Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
According to ... the last character to be revealed is Desperado Chaos.

:doh: :O :@ :rage: >_> -_-


I agree with Tea-Chan and SkyGrinderomnislash7IV.

Well, I never finished the first Dissidia. :P

I will get this one, but then it will probably sit for a while.
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Pro Adventurer
You no we're all gonna love this game, I'm just pissed that those arrogant morons at Square don't listen to their fans, especially us in the US. Keeping in mind that a cast balanced evenly through the series is vital, they went on developing this game, not asking what did we the fans want, but what did they want. I mean Prishe really, a 2nd Chaos, Vaan, 3 slots completely and utterly wasted, I feel like it's an utter slap in the face.


Pro Adventurer

Pretty sure that last box, the dark one is just a question mark.....


unsavory tart
Hahaha, Oh Square.

It's like they're clueless sometimes. You know I'm not sure if Desparado Chaos wouldn't have ignited the anger it did if they didn't make it the SECRET NEW CHARACTER. All in all it's not surprising to have the ability to play as the big bad.

But to pass it off furing the last possibility to have someone's favorite character in the game is just silly. Like they are intentionally trying to piss off fans.

I have Tifa, and Lightning, and Laguna. So I guess I'm overall pretty satisfied (would love to have Vivi, Locke, and Balthier, but you know...)

EDIT: And even if Kuja's hat is ridiculous, at least he has a new alt that's not a pallet swap.


Pro Adventurer
Hahaha, Oh Square.

It's like they're clueless sometimes. You know I'm not sure if Desparado Chaos wouldn't have ignited the anger it did if they didn't make it the SECRET NEW CHARACTER. All in all it's not surprising to have the ability to play as the big bad.

But to pass it off furing the last possibility to have someone's favorite character in the game is just silly. Like they are intentionally trying to piss off fans.

I have Tifa, and Lightning, and Laguna. So I guess I'm overall pretty satisfied (would love to have Vivi, Locke, and Balthier, but you know...)

EDIT: And even if Kuja's hat is ridiculous, at least he has a new alt that's not a pallet swap.
It's not just Chaos, realize you Balthier was denied for Vaan, and the omniworthless Prishe


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Kuja's 4th attire reminds me of the Venetian Carnival. Not bad, though Zidane is way better (I'm a sucker for black cloaks).

Guess I'll have to wait for the next Dissidia to see Raines :/


Pro Adventurer
Well, I'll still dig through the game's data if and/or when I'm able to..... kinda get the feeling given the character list there, we won't have any secret characters to find.... but won't stop me from poking around.

And btw..... so far haven't been able to recover that recording..... which I'm still very bummed about.... about an hour of my time wasted.... and I suppose I could have just gone to sleep instead of being up at 4am to record it. >___<


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Well why should we be any surprised that Square-Enix would screw over the fans hoping for a VI and IX character (which have a larger fan following than both 11, 12, and 13.)?

I will however admit if that one song of desperado chaos (awesome character but I fear he will be over powerful and cause a balance issue) is in the game then they have won me over with the inclusion of said character.

The one thing that really bugs me is the lack of any assist characters besides the current lineup and aerith (which still makes no real sense to me).

So if there are no other secret characters then I am to assume that desperado chaos is the main character in the upcoming game and to be honest I did like Chaos' character and the fans of Dissidia to tell SE that they should have made him a playable character...it seems they listened in this case.

my god that OST for this game is amazing.


unsavory tart
my god that OST for this game is amazing.
I was originally disappointed by the first game's ost- especially when I heard the Crisis Core guy did it (Crisis Core OST was one of my favorites ). But this time around I think it's much better.

I'm not crazy by the remix of FFXIII's Blinded by Light and the remix of Jenova's song is downright awful, but most of the other songs are great. And the new original songs are much better.
The one thing that really bugs me is the lack of any assist characters besides the current lineup and aerith (which still makes no real sense to me).
I'm still hoping that future dlc will give us more characters like that. It's a good opportunity to throw bones to the fans whose favorite characters that would not work in a fighter, or characters that might be too repetitive on creation. QUINA ASSIST- FROG DROP


The Wanderer of Time
Zidane's outfit reminds me of the end of FF9, when he performs the play for Garnet in disguise. Kuja's is....well at least it isn't a boring palette swap.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I was going to say that they looked "play-ish". I wonder if they are based off the play constantly mentioned in IX (the Canary one). I just get that feeling from them. So does this mean VI will also have 4 costumes each? I'm assuming they were given an extra outfit because they do not have an extra playable character. So Kefka and Terra may have 4 as well if this is correct...game comes out tomorrow and a bunch of new info will come with it. yay.


AI Researcher
I think I saw someone call it his 'auction' outfit, though I don't remember what that looked like in FFIX. They plan on releasing more costumes and music as DLC (paid) later on, which I guess the IX costumes are examples. The only other 4th costumes have been bonuses for buying things so far, and there's nothing IX-related on the horizon to include those with.

Also I wish they would just make that live thing available for regular download. I don't think I would have been able to watch it live anyway even if I could have been arsed :sadpanda:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

Pretty sure that last box, the dark one is just a question mark.....

I'm noticing 7 blank spaces in an otherwise uniformly aligned grid of character choices. Chances are very good for playable DLC characters.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Nothing really groundbreaking in the meeting last night (or this morning). Though I don't understand Japanese. There was a lot of clapping :awesome:

Zidane looks cute in his little hooded cape. Kuja... :sigh:

Desperado Chaos...meh. I guess it could be cool playing as him, though it doesn't really excite me.

I don't mind Vaan being in the game. He's not my favorite character, but he is the main character of FFXII. It wouldn't be right, imo, if they didn't include him.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Vaan...he is more like a useless side character but was given the role of telling the story if XII. I believe Balthier, Basch, and Ashe were all more main character-ish than Vaan. I don't mind him being in the game but come on Vaan over Balthier or Ashe or even Basch? I can understand it but it does not mean I'm a huge fan of it.

Desperado Chaos: looks interesting but the fact he is so huge and looks like a combo of a behemoth and bahamut dipped in lava is not exactly exciting. My guess is that he will be an extremely difficult character to play as. Personally though I hope to get more backstory on his character. Chaos is a most interesting character as one who was originally on the good side. I wonder what role this Desperado Chaos will play in the upcoming game (I'm assuming he will have some sort of role to play...). My only qualm is that he is not the same size as the rest of the characters...makes him an easier target.

In regards to the empty boxes...I hope you're right but I kinda doubt it. Now mind you I could see SE doing such a thing as making playable DLC characters...but then a DLC character without a story? (dissidia's story may not be great but one of the appeals is that we get to see our "favorite" characters talk and act again in a setting outside their game and interacting with the other characters.

I have also gotten over my initial dislike of prishe because of her dialogue she looks like an entertaining character. My biggest worry is that is in the new character voices. Do we know who is doing the newer characters yet?


Pro Adventurer
I have the game.... I have no idea if I can play the uh....... 'copy' on my PSP atm... but that's not what I want to do!

Models! I've ripped the GMO's and GIM's again! :D




AI Researcher
Cloud, how were you recording that live broadcast? I have the 'Time Shift' version open right now, but my regular method for getting things from Nico Douga isn't working.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Well we will know soon enough all the questions we have...now Prologus is probably (hopefully) going to be released the week after the Japanese release I guess that can tied me over for a bit.

can't wait for more info...anyone know where to get the full soundtrack for the game?


Pro Adventurer
Cloud, how were you recording that live broadcast? I have the 'Time Shift' version open right now, but my regular method for getting things from Nico Douga isn't working.

I was using Camtasia Recorder this time around. Using the latest version of Camtasia Studio, v7 (easy enough to..... acquire).

Hey Cloud, how could I get the game, and the program to view its contents as you do.

Well.... I can't quite discuss the methods on how to get what I'm using at the moment... the rest is a combination of gitmo and Noesis (and Fraps if you want to do decent recordings... although it does also depend on your comp/gpu specs).
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