Hello all.
Firstly, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SOPHIA. <3 I hope it was absolutely fantastic!
Alex, take as much time off Dessies as you need - you've clearly deserved it.
Noen, I'll send you everything we've got later today, but there isn't much as all three of us have been at odds time-wise. It's basically just a (very very slightly) edited version of your outline, and some dialogue at the end. I'm going to be writing up Idris' bit in the costume shop in a day or two, and that's a good solid piece, so we'll have a little something.
Tennyo, if the Emma rant is all done and narrated, do you think you could send it to me in a PM?
Somehow the three of us need to get together and talk about all our dialogue; that's the only way that all three characters will be equally in their conversations (or at least naturally, and not just inserted somewhere.)
Also, Adri. How goes the OVA?
I'll need to find a time to get on Skype with you - probably while colouring or something - to help you out with finishing off Barky.