You've been busy. That's a good thing, socialise moar!
House of Flying Daggers looks pretty from what I've seen of it~
Ahaha Tenny yeah I guess
OMG Ghost!

It's been years since I last saw that, I remember crying
Oh and I remember my mom had a crush on the actor too xD Same for other movies he'd been in.
Celes -
Well ... the hand reach scenes. Here's what I think. The biggest meaning they have to me is that they are tributed, in the FFAC Reunion Files I think it was (like Aerith and Tifa's friendship was also tributed by it being said that the scene where Tifa looks at the water drop is a tribute to that friendship) Anyway it says something like the hand reach scene in AC is a tribute to the one in FFVII

I think that if the creator's remembered it enough to tribute it in AC with an upgraded version then the one in FFVII can't have meant nothing at all. To me it represents the special bond between Cloud and Aerith and the caring between them. I'm not saying romantic is a definite but I do feel that it was special because Cloud clearly cares deeply about Aerith in some way.
In FFVII I think Cloud knew/thought Aerith was there and that he reached out to her, I think he thought it was her hand. Mainly because Cloud saying "I think I can meet her ... there" would seem entirely random if it wasn't Aerith's hand/he wasn't thinking that!
For AC what I remember is how Cloud's expression changes, I mean he's like soaring up with his determination showing in his face, then grasping his sword with both hands and straining against Bahamut's flare when his eyes widen, he sees Aerith ... and he reaches out for her. That hand that he couldn't reach before, he now clasps.
Yeah I'm such a sap I know

This is more of a personal thing for me than anything ^-^