!”

It took a moment. A very long, slow moment. But Idris took a sharp breath and scrunched her face up in intense pain, and then she, too, opened her eyes.
“Ngh…” She coughed once, and then looked up at Emma. “Hi, Emma.” She let Emma hug her until her ribs felt about to crack, and then forced herself to stagger to her knees, and then to her feet, swaying on top of the Winnebago. She could barely see.

“Do you need any help?” Emma asked, all concern and helpful disposition. Idris shook her head, and then quickly stopped as it felt like her brain was rattling around in her skull.
“Just give me time to breathe,” she replied, trying to smile but just not being able to. She was just too tired, and too upset.
Emma slowly nodded, giving her a look full of even more concern than before. “Go and get Lokka down in the car, though—he did a lot too.”
“Alright,”came the reply, and Idris watched with slowly focusing eyes as the plant Destrillian led Lokka into the Winnebago.
She sat down again quietly to prevent herself from swaying any more, and then tilted her head back and breathed in the clear air. It was fresh, not nearly as polluted as the city, and it brushed away the slightest bit of her fatigue and her pain.
Oh right. Pain.
She winced as her migraine reminded her brutally that yes, it was still there, and feeling particularly merciless at that.
I’ll just sit up here and wait for it to go away a little… and then I’ll go and rest inside.

Inside, Thetis had finally unclenched her hands from the tableside. Slowly, she climbed off of it and slumped down onto the ground; seeing that Fiona had been thrown from her couch, the water Destrillian made her way over and painstakingly replaced her.
Fiona wasn’t as warm as usual. That, coupled with the disturbing silence that was coming from her, made Thetis want to be sick. Before she could stop it, she felt the prick of tears behind her eyes—the stress of everything finally all rushed into her and refueled her previous hatred for the one who’d started all this.
She rose and turned around to face Kerr.
“If you hadn’t gone and tried to kill me, none of this would have happened,” she began, clenching her hands to stop them from shaking with rage. “We wouldn’t be broken and exhausted and on the run from a whole country. We could have gone on living life. We were alright, you know?” the girl continued, her voice raising now. “Not happy, no, but better off than that basement. We had a place to sleep at night and some of us had friends. Some of us had more than friends.
“We were
living, Kerr,” she said, slamming her hand on the side of the Winnebago. “We were content with what we had and you went and spoiled it all! You’ve ruined the life of every single person in this car.” She was yelling now. “And you know it. So tell me. Are you happy now?”

“What you were all doing,”the gravity Destrillian replied, with acid in his voice, “was not living.”

“Maybe you’d be a better judge if you’d ever tried it,” Thetis snarled back. “But you never did, did you? You just kept on following your stupid orders. I’m sure Abaddon’s real proud.”
The Winnebago stopped.

"And I'm sure Perkins is proud of a blubbering halfwit running around like a rat in the Orange Zone."Kerr got up from his seat and turned to stare Thetis down, daring her to retort.

"DON'T YOU DARE,"the girl shouted, feeling water wrap itself around her fists in preparation for a fight.

"Dare what?" he snapped. "Call you out on the truth? To top it off, you're about as useful as a sack of potatoes."

That isnt fare, Kerr,Terra said sternly from her place on the chair. Stop calling her useless.

Of course Kerr couldn't hear her, which Thetis took to with a savage kind of glee. "Oh yeah? I'm still a Destrillian. You can't even hear your own kind - that's how much is WRONG with you."

"Wrong with me?" Kerr's eyes glinted dangerously. "If there wasn't something wrong with HER," he continued, stabbing an accusing finger at Terra, "then she'd be able to talk like a NORMAL person, instead of gibbering on in your heads like a freak."

There was a stunned pause. The Destrillians had seen Kerr annoyed before, of course, and he was harsh most of the time—but Terra had never done anything worth picking on. "You… leave Terra out of this!" Emma finally shouted, glaring harshly. "Thetis is right, you know, it IS your fault - don't you dare try and pin it on her!"

"Now hold the line," Lokka said, but before he could get anywhere, four angry pairs of eyes glared him down.

Eye'm like this becuz I saved all of YOU, Terra snapped, which Emma translated in just as angry a tone.

“I NEVER ASKED YOU TO SAVE ME!” Kerr bellowed back, which stopped everybody in their tracks. The sheer amounts of seething anger he was giving off was, admittedly, really quite frightening. Nobody had ever seen him like this before; the simple fact that he was showing emotion at all was a shock. Actually losing it…? Emma had actually taken a step back.

The only person able to break the silence was Thetis, who was just as angry as he was. “Well she did. And REAL GOOD JOB repaying her.”

Up above, Idris could hear voices starting to rise. She squinched her eyes shut, as if that would make them quiet down, but they just kept going.
Not again.
Not after all that they had JUST gone through together. She clenched her hands on the roof of the Winnebago, gritting her teeth in pain and in anger, not even noticing as the metal got squeezed in between her fingers. Why couldn't everybody just leave each other alone, for one little moment? Why did they have to bicker on at the most inconvenient times? Even now, they weren't safe yet, and instead of furthering their distance they were having a shouting match below.
They just couldn’t help hating each other. Idris curled tight in on herself as they continued their fight below; hating each other was what had sunk them so deep into the misery they were all sharing. That’s how it had always been. But instead of, oh, maybe allowing everybody else to understand—because they did, more than anybody else—they figured, “let’s just hate each other more, that’ll fix it all!” Was it ever going to stop?
She opened her bleary, tired, furious eyes as she heard Kerr finally crack.

"One more word and I'll crush you flat."

"Try it!"

"Stop fighting, everyone!"


"See? After all that, you're still threatening to kill us!"



"You can't say anything Stolz - you just showed up out of nowhere. For all we know you're worse than he is!"

"Thetis, that isn't fair!"

"Whaddaya MEAN I could be worse?!"

"You're just looking to blame everyone but yourself, aren't you Alcesteos?"

"Don't. Say. That. Name."


You're going 2 far!

"YOU'RE going too far!"

"Don't you start on her now!"

"I'll start on WHOEVER I PLEASE."

"You should all calm down!"

"Like YOU can say anything!"

And then Idris finally lost her temper.


Her voice was like a car crash. It screeched high, loud and grating as the gunfire they’d left far behind.
Everything that had happened to her finally got let loose; all the injustice, all the frustrations, all her rage and all her jealousy and all her everything was finally, just this once, allowed to see the light of day.
And it was a sight.
“STOP IT,” Idris screamed down at them from her place, standing furious at the edge of the skylight. The very aura she gave off crackled. “Don’t you EVEN START. I’m sick and tired of hearing you FIGHT. You’re ALWAYS FIGHTING. Fighting is what got us here in the first place,” she continued, drawing in a breath only to force it out in another, louder tone, “and FIGHTING SOME MORE isn’t going to get us out.
“We’re all hurt,” said the Gunmetal Glint, practically shaking, curling her toes into the metal of the roof. “And we’ve all BEEN HURT. Don’t a SINGLE ONE OF YOU think you’re the only one on the planet who feels the way you do, because that’s a LIE.”


“NO,” she shrieked, her voice rising again until it was almost unbearable. And slowly, the walls of the Winnebago began to crunch inward. “No, I have HAD IT. I’ve had it with YOUR whining, and YOUR self-righteousness, and YOUR smug pride,” she said, glaring viciously at Thetis, then Emma, then Kerr—who seemed less shocked that Idris was yelling, and more so that he’d been yelling just like her a few moments ago. “And it’s GOT TO STOP—none of us have the luxury of HATING each other any more. In case you hadn’t noticed,” she choked out through her closing throat, “we’re back to being on the run. And it’s going to be A LOT WORSE than last time. Last time was CHILD’S PLAY. So don’t you dare.” The walls gave one final shuddering cringe, and then stopped. It was silent for a moment.
“Don’t. You. Dare,” Idris began, one last time, drawing herself up through all her pain and fury to her full, tiny, terrifying height, “Try to start petty arguments with each other just to pass the time. Just because they don’t understand. Because there is NOBODY ELSE IN THE WORLD who understands you as much as THESE PEOPLE YOU’RE YELLING AT.
“We used to be family. And we were still family, even though we broke apart and never saw each other,” she cried, her voice breaking on the last word. “And WE’RE STILL FAMILY NOW, as much as you want SO DESPERATELY TO DENY IT. ALL OF US.”
Her migraine was going to make her pass out again if she went any further. Her entire body was yelling just as loud as she was to rest. But there was no way on the face of the planet that she was going to rest with any one of her family beside her. Even though she wished they could be. Oh, how she wished.

She slammed the skylight shut. It shook the entire mobile home.
She welded it closed, just to be sure.

And then she curled up, staring through teary eyes at the morning sun, and slowly fell asleep.
Last edited:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer

Urinates Triumphantly skipped over the debris that accumulated in the concrete-floored yard, nose to the floor. The human he worked with - who always claimed Urinates Triumphantly was called Rex - was talking with another human, one of those who made the strange metal boxes move.

It was the job of Urinates Triumphantly and his partner to ensure that there weren’t any humans hiding in the metal boxes before they began moving, to somewhere called Ord-Oh-La. Urinates Triumphantly didn’t understand why a human would do such a thing, but he found a lot of human behaviour baffling.

He paused and raised his head, sniffing the air. That scent… He had smelt many strange scents in the city recently, but they were far away. This one was in the yard. Cautiously, he trotted over towards the metal box it was coming from.

The chatter from the two humans quietened for a while as they noticed the change in his behaviour, before they resumed. Urinates Triumphantly supposed they trusted that he would alert them should he discover anything.

He stuck his head in the metal box the smell was coming from. After a sniff or two to determine this was the correct one, he leapt inside. His mouth opened in a grin and his tongue began to loll excitedly.

The thing the scent was coming from looked like a human, but it wasn’t. It smelt almost canine, Urinates Triumphantly thought to himself.

“fragmuttstoopidnosy SCAT!” something screeched from behind the slumped humanoid. Urinates Triumphantly grinned even more. He liked crows, with their barely understandable speech. They were funny.

The scent of the humanoid changed slightly, and they began to move. Urinates Triumphantly began to whine in anticipation, before the scent and posture changed completely.

“Don’t even think about it.” The message was unmistakable.

Urinates Triumphantly yelped in surprise.


A short while before…

Kaden considered the crow who had followed him into the van.

“wolf? wolf hunt? wolf hunttrackbringdownfeed share kill!” the crow said, as close to excitement as a crow could come.

Kaden sighed to himself. While he didn’t exactly dislike crows, to say they had shit for brains was probably charitable. It didn’t help matters that, while he could understand them, they had a hard time understanding anything from him that wasn’t a threat of harm. Although, it could just be they were too simple to acknowledge anything else.

“No hunt. Sleep now,” he tried in simple spoken language. If it was a dog, he could use body language, scent… but crows didn’t kowtow to humanity the way dogs did, so they were harder to communicate with. Plus, Kaden had a common ancestor with dogs.

The crow cocked its head to one side. Kaden wondered if it would even understand spoken language. Fortunately, living in a city seemed to have caused some of the language to rub off on the crow.

“yah yah sleep now sleep. sleeprest wakehunt yah yah. crow wolf rest sleep here then wake hunt together yah?”

Kaden rolled his eyes. Some beings just couldn’t take a hint. “Whatever,”[/sienna] he muttered and turned away from the crow. A spare piece of tarpaulin that had been discarded in the back of the van would do for a sheet, especially when Kaden considered the times he’d slept without a sheet.

With a meaningless caw, the crow vaulted him and made itself comfy on one of the packages. Kaden rummaged in one of the pockets that festooned his trousers until his hand closed on a metal dog-tag. With a sigh, he pulled the dog-tag to his chest and fell asleep clutching it.

“Hey, Burt. How’s it going?”

“Heh, you again, Jon? You and Rex drew search duties again?”

“Yeah, we got the short straw again. How’s the family?”

Kaden frowned, his face screwing up around his closed eyes. He wished those humans would stop their inane chatter, he was trying to-- oh shit.

Keeping as still as possible, he took a few tentative sniffs. The crow was still here, just awakening itself with a few inquisitive caws. Outside the van, there was a dog, and humans… just the two he could hear talking. He let out a quiet sigh of relief.

Kaden mentally cursed when he realised that the dog would notice his scent. From what he could smell of his own scent, he could tell that his body had been too relaxed to produce the pheromones that had such a calming effect on dogs. Which meant…

The van was suddenly full of a doggy scent. Kaden grimaced a bit. There was a hint of cheerful servitude in the scent of all dogs that rankled with him. Some part of his mind decided it was worthwhile telling him that it seemed to be a male Audoulan Shepherd, sometimes called an Alsatian. He tried sending a message along the neural pathways to let that part of his brain know that didn’t help.

“fragmuttstoopidnosy SCAT!” It seemed the crow was awake by now. Judging by how much trouble he had understanding the bird, he had no idea how much of it was penetrating the dog’s brain. The dog’s scent altered subtly, letting Kaden know it understood enough to be amused by the bird.

Kaden could smell a change in his own scent - adrenaline was encouraging the production of more lupine pheromones. With that, he decided he was going to show this mutt who was boss. The dog began to whine excitedly. Kaden recognised it as a prelude to a yapping fit.

He spun around to glare at the dog, focusing on exuding dominance, and smelled his scent changing accordingly.

The message broadcast by his posture and scent was very clear. “Don’t even think about it.”

The dog yelped in astonishment. The chatter of the two humans halted.

“Rex? You OK in there, buddy?” one of them said. Kaden guessed it was the dog’s handler.

The dog’s head swivelled slightly, before Kaden regained his attention with an almost subvocal growl.

“Wait,” he told the animal. The dog responded by lowering his head slightly in submission, uncertainty dancing in his eyes.

Kaden racked his brains quickly. What could get the dog’s attention that wasn’t something they had to investigate? His eyes fell on the crow, who had fluttered down next to him and the dog, and was now preening itself.

Kaden wasn’t sure how to get the message across, so he swiped a hand at the crow, who danced out of the way. The crow looked at him bewilderedly for a moment, the featha yapping fit.

He spun around to glare at the dog, focusing on exuding dominance, and smelled his scent changing accordingly.

The message broadcast by his posture and scent was very clear. “Don’t even think about it.”

The dog yelped in astonishment. The chatter of the two humans halted.

“Rex? You OK in there, buddy?” one of them said. Kaden guessed it was the dog’s handler.

The dog’s head swivelled slightly, before Kaden regained his attention with an almost subvocal growl.

“Wait,” he told the animal. The dog responded by lowering his head slightly in submission, uncertainty dancing in his eyes.

Kaden racked his brains quickly. What could get the dog’s attention that wasn’t something they had to investigate? His eyes fell on the crow, who had fluttered down next to him and the dog, and was now preening itself.

Kaden wasn’t sure how to get the message across, so he swiped a hand at the crow, who danced out of the way. The crow looked at him bewilderedly for a moment, the feathers on the back of its neck raising in indignation. Eventually it came to some sort of decision, and gave Kaden a jerky nod.

“good hunting, wolf,” it croaked, and flapped out of the van with a raucous caw.

“Stick your head out and follow it with your eyes,” he said to the dog. The dog almost sprung upright, its tongue lolling and turned to follow the crow’s progress. Kaden held his breath until he heard the two humans laugh.

“Well done, boy,” said the handler. “You saw that stowaway off.”

The dog turned his head towards his handler. Kaden wanted to make sure he wouldn’t get any ideas once he was away from him, so focused his scent to give a simple command. He tried a simple ‘come here’.

“Attend me.” It seemed dominant wolves didn’t use such simple commands. The dog gave a groan, and took a step backwards before turning to face Kaden.

“That’s right, Rex,” chuckled the other human. “Make sure he doesn’t have any friends hiding in there.”

‘If he only knew…’ Kaden thought to himself with a smirk. The dog sat in front of him expectantly.

“So… Rex?” he asked. The dog shook his head.

“No, that’s just what they call me. I do try to tell them it’s not my real name, but they always ignore me.” He paused. Kaden realised there was a script that the dog was wanting to follow.

“So, what is your name?” he asked. It seemed to be the right question, because the dog began to wag his tail.

“Urinates Triumphantly Over The Defeated,” he said proudly. “You can call me Urinates Triumphantly for short.”

Kaden remembered another reason why he disliked dogs. Fifi was always more dignified than the names they insisted they had.

“Erm, right. I suspect ‘Rex’ is easier for them to say,” he said diplomatically.

“You’re the first human to understand me,” the dog said blithely, before suddenly making a submissive display. Kaden realised that his scent had changed drastically when the dog had called him ‘human’. He also noticed he was growling with quiet menace.

“Let’s pretend you didn’t say that, Rex,” he said. The dog gave a quiet but enthusiastic whimper, and pulled himself upright. “Let’s also pretend that you didn’t find me here, OK?”

The dog’s scent took on a texture Kaden would associate with a human frowning. “But,” he said conscientiously, “It’s my job to make sure no-one hides here to get to Ord-Oh-La.”

Kaden supposed it was irresponsible, but he hadn’t had a clue where the van was going. All he knew was that he wanted to get out of Osea yesterday. There had been a few news reports about grisly murders that convinced him that the Sekhmet he’d scented when he first arrived in the city was a psychopath. Doubtlessly, he’d draw down the fury of Chulainn once they figured out how to get an operative over the border without causing trouble.

And then there was that other thing, the one that had knocked the murders off the main headlines. The Destrillians. Kaden could remember the name from his lessons back in the bunker, where they had tried to forewarn the Animus about potential obstructions they could face if they ever saw field action. Kaden suppressed a smirk, as all they could tell the Animus was that there were beings called Destrillians being worked on by Viola, and that they may have elemental powers.

Kaden was still vaguely wondering whether the strange non-human scents he’d picked up on when he’d arrived a week ago were Destrillians.

“I need to get out of the city, fast,” he said. “There’s too much happening here at the moment.”

The dog’s scent suggested he agreed. “So many strange noises and scents,” he said, before shaking himself. “But why do you want to leave?”

Kaden wondered how to simplify it enough for the dog. “There are some bad humans chasing me. They want to kill me,” he said.

The dog seemed appalled. “But why?”

“Because I exist.”

The dog seemed to consider this for a while, and then turned to leave the van.

“Where are you going?” Kaden growled quietly. The combination of scent and human language froze the dog on the spot. He turned to look at Kaden with a bashful look on his face.

“There’s no-one here. So I don’t need to stay here any longer.”

Kaden felt himself%2
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fresh to death

The crunch of the sky-light welding itself shut had left the Destrillians to stew in yet another uncomfortable silence.

But who could blame them? Never, in all the years Thetis had known her, had Idris ever lost her temper. There had never been a moment where the Gunmetal Glint had let down her stoic facade, given in to her emotions and completely lost control. Yet there they stood, left to stagnate in the sharp reality of Idris' words.

For Thetis, Idris' outburst was more confusing than shocking. Hadn't Idris even stopped to think about what she was going through? How Fiona was suffering? How could the metal Destrillian understand, even for one moment, how that felt? The threat of being left alone in a world that was big enough to swallow you up in one gulp. It wasn't the fighting that had got them here in the first place, with the entire Artolian military on their heels, not to mention, IRIN. No, it was Kerr that started this, not the fighting. Surely Idris understood the frustration, Thetis thought, of having your entire world crumble in a single day. They had managed to escape Viola the first time around in 24 hours, not to mention, the death of Eve, and that of Ariel so many years before.

A lot could change in a day.

What gave Idris the right to insult her anyway? Whining? When had she been whining? That was pretty rich, especially coming from someone who had just blown a gasket, then turned tail and run away. Thetis couldn't tell whether Idris had finally snapped (she was always a little bit quirky), or just couldn't handle the backlash of retorts. Then again, how anyone could possibly want to spend any more time with Kerr was beyond her. But hadn't Idris been civil with him? Hadn't she welcomed him into the group with open arms? Maybe Idris was on Kerr's side after all. The thought hit Thetis like a slap in the face. Maybe the storm-eyed Destrillian had been right.

Things were a lot worse than last time.

Now they had a purpose; all of them. Solidarity in a single goal. Escape. When Thetis squeezed through the narrow gap between Emma and Terra, there was no mistaking her target. The blue-haired girl firmly took hold of Kerr's shirt collar, and simply stared into those coal black eyes.

"Make sure you stay out of my way."

Her voice was dangerously quiet. Kerr was the only problem now, they all should have known that. After all, he hardly had a laudable track record when it came to escapes. In the silence that followed, Thetis was acutely aware of a multitude of stares that were boring holes into her back. Kerr's response was cool, collected, and it took all Thetis had just to stop herself lashing out again.

"I'll try my hardest, Thetis."

The water prototype responded with a glare as she spun to face the others. What were they staring at? With a scowl and a sullen pout, Thetis stomped past her companions to the end of the vehicle. What little dramatic effect it created seemed to be lost on the other Destrillians, maybe due to the fact that the size of the Winnebago had only allowed Thetis to storm the grand distance of five metres.

To say the back-end of the vehicle was in chaos would have been an understatement. Pots and pans had fallen from their cupboards, shards of glass from the skylight littered the floor, and the dirty burgundy carpet was barely visible through the layers of dried food. Upon catching sight of the unconscious and dazed Destrillians, Thetis could have laughed if she wasn’t so close to tears. They seemed to have formed a bizarre pile-up, and Thetis could barely make out Fiona amongst mess of limbs and colour. Ignoring the crunch of cereal under her feet, the water Destrillian hastened to her counterpart’s side. Thetis cautiously wrapped her hands around Fiona and pulled her free. The blue haired girl felt nausea rise in her stomach as she felt her partner's pulse. Quiet. Slowing. Deadened. She gently lifted Fiona into her arms, wiping a layer of cold sweat from her forehead and brushing a strand of hair from the fire Destrillian's eyes, which were scrunched up in a way Thetis found more than a little heart-wrenching.

As if to taunt her, Idris' words floated in and out of her head.

These are the only people you have left in the world now

Thetis caught a glimpse of a pull-out bed, which she had barely noticed in the chaos of the escape. It was dirty and looked like it hadn't been folded away for days, but it was the best place she could find for Fiona. Fiona. The only person she had left in the world. Who else did she have? Where were the others when she needed them most? When she was on the streets, lost, hungry and more alone than ever? Fiona had always been there, even when they were apart. Thetis wished she could tell her. But then what? Fiona didn't care. She had shown that enough times. The water Destrillian felt her headache throb as old words spilled into her thoughts.

Cringing or crying, today?
Do you function on misery?​

No better than a human.​

Such a useless piece of shit!​

Why do you care?

I don't.

A cold wave rolled over the water Prototype as she lay down Fiona on the bed. None of it mattered anymore, and as Fiona unconsciously gritted her teeth in agony, Thetis turned away. Fiona was right. She was useless.

Thetis blinked back tears and sat down in the opposite table booth.

It was going to be a long journey.
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Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
"Hey y'all, I'm Captain Obvious, and I'm here to tell you that shit's fucked right now."

Jettison said nothing in reply as she and Nova lay on the bonnet of their newly-acquired four-by-four parked behind the RV, metal staff propped up against the front grille. She kneaded her stiff shoulders, goosebumps still present in the morning chill. Still mulling over what would be coming next.

"So we got half the fuckin' country on our tail now, a million miles to cross with a beat-up family van and two-thirds a jeep. How long you think we're gonna last, huh? My moneys on two, three hours before they start bringin' that rollin' thunder on our heads again." Nova chuckled, whipped out two cigarettes and a lighter from nowhere and lit one for Jettison, who took it without a word.

The verbal ruckus inside the trailer van had subsided by now, and Jettison saw one of the occupants climbing out, "more than pissed" in Nova's words.

"And I thought we had issues, heheh." Nova blew smoke out his nostrils, an amused grin on his face. "So this is all of Viola's little pet projects."

"Almost." The one named Eve, who could control ice. Ariel, the demon in the blond Destrillian's guilt. The lady called Tao Hong. There were obviously other Destrillians out there. She suspected that finding others would be their next course of action.

They were obviously created to function going solo as well as a unified group; the chase had established that much. But now they were lacking the competency of the latter, something that had kept her own gang alive for years. Whoever had been shouting last made the point.

"Relax, babes." Nova turned his head in her direction. "They'll grow into the habit again."

"Their problems are bigger than that." Jettison gazed nonchalantly upwards at the slowly brightening sky, scraping the bottoms of her feet against each other in an effort to remove some of the dirt that had been caking on her soles. Breathing out her cigarette smoke, the plume twisted itself into the shape of a snake briefly before dispersing into the air. Nova propped himself up on his elbows before turning to face her.

"So you hang around these poor fools 'cause you see yourself in them, huh?" Nova snorted, almost derisively, as he lay back down on the bonnet, shifting himself so he could avoid the jagged edges of the broken windshield. "Ain't just fer blowin' up Denann, girl, isn't it? Got some of that Samaritan shit, huh?"

It was Jettison's turn to sit up, expression still unreadable. "If you don't like what I'm doing, then you can go back to the rest of the Espain in the city-"

"Oh, don't get me wrong, babe. I ain't baggin' your style. And I'm not leavin' anywhere." Nova hefted himself off the front of their car, throwing the stub of his cigarette to the ground. "I'm just sayin', you know."

"Saying what."

Nova sidled into the driver's seat to nap more comfortably. "Better hope ditching our last business partners ain't gonna bite us in the ass in the next few days."

Despite not having slept for the past good part of 48 hours, Jettison did not afford herself the luxury of sleep as she continued to sit on the bonnet of the car. Distant sirens kept her alert.


Arctos scowled at the spot of blood dripping from the ceiling. "Well isn't this a fine mess." He moved to one side of the stairs as a policeman came down with another bag.

"That's the rest of her, sir."

"Alright, get yourself cleaned up. We'll handle it from here."

"Thank you sir." The man walked himself out of the building as fast as possible.

Arctos turned his attention to the other corpse in the room. "So the plot thickens." A fragment of charred material caught his eye as he knelt down to inspect the body slumped up against the wall, motioning for Luis to hand him a bag. He picked it up delicately with tweezers, dropping it into the bag as the rest of the team took photos.

"So, what'll the headlines be, boss? 'Body parts found scattered all over house?' 'Slaughterhouse moves into residential district?'"

"Not cool, Ted." Arisa, despite being a little paler than usual, glanced angrily at him. "This is an entire family that got butchered by some monster. Have some respect."

"Close enough."

"I think the real question is, how do you make these burns..?" Arisa almost reached out to touch the man's chest, but immediately thought better than to do it. "Could it be the same people who were causing trouble at the Orange Zone border?"

"Time of death is too close to be the same guys. Accomplices, perhaps."

Arctos nodded. "I don't believe in the magical garbage that the reports have been going on about, but something's definitely off here. Not to mention the knives." The glove fibres on the kitchen knives, as well as the utterly warped handles, suggested that the user had a grip like an industrial vice. Not to mention the overhanging smell.

"So what is stench, anyway?"

"Jericho's L'amour, Number Ten."

Ted paused as the rest of the team slowly turned to face him. "What?"

"Awfully detailed."

"... I get out a lot. I... know women."

"Right." Arctos stood up, watching as the other policemen carried the body bags out from the crime scene. "Does it match anything in the house?"

"Does not look like it."

"Neighbours reported seeing a purple light outside yesterday evening, as well as muffled loud noises from the Oakleys' house. Considered reporting a domestic disturbance but never acted on it. Early morning jogger in the neighbourhood reported the dog killed on the lawn and front door half-open. Went inside, went straight out."

"He'll be having nightmares in his sleep for a while, huh."

Arctos motioned for the rest of the team to leave. "Let's go to scene number two. Lot of body parts to keep up with today."


Joe, Arcana
Lokka Kayne - Keris

Lokka was angry.

It was a rare occurence for him, as most of his intense emotions in the past had been buried in the heat of the moment. Right now he wasn't fighting. He couldn't even sleep.

How could they be like this?

The very thought of his uncooperative teammates forced his hand to clench. He had spent the last two years trying to find these people, and he'd made a hell of a lot of sacrifices along the way. At this point it didn't even seem worth it. Right now they were all together, all bound by the same fate. All in the exact same situation. They didn't have to be friends with each other - nobody does - but they couldn't even work together for a few hours without tearing at the seams. There had been some truth in Idris' words.

Lokka had been sitting with Kram, seemingly the only person that hadn't been involved in this personal conflict. It may have been because he was from the same facility as Lokka, and they had far greater experience in working together. It may also have been because Kram had yet to awaken, even after all that had happened inside and outside of the family van. Kram's body seemed almost as bruised and battered as Lokka's own.

Probably best to leave him so that he may recover.

Lokka stood up and stretched some of his muscles. He gave passing smiles to Terra and Emma, whether they were looking or not, showing them that at the very least they could still get along. Someone special had told him once that a smile could go a long way. Maybe she was on to something.

Lokka opened the door to the vehicle and exited, wanting to know very little about what had been going on between Thetis and Kerr. He walked around the vehicle to see just how much damage had been done to it, when he remembered a certain person. Putting his foot down onto one of the rear wheels he hoisted himself up onto the all-too familiar roof. There he saw a curled up Idris, seemingly asleep.

Lokka took a place near to her and laid looking skyward for a moment, enjoying a time where there was no conflict. Maybe this was what the pale girl was trying to obtain, but the white-haired man thought otherwise.
Idris must have been subconciously aware of another person on the roof because she soon woke up and addressed him with her eyes closed. Rather angrily.

"Was it not clear that--" the girl started, thinking that somebody had come to bother her. It really should have been clear, considering the welded skylight and all.

"Sorry, I...didn't mean to wake you."

Idris opened her eyes and saw Lokka, of all people, sitting next to her. "Oh,"she began again, switching tracks quickly. "Its alright." Despite being all-around irritated with what life was throwing at her, Idris didn't really have anything nasty to hold against Lokka. She'd barely met the man, after all, and most of their time together had been as a desperate team, fending off hundreds of soldiers on this very roof. She was finding it odd that, of all the people who might come up to talk to her, he was the one doing it. Why would Lokka come up and sit himself next to her?

"I wanted to you felt about all of this. About all of us." Lokka had definitely seen something within the girl. They were more alike than he first thought. She was looking out for her comrades, probably because to her they were much more than that. He respected this. He would hope one day to feel the same way about them, but it wasn't something he would let happen easily.

Idris sat up properly and adjusted to the light as she rubbed her eyes. "Well, thats a rather vague question," she said, trying very hard to be civil. "Care to clarify?"

"I was hoping for a vague answer." Lokka knew he hadn't been entirely specific about anything. "Still I wanted to know..." He looked down at the Keris full of Destrillians. "Do you feel we share a common goal, or a common identity?" The young man looked up at the sky for a moment, thinking about what could be on the horizon for the group. He hoped that himself and Idris shared the same belief, that the group should stay unified for natural reasons.

Idris let out a small, self-derisive chuckle. "I would think you would have guessed from my little... speech, earlier." Her exploding rant, more like. Idris forced down the welling feelings of embarrassment at remembering what had just happened; she told herself that it had been necessary, that nobody was going to learn if she didn't lose her temper. But she didn't believe it, not really. Idris stared at the Destrillian with the green eyes for a few moments. "Lokka, you seem like you've been looking for us for a long time. I have too. Maybe for a different reason," Idris brought her knees to her chest, a mysterious gleam in her eye. "And maybe not. But I meant what I said. We're a family." She looked away for a few moments, allowing her frown to crease her brow.
"At least, I think we are."

Lokka gave the girl an awkward smile. "Your 'speech' answered many questions, and demanded many more." He looked at her. She seemed so different compared to when they had fought together on this very roof, just a short while before. In combat she never held back, fighting to the end of her limit the whole way just to keep her friends safe. Right here in front of him, she was as innocent as day, and she still held so many hidden qualities.
"And yes, I've been searching. Maybe for too long." He stopped and considered his new family's inability to cooperate. " wasn't worth the wait."
There was a brief pause.
"But we are family, and despite what happened and what may happen, this is never going to change. I just hope the others see it the same way we do."

Idris gave Lokka a comforting smile, which was oddly juxtaposed with her next words: "They don't. They really don't. But what with the way we're going, they'll figure it out... eventually." She looked down for a few moments then reverted her gaze back. "And trust me Lokka--it's worth the wait."

There was a long pause in the conversation. Idris hadn't just been talking about Lokka's wait, and he knew it.
The girl forced a quiet, hissing sigh through her teeth. She wasn't sure whether this talk of theirs was making her feel better or worse; it was hard to tell through the exhaustion and the pain in her body. But then Idris remembered that Lokka shared that exact same exhaustion, that exact same pain, right down to the cuts on their bodies, and the realization came to her that yes, he did get it. Lokka understood the situation she was in--or at least part of it. He deserved an apology.

"...I'm not usually like that, by the way," she finally stated, shaking her head both at her words, and at the pride that was making it so hard to say them. "You've just sort of come in at a bad time. I'm sorry about that."

Lokka looked back at the girl, into her stormy grey eyes. "You dont need to worry," he said, placing his palm on her shoulder. "I can tell how much you care about everyone down there. They may not know it yet, but they need you a lot more than they may think."

Now that was something else. Idris hadn't had someone comfort her - properly comfort her - in years. The hand on her cold, skinny shoulder felt a lot better than she would admit. But it was the words that really hit a soft spot. Someone had finally caught on - how ironic that it was someone she'd only known a day!
Throw it all together, and Idris Savage felt a bit like crying again. But this time she didn't; she hid her emotions well, as she was always supposed to do, and gave Lokka a weak smile. "Well they don't need me yelling, thats for sure."

He smiled back at her. "Somebody needs to keep them in check..."

The two sat for a while longer on the roof, enjoying the welcome state of peace in the aftermath of the hectic escape. It was nice to just appreciate the moment, for once - to not be running from something. The morning light went right on shining, as if determined to prove that things weren't so bad after all.
Lokka started to stand up. "We've been through a lot already..." Idris nodded her agreement, looking up at him as he stood straight. "And I know we all still have a lot more to get through together. Just remember, Idris: you will always have me as an ally--"

He stopped himself, not feeling his words were true enough. "...wait, forget that." He glanced back at Idris, who quirked an eyebrow in question. "You will always have me as your friend."

There was silence.
Idris considered what Lokka truly meant by those words. If the first mushy statement of his had been surprising, then this new one had caught her completely off-guard. And again, mixed feelings swirled around in her mind - on the one hand, how absolutely, entirely relieved she was to finally hear somebody say it. No tricky subtlety, none of the social awkwardness that the Destrillians were so famous for. Just nice and simple.
But on the other hand, how painfully ironic the entire situation was. Out of every single Destrillian she was travelling with, it was Lokka - stoic, guarded Lokka - who felt the need to tell her she had some sort of friend.

But soon the good outweighed and won over the bad, and Idris decided that for now at least, she would just be happy knowing that this insane journey had had a purpose after all. She wasn't quite so alone anymore. And, looking at Lokka, who was preparing to leave her, Idris felt that maybe he needed someone to return the favour.

"And you me," she replied, her voice warm for the first time in hours.

Lokka gave one last exhausted smile to the the girl before hopping off of the roof. He was happy about his conversation with Idris; it finally felt like he had people close to him again. He wanted to protect them. All of them.

He knew that he would never let any of them as close to him as he had done with others in the past. It was too dangerous, too painful. But Idris. She was the leader they all deserved, the friend they all needed. Lokka felt that maybe he needed her too, more than he should have. It was nice to be able to consider just one person more than a comrade, especially now. He decided not to delve deeper into it, knowing that there was a lot in store for the Destrillians in the not too distant future. Lokka shrugged everything off and focused on the situation at hand.

He glanced over at Jettison and Nova, who seemed to be taking advantage of the break in a similar way. Their intentions were still a little hazy to Lokka, but it seemed they were willing to follow the Destrillians through quite a lot.

Ignoring the pair, Lokka decided to make some well needed repairs and adjustments while they were at a standstill. It was nothing short of a miracle that the vehicle was still functional, and it looked a like like an awkward bump in the road could finish it off. He got back into the vehicle for a brief moment to find the toolbox, and then swiftly exited with it. As he left, he looked at Kerr, allowing the gravity Destrillian to notice the toolbox in his hand. Hopefully that would be enough to tell him not to drive away with Lokka underneath. The viridian-eyed Destrillian took off his coat and laid it on the ground as he slid underneath the van with the toolbox at his side.


We have come to terms
Alessa Tristen Agasa was born in 7004 AS, the fourth of six children, with four brothers and a single sister. The Agasas were an old Audoulan family, having lived there for many generations; indeed, they were among some of the first colonists to begin to eke out an existence there, where the extremely fertile soil and abundance of fresh water made sustaining life incredibly easy. The Agasas had originally been of the lower castes in what the settlers called "the Old Country", and so while coming to Audoula meant escaping persecution in their homeland, it certainly did not mean that their lives would be much easier. The only people they had to associate with were others of their own class - to this day, none of the Agasas have ever served in any offical capacity within the government of Audoula.

That is not, however, to say that they ever found themselves wanting. Even the lower castes always had plenty and to spare - the only measure of success was by how much more you had than everyone around you. The first few generations ran a small but moderately successful fishing operation on the shores of Lake Villnore. By some amount of luck or skill, they began to turn a greater profit than their competitors, allowing them to eventually begin to sell their wares directly to the people at market, rather than selling to a middleman. The increase in money allowed them to extend their reach in the marketplace, as the women began to sell the cloth they wove. And so the Agasas, in time, came to be a respected merchant family.

By the time Alessa was born, their homeland no longer existed and, indeed, had been completely forgotten by the descendents of the colonists. Only precious few of their traditions still existed, and most families had either mingled with other bloodlines from other places, or simply didn't practice the old ways. The Agasas still kept with the old tradition of having the family name passed through the mother's side, and it was still always the eldest daughter that was groomed to take over the management of the family when her mother died.

As her younger sister Patrice always reminded her, Alessa was "the special one".

At a young age, Alessa was found to be highly intelligent. The family rejoiced, for this meant that their legacy was very safe in what they were sure would be her incredibly capable hands. And she did not disappoint. She was the brightest in her class, graduating with honors and distinction from one of the best private schools in Audoula. From there, she was set to dominate the business world by following in her family's footsteps, like her mother before her.

She just wished she didn't have to.

No one ever asked her what it was she wanted to do with her life. Everyone always just had these...expectations. From the time she could talk, it was all she could remember hearing - she was going to run the family when she grew up. Alternatives didn't even bear thinking about. So while some would say that a brilliant young woman, from a fairly well to-do family, would have nothing but open doors and opportunities that others would kill to have, she only saw one door - and she was being pushed through it. She had no choice.

Ever since she was a child, there had been nothing but pressure on all sides to succeed, to be the best - even moreso given how gifted she was. There was no room for failure. There was no room for normal. No time for friends, or for fun. She took no enjoyment from her life; she began to cut, crying herself to sleep on those nights where she lay awake staring at the ceiling and wondering what the hell she was living for. She had only her duty to think of, to keep her company.

She had no options.

Her mother died when she was eighteen, just weeks after her graduation. The family was in turmoil. All eyes were on her. She knew that her predetermined life was about to kick in. She could already feel herself suffocating.

She buried her mother, and then she ran.

She didn't know where she would go: she had no money. She had no friends. She had no identification. She had only the clothes on her back, and her family was sure to be looking for her to drag her back. But she wouldn't go back. Oh no. She would suffer any hardship, so long as it was of her own choice.

She was forced to the same conclusion as many others in her situation. But she never complained - not once. She bore her burden in silence, with never a hint of the anguish she felt, the guilt for abandoning her family, of being ungrateful. They had made sure she had the best of everything, and she had repaid them like this? Was having the ability to make your own decisions worth it? She was sure that this was her punishment. Her family would come when they felt she'd had enough.

But they never came.

In fact, they never looked. Patrice took things over, and Alessa was disowned. It was like she had never existed. But she never knew this. She only heard one bit of news - that her father had died only a month after she left. Stroke from stress, the paper had said.

She found herself in Crawsus, which was beginning to expand out further upon its own lake, as the population began to swell. She slept in alleyways, under bridges. She eventually found a job working as a waitress, in a small cafe situated near downtown. And her life began to improve. She found a small apartment; she was very poor, but had just enough to scrape by. A roof over her head, just enough to eat - she even made a few friends. She volunteered at a small shelter to help those who were less fortunate - she had stayed there a few times herself, before, and she knew the feeling.

All her hard work paid off. She was noticed by one of her customers for how upbeat and happy she was, and he offered her a job working at his pub, The Gilded Lamb, making twice what she made at the little cafe, plus tips. This she accepted, and she did not disappoint. As usual. This time was...different, though. She felt like she had achieved something for herself. Her family would have been sickened: she, daughter of the proud Agasa family, felt a sense of satisfaction, felt proud of working as little more than a barmaid, of squandering all that potential? But she couldn't deny that it felt good to be recognized for all her hard work for once. All this, she had done on her own, for herself. She was in control of her own destiny.

It made her smile, truly smile, for the first time in many years.

Her performance was impressive enough for him to hand most of the managerial duties over to her, enabling him to focus on what he did best - his real job, if you will - bringing people into the place, and scouting for new talent. And as it happened, one of his regular customers was a somewhat flamboyant fellow by the name of Valmur. And he, too, was impressed by Alessa, and offered her a job.

It was then that she first met him.

He was quiet. Almost a little too quiet, actually - for the most part. Or maybe it was just that Alessa had grown up with the expectation people who looked like that were loud and crass. She was surprised; he was quiet, and very polite. And his name was so normal it seemed almost out of place, especially with the two-toned hair and the tattoos and the piercings. And what was with those creepy eyes, like little lamps gazing out at you, those eyes without pupils? She didn't know if they were contacts or some kind of weird birth defect or what, but they were very unsettling. She felt like he was looking through her somehow.

And he was supposed to be a doctor?

In the following weeks, she came to find that she actually got along with him surprisingly well. He didn't talk much, and seemed to like his space sometimes, but he was actually really nice. He could be very funny, when he wanted to be (though this was rare); he thoroughly enjoyed her singing (she could just tell, no matter what the look on his face said to the contrary) and he was actually quite charming. She wasn't the only one that thought so, though: it seemed that he was never wanting for female company, when he wanted it. And Alessa knew that she herself was not immune to his charm, for the two became fast friends. He was more open around her, more cheerful; he laughed more, smiled more, talked more. And she was happy to have that kind of effect on him. She liked their playful banter, and the way his face lit up when she had a fresh pot of coffee waiting as he walked into the clinic in the mornings (neither of them were morning people). She knew, too, that he was attracted to her - and it was not one-sided. She wondered, sometimes, just how long it would be until she found her way into his bed.

She never did.

Alessa had been watching the evening news (a report about some kind of disturbance at a motel in Artolia; they were such barbarians there), when the phone began to ring. It was Valmur, and he was asking her to meet a supplier to make sure that their goods were of the quality that they claimed. She didn't really want to go, but she knew that it came with the job. She didn't like what they did at the clinic, under the cover of actually helping people (though they did do that, at least, she told herself), but she did it all the same. She didn't know why, but she thought it might have had something to do with...

She met the men, as directed at the Yellow Box Warehouse, near the older shipyards. The place was deserted, naturally, with only the various materials used in the construction of ships as witnesses to the transaction. But when she got there...while she did find men in suits, as expected, their hands were empty. Well, not entirely so - they held weapons, rather than the briefcases she had come to associate with this line of work.

She had no chance.

She was knocked unconscious, then bound. She knew no more of what they did to her until she came to - tied to the prow of the still incomplete boat like a living figurehead. She was in a lot of pain; she could tell her right shoulder had been dislocated, probably from being held at such an angle like this and having to support her body for however long she'd been here. She suddenly felt a sense of violation - she was no longer clad in her own clothes. She was now wrapped in a sort of makeshift toga, like some god out of ancient mythology, made of the sheets used to cover the equipment when not in use.

What had they done to her? And what were they going to do to her?

She could hear the men, over there to the right, talking about someone, someone they were waiting for. She couldn't make out much of what they were saying, but it almost sounded like an ambush. But why would they need he-

And then it clicked.

She screamed. One of the men, a big burly fellow, came over and slapped her in the mouth to quiet her, then stared at her for a moment, leering, before walking away. Her jaw ached - the big galoot certainly hadn't held back, and the blow had snapped her head back so far she thought she'd heard something pop. She wanted to cry, but no tears would come. She hung her head and closed her eyes. There was no escape. She was all alone.


She began to think back on everything, her life. Images flashed through her mind - watching her sister play outside with her friends as she worked, the way old Ms. Lanahan smiled at her as she left the clinic. The time she'd had too much to drink and he had had to carry her home, the day she graduated. The way her father's eyes would crinkle near the edges as he spoke proudly about her to his friends, the first time she'd had to sleep in a doorway. The way he looked at her with that stupid lopsided smile on his face, that smile that she couldn't help but return.

Had it all been worth it?

There was suddenly a frenzy of shouts and activity as the men began getting ready - it seemed their prey was walking into right their trap. Alessa didn't even open her eyes. What was the point? She did, however, wonder what that strange sound was, like an engine, and that beeping sound...was that a forkli-


As the thick metal pierced her sides, Alessa could only get out a gasp of pain, eyes snapping open. One of them had driven the forklift into her with the intention of impaling her upon the forks. She felt nothing but an explosion of pain, couldn't think because her brain was on fire, couldn't manage a scream as the blood began to fill her lungs and a sharp pain was there as she tried to draw breath. As panic and despair crept their way in, all she could do was issue a series of wet, hacking coughs in a vain attempt to clear them so she could get a last gasp of air. She could feel her body giving out on her as the tension in the bindings slackened and she hung suspended in the air, limp body refusing to cooperate. And then she didn't feel pain, no nothing. The only coherent thought that she was able to come up with was that she hoped someone would take care of her cat.

And then she saw him.

He was there, golden eyes wide at the scene before him. She saw the way he was looking at her and the tears that would not come began to flow.

"Y-you came," she choked out with a smile, as the dark blood spilled from her mouth. "Te-" She never finished that sentence. Nor did she hear his howl of anguish.

Alessa Tristen Agasa, age 21. Time of death: 9:43 PM.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer

Kerr had never been one to seek out the comfort in life. Be strong, adapt to your surroundings and persevere. Don’t let the human frailties that bound so many others and so many humans. But even he found himself nearly overwhelmed by his desire for a long sleep and a decent, filling meal. It felt strange. He felt strange, and for reasons that had nothing to do with the yawning chasm in his belly, or the slow, methodical aching in his head.

It hadn’t escaped his notice that he had been sitting for well over an hour now, on the grassy verge a little way away from where the escapees had parked their two stolen vehicles. He sat with his back to the machines, and the others. Nobody was saying much, and Kerr appreciated the silence. His head was swimming; his usually perfectly ordered thoughts were in complete disarray. Kerr hadn’t really noticed till things had quietened down, till everything in Osea had stopped trying to kill them. It hadn’t really sunk in till he had lost his temper at the others before. It was so unnatural, it wasn’t like him at all. Truthfully, it worried him. As did the clawing sense that maybe he had been a bit too harsh with the others, so as to be counterproductive to their group endeavours. A thought that he quickly dismissed.

Such volatile anger, he had told himself, was the product of lesser beings: of humans and weak Destrillians. Those with no purpose, no mission or no goal. They were the ones who let their emotions cloud their judgement or worse, let their emotions dictate their judgement. It made Kerr stir uneasily, he did not like the idea of having something in common with them.

He cast a fleeting glance back to the Winnebago, and the hijacked military truck that had been parked next to it. A few of the Destrillians had emerged now, all of them looked wearied and tired, some more so than Kerr since they had been engaged in battle just a short while ago. All of his attention had been focused on driving the party out of the city. Not to say that that had not been especially challenging in its own way though, but the task was not weighing on Kerr’s mind. He had done what had needed to be done, fulfilled his role in the mission and gotten them to safety. Nor was Idris’ losing her temper really particularly bothersome to the Destrillian of Gravity, as far as he was concerned, it was his own submission to these base human instincts that worried him.

Idris’ talk had called for them to work together more, telling them all that they were ‘the only people they had left in the world right now’. Those words meant no more to Kerr than the rest of the Destrillians fruitless squabbling, they fell dead at his feet. He had been the only person he had left to trust and count on for a long time now, and he had always seemed to get by fine that way. With none of the whiny, overly emotional baggage that seemed to have shackled his current group of companions by the feet. He wasn’t immune to being frustrated, especially when numerous complications blocked his path, there wasn’t really anything that could be done to prevent that. But to become so completely submerged in a temper like that was something that was as alien to him as having to interact with the others. It had been exceptional circumstances that had thrown them all together, and they had proven themselves to be useful already, especially when it had come to defending their miniature convoy as it escaped the city. But their usefulness did not quell the uneasy knot that was tying itself in Kerr’s stomach. He didn’t like that they were around, he didn’t understand them, or why they were all so damn difficult and obtuse. As if to make his point he made a determined effort to stare off into the horizon, in the complete opposite direction to the others.

So much had changed since the hotel, and changed so fast. He was having trouble keeping up, and the constant physical strain was putting additional stress on a temper already rubbed raw by the constant infuriating presence of the other Destrillians, and he didn’t even know what to think about the two strays that they had picked up from the sewers, or the pet human who’s Winnebago they had commandeered. It was all too strange, too against the norm.

Of particular annoyance to him was the lingering question: what now?

Sure, the Destrillians had a plan for the moment. Trying to make it to Audoula in order for Lokka Kayne to meet with the Destrillian he had seen on the television in Terra and Emma’s apartment. It was vague, but at least it was a goal, something to work towards.

But Kerr still wasn’t happy. In spite of having something to focus on, his usual clarity of thought was obscured by too many questions that he couldn’t discern the answers to. The powerful individuals that had been dogging the group since they had escaped from Jettison’s club, who they were and what their own goals were was something that remained an unknown factor. The news broadcast had also shown that the Violan CEO had been broken out of prison, by an attack that was also blamed upon the Destrillians. Something that would obviously only serve to hinder their progress cross country. Kerr had the fleeting vision of each of these events, connected by a twisting web of invisible strings. Far too much was going on for any of this to be sheer coincidence.

Dispensing with the confusing thoughts of not only these unexplained questions, but the tumultuous questions he had been asking himself. Ever since seeing Ariel in those visions in the sewers he had been reacting...strangely, to the other Destrillians and to the challenges that they had been faced with. Focusing on something more practical, like how they were going to go about crossing the border into another country was a refreshing (and uncomplicated) change of pace.

The Destrillian picked himself up off the grass and made his way back to the Winnebago, catching Lokka’s eye and noting the toolbox in his hand. At least one of their group was focusing on doing something productive. Presumably everyone else was fresh out of lectures or pointless arguments.

“We need to hurry on. Be fast.” He urged, his usual dry monotone slurred slightly from the exhaustion.

Not waiting for a response, he quickly pulled himself into the all too familiar driver’s seat of the Winnebago, suddenly feeling overcome by the need to rest. With no word of complaint, he crossed his arms over the steering wheel and lay his head down.

Almost immediately surrendering to a dreamless sleep.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Terra and Emma: Just Outside the Van

The Destrillians who had wandered out of the vehicle had, for the most part, gone back to it, except for Emma and Terra, as Lokka had emerged after getting the van back into functional order and headed back inside. Neither one of them spoke to the other, though it was obvious that both felt rather unnerved by Idris’ sudden outburst. The shorter girl was still feeling stung by Kerr’s words, and she could still feel the uncomfortable feeling of anger in the pit of her stomach. The pair realized, that even with the fact that neither of them really wanted to get back into the van, they had to. Emma helped Terra back into the van with a quick glare in Kerr’s general direction before sitting down in a seat.
She paused for a moment on her walk back to her seat, thinking about the fight that had happened between everyone moments before. Even more uncomfortable than her own anger at Kerr was the realization that no one had defended him. Though she seriously doubted that he honestly cared about Thetis’ accusations, she felt an uncomfortable amount of what she could only assume was pity. Even Fiona had Thetis worrying about her: Kerr had no one. As uncomfortable as it made her, and as much as she thought she didn’t even need to say she was sorry to him, she disliked the feeling of pity she had.

Eyell be bak en a bit ema there wuz somethin eye wanted 2 do.

With that, she headed to the front of the van, hoping there was a piece of paper and something to write with up front. And then she found Kerr evidently asleep at the wheel. Apparently he was in even less emotional turmoil than that she had barely suspected he had. They needed to get moving, whatever his actual emotional state was. She opened the glove compartment, some pieces of paper as well as a couple of pens skittering out. Carefully, the green-eyed woman scratched out a note with the pen and set it on the dashboard.

Terra felt a little like she would imagine someone poking a snake with a stick must have felt like when she cautiously raised a hand and shook Kerr a little. It didn’t take long for him to wake up, though she jumped back like he was going to bite her. He opened his eyes and blinked a couple of times before he saw the note on the dashboard (or so she assumed, since she had no idea where his pupils were) and started up the engine. She had to hurry back to her seat to keep from losing balance from the sudden movement. They had left Osea: now they were heading to Audoula.

A migraine still pounded in Terra’s head, and Emma let her rest her head on her shoulder as she tried to sleep. The pain prevented her from fully falling asleep, so she sat and observed the trip over. Despite the amount of time that it took, the trip was rather monotonous. Between fretting over Fiona and sending quick glares at the back of Kerr’s seat, Thetis did essentially the same thing. Idris, luckily (and as far as Terra could tell), had managed to fall asleep, while Lokka looked off into the scenery: it seemed like he was thinking about something. She didn’t really notice Kram, perhaps not unintentionally, considering she didn’t really trust him, not since he suddenly picked her up and took her back to that motel what seemed like years ago. Jettison and Nova may have talked to each other, but as far as she could tell, they were silent. Stolz, perhaps being a good… person was silent for the ride, though they kicked their legs as they looked out the window. Perhaps Stolz was also thinking, like Lokka had been.

Gradually, the familiar view of Artolia started to change as they grew closer and closer to their target country. Jettison and Nova seemed to do… something, she wasn’t entirely sure. But once they got to a station surrounded by guards, Kerr shuffled through the glove compartment and handed over some papers, which they looked over and smiled at him, handing it back.

“Looks to be in order. Sorry about the trouble; have a nice day, ma’am,” He said with a smile. Terra could only assume that Kerr was trying to drill a hole in their skulls with his eyes. The black-eyed driver shot an annoyed look back at the pair, Nova snickering quietly while Jettison looked as stoic as she ever did.

They got to a quiet, hilly area next to a small pond, which Terra could only assume was some sort of camping site. Kerr parked the car, Terra blinking wearily as she looked at her surroundings. They were now in some foreign country, camping out, like tourists or the like.

Hey gaiz eye think were there nao. She thought this as loudly as she could, and the Destrillians stirred from their torpor. Idris opened the door to the outside, and the rest of them flooded out of the van. It looked like now was the time to start getting camp set up, the green-eyed woman suddenly remembering she’d forgotten to pack any food when they headed out of Osea. She stumbled around, tearing some string from her skirt and looking for some metal and a stick, so that at the very least, she could fish for some sort of dinner for everyone.


fresh to death

They had only been travelling for two days, but to Thetis, it felt like years. Everything had happened so fast, but now, even the seconds crawled by. They were running away again. Away from the only place she had ever called home, the only place she could act as if nothing had ever happened. The reality sat like a sack of cement in the pit of her stomach. Thetis hadn’t slept since- well, she couldn’t remember. Her face was grey, weighted with a grave expression as weary yellow eyes followed the horizon. They had crossed the border just over three hours ago.

She had sat there for ages. Squeezed into the corner of the Winnebago. Silent. Unmoving. All the arguments, bickering and banter of her companions had been drowned out by white noise and the sound of Fiona’s shallow breaths. They were so quiet, so soft. Fading away like ashes scattered in the wind. Thetis hadn’t looked over at her since they'd crossed the border. She didn’t want to. It scared her – those green welts that crept over her skin like poison ivy. Then there was the screaming; cries of agony that ripped through the vehicle and raised a lump in Thetis' throat. When she first heard them, she just wanted to hold Fiona close, to tell her everything was going to be fine, to tell her that everything was going to be alright.

But it wasn't.

All Thetis could do was screw up her eyes, bury her head in her hands and wait for it to pass. That was the worst part. She felt so helpless. Always waiting for the problems to solve themselves. How pathetic.

The other Destrillians could tell Thetis had been crying. That much was obvious from the red rings that hung under her blank, empty gaze. Then there was the way she would flinch and sit bolt upright as Fiona hacked and coughed and spluttered, only to slump back down into a slouch as it stopped. To admit that Fiona was struggling would be a defeat in itself. She was prototype #004, the most feared, fearless Destrillian. She didn't give in to anything. Yet there she lay. Weak. Fevered.


No. No, Thetis would think to herself every ten seconds as the thought stole in and out of her head. No, Fiona was Fiona. She would be okay.

"We're stopping here." Kerr's gruff voice broke the silence.

More coughing. Thetis felt the Winnebago grind to a halt. They had been driving for days, after all. The water prototype buried her head in her knees, refusing to make eye contact with any of the Destrillians that passed her as they piled out of the vehicle.

The fire prototype's eyes fluttered opened and looked over to her water counterpart. Her words couldn't mask the pain that was now constantly assaulting her. "Are we there yet?" A weak smirk crossed her face as she moved to sit upright. Thetis didn't turn to look at her. She couldn't. Her words floated across the gap between them, strained with fatigue and worry.

"Lie down," there was a pause as Thetis struggled to put on a brave face. "You need rest."

"No, we need to get movin--Argh! Let's go." Fiona hoisted herself to stand and slowly followed after the rest of the group. She tried to walk without support, but the comfort of a hand on the wall was too much to pass up. Thetis sprang to her feet and marched over to her roommate, looping Fiona's arm gently over her shoulder. The weight of the fire Prototype leaning on her was a welcome comfort, but Thetis felt naseous as clammy skin brushed against her neck.

Fiona was cold. Fiona was never cold.

"It's just a rest stop. You need to relax." Thetis' voice faltered on the final syllable as she led her fire counterpart back over to the bed.

#004 was too feeble, much to her own dismay, to really fight against the water Destrillian's direction. That didn't stop her from voicing her refusal. "We need to stop pissing around, and I can't just lie down and wait around the whole way there. Now, let go of me." She coughed some more, the taste of blood flooding her throat.

The grip on Fiona's arm tightened. "No." Thetis lowered Fiona back onto the mattress, overpowering the fire Destrillian's half-hearted show of resistance as she firmly pushed her onto the sheets. "You're not fit to go anywhere." Thetis bit her lower lip in an attempt to stop it trembling. "Besides," she said as she pulled the off-white blanket over her fire counterpart, half holding Fiona down as she struggled to get loose. "You look awful." Her voice was hoarse, her laughter, weak. The water Destrillian had reached breaking point.

"I can still beat the shit out of a stupid human if one tried to take me out. I'm--" Fiona's face clenched and contorted and her body stiffened as another surge of pain invaded her whole being. "I'm fine." The statement wasn't convincing in the least.

"YOU'RE NOT FINE!" Thetis screeched, her voice high and urgent. The water Destrillian sunk to the Winnebago floor, back pressed against the shoddy wooden bedstead as she murmured under her breath. "You're not fine." Her shoulders shuddered, voice barely a whisper, face hidden behind trembling hands.

#004 examined her arm, now decorated with an eerie, putrid network of green veins. It must have really been a sight to anyone else, especially Thetis. A harmless pang went off in the back of her mind. She should have done something just then to ease the water prototype's worries, but instead she just looked at the back of her head with a blank stare.

"Take a look at yourself," the water Prototype was shaking as she spoke. She didn't want to give Fiona a second glance. The reminder of her condition was too much, and it was hard enough not to cry as it was. "You're sick," the halogen light that shone from a panel in the ceiling made Thetis squint as she tilted her head back, blue hair spilling over the mattress. "Just sit tight, we'll be there soon," that was a lie, Thetis didn't even know where they were going. Running away again, running away with no direction. None of them knew how to fix Fiona, and that hurt more than anything.

Just as Fiona was about to reply, she was forced to face the wall as another violent fit of coughing was brought on. Blood was on her hand when it ended, which she casually wiped onto the sheet. The fire Destrillian turned back to face Thetis. She shuffled closer to where the water prototype's head lay. Fiona brushed aside a small lock of her white bangs away and kissed her forehead. "Easy for you to say."

"Will you just listen to me for once?" Thetis blew her fringe out of her eyes and shook off Fiona's hand. It was like talking to a brick wall. She was so stubborn, Thetis huffed as she edged away from her fire counterpart. "The more you move around, the faster it'll spread. You should know that much." She rubbed her eyes and bounced to her feet.

#004's eyes strayed to the sight of the lights in the ceiling before she was able to properly focus on Thetis. Disorientation was a bitch. "I know how it works, but I'm not going to die from this poisonous shit. I refuse." Almost as if her illness could hear her, a quick sting ailed her shoulder where the source of the toxin was. Fiona let out an exhausted sigh and tried to take careful breaths after. She wasn't going to let this thing beat her. Nothing could, nor ever would. But perhaps, this one time, she would accept a little help when death was waiting for her to slip up. "Maybe I'll...take it easy." The second part of that sentence was barely audible. She wouldn't have even bothered to say it if she knew others were listening in.

The water prototype turned to face Fiona as she lay back on the mattress with an annoyed look. It made Thetis more than a little upset to see the fire Destrillian like this - Fiona never gave in to her, or anyone or anything. Maybe she knew what was coming. Thetis swallowed down the lump in her throat. It was for her own good. With a sigh, #006 pursed her lips into a smile. "That wasn't so hard, was it?" Thetis crouched next to Fiona, taking the fire prototype's hands into her own. "Once we find that girl Lokka was talking about, everything will be okay."

Fiona didn't like just laying around like some invalid; the pain of just laying on the bed was more unbearable than what the poison was dealing her. The firestarter just looked at the water Destrillian, without a hint of emotion. Orange met yellow and then looked away at the ceiling. Fiona gripped Thetis' hand slightly. "Of course it will." The thought came out far weaker than she anticipated, which betrayed a hint of surprise.

The hushed tone of Fiona's voice caused Thetis to hesitate. Fiona showing the slightest trace of self-doubt was enough to make the water prototype falter. She buried her face in the mattress, squeezing the fire Destrillian's clammy hand as she struggled to keep herself from crying. "I don't understand." There was a muffled sniff from under the sheets. "Why does this always happen to us?" It wasn't fair. Not Viola, not what happened in the Orange Zone, not this. Almost involuntarily, Thetis wrapped her arms around Fiona. The comfort of another was all she had wanted, and now, all of this nonsense was threatening to take it away. It hurt.

Thetis' embrace was a welcome, but very temporary, reprieve from the constant ache in Fiona's body. The fire Destrillian brought her arms around her counterpart. "We're Destrillians. We don't get easy lives." She whispered into Thetis' ear. Fiona felt another sensation of disorientation engulf her. As much as she fought against it to remain aware of her surroundings, the feeling only became stronger. Her hold on the water Destrillian loosened as she fell into an unexpected sleep.

Fiona's grip loosening on her arm sent a chill through Thetis' body. The lid holding in all of her emotions had been blown clean off as a strangled sob escaped the water prototype's throat. Fiona's chest rose and fell softly, her breathing barely audible. Thetis chewed on her lip as she hovered over the fire Destrillian. There was no smug smirk anymore, no cocky grin, no sharp orange eyes that dared you, just dared you to look back into them. She pressed an ear to Fiona's chest. The calm expression on the fire Prototype's face belied her frenetic pulse, each beat so frantic, fevered, as if Fiona's heart was trying to break free of her ribcage.

Thetis drew her knees up onto the mattress and hugged them. The thought of losing Fiona slid into her like a knife. Sharp. Indiscriminate. The water Destrillian felt stupid for having been so sure, so certain that nothing could so much as touch Fiona, let alone threaten her. Let alone take her away. Thetis' head bobbed up and down with exhaustion, like a piece of cork floating downriver. She was shivering. Fiona was still cold. Clouded yellow eyes met the fire Prototype's face, drawn with a deathly pale pallour.

A light flickered above them.

Destrillians weren't meant to have easy lives, as Fiona had said. After all, this wasn't their world. They had given up all rights to it when they became Violan Prototypes. Taken. Numbered. Thetis instinctively flinched towards the mark on her hipbone. Branded. There was no place for Destrillians amongst humans. Their world was a cold basement, with white walls, glass pods and needles. But that didn't mean things like this had to happen, Thetis thought as she fiddled with the linen sheets. Maybe it was the cost of living, one that no Destrillian could afford to pay. The time to run away had come and gone.

Darkness drew its curtain across the Audoulan skyline as Thetis Alcesteos curled her fingers around Fiona's, locking their hands together. She pulled a strong, scarred arm around her shoulder, pressing her body against the fire Destrillian's so the pair of them fitted together like stacked spoons. A chill crept over Thetis, and her belly hardened as she felt Fiona's clammy skin against her own. It was strange, it was unfamiliar, and most of all, it was frightening. To think, that here in Fiona's arms, where she usually felt safest, it was more dangerous than ever.

Butterflies hollowed out Thetis' stomach, and she hugged the fire Destrillian's arm closer. Fiona's body had dropped away from her a long time ago. The air was still, and it was quiet, with only the noise of the fire prototype's heart knocking against her chest. Thetis rested her cheek on Fiona's shoulder. The scars she used to worry about so much were the least of their problems now. But what could they do? What could Thetis do? She felt as if she were far away, shouting, screaming for someone to help. No-one answered. They never did. That was all she needed - words to cling to like little bits of driftwood. Anything to keep the fear from sucking her under.

That was what Thetis had never been able to escape from. That blackness. That inky hole that threatened to swallow her up every time she let her guard down. Loneliness. One slip, one mistake, and it would take over. Spread through her body, like Fiona's poison, stealing away her life, her freedom, her hope. An ink blot over a journal page. A cloud blocking the sun. A fire doused by water.

Thetis buried her face in Fiona's arm.

"Don't leave me."


A cold breeze swept over Fiona's still body, snapping her to her senses. The fire Destrillian bolted upright. She was back in that dusty and weathered room, but it was different somehow. A golden glow had encompassed the room previously, but no more. The single window let in the light, but the scene outside was now dull and monotone; no sun, not even a moon to give off light.

She jumped up, crouched and ready for anything. This must have been another mindfuck. Another Thetis-who-wasn't-Thetis or some series of strangers out for her blood. All of her senses were at their peaks, waiting for some bizarre surprise.

Instead, the little green-eyed child was back in her corner, creeping up over her knees and crossed arms.

"Damn it!" Fiona spat out as she eased up. "What the hell do you want this time, kid? Go bother the fuck out of someone else's head."

The frail girl hid her face. “I-I couldn’t leave here if I tried.”

“There’s a window. Jump.”

Sniffles echoed from the corner of the room where the raggedy girl sat. Fiona rolled her eyes the moment she heard the reaction.

“Will you stop with that incessant whining? Argh!”

The child’s crying died out until there was a dead silence between her and the fire Destrillian.

"Can we invite your friends to play with us sometime?"

"My friends? You mean that bunch of idiots I've been stuck with?"

"Umm," she looked down and shuffled her feet a little. "Yes."

The emerald-eyed girl trained her sight back on Fiona with a great deal of excitement. "I--!" It was almost as if she caught herself acting out of place and immediately went back to the reserved manner she had been exercising. "I mean...I-I really like that one girl. The one with the pretty blue hair." The little girl smiled to the Destrillian.

"You mean Thetis?"

The raggedy girl nodded her head furiously as if it was going to fall off.

A twitch was tugging at Fiona's mouth. "Why her?"

"Ummm, she's really pretty a-and does nice things and, and..!"

"That's enough kid, I get your point." The fire Destrillian looked out the window, hoping to distract her from the thoughts that were trying to come to a head.

Thetis was...really pretty. And...wait. Where did that come from? Why was she giving this so much thought just now? It was as if flood gates on buried feelings and memories had been opened without notice. #004's psyche was pre-emptively assaulted with a fresh look on her water counterpart's position in her own life. What she was to her, what they had been through; it all seemed to be coming from...this little girl.

Fiona's face contorted into a series of emotions all at once, she didn't know what to feel. "Just who the hell are you? What is this bullshit?" Her voice boomed in the empty and unkempt room.

"Can't you tell?"

A man and a woman of terrible cruelty. Bruises and cuts. Slaps and kicks. Muffled whimpering every night. Fear.

The firestarter blinked and a shattered mirror appeared before her. Some bits of the mirror showed the familiar, fiery hair and black leather while others reflected the image of the sullied girl. A hand reached out in disbelief of the sight. #004's touch was met with the little one's. The mirror was gone and there they both stood.

"I'm you."

"Wh-" Fiona Myrwind started to back away, completely disoriented. "That's impossible! I didn't even know you before you started showing up in my head! You're just another mindfuck, aren't you?!"

"You don't know me because you forgot."

"What the hell do you mean, 'I forgot'?"

Another blink and the small brown-haired girl closed the distance Fiona had put between them. She looked more sure of herself now, and upset. "Those bad people made you forget everything!" Her hands were clenched passively at her sides. "Daddy gave me to them and then they made you. We were so sad, until you took over and got really mad and stayed that way! It was all so unfair and there was nothing else you could do..." Tears began to stream down her face.

More scattered images from forgotten memories flashed through her mind, almost too quickly to process. Struggle. Uniformed men holding her down. A handshake. Darkness. Cries of agony that could wake the world if not for sound-proof walls. Tears. Heat.

#004 snapped back to the weathered room and shook her head and dismissed the false visions. "This is the biggest load of shit I have ever heard."

Little Fiona’s face was now red; nose running and face scrunched up. “Why don’t you believe me? Why can’t you remember?!”

“Maybe because I don’t have time to piss around listening to some kid’s story?”


“Now I’m leaving—and you can’t convince me to stay.”

Fiona placed her hand on the doorknob and was met with an icy shock that nearly paralysed her. She stifled a cry of pain and stumbled away from the door. #004 found it very difficult to breathe just then. Her head whipped around back to the little one.

The green-eyed girl just watched the fire Destrillian from the middle of the room where she sat, trying to stop her own crying. “It’s not safe to leave. You’re really, really hurt right now.”

“I think I’ll be fine.”

“If you don’t believe me, just look at the walls.” Little Fiona said in a hushed and defeated tone.

The fire-starter gave the room where they were trapped a closer look than she cared to take. Traces of a sickly green colour stretched all over the four walls like a deadly ivy. Her orange orbs met the window again, where the weather had rapidly changed from moments ago. It looked as if a storm was coming in; black clouds rolling toward the two inhabitants from the horizon. They didn’t look as if they were about to yield any sort of rain, though. Something far worse was constricted in the dark wisps of precipitation.

A chill, something completely alien to Fiona, crept over her. The fire Destrillian’s heart began to pound a little harder. Harder. Colour was draining from her entire body. Walls closing in. Harsh winds rushing through.

“Don’t leave me.”


Everything went white.

The way she held on so firmly to her arm, her white fringe that fell perfectly around her face and that look she would give the fire Destrillian at times. It wasn't that these little things were never noticed, it was her pride and an ego that could conquer the central continents that had placed a very thick filter over the fire starter's eyes and mind. Fiona never thought of it as love or attraction, just a series of impulses that made her feel strange at times as the days went on.

Every day with Thetis since they left Viola flashed before the fire Destrillian’s eyes. The fights. The tension. The struggle. The quiet moments. The tender moments. The...

#004 cut off her own train of thought, fixing on her personal objective to leave this warped hellhole. "I don't give a fuck how messed up I am. I have to go back and I'm certainly not going to keel over just because of this poisonous shit!"

She ran and dove straight out of the open window.

Fiona’s eyes shot open as her body jolted upright in the bed, and the red head gasped for air. This was an unwelcome awakening to Thetis, who, after coiling herself around Fiona’s arm, was nearly thrown from the bed by the sudden spasm of her partner’s muscles. The blue-haired Destrillian scrambled to sit up, tangling herself in the sheets in the process.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?!” The words seemed to spill out of Thetis’ mouth faster than she could say them. “Fiona?”

The fire-starter’s eyes were wild and unfocused when they met with Thetis’. The storm of pain and emotions were too much at the moment for her to reply. Instead, she simply looked away and wiped an unfamiliar layer of sweat from her face. There was a pause. Fiona turned back toward the water Destrillian and planted a soft kiss on her temple.

“Go back to sleep.” Fiona whispered before she was assaulted with another coughing fit. She soon settled back into the bed, wrapping an arm around Thetis.

The fire Destrillian kept her eyes bolted open, not risking the chance of returning to that isolated corner of her mind where the child waited. No one kept Fiona Myrwind trapped, and for that matter, forced her to see things that she didn't care to. Especially a little kid that had a constant depressive disposition. Her thoughts returned to Thetis. The things she recalled brought on an emotion that had snuck up on her a few times in the past several weeks. Fiona couldn't give it a name. She looked at the water Destrillian, who had fallen asleep again. The strange feeling crept in a bit more. Before she could entertain it any further, #004 could sense the others starting to return to the Winnebago. She tensed up, hearing their footsteps approach.

Personal feelings would have to wait.


000 - 000 - 009
Sienna, Jenovas-Fifth, Idris
- IDRIS SAVAGE; The Winnebago, Audoulan Campsite -

Idris lay back down, watching with half-closed eyes as Lokka carefully jumped off the roof of the Keris; thoughts were swirling around, chasing each other relentlessly in her head. Thoughts of family, and a lack of; thoughts of fighting, and of suspicion and mistrust, and worst of all, thoughts of a cold, gripping apathy. But there were good thoughts, too, ones of friendliness and companionship.
And at least one or two of her questions had been answered on the way here. Idris rested her head on her arm, lying sideways and staring out at the countryside, thinking of all that she’d learned. Her brain, smooth and mechanical as always, did the job it was meant to do and neatly placed all the facts in order:
The Destrillians she’d known had, for the most part, taken up residence in Osea. That much she’d already known – a tiny smile tugged at her lips as she considered that maybe it was their unconscious need to be near one another that had led them all to living in the same place. The smile disappeared at the next thought—they had been exposed to the world. First from the motel fight, and then from the trial of Jason Spencer.
Idris’ hand involuntarily flexed, as if it were strangling something. It was all that man’s fault that this was even happening; her hatred for him went back to day one, back when she was a tiny, sickly girl, attached to an IV and being told that one day she would be great.
She was by no means great. Sometimes she even wondered about being good. Real nice job, Spencer, she thought, angrily but without the vicious edge she would normally have. She was too tired to truly be angry now.
And then there were the Lyverius. Those eerie, absurdly powerful creatures that had chased them all the way from the nightclub. Stolz had said that they wanted to exterminate the Destrillians due to inferiority, and that they most likely answered to somebody higher up than themselves. Likely as anything that there were more of them, too. And they’d spoken of her, of Idris, personally. The Gunmetal Glint shifted her position; for that question, there was yet to be an answer.
And then there was IRIN. Idris turned her eyes skyward, imagining the shape of a command ship above her. Asides from Viola itself, IRIN was the biggest threat the Destrillians had—their technology was formidable, and so was their knowledge of her kind.
To top it off, the Artolian military would be on the lookout for them for a while yet, and with any amount of bad luck, so too would the militaries of neighbouring and allied countries. All in all, they had no less than four major factions out for their genetically-altered blood.
It wasn’t a particularly good feeling.

She continued to meticulously file her information into place, rolling onto her back as she felt the tiny clicks and shifts in the mechanics of the Winnebago that meant somebody was tinkering with it.
Kram had appeared out of nowhere, for starters. Her pale hand went to her neck, touching the red fabric of the scarf that – although a little worse for wear – had come out of the fight intact.
The boy had told her about another “branch,” where he and that girl Tao had come from. Another facility.
No doubt Lokka was from there as well, as well as the woman Mileina that they were going to see. Idris pictured the two new members of their ragtag group alongside the girl in Kram’s photograph and a vague, blurry image of what she remembered from the news broadcast at the apartment. How many more Destrillians had come from this second facility?
As many as what came from the first, if not more, she reasoned. While she had been speaking to Lokka, Idris had picked up on the distinct feeling of somebody who had lost people close to him. She knew it well, partially from experience and partially just because she’d seen it a hundred times before. But Lokka’s behaviour had already strongly suggested that he didn’t exactly care for human beings.
That only really left one conclusion. She sighed softly.
I know how you feel.
Eve’s face flashed in her mind. Before thoughts of the girl could creep back in, Idris quickly switched gears to another subject—Jettison and Nova. Two people who, although not Destrillians, were superhuman in many ways. Just who were they? And where had they originated from? And why had they entrapped the Destrillians in the first place? And, most importantly: why were they still with the group now?

Her answers were running out; she was going back to having more questions again. Idris pushed it all from her mind, closing her eyes. Now that she had pieced the puzzle together a little more, she deserved rest.
She fell back asleep, a little better off now, as the other Destrillians filed back into the Keris beneath her and they resumed their long drive.

A full day passed and Idris slept through all of it. When she next opened her eyes, it was past midday.
I really, really needed that, she thought, venturing a smile up at the blue sky. She felt refreshed from the past few days – clear-minded, and much less frustrated. Her emotions were now back in check, something that she looked upon with satisfaction. A small part of her noted that it would be better if she had no emotions worth hiding in the first place, but that part of her was forced down much more easily now than before. She was back in top form.
Well, almost. She looked at the bruise that covered her right hand; it was tinged greenish, which meant it was healing already, but it was still there, and painful. Many of the cuts on her arms and legs had closed themselves up, thanks to the thick nature of her skin, but as she ran gentle probing fingers along her body, she could still feel some of the deeper ones trying to heal. Casting a glance down at her foot, Idris could only surmise that it needed a bit more care before it could heal itself over nicely. The burn, ironically, had cauterized the bullet wound from the motel, which took care of one problem; now she only had to deal with seared flesh and nerve endings.
Nothing I can’t handle, she thought, turning her eyes upwards. Now, where in our wide world have we ended up?

The first thing she noticed was that the scenery had changed drastically. It looked cleaner, more natural than anywhere near Artolia; she propped herself up on an elbow, leaning into the wind—for they were still moving, and she was still on the roof—and saw in the near distance a small lake, sparkling in the afternoon sun. Far beyond that, her sharp grey eyes made out another much like it. They were definitely in Audoula, then; some part of her that she didn’t quite understand told her that the country was positively pockmarked with water, which made it a healthy, beautiful place. She dismissed it as long-forgotten knowledge and turned over onto her stomach, crossing her arms in front of her and resting her chin on top of them, watching the road ahead of them.
It was… peaceful. The air that blew through her short blonde hair was clean and warm, and the only noise she could hear was the sound of their own movement. Nobody was shouting beneath her. This was a definite improvement.
The sun warm and comforting on her roughed-up limbs, Idris stretched herself out comfortably and simply did her best to soak up the moment. To enjoy it.
She knew it wouldn’t last forever, after all.

When at last they stopped for good, the sun was starting to disappear beneath the horizon. The area they had arrived at was lush and verdant, with plenty of trees and a large pond just beyond a rolling hill.
And at that moment, Idris came to the nose-scrunching realization that she needed to actually face her companions now. There was no more hiding up on the Winnebago roof. It was time to come down and…
“And apologize,” she said aloud, to convince herself that yes, it was a real idea, and it had to be done. Her dignity and her pride clawed at her, told her she didn’t need to apologize for anything: she had been through a lot and they had pushed her too far, and she was allowed to get angry, and since when did she apologize to people who didn’t care enough to hear it, anyway?

But that part of her had had its turn, and the other part of her – the part of her that was Destrillian – knew that moping would serve no purpose. It knew that now was a time for acceptance and for tolerance, and that she wasn’t the only one who had gone through a lot, and that no matter how much right she had to be angry, it wouldn’t make her feel better.
Still, Idris Savage was not one to embarrass herself easily, and a minute of time to prepare for such an inevitability wasn’t nearly enough. So quickly, before she could be beaten to it, the lithe girl slipped off the side of the van and opened the door for everybody to get out; for her, it acted as a first step towards swallowing her pride, and she was sure they knew that.
And then she turned and, with as much grace as she could manage with a gimp foot, fled to the edge of the pond.

Taking a look at the clear water, reflecting the brilliant sunset colours in the sky, Idris felt an overwhelming urge to just jump in. Suddenly, the fact that she hadn’t bathed in at least three days became alarmingly apparent to her – back in Viola, this wouldn’t have been a problem, but the real world was much filthier than the sterilized halls of Basement Five, and she could suddenly feel all the dust and grit and grime of the past few days on her skin and in her hair.
Glancing over her shoulder to make sure nobody was coming her way, the small woman stepped out of her new flats, stripped out of her dress and her underwear, and slid into the water, dragging her clothing with her to wash.

The pond had lost the warmth that the sun would have given it, and the cold blast she felt made her gasp with a surprised delight. Far from being unwelcome, the frigidity sharpened all her senses, made her more alert. She spent a few minutes swishing her clothes around in the water before she placed them on the side to dry, and then she swam out to deeper water.
The pond was really a miniature lake itself, she found – an experimental dive downwards proved just how deep it was. Idris was quick to rub all the dirt and blood off her lean body; her hair, short and coarse as it was, was easy to wash out. The metal Destrillian dragged her fingers through her hair and across her scalp, dislodging all the dirt that shouldn’t have been there, and when she finally felt clean, she just swam around, enjoying the feeling of the water on her pale skin.
I wish I could breathe underwater like Thetis, the girl thought, peering down into the depths. The blue-haired girl’s sullen face appeared in her mind, those harsh yellow eyes accusing.
“Quit mothering me and protect us!”
Idris frowned. Then, on a whim, she took a deep, controlled breath and plunged underwater.

All noise ceased except for the sound of her own heartbeat, and the air bubbles she stirred as she allowed herself to fall down, down, down into the calming deep. Curled lightly, Idris felt the subtle change in pressure as she descended – contrary to her slight form, she was actually quite heavy. She felt a fish brush against her hand and opened her eyes to see it, but it had already gone; she couldn’t see much at all, in fact, except for the evening light above reflecting on her hand, making it appear positively ghostly.
Her lungs had plenty of air in them yet; her body was well-trained, and it knew that the will that controlled it wouldn’t allow it to drown. So it was there, amidst the dark, quiet reaches of the pondlake, that Idris Savage came to terms with her pride and her dignity, and made the concrete decision that they could be hurt just this once.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve got reasons to be angry, she told herself, spreading her hands around her in the water and feeling the pull of it between her fingers. A pragmatic mind is what’s needed now, and one that’s willing to sacrifice. How can you tell them to cooperate without first giving them a demonstration? They’ve forgotten what it means to operate as a team—that doesn’t make them unwilling. It just means they need a little reminder.
Yes. Idris tilted her head back, her blonde hair fanning behind her, blowing a stream of bubbles up at the surface. I think it’s high time they’re reminded. And your ego needs a hole or two in it anyway, Idris.
Uncurling her body, she stroked upwards and popped her head and shoulders out of the water—

…and came face-to-face with Terra.

Idris noted through her initial surprise that Terra was holding what looked like an impromptu fishing rod. She felt a surge of gratefulness towards the girl. And then she saw the shocked and flustered look on Terra’s face, and Idris remembered she was presently naked.
“…hi, Terra,” she said, flashing a smile and shrugging one slim shoulder. Terra’s cheeks coloured pink with embarrassment as she stumbled to her feet, taking a step back from the edge of the water.

Sorry sorry eye’ll just go look 4 moar fish down that wai, she said, her voice more garbled than usual. The flushed way that the older Destrillian fled from Idris elicited a laugh from the pale woman. It rang out, clear and genuine, and then stopped as she called Terra back on instinct.
“Terra, wait!”

A slight distance away, Terra stopped in her tracks. Slowly, she turned back around, looking anywhere but at Idris’ body. Idris disregarded it—she had more important things to deal with.
"Look," she began, taking a breath to steel herself, “I’m sorry for yelling earlier. I didn’t mean to get so upset. It’s just been hard.” She paused for a beat, and then added, “I did mean it, you know – the part about family. I care about us a lot.”

Terra just stared awkwardly at her feet. Idris was just beginning to think that this had been a bad idea after all, and that it wasn’t worth the embarrassment of stepping up, when she heard Terra’s voice reply in her head.

Et's okay. Eye think its a nice idea. Tha familee thot, that es. Idris blinked, then nodded, heartened by the girl’s feelings and their similarity to her own.

“Well, good. You’d best go catch us a few fish, then,” she said, motioning with an arm to the pond. Terra squeaked a little at the bare flesh that showed at the movement, and then disappeared as quickly as she could, leaving Idris by her lonesome once more.
Her clothing still needed a long while to dry, light though it was; Idris spent the next hour swimming around her little part of the water, wondering how she was going to actually do what she required of herself now. It was one thing to tell herself she was going to do it, and one thing to speak with Terra, kindhearted as the older girl was. It was another thing entirely to try and figure out the most effective - and honest - way of expressing regret to everybody else.
She didn't want to just out and say it to them all; she couldn't be any more sheepish if she did that, and she hated repeating herself anyway. But as time went on and her white dress dried on the bank, Idris realized that the only way to get the message across was to repeat herself. Again and again. To be blunt and to the point and not at all her wordy, playful self. Because the Destrillians didn't understand subtlety - or at least, not hers.
I guess it's due to lack of exposure, she thought grimly. Her talk with Lokka hadn't absolved her loneliness completely, after all. Far from it; she had four years to make up for, and that was if she turned a blind eye to everything prior to the escape. Blamed it on Viola.
You're going to have to suck it up and spend the night patching your own mistakes up, Idris. Let this be a lesson to you not to break in the first place.

By the time her dress had dried enough to put back on, night had fallen. Terra had long since left with whatever she'd caught, and Idris was alone in the water. Swiftly, she got out of the pond and slicked as much water off her skin with her hands as she could before dressing again. The damp feeling that stuck to her skin was no help in consoling her with what she was about to embark on, but there was no helping it. Taking one last look at the tranquility of the scene she'd just left, Idris turned towards the glow of the campfire that had been started and made her way back to her companions.

There they all were - or some of them, anyway. Terra and Emma were sitting side by side; the scruffy girl and her dark companion were also there, having parked their stolen vehicle beside the Winnebago earlier. Idris' mouth twisted unhappily at still having no names to put to their respective faces. Stolz was sitting with their legs stretched out infront of them, staring into the fire with what could either be thoughtfulness or just plain absent-mindedness. As she watched, Kram left the Keris and started off into the little woods behind them all; Lokka emerged a short while after him, taking his place around the campfire.
The smell in the air told Idris that Terra had indeed caught something or other. It also reminded her body that it had not eaten in almost three days. A wicked pang of hunger came out of nowhere and almost crippled the pale woman, but she steadied herself and forced it back down to a tolerable level. Quietly, she took up a place between Emma and Lokka.

Nobody engaged her in conversation, which was really just as well - Idris needed time. She began to think of it as a list of things to do, almost, which took away some of the personal aspect and made it much more bearable. She took a sidelong glance at Lokka, who looked back at her after realizing he was being watched. After a moment, the two broke eye contact, he returning to his thoughts and she to hers.
Idris knew she didn't have to say anything to Lokka - he already knew. She turned quickly to face Emma--but the blue-eyed girl was shaking her head and smiling that smile that Idris used herself, the one that meant nothing needed to be said. Emma knew, somehow.
Why am I even surprised, Idris thought. Emma always knows. The nature Destrillian had a way of sensing out the emotions in a person, and in a situation like this, it was incredibly helpful. The freckled girl just placed a hand on Idris' pale, damp knee for a moment, and then continued picking at her fish.

Counting Terra, that was already half of the campfire-side group. Idris lifted her eyes to the two from the nightclub, sitting across the fire from her... and realized that she had nothing to apologize for to them. They hadn't been present during her outburst, after all, and what did it matter to them if little Idris lost her cool? It was certainly no skin off their backs - they could leave whenever they wanted. They had transport and everything.
That was another two down, and she'd barely said anything. Things were looking up. After another moment, where she fought down the clawing urge to steal a bite of Emma's fish, the blonde woman stood up and stepped lightly over to Stolz.
Before she could say anything, however, she realized Stolz was already talking--and not to her. It seemed the child was just going on to whoever would listen, although as she listened, the talk sounded definitely like one side of a proper conversation, however odd the content of said conversation may have been.
Still, the Destrillian refused to be caught in the trap of leaving loose ends. They always seemed to come back to her eventually. So she made do with a little wave and a tentative smile. Stolz' attention was caught for maybe two seconds, where they waved and smiled back, much more enthusiastically than she had, before returning to their talk.
That's that, then... I guess. Idris turned her eyes toward the Winnebago, where a few more of her group were sure to be. Thetis and Fiona at least, she knew, were there. And then the feeling of having done a good job so far was skinned straight off her bones as she realized that the really difficult part was yet to come.
Emma and Terra were both kind and understanding people; Lokka shared her thoughts and feelings; Stolz just didn't seem to mind. But the rest of the Destrillians were much more prickly. Kerr had always made it his business to be as antisocial as possible, Thetis was currently in the foulest mood Idris had ever seen her in, and Fiona...
Idris frowned. Fiona was sick. Poisoned. She had been out, thank heavens, when the pale girl had blown her gasket, but she would have to go and brave the fire Destrillian just to apologize to Thetis--which she wasn't looking forward to. And where was Kram, anyway? He hadn't come back from the woods yet, as far as she could see.

One thing at a time, Savage. That's all you can afford to think about right now. She bit her lip as she started towards the van, shaking her hands out the same way she would to prepare for a fight. Maybe it was a fight, to her - a subtle one, not the shouting from before. Some quirked battle of wills and willingness, where victory was more of a compromise.
Here comes the hard part, then. On three.

Quietly, Idris entered the Keris. She noticed her wig on the counter, but decided to leave it there for the moment. Looking beyond that, she could make out the distinct figure of Kerr holding open some sort of roadmap in the front seat of the van. Glancing behind her - Fiona and Thetis were both asleep, it seemed - she let out a preparatory breath and silently advanced.
"Evening," she said softly, leaning on the back of the other seat. Kerr did not look up from whatever it was he was doing, nor did he acknowledge Idris' presence with anything more than a distracted grunt. The girl lifted her eyes to the ceiling, trying to find words that weren't just useless chat. It took a moment. "How far have we got left to go?"
"Not far," Kerr responded quickly, a definite weariness about his tone of voice. He let the silence hang in the air for a few moments before seemingly forcing himself to add, "The hard part, crossing the border, is behind us. We have a couple more hours driving before we reach the capital city. I'm trying to find the least busy route in."
Idris nodded. "May I?" she asked, trying her luck, holding one hand out to see the map. Kerr glanced up at her, his face betraying signs of mild irritation at the interruption. He paused for a moment, apparently considering not giving her the map at all. Wordlessly, he seemed to give in to some internal dispute and handed over the Audoulan roadmap to the Destrillian of metal.
She took it delicately in her hands, bending her head and studying the tiny criss-crossing lines intently, glad for the quick moment she now had to recollect herself. She remembered why nobody liked Kerr now.
As if that's any of your concern right now. It doesn't matter if he's not the most agreeable thing on the planet - your goal is conveying cooperation. After scanning the map over, her eyes landed on the area east of the capital and the lone road that snaked up from it. "There's nothing out that way," she said carefully, pointing with one spidery finger. "Nobody's going to be coming from there - no one'll be in our way."
Kerr nodded in agreement. "We'd have to travel all the way around the city's periphery in order to take that way in. Depending on traffic, it may add up to an extra two hours onto our journey time." His flat monotone made it impossible to discern whether he was stating it outright as a fact, or asking whether Idris approved.
"Well now it's a question of whether we value our time over our safety." Idris quirked an eyebrow at the map, and at all the potential trouble they could get into on any one of the roads depicted. "Since you're driving, I suppose it's your call."
"We don't know anything about where we're going, or who we're meeting. We're going to go in cautiously." He spoke honestly; thoughts of exactly what their plan was going to be once they got to Audoula and made contact with Lokka's friend had been weighing heavily on his mind. "I don't want to go in until I know that we have a clear route out again."
"But..." The girl shook her head gently. "How are we going to know our route out if we don't know where we're going or who we're meeting? There isn't anything we can do," Idris said, grimacing at the truth in her own words. The lack of a plan B was not something any of them had questioned during the escape, but now that they were safe for a while, it was staring them in the face. It wasn't something she liked to dwell on. "We can't plan this one out, Kerr. It needs to be done by ear."
Kerr responded with an unhappy silence. Perhaps more than any of the others, the lack of any definitive plan distressed him deeply. "I don't like any of this," he admitted grudgingly. His wearied and obviously sleep-deprived state was wearing down the jagged edges of his usual stoic and anti-social personality; he barely seemed aware that he had said anything at all.

Somewhere in Idris' brain, a synapse fired and brought an old question back from the deep - one she'd forgotten to count among her checklist from the day before. The metal Destrillian took a good long look at Kerr. "Then why don't you just leave?" she ventured. There was no malice, nor any suggestion. Just genuine curiosity. She'd been wanting to know Kerr's motives for a while; the importance of the subject had just phased out for a while, in light of more pressing matters.
Kerr's pitch black eyes flickered up from the map and met hers for a moment. Like the rest of his features, they were completely unreadable - whatever was going on in Kerr's head, he alone was privy to. But it did take him a while to answer, and when he did, the words came quickly and matter-of-factly.
"I stand a better chance of surviving if I stay with the group. Statistically, with all of the Artolian military looking for us, odds of survival on my own are slim."
"I see." Well, it was an answer at least. Knowing instinctively that Kerr's patience with her was running out, Idris clasped her hands behind her back and forced herself to do what she was there for in the first place - she almost didn't, thinking it a waste of time, but however much dignity it might save her wasn't worth knowing she'd cut any more corners than she had already. "Sorry about all the yelling earlier."
Kerr shook his head dismissively, not responding. Idris kept herself from rolling her eyes - she'd known it all along. Out of the entire group, Kerr would be the one least likely to be affected at all by her outburst. He didn't care whether she apologized or not. "As long as it doesn't hurt our ability to work as a team, I don't care," he concluded quietly, his attention already drawn back to the map, apparently trying to commit the inner city roads to memory.
Work as a team...
The slight girl nodded, thinking to herself about the tremendous irony that that phrase possessed. Feeling that enough was enough, she left the gravity Destrillian to his own devices and turned towards the back of the Winnebago, and the final stretch of her personal gauntlet.

Within the darkness at the other end of the van, she could make out the shapes of Thetis and Fiona. For a second she thought that the both of them were still sleeping, but then a pair of orange eyes, dulled by pain but still quite alert, snapped open.
"What is it, Baldy?"the fire Destrillian asked in a flat tone. Idris sat delicately on a table facing the other girl before replying.
"I wanted to see how you were doing," she said; she was checking Fiona over for any signs of a worsened condition. "How bad is it?"

"Not that it's any of your business," Fiona began harshly, "but my mouth tastes of blood, I'm freezing my ass off for the first time in my miserable life, and I'm visited by annoying little fucks that can't leave me alone in my head. Things are just swell." Fiona's eyes looked right into the metal Destrillian's.The Gunmetal Glint held the girl's gaze, but inside she was processing all the information that had just been thrown at her. Fiona? Cold? And something about someone in her head...? It had reached that level of severity, then. After a moment, hating herself for it but knowing she needed to do it, Idris broke her eye contact.
"It is my business," she said quietly, willing with all her might to keep her dignity down just this once, to let Fiona be the superior that she always had to be. "There's nothing I can do, is there?"

Fiona let out a wheezy laugh and a stifled grunt of pain. "There's nothing anyone can do. Either a miracle's coming out of someone's ass or I'm biting the big one. I won't be surprised one way or the other." Idris wanted to tell her not to say things like that, of course there would be a miracle, and to stop thinking so negatively already--but they were old enough to not play games. Idris knew as well as Fiona did that there was a very real possibility the redhead would die.
"Is there anybody I should go hunting down if you kick it?" she said, trying to smile a bit. Her efforts at levity were shot down by the cold stare of her fire counterpart.
"You can stop acting like you care now."
"And you can stop acting like you don't." Idris' smile died on her lips, replaced by a clenched jaw and stormy eyes. "We've been down this road a thousand times. Don't add another one to your tally, Fiona."

"It's not an act when I know I'm the biggest douchebag on the block. No one's going to shed a single fucking tear for Blazing Fury when she goes. You've got some jokes today, Baldy, if you believe otherwise." Idris sat quietly, thinking over the words, dissecting them in her mind. There was nothing in the tone to suggest a hint of sarcasm - Fiona was all business now. And that meant that, at the end of the day, the girl truly believed she would die friendless and alone.
"You're wrong." The smaller girl looked out one of the windows in the side of the Keris, at the scattered Destrillians and their meagre campfire. "Whatever they may think," she continued softly, "it's going to be a black day the day you aren't around. And you know I mean it."
"The Destrillian of metal has no time to go soft."
"She does just this once."
"Waste of time, if you ask m--" With perfect timing, the source of Fiona's toxin kicked in and sent a fierce stab of pain throughout her body. The fire Destrillian jerked at the shock. "!" she blurted out as she used her free hand to grab the side of the matress.
Idris slid off the tableside to look at the redhead's shoulder; it seemed it was getting more and more grotesque as time went on.
"Is it?" she asked forlornly. "Is it really?"

"Is it what?"
Oh dear.
Thetis has been woken with Fiona's sudden movements. With a wearied yawn, the blue-haired girl propped herself up on her elbows, blinking back the sleep in her eyes as she tried to focus on her surroundings. Then she caught a glimpse of Idris, and in the darkness of the Winnebago, Idris swore she saw a look of shame cross the Destrillian's face. Shame and guilt.
Idris looked up at Thetis from her crouched position, not daring to move an inch. Thetis looked back, though her eyes kept darting around to different parts of the metal Destrillian's face. "...Hey, Idris," she eventually said, sinking back under the sheets, her voice quiet and cheeks flushed with scarlet. "Everything okay?"
"It's...fine." Idris stood back up again, nodding her head and smiling. Impenetrable. "Everything's fine. How's your knee holding up?"
"Okay, doesn't sting so much anymore."
"That's good, at least." Idris paused, gearing herself up for the final blow to her ego for the night. "Thetis... I didn't mean to lose my temper earlier." She'd heard herself say it so many times now that it almost sounded pre-recorded. "You know how frustrating it's been, and..."

"Baldy? Losing her temper? HAH!" Fiona, having been unconscious during the event, could clearly not picture it ever happening - or if she could, it was quite the amusing picture. Idris pressed her lips together to keep from saying anything. She had to wait. To wait and see whether Thetis was going to accept it, or whether she was finally going to get the whiplash she'd been expecting.
But Thetis only shrunk further into the bed, in a vain attempt to escape the awkwardness of the exchange. "I know." Her voice was half muffled as she pulled the bedsheet closer. "But things are going to get better from here on out." She turned to face Fiona, just for a moment, before swivelling back to Idris, but Fiona had met Thetis' gaze just in time to see the twinge of worry and anguish in her face.
It just screamed 'I hope.'

Seemingly incapable of taking the tension any longer, Fiona jumped out of the bed, completely disregarding her company, and blindly stomped out of the Winnebago. Idris watched her go, and despite her pride telling her to get out of there NOW, quickly, while there was still something left of itself to salvage, the rest of her said to follow the fire Destrillian. She was seriously ill and who knew what sort of misfortune could befall the redhead in the ten minutes she might be gone for?
"Just... let me," the pale girl said to Thetis, trying and not quite succeeding in making eye contact, before she, too, fled the Keris.
The sharp wind that greeted her bare skin outside was welcome - it cleared her mind of all those little pestering thoughts of, oh, say, drowning herself for having said sorry so many times.
At least it was over, though. Mostly, anyway - now it was time for the grand finale. Idris set her jaw as she quickly scanned the campsite. It only took a moment to spot Fiona; the woman was walking determinedly away from the area. Her steps were unsure, wobbly.
It was too easy. And much too hard. She didn't really want to go and be chewed out by the fire Destrillian some more, but she felt she had to.
Idris caught up and matched the taller girl's stride easily. "And where are you going, Fiona?" she asked, fully expecting some sort of snappy answer.
"And hell happens to be a little south of our campsite?" the pale girl persisted.
"YES--shit!" Fiona stopped abruptly, placing a hand on her head. She looked in a lot of pain. "Go talk to Thetis."
Idris studied the lightly swaying figure beside her. "Here's another idea. How about you sit down?"
"I've been lying in a bed for more time than I should have. I think I'm fit to stand, goddamn it!"came the response, sharp and aggravated. Idris sighed harshly, casting around for some way to make her point. The scenery had nothing to offer her. Neither did the other Destrillians, oblivious to the talk going on just beyond their reach. And would Fiona even listen if she tried to explain something like this? Doubtful. The only thing the girl understood was point by example.
So with a swift, controlled movement, Idris pushed on Fiona's arm... and knocked her over.

"ARGH! YOU MOTHER FUCKING CUNT!" Ever the linguist. Fiona glared up at Idris from the ground - she looked about to burn her alive. "If igniting even the smallest flame wouldn't put me in the grave right now, you would be barbeque! Trust me!"
"Oh I do." The blonde knelt down, getting right in front of the fire Destrillian and staring her down with stern grey eyes. "But you can't. So don't tell me you're fit to do anything but sit there and not die as quickly." Her voice came out as a hiss between her teeth towards the end; Fiona had always been hard to deal with, but it worsened tenfold when the redhead's own self-preservation was involved.
For everything that was ailing her at that moment, Fiona didn't flinch. She kept a steeled countenance with the metal Destrillian in her face. "Don't try to be a hardass with me."
A million different things to lash out with whipped through Idris' mind then. Another shove might have punctuated them. And Fiona deserved both, that was fact. But her cool, mechanical mind tossed her feelings out the window, reminding her that an emotional reaction was what had led her to this in the first place, and another one wasn't going to help. Fiona wasn't going to listen to any reason, as per usual. Even the sharp stick of her deathbed couldn't poke a hole through her thick skull to get a good idea through.
And Idris was through with talking anyway - she had done enough of that this evening to last all the way to the capital and back. Following the fire Destrillian had been a mistake. And Idris didn't make many mistakes.

So before she could make any more, she stopped.

"Alright," she said quietly, getting back up. "Alright, Fiona."
"I just knew we'd come to an agreement, Baldy." No matter how close to death she was, the fiery redhead always retained her sarcasm and her smugness. The smirk she wore was positively feline in its satisfaction; it served as the deadbolt on Idris Savage's wall.
"Of course you did," she said simply. As if to punctuate her words, another coughing fit wracked Fiona's body. The woman wasn't strong enough to fight it this time. After a short moment filled with nothing but the sound of her hacking, she casually spat out a large deposit of blood. Then, she picked herself up slowly and looked over to the main campsite. "Those dipshits need you way more than I do."
"That's right - you don't need anyone, do you Fiona?" Idris asked, flashing her that awful half smile and shrugging one shoulder.
Fiona's attention flipped right back to the metal Destrillian. She didn't like that tone. It was the one the blonde always gave when she knew more than what she let on. "Shut your hole."
"I wonder whether that means I'm wrong," Idris replied lightly, still with that little half smile. "It seems I've bothered you enough for one night, then. Go back to the Keris... and Thetis." And she turned and began to walk away.

She stopped.
"I know."

And just then, the sound of a tree crashing to the ground reached their ears. The both of them turned towards the noise--and then they heard Kram's yelling, and Fiona laughed a derisive little laugh. "Have fun with Bug Boy," she drawled.
Idris stood poised on the balls of her feet, making a decision at the last possible moment. Go off and eat some fish and then curl up somewhere to nurse her wounded ego? Or go off into the woods and find an angsting Kram?
She let loose a tremendous sigh, turned her deadpan face to the trees, and started in.
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