Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Did Kouhei Takeda leak news about it? I remember him mentioning that he wanted Vaan to appear in Dissidia but nothing beyond that (unless I missed it).

We have announced that "Vaan" from FFXII will be appearing in DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY, but we would like to report that Kenshou Ono will be playing the role of Vaan.

When casting the voice of Vaan, we on the development team made several offers to Kouhei Takeda, the actor from the original game. Takeda himself had expressed the hope to star in the game, but due to various circumstances we were unable to reach an agreement with Takeda and his former agency, and in the end his agency declined the offer.

With this turn of events, there were suggestions among the development team to reconsider Vaan's appearance all together, but as there were also many responses to user questionnaires wishing for Vaan to appear, and after consulting with the FFXII team, it was decided to ask Kenshou Ono to voice Vaan. Ono plays the role excellently, keeping with the feel of the original game. We sincerely hope that all the fans of FFXII will nevertheless continue to support Vaan's appearance in DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY.

It's a shame he couldn't do that, since they were pretty good about keeping with the same VAs.

...Dude, why didn't anyone post this on the frontpage? Apparently Takeda got sacked for leaking Vaan's appearance or something. That's pretty major.


AI Researcher
-- Vaan was originally a character designed by Akihiko Yoshida, wasn't he.

Nomura: I took care to bring out the feel of it as best I could, while looking at Yoshida's illustrations. For the face and the eyes, I changed the style to fit in with DDFF.

-- Vaan was voiced by Kouhei Takeda in FFXII, but this time it's Kenshou Ono?

Nomura: There were a lot going on with that. How it happened was that we had offered the role [to Takeda] several times since the beginning of winter this year, but for various reasons Takeda and his former agency couldn't reach an agreement, so unfortunately he had to pass on the role. After that we were wondering about Vaan's appearing in the game altogether, but while we were for a response to our offer work had already begun on Vaan, and I thinks fans were waiting for Vaan to show up in Dissidia. So we consulted with the FFXII team and changed the casting.

-- I see. However, wouldn't that change the impression people will have of Vaan compared to that of FFXII?

Nomura: Ono was selected through auditions, and he fitted the image of Vaan perfectly. So much so that while he was recording in the studio, you could hear people saying how surprised they were at how much like Vaan he sounded. He is taking the role of Vaan seriously, so I hope people will look forward to this.

Edit; looking at it some more, I don't know if Takeda did really leak anything about Vaan. When he mentioned it in his blog (which he did delete later for some reason), he only really asked "is Vaan not going to appear in that game?"

あ スクエニさん!

The only source I could find for Takeda leaking it was Siliconera, which translated it as "Hey, Square Enix-san. Is that work with Vaan going to appear? I’m waiting (lol)"

But the 'work' here isn't a job, but an artistic piece of work (work of art, literary work, the works of someone, etc.).

Also, Vaan's attacks so far seem to be Red Spiral (レッドスパイラル, his level 1 Mist attack) and Melt Crimson (メルトクリムゾン, his level 3 attack) during his EX-Burst and Flame Inferno (炎のインフェルノ, the finisher for when you use at least 3 level one attacks) as an HP attack. Descriptions added in case they changed the English names to something else :monster:
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
The dissidia design based on this set. She doesn't have wings but she does have a bird (peacock?) on her shoulder. Def not a Nomura thing.


I wasn't trying to say Nomura just added a wing. I was more making a wry comment that it looked like Amano had given her a matched pair and Nomura took one away.
Too wry, apparently.

My question stands.

Cloud's not a child. He's a lady. QED.

If only it was Balthier.

Tifa: ...Cloud who?

Man's not Blond enough. Just won't do. He can submit to a die job and then Tifa might consider it.


wangxian married
Cloud, Lightning, now Vaan...

I think we've all established who the Dissidia fandom bicycle is going to be.


The Wanderer of Time
Many thanks to Rinoa for linking that Terra image - it led me to the image we've all been seeking, in full! Also found a third outfit for Terra, a black and white stripe pattern.




The Wanderer of Time
Screenshots from Famitsu showing the Assist Break and EX Break in action.



"What's it like to have fans?"


"If I hang out with her, people will *have* to pay attention to me!"






"Bow to my abs!"





"My pantyshots > yours"
"Oh, it's on now!"



"Yeah, you'd better call for backup"




And through the miracle of FFWiki's IRC bot and its translitive powers, a rough translation of the text! (VERY rough - it translated it into Engrish
"DDFF [is] the core of the battle, "EX Mode" and "assist system." EX mode, the system was in a previous work, the strengthening effect is obtained with a variety of exercise, the force higher "EX" burst put out the chestnuts. In addition, this work is to zero the gauge to assist the other upon activation"
, and I'm using my best guess to get it the rest of the way to English)

From Final Fantasy XII the war hero Vaan awaits! He uses close combat weapons to fight in a variety of styles. In addition, new fighter interactions produce exciting new battles!

Final Fantasy Dissidia duodecim [DDFF], the Final Fantasy where rivals and heroes of the series face off. The main character of Final Fantasy XII (Note: yeah right) Vaan joins the battle wielding many kinds of weapons.

Vaan's battle concept is "Attack Switcher". He uses a double-handed sword, a normal sword, a spear, and a gun. There are a total of eight weapons, and he also fights unarmed.

The finishing blow of Mist Knacks called "convergence technology" has been triggered. Vaan's HP attacks are based on these techniques.

Vaan's EX Burst is his original Mist Knacks. Like Gabranth, the R button initiates a shuffle, use the O button to attack within the time limit.

Each character has alternate costumes. In addition to the usual normal there are several forms including Another Form and a Third Form. Here is Vaan's Another, and Gabranth's Third along with Tina's and Kefka's

Vaan's Another Form is inspired by the illustrations of Amano Yoshitaka. Gabranth is wearing armor in his Third, the original disguise he used as Basch!

Based on Amano Yoshitaka's illustrations, Tina and Kefka Third Forms. The battle is highly enjoyable with these new outfits.

EX Mode and Assist System clash!

The core of DDFF's battles are "EX Mode" and "Assist System." EX Mode, the system of the previous game, gave strengthening effects and a variety of powers including the EX Burst. This can deplete the Assist gauge of the opponent when activated.

Break EX: when an EX Mode initiate occurs, call an Assist character to attack them and earn the Map Brave. This cancels out their EX Mode.

Conversely, when the Assist character is called attack them while in EX Mode. The EX character earns the Map Brave and the opponent is given Assist Break, preventing them from calling their ally.

The EX Gauge has a new use. Pressing R + □ while being attacked will activate "EX Revenge" to suspend the enemy in slow-time and give you a chance to fight back. However, it consumes your entire EX Gauge so you don't enter EX Mode.
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wangxian married
@That Lightning/Tifa picture:

Somewhere right now Splintered is going "FUCK YEAH"

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I like my TifaLighting as well. This is good news. I hope they interact in this game or else heads will roooolll.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
OH GOD THANK YOU. I found Basch just as uninteresting Vaan to be quite honest. Tp be frank, I get the impression that the main reason everyone's on his dick all the time is because he fits the "hardened badass" trope. Which is just as stupid as people liking Vaan for being a bishie.

I like Basch for just what a standup guy he is --
how he devotes himself to protecting Ashe, and how he is willing to allow his own name to remain sullied for the rest of his life in taking up the identity of his dead brother.

Basch is an awesome dude.

Thank God for you ForceStealer, I thought I was the only one who heard that weird effect on all the voices. My brothers thought I was crazy when I tried to show them.

I noticed it too.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Why does the ad for Birth by Sleep show Cloud? Was he even in that game?


The Wanderer of Time
It's for his KH alt costume, same as Lightning as Aya is above it.

Also, two minor notes about EX Bursts for those who haven't noticed - now Cosmos characters execute their bursts against blue backgrounds, Team Evil gets orange backgrounds. Also, Gabranth now has "Perfect!" appear when he ends his burst, before he didn't.


Fiat Lux
Wait.... so "Gabranth" is really Basch? So why is Akio Otsuka still his voice actor instead of Rikiya Koyama?
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