Because you can TAKE it, Johnny Oddjobs.
Well, that was a satisfying response.And a strangely amusing one, in a convoluted way. I'll have everyone know that now that my two tests are out of the way, I just need to clean my house up and I am DONE with work for the weekend.
Which means of course that I'll be rereading Dessies. Oh and also Reg I have a present for you which I never got to give to you in time for the holiday. XD
If we weren't all insanely patient, some people would have killed some other people, for some reason or another by now.And by this point, I'm not entirely sure if you guys are insanely patient, or simply don't care. O.o
But yeah, I want everyone to recommend one post in the RP for me to reread - they've got to all be different from one another or else it won't work. There's plenty to choose from, anyway. XD Could be your favourite, or the one that struck you the most, or the one you enjoyed writing the most. Anything!
Somebody's already done this today-Get Thetis sunglasses