Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
So, Report 20 (the final one) has been uploaded to YouTube for those who are interested:


You may immediately recognize that
the dialogue is the same as that of the Secret Ending from the previous game:


For convenience's sake, here's the official English translation as well:


The text part of the Report also says that this takes place at Order's Sanctuary, so while they've changed the scenery for the conversation, it apparently takes place where it always did.

Anyway, almost the entire conversation is the same, with the exception that there's a few extra lines in which Cosmos demonstrates that her balls have finally dropped. I think I have a pretty good handle on what was said if anyone's interested.

After Cid says "We shall journey on the road that continues to the final fantasy..." Cosmos says "No. I will remain here. We cannot know when this world where balance was lost will sink into the Interdimensional Rift."

Cid asks her if this is the path she has chosen and she says yes. I'm not positive, but I think he apologizes for what the "endless cycle of battles has done here."

She says there's no need, and that rebuilding the world is her undertaking. She then asks Cid to walk her path as well, bids him farewell, thinks of her victorious warriors, smiles, and walks off.

I'm not too sure why the developers chose to revisit this scene in this manner, but my guess is that it was to quell all the notions among fans that there could be another cycle after the last one ended. We do still hear people saying that the Secret Ending of the first game implied that there would be a 014 (despite all evidence to the contrary), so Cosmos telling Cid to go fuck himself (that's not quite what she did, of course, but she does go off to do her own thing) should soundly put that to rest.
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
Because God forbid people call a spade a fuckin spade instead of trying to justify whatever SE shits out as a misunderstood and undervalued masterpiece.

Let's not pretend there's any other reason to get Dissidia except to see your fave characters again. Some people will not fork over their hard-earned money for everythign that has Cloud's face on it.
Fuck Cloud.

I highly highly doubt that anyone in this thread (even if they liked the games and the story) would ever say that this is a masterpiece of any value. Most people probably think it as a decent fighter. Which it is. Not good, not great. you get the drift.

Also sucks about no added ending. So they did nothing for the 13 part of the story except change the world map? What a major disappointment. Should have expected this from SE though.

If people are wondering on the exact time of the demo I believe it is around 11am-4pm that they will upload it (that's usually when they release things to the PSN.


The Wanderer of Time
I'm not too sure why the developers chose to revisit this scene in this manner, but my guess is that it was to quell all the notions among fans that there could be another cycle after the last one ended. We do still hear people saying that the Secret Ending of the first game implied that there would be a 014 (despite all evidence to the contrary), so Cosmos telling Cid to go fuck himself (that's not quite what she did, of course, but she does go off to do her own thing) should soundly put that to rest.

The certainty with which the cycles of war ended with the 13th one depends on how many dollar signs SE sees when the words "Dissidia 3" are mentioned. I think they've proven they have no problem shitting on the legacy of their own franchises and retconning their plotlines to hell and back if they think they can squeeze another game out of it.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I thought the idea of prequels was to have another eleven possible games to make, with different reasons for perma-killing newly added characters. Why would they need to make a Dissidia 014?

Although the 0 in Dissidia 012 kind of implies that these games could eventually number in the hundreds.


Save your valediction (she/her)
It would explain why Lightning and Tifa will return for all the new installments.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
I have a question. :monster:

In one of those reports, did
Kefka just refer to Cloud as a necro, or was I hearing things
? I was breezing through the reports just now (on my PSP, not youtube--I cba to find which report it is) and I wasn't really paying attention.

Halp? :awesomonster:


unsavory tart
It would explain why Lightning and Tifa will return for all the new installments.

Tifa is clearly named a newcomer in this installment. If there's a prequel, Tifa would not be in it.

I also heard, but can't confirm, that the newest members tend not to have their memories. Which would mean we possibly might not see people like Sephiroth or Tidus.

Which is why I'm torn. Prequel with no tidus, but a sequel with Tifa. Dilemma.
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
They are done with prequels. They barely pulled duodecim out of their ass. They won't be able to pull it again.

Also some possibly good news for anyone buying the NA version of 3rd Birthday. The website has a special section on the website. It says coming soon. The game is released at the end of March. What could the special section possibly be? If you look at the website they have everything else and there are no wallpapers that were made for it. The fact it says coming soon makes me believe that it is the Aya Brea costume for lightning. 3rd Birthday is not getting DLC content so this is probably the aya costume. My guess is they will announce it at the release time of the demo or the week after when Dissidia is actually out. This is a week before the game's release on March 29th. SE did not release news of the demo until a week before and I think the same will happen with the lightning costume.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Oh. I thought the idea was that everyone lost their memories every cycle.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
*browses the last 10 pages*

...Wow, did S-E manage to snuff out the last flicker of light and hope I had for their games? Seriously?

The plot contortions are just....bizarre. I dunno if it'll make sense actually playing it but...ummm. Yeah, this is certainly kinda off putting. I'll give it a shot but I'm seriously kinda disappointed here.

If anything, this game just feels woefully incomplete. Which either shows that they lost track of what they were trying to do and had to rush this through development, or they've seriously lost whatever knack for writing they ever had.

Damn. How the hell did they manage to make Dissidia MORE complicated in the game that was supposed to give us the answers? Fucking balls.

There has to be more context or explanation in game that we're not seeing here. I'm praying that's the case at least.
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Elisa Maza

Another question to consider:
Why did Kain save Tifa from Ultimecia, if his goal was to off the warriors of Cosmos himself, so they'd be back in the next cycle?

If Tifa gets killed by Ultimecia, she gets to return in the next cycle. Nifty.
If Tifa gets killed by Kain, she gets to return in the next cycle again. Nifty again.

So, why did he save her in the first place? Not to mention that it'd be better if he hadn't butt in, since as we saw, Tifa is doomed to die permanently by Manikins.



The Ultimecia Tifa and Kain faced turned into manikin later into the scene, I do think we were suppose to believe Ultimecia was gonna use a manikin to finish her off. But one smart move doesn't redeem a life of stupidity.
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Elisa Maza

Manikin was the Ulti Tifa kicked, but the same one that was behind Tifa, ready to kill her faded, like all good villains do.

My point still stands.
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