Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Drake said:
I'm sure we were hoping for Balthier or Vincent over Laguna ...

Tres said:
No! Not Vincent anyway. He's had enough screentime, and FFVII has had a disproportional amount of wank for it already.

Tifabelle said:
Agree. I got Tifa. Everyone else can fuck off.

Tres said:
And like Tifabelle said, we got Tifa, so now it's time for FFVII to fuck off.

I agreed with Tres. He wasn't agreeing with himself, lol.

Elisa Maza

Laguna? Great. Juuuuuust great. Another reason for me to empty my bank account to buy the first game, so I can get to 012 as well.

- _ -

You know how to get my money, SE...

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Somehow I can't see Barret participating in the game spewing pretentious bullshit along with the rest of the characters


unsavory tart
Gun that fires shots as long as you hold down the button? Laguna seems like the character that either is going to be really weak, or really cheap. D:

Hopefully there will be a good medium.


The Wanderer of Time
Well I'm sure there's a limit to how long the attacks lasts, like Ultimecia's Knight's Blade or Squall's Revolver Drive.

BTW, it just hit me what this means - circle-strafing Laguna FTW!


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Two words and a conjunction: Pray and Spray.

If they're less accurate the longer you hold, the less benefit there is to keep shooting.
Plus, clip limits, yes?

Celes Chere

Drake, you are just on a roll! XD

While I do like Seifer, I am really pleased about Laguna. Come on, the guy needs more love! I for one, am glad they chose a less popular character to put in rather than another extremely popular one like Seifer or God forbid, Rinoa. Unless Laguna actually is a fan favorite, all I've seen is people disliking his role in FFVIII. xD

I agree with Tres about Vincent, he needs to gtfo, he was never a great character in the first place. >_> I would have love to have seen Balthier over Vaan though, because... UNF. BD He's such a fucking epic character. I'm still happy with their choice of 'gunner' though, Laguna is still awesome. :3 I would like to see Yuna too, she doesn't HAVE to be a gunner.

Tbh, I find Edea to be extremely boring.



Double Growth
Unless Laguna actually is a fan favorite, all I've seen is people disliking his role in FFVIII. xD

Really? He's certainly better than Squall :awesome:

I agree with Tres about Vincent, he needs to gtfo, he was never a great character in the first place. >_>

Vincent was never even rumored, what is this?

I would have love to have seen Balthier over Vaan though, because... UNF. BD He's such a fucking epic character.


Tbh, I find Edea to be extremely boring.

Yeah...though my opinion of her is largely soiled due to the "lol, she's your mom (in essence), you forgot!" plot twist.


Double Growth
If it worked like it did in Dead Fantasy I could get it behind it.

I guess you could just make them like glorified spells as they were in the games before 10.

Celes Chere

Well I mean in X-2, the dress sphere allowed you to be many different things. xD Maybe she could be that weird Alchemist one or something, or maybe for the guys and some girls like myself- Lady Luck. xDD

I'm just saying Vincent should stay far far away btw. XD


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Vincent was never even rumored, what is this?

This is how rumors start. Which one should we start next? :awesome:

Yeah...though my opinion of her is largely soiled due to the "lol, she's your mom (in essence), you forgot!" plot twist.

Chyeah. She was cool on Disc 1. It went down hill when she went back to normal.


Pro Adventurer
To early to really speculate, but I wonder what his playstyle is. I read a theory on GameFAQs (:monster:) that he could be an Assist specialist, able to easily build up assist and have a moveset that easily gave the player opportunities to use crazy assist combos. Do you guys think that'd be any good? I thought it was interesting, but probably would suck in the end.


Pro Adventurer
What's with all the hate on Vincent and Rinoa. I know VIII had a crappy story and romance, but Rinoa is still a pivotal character. I'm both shocked and pleased that Laguna got in, but Rinoa would have been just as original with her blaster edge (or whatever it's called), dog, and spells. Now 5 slots left I want:
1. Yuna/ Need I explain
2. Barthandelus/ Lightning needs a villan
3. Celes/ or Edgar he's da pimp
4. Garnet/ NOT Vivi I like him as a character, but I don't get his popularity
5. Leon or Gilgamesh: or
5/2. If for some od reason adult Porom got in, I'd love that, seeing as Laguna is pretty random.
Last edited:


unsavory tart
but Rinoa is still a pivotal character.
Pivotal doesn't mean great. Some people loved her, but some people absolutely hated her. I'm glad she isn't in the game.
2. Barthandelus/ Lightning needs a villan
Barthandelus wouldn't be good to play as. He fights as a fal'cie which is mostly stationary. Not good for a game that requires as much movement as Dissidia does.

Cid Raines makes more sense to me. He doesn't have as much linked of a story, but Cid has always been the foil l'cie against the FFXIII l'cie- acting as a slave to his focus rather that was later inspired by Lightning and gang.

4. Garnet/ NOT Vivi I like him as a character, but I don't get his popularity
My problem with Garnet is the same problem I would have with others, I just don't see how well she would do as a brawler. Sure she's a summoner, but would that mean you'd play as different summons she calls on? What would Garnet do as the summons wreak havoc, just sit around waiting to be attacked? I like Garnet more than I like Yuna (I'm not particularly passionate about either, but they're good characters) but at least Yuna can fight with dress spheres.

But with Firion, Vaan, Cecil, and Lightning incorporating at least some sort of style/weapon changing, don't see how they'd make Yuna work as well. But who knows. Still think Yuna has the best chance next since they aren't even bothering with Chaos.

Also, Vivi is the awesome.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

Celes Chere

I still would have loved to see Rosa. ;-;

AND PLEASE ADD MOAR FFVI CHARACTERS. D; Why Terra of all of them? T____T Watch them add someone lame like Relm.


unsavory tart
Why Terra of all of them?
I like Terra >____>

But tbh, I felt Dissidia made her kind of lame.

EDIT: But yeah, more FFVI characters. I'd love to have Locke, but I think Celes would be more appropriate. Vaan's kind of taking something similar to Locke's role/friendship with Terra, so Celes would be much more interesting.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I feel like Dissidia made a lot of characters lame.

Everyone was going around saying nonsensical crap about shit I didn't care about while posing awkwardly.

The presentation was terrible


Pro Adventurer
I feel like Dissidia made a lot of characters lame.

Everyone was going around saying nonsensical crap about shit I didn't care about while posing awkwardly.

The presentation was terrible

So much potential for interesting character interaction, and pretty well every conversation could have been replaced by completely different characters and only lost the occasional reference.

To be fair though, I thought the characterization was well done in battle.
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