Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I believe that the term "abortion" in this context is only fitting if all the aspects of the game are bad. Obviously this is not the case as many people, including me, enjoy the battle mechanics.

But in the end this seems to be an argument over semantics.
Is an "abortion" of a game worse than, equal to, or better than a game that is "shit"?
We need an established scale for this.

It's like people don't know what a deliberate exaggeration is, that whole post was a big piss take.

Also, it's an argument over OPINION, not semantics. One mans trash, anothers treasure and all that crap.


Vaan does spend the entire game mocking Laguna though Drake, I kinda like the relatonship they have by the end. I also really like Vaan and Lightning's text conversations through final ..."dungeon" or whatever you wanna call it, as they couldn't be more different in their outlooks. Vaan is perennially optimistic, and Lightning is realistic to a fault, their argument was pretty interesting.

Vaan: "So you're setting out to lose? Is that how you face all your enemies?"

I wish Yuna had a more established dynamic with the other newcomers. She and Tifa are more, kindhearted girl #1 and #2.


The Wanderer of Time
FINALLY got my copy. Waiting for Data install. First thing I'm doing, even if they're level one, is doing a replay of KH Cloud with Aerith assist taking revenge on Sephy :p.


The Wanderer of Time
I just discovered you can attack your allies on the world map. Laguna now has Vaan cornered against a mountain and is turning him into swiss cheese.

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Just beat Duodecim, now going through the 13th cycle. I am really, really, really pissed that I have to adjust the levels of the original 10 Cosmos warriors before starting every single chapter lest I get slammed with that stupid Bonus line penalty. (...Let's not get started on how much I miss my equipment and accessories that I slaved for fucking ever to get...)

Edit: Also, sorta mad that they didn't show Dissidia's original opening too. :<

Edit Part 2: Watched the ending again, and I've gotta ask
where did Laguna run off to? I mean, we get to see Lightning, Vaan, Kain, Tifa, and a brief split second shot of Yuna on the ground but no Laguna. (But he's there for the purification)
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unsavory tart
I think Laguna's there... somewhere.

I'm still slowly making my way through 012's playthrough, I've been leveling up characters first. I'm surprised that I actually like Laguna's VA. At first I couldn't stand it, just didn't work in my head. But his scene with CoD was actually well done.

That said, is Yuna's VA still the same? It's like she's gotten worse after all these years. And for a fairly dynamic character who had an interesting story in the two games, her portion is disappointing.

Also, I love Saber's Edge in the BGM, it's fantastic to play in.

Alex Strife

Silly question but... is there anything on Prologus that can be transfered to 012 that CANNOT be achieved normally? Because I didn't have time to finish Prologus, but having the full game, I cba to finish it now.


Pro Adventurer
Some info from the in game character bios and scenario 000

After rescuing the "mured moogle", the other characters start showing up on the overworld map for you to talk to in Scenario 000. The stuff they have to say is really depressing...

Terra: "I can't do this anymore. I don't want to fight. Every time I wake, my head aches, and I can't remember what matters to me. I wish I were still just a puppet. I wish I never found out anything..."

Yuna: "I had no doubt that we could go back to our homeworlds once the battle was over. But it was just false hope - made up by us warriors...The mission all along was to offer our lives as pawns to nurture further discord...So the story had been written from the start."

Reading the character files reveals a lot of stuff about the story that took place off-screen, actually. For example, in Cloud of Darkness's bio, it says that she was executed by Kefka after the end of the 012 storyline in retaliation for revealing the location of the manikin's rift, which is why she had to be revived by Shinryu again with no memory of what had happened that cycle.
The bios also finally explain just what the Emperor's plan was: Jecht was suppose to manifest a crystal containing the power of Cosmos like the other good guys, but because the Emperor converted him to the side of Chaos, Jecht later manifested a crystal embodying the power of Chaos instead. The Emperor planned to steal this crystal and gain the powers of Chaos for himself.

The fate of Shantotto and Gabranth is also revealed: Shantotto was able to escape the cycle of conflict, presumably having something to do with the "ultimate spell" she was researching. She hid herself in some area of the world, where she remains researching magic. You can find her in Scenario 000. Gabranth, meanwhile, survived his duel with Shantotto, but wanted to escape the cycle of conflict as well. He found his way to the rift and willingly threw himself into it, where he remains to this day and just wishes to be left alone. He, too, can be found in Scenario 000.

Here's what I've gleaned from the reports, character profiles, and Scenario 000 regarding whether or not the characters are real or copies: At least one of the characters is definitely a perfected manikin created by Cid. The other characters might or might not be, it's not very clear. Garland, Prishe, Shantotto, Gabranth, and Gilgamesh are all not fakes, and are the originals. Here's why:

Garland's character profile states that he lived in the world before the war began, and was in fact the one who first persuaded Chaos to begin the war, having been told to do so by Cid. Report #16 states that Cid didn't start creating manikins until after the war began.
Report #16 describes the first perfect manikin that Cid created that could possess memories and "gain Cosmos's powers". His description of the perfect manikin matches the description in Warrior of Light's character profile detailing how he first appeared in the world, so Warrior of Light is most likely the perfect manikin. In Report #18's playable portion, Prishe finds the Warrior of Light when he first appears in the world, then takes him to meet Cosmos. WOL is basically a blank slate at this point, so Prishe teaches him more or less everything. All of this takes place AFTER Gabranth's duel with Shantotto, as Prishe tells Shanty that WOL was what she found on her patrol. Thus, if WOL is indeed the first perfect manikin, then that means Prishe, Gabranth, and Shantotto were not copies, because they predated WOL in the war. Report #16 says that the discarded failure manikins from Cid's experiments would mimic the forms of the heroes summoned by Cosmos and Chaos before they were disposed of, so that explains why there are manikin versions of everyone.

While I'm pretty positive that WOL was created by Cid, whether anyone else is also is still hazy for me. Sephiroth's profile suggests that he believes he is a copy of the real Sephiroth, which is why he committed suicide. However, there's no definitive proof that that's the truth.


The Wanderer of Time
Silly question but... is there anything on Prologus that can be transfered to 012 that CANNOT be achieved normally? Because I didn't have time to finish Prologus, but having the full game, I cba to finish it now.

The Midgar Flower for completing the story mode. Also, the Chocobo Colognes can be traded for level up, or sold for 100 gil each. Considering a completed Prologus nets you 50 of them, that's 5000 gil in your pocket when you begin. Trust me, you'll be skimping on purchases so much in this game you'll be grateful for it.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I'm surprised that I actually like Laguna's VA. At first I couldn't stand it, just didn't work in my head. But his scene with CoD was actually well done.

I really like Laguna's voice. I think it suits him well.

That said, is Yuna's VA still the same? It's like she's gotten worse after all these years. And for a fairly dynamic character who had an interesting story in the two games, her portion is disappointing.

O.O Actually I thought Yuna was one of the few who sounded exactly the same from her original game, lol.

I finally finished the main storyline. I like the game overall. I wish there were a bit more to the individual storylines. They seemed a little... compact or quick? idk. But I really liked anyway.

As for Lightning, I LOVED HER. She was just as awesome as she was in FFXIII, possibly moreso. And she wasn't forced upon the player as they advertised. I guess they were just trying to use the most recent character to sell the game.

Actually, I think they did a better job with these characters than the previous characters. They seem more overall in-character rather than choosing one trait and making that their whole personality. Not sure if I can explain it right.

tl;dr - while I have some complaints (and I do with any game naturally), I liked the game. It was worth my time and money ^_^ and anyone that doesn't think so can gtfo :awesome:


The Wanderer of Time
DP for Terra justice - I'm playing her DO now, and they've tweaked her here to be slightly less helpless. In the original game when OK was kidnapped she said "I can't do this alone... I didn't think I would be so lost without him..." Here she muses over the fact he helped her in spite of what she did to him, and resolves to save him. In general her attitude is less "I don't know how I'll make it alone" and more "I'm going to have to make it alone", so she comes off more determined and less wimpy. She's still hesitant about fighting, but she isn't outright fearful anymore. Her dialogue with Cloud for the rest of the storyline is similarly more focused on her search for Onion Knight and her resolve to save him instead of her insecurities and worries. When they enter the final stage Terra goes "It's him, Kefka's here," and when Cloud asks if she's okay she replies she's fine, it's her turn to protect OK as he protected her, and she isn't afraid to face Kefka this time.

So yeah, I'm pleased. The 12th cycle destroyed her character, but the 13th cycle repairs some of the damage. I'm gonna go right into OK's story afterwards to see how she is there. Another nice throwback is that Terra's story takes place in a snow-covered area, and she tells OK that she feels nostalgic watching the snow fall. At another point she has a short dialogue with Cloud where he gives her advice to watch the movement of Manikins in the field to see an opening to pass or attack them.

Then on the downside, Terra's little chuckle after "check out the enemy's equipment" is gone. The line is still there in sightly different wording, but not her response.

And on a gameplay note, there's a Gateway in her story that uses a very cruel trap. The gateway has five enemies, and a Multichain on a certain tile will let you chain all of them. Four of the enemies are Golden Manikins with high starting Bravery, and all of them have Deathgaze. And the one tile you have to stand on to be able to chain them all, it has a 5x Base Bravery effect. So you try and chain them together, you're gonna be Broken at the beginning of every fight because your Bravery will always be a multiple of five, and you'll be then facing an enemy with 1 HP but 2000+ Bravery, AND a full EX Gauge so you're looking at the possibility of them using EX Revenge and one-shotting you while you're helpless. And that's the four Gold ones - you face them first, and then the fifth enemy, an Elite Cloud of Darkness Manikin, Level 22, who will thus have around 4000 Bravery because you're encouraged to go through the level at Level 1. And oh yes, you have to kill all these enemies in less than 90 seconds if you want to get KP, which is the only reason you'd chain them anyway.

Whoever designed that level is a very sick, evil, twisted individual.


Double Growth
I didn't get to Terra's Destiny Odyssey yet, but that's good to hear Drake. I just played Cloud's, had a lot of trouble since I was adjusting my level pretty far down. But yeah, I like some of the bonus dialogue you get from being on the world map and the changes all around. Cloud, too, came out with some more badass lines this time around. Responding to Sephiroth's pre-battle quote with "Enough talk, let's go."
Also, they rerecorded Burton's terrible "Burn." from the first game. I'm sure his haters still won't like it, but its definitely better than it was before. Also also, they got rid of "this isn't the place to stop." Unfortunately they still didn't quite make it "There's no getting off this train," but he now says "Is this the end of the line?" That is at least closer, and part of the full Barret quote anyway.

I was expecting the DO's to be completely identical just with some world map bits thrown in between the levels, I'm glad they improved them in a few other areas too.


Pro Adventurer
Shade Impulse is almost completely different.

Right down to the order the villains are defeated.

There's even one new (non voice acted) scene.

You also don't have to go through it ten times to get all the cut scenes.

And last but not least Chaos seems easier.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Chaos is easier? I admit the first time I played through, Chaos was a bitch. But after I had figured out my strategy, he really isn't all that hard.

But it's interesting to hear there are changes the the DOs because I wasn't expecting that. I'm glad they tweaked Terra's in particular. Can you use assists in the DOs?

The Arcade Mode is different from the previous game. The labyrinth is probably the closest you come to how it was.


The Wanderer of Time
But it's interesting to hear there are changes the the DOs because I wasn't expecting that. I'm glad they tweaked Terra's in particular. Can you use assists in the DOs?

Yup, pre-determined by story. Terra has OK as an Assist until he gets kidnapped, then she fights alone until she meets Cloud, and he becomes her Assist. Unsure how it'll go with Cloud, Firion, Cecil and Tidus.

In OK's story, yes Terra is still tweaked, more subtle but it's there. There's more of a companion vibe than there is protector and protect-ee. For one thing, she advises him just as much as he advises her it seems, and she's more focused on the Crystals and the mysterious presence she's sensing than he is so she's kinda keeping his mind on the quest.

Also, no alt outfits in story mode. :(


unsavory tart
Also, no alt outfits in story mode. :(
This makes me sad. I want to play as classic!WoL in story since I have no interest in him as an actual fighter. And I still am too stubborn to think that anything except green haired Terra is canon.

Do alts not appear even if you are versing them in quick battle?


unsavory tart
Switching to the alts doesn't affect characters you are fighting.

Ie, I have shirt!Vaan as his active look, but he still wears no shirt when fighting against him in quick battle.


Double Growth
Oh, I gotcha. I thought you meant the alts don't work in quickbattle, which they do. :monster:

That is very disheartening that I'll have to play as blonde-haired Terra though :(
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