Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


The Wanderer of Time
On the subject of Desperado Chaos, this is old news but I've not seen it reported here, so, his moveset. No idea which ones are Brave and which ate HP.

Deus Iratus, Quo Vadis, Via Dolorosa, Ventus Ire, Fragor Maximus, Lux Magnus

Those are their literal names as hackers found them. For those of us who don't know Latin...

God Anger, Where Are You Going, Through Pain, Wind Wrath, Greatest Breaking, Great Light

Elisa Maza





Is Prishe so much In-Your-Face in the game as well?


When do they realise people don't care for their MMO characters?

In fact, when do they realise the FF MMO's shouldn't have been numbered titles anyway? :monster:


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
Holy crap. They DO have a full render of that Sephiroth CG in the Scan. I srsly want that render ><.

~ Raz


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
They're probably showing Prishe a lot because no one knows who the hell she is. So they're trying to get you to like her like the other characters. idk whole thing still seems dumb to me.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
So we get a useless 11 character rather than the rightfully needed VI and IX characters? way to go SE...brilliant marketing strategy...unless you have VI and IX in which I will complain about the lack of 2 ffxIII character and the lack of any tactics love.

Despite my complaints I am still looking forward to this game and think the gameplay will be awesome while still in the air about the actual plot. Who knows though? SE used to be able to tell a story maybe they will surprise us...or not.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I don't think I'm going to stop being butthurt over the pointless change in Tifa's eye color. It really annoys me. Also it seems like her hair isn't as voluptuous as it used to be too, it looks as though it's just as thin as it was in AC(which I hated).

So, these scans, have any of you moonspeak experts translated them? Was there ANY reasoning given for including a shitty MMO character no one cares about over all the other great characters(Shadow, Celes, Vivi, even dagger. Hell they could have iused boss monsters ffs)saw they could have included?

Does SE realise how many thousands of people, I'm talking about FF fans here, said WHO THE FUCK IS THAT when Prishe was announced for Dissidia? I mean, really. She doesn't even really have a character.

What's the possibility of there being any secret bosses btw? Minimal?


Yeah, the EU covers usually look like the Japanese ones.
Until FFXIII that is. Although the EU collector's edition had the white cover again.


Yeah, the EU covers usually look like the Japanese ones.
Until FFXIII that is. Although the EU collector's edition had the white cover again.

Huh, you're right Lightning is ruining my FFXIII cover as well. :rage:

Yeah, I'm pretty disappointed with the Dissidia crew about Tifa. With Cloud in the last game they were all about reverting back to his original character design, giant unicorn spike and all, what gives?
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Elisa Maza

So, these scans, have any of you moonspeak experts translated them? Was there ANY reasoning given for including a shitty MMO character no one cares about over all the other great characters(Shadow, Celes, Vivi, even dagger. Hell they could have iused boss monsters ffs)saw they could have included?

Does SE realise how many thousands of people, I'm talking about FF fans here, said WHO THE FUCK IS THAT when Prishe was announced for Dissidia? I mean, really. She doesn't even really have a character.

What's the possibility of there being any secret bosses btw? Minimal?

Well, if my memory isn't fooling me, a translation of a previous scan said that Prishe was chosen as a favourite of the production team, or she was the one voted the most, or something similar. Bottom line, it was a creators' choice.

... instead of being a, you know, FANS' choice, since this game is pure fanservice...


Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Well, if my memory isn't fooling me, a translation of a previous scan said that Prishe was chosen as a favourite of the production team, or she was the one voted the most, or something similar. Bottom line, it was a creators' choice.

Ok, so what reasoning is given for her being a dev team favorite, over all of the other actual characters this series has?



"Nomura also commented on a couple of the other charactes who appeared in the latest trailer. Final Fantasy XI's Prishe was confirmed for the game in that trailer. This character's use came about after it looked like another FFXI character would make it into the game. After creating candidates by asking the staff what FFXI character they liked, Prishe ended up being selected."

Elisa Maza

^ What Shikamaru said.

Director Takahashi Interview said:
The Final Fantasy franchise is filled with many iconic characters. How many arguments were had in the board room when deciding who will be added to the roster?

[Laughs] Each member of staff has their own recommendations and the core gamers have been sending plenty of their demands too. This was what we were expecting, but we found that memory was getting quite tight near the end. We wanted to try incorporating as many playable characters as possible.

Basically, we can&#8217;t avoid having arguments as we all have different opinions, voices and favourites, but in the end we had to choose the characters that were very popular and characters that add new dimensions to that action style of the game.


BTW, Prishe will probably have the same role Shantotto and Gabranth has in the first game.

Director Takahashi said:
- Prishe will appear in the Story Mode, will be similar to Shantotto and Gabranth in the last game. However her role is much more important. (something related to WoL).

Also, the word "combo" is going around a lot with Prishe. So, maybe they inserted this character to exploit this battle way? (Not that there wouldn't be other, more fan-favourite characters to use, but...)

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I'd rather play as Penelo than fucking Prishe.

Penelo, Larsa, and every other secondary character in XII is preferable to Prishe.


"Nomura also commented on a couple of the other charactes who appeared in the latest trailer. Final Fantasy XI's Prishe was confirmed for the game in that trailer. This character's use came about after it looked like another FFXI character would make it into the game. After creating candidates by asking the staff what FFXI character they liked, Prishe ended up being selected."

Why why why, do they even feel they needed another XI character when a sizeable portion of the FF fanbase never played the fucking game!

For chrissakes.
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