Well, sorry to say this will be short: computer was playing up last night, is still playing up now. DX
@Aud - cool beginning for the profile, interested in seeing the finished version. ^^
@Bex - cool doodles. ^^ But the second lot isn't loading, could you PM them to me? Thanks. nvm, it's loaded now
This talk of a bounty... hmm, and I'm called Early. There are so many Objects in Space references I could make, I'm spoilt for choice. >:3
I've got the next chapter of Kaden's exploits written, and as I said, I'll post it around the time Early leaves Vanaheimr. So I'm nice and ahead for a while. ¦3 Just the Early post I'm co-writing with Noen to get out of the way... [/friendlydig]
Oh, and I've an idea I want to make a group project of, based on the last film I watched: Dessies do Hot Shots! XD If anyone wants to name their character for a specific role, let me know. Once I've got a cast list, I'll start work and post it in the OVA thread (for want of a better place). And I mean, literally, do Hot Shots - a parody of a parody, as it were. Oh, and mumble: I want Kram for Topher Harley. XD
Oh, and FYI - Early already has his role. "I'm Donovan Early, but... for some reason, everyone calls me 'Dead Meat'." XD