- Rishi
Yeah, seems now there's Nomura Outfit, Amano Outfit, and misc now. I'm wondering now what the other alts will be. Garland will be something fun, the devs laughed at the mention of him....Emperor would be light emperor form? CoD has the orange alt, Tera has some sort of white dress alt...Kefka should have a green robe for his alt, Ultimecia can have a purple and beige outfit based on Adel, Squall can have his KH outfit as either the normal alt or a bonus like Cloud and Lightning.
Amano art is hit or miss with me, but I would really like this more than that cowgirl outfit. It kinda made me lol in Crisis Core. Also, Tifa in red? Yus.![]()
That would be interesting.
I think all assists will be generic in nature so there won't be anything special with characters from the same game.Tifa Terra Lightning.
What do you think some of the assists will be? And will there be assists between every combination of characters? Only ones from the same game? Just a random selection of combos that SE came up with?
If they're ever going to dress her up in the Nibelheim outfit, can it be the original and not country-bumpkin-hooker-Tifa?
What about Kuja wearing the Genomes' clothes? That'd be interesting to see!
Squall - Balamb cadet uniform he wears during Dollet mission
You pervert.
Yeah howabout Kuja dressed like a dude?
Sigbru said: