Just gave me an idea for a Wolfe's Pack spinoff
Man I'm just going to copypasta bits of my PM to Integra, no hard feelings Jenovas
EDIT: Reading back on my unposted post there's quite a bit of controlling of the characters (I used Kram 3 times for some strange reason but it mainly focuses on his chivalry and his interest in
boobage the opposite sex) and I might have to PM 1 or 2 people on what's going to go down.
Also, there's a very specific thing that happens at the entrance of the destination, so I'll PM you the appearance (hint: it involves a door) and that's about all I can do =/
EDIT x2: I'm thinking of also writing one of those "in the distant but not too distant future" shorts about some undisclosed war zone and the appearance of a Destrillian (unknown, ofc), which depicts the world starting to go back into its war hell - but it doesn't necessarily have to be canon if that's not the outcome you guys were thinking of