Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


Pro Adventurer
I always figured that Cloud was on Chaos' side because the whole "you are a puppet" from Sephiroth.

But if Sephiroth doesn't remember, and Cloud has some of his memories, why would Cloud be with him? :/

Maybe it was clouds subconscious want and need to be sephiroths sidekick finally get the best of him.

That and SE are fucking terrible at story telling, i shouldnt have to read through pages of text thats in a menu to get caught up in your story. Your fucking doing it wrong.

It was ok in KH finding ansem reports because it made for a bit of mystery. But now your doing it in every game clearly shows your either lazy or retarded, also if your taking 5+titles to tell one story (kh) your doing it wrong again :<


The Wanderer of Time
Brilliant reference here. The devs rarely squander the chance don't they?

"Useless thing!" - "Better go to the Rift!" (FF5 Advance line - "You worthless fool! For your continued bungling, I banish you from this dimension!")


The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Another plot-related quandry to consider:
Why does Terra get a pass on dying while fighting manikins, while Laguna, Vaan, Tifa, Lightning, Yuna and Kain do not?

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Another plot-related quandry to consider:
Why does Terra get a pass on dying while fighting manikins, while Laguna, Vaan, Tifa, Lightning, Yuna and Kain do not?

Because she doesn't fit into their ridiculously convenient(stupid) excuse for them not appearing in the original Dissidia.

Celes Chere

Kain's english voice from IGN.

"The difference between you, and a real man!"


The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Because she doesn't fit into their ridiculously convenient(stupid) excuse for them not appearing in the original Dissidia.

What's so bad about this is they had the benefit of writing her death here in with that explanation in the same game -- so it's not like they were stuck with having said she died fighting manikins during 012 in the first game, only to come up with this idea while writing 012 and forget about the possible inconsistencies that may emerge.

No, they did both at the same time. How does that happen? Were different people writing this and not sharing info or some shit?
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The Wanderer of Time
Maybe it's that Terra wasn't directly killed by them, she was just exhausted from fighting them and passed out after she made it to Cosmos.
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As opposed to Lightning who was very clearly struck down and died instantly?

Anyway, I find Kain's quotes hilarious. Here he is going calling them pathetic imatation, none of them match for a real man, but as soon as the game begins he assumes that every single one of his allies will be powerless to do anything to stop these pathetic beings.
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
You know I don't really care about the problems with the game. I'm buying it for the fighting and fan service (seeing old characters again fighting other characters) not the story. It would have been nice if the story was well done but hell we are getting some interesting and fun little scenes at the very least...the fact we are getting a story mode at all (with much more than most fighting games...MvC3 for example) should be thanked. Admittedly it would be awesome if they bothered with writing a good script but SE hasn't written a good script since 10 (and even some people complain about that one). It doesn't mean people won't play the games it just means that the script isn't to the quality they used to be. FFXIII had a decent script in parts as did XII but somewhere along the way they were all ruined. Oh well what do you expect from SE who fired a number of its good employees?

by the way spoilers much people? No spoiler alert or anything anymore. Hopefully some poor slob doesn't go on this website and decides to see what news there is and lo and behold gets the whole story ruined for him/her.

Also I'm sure some of these things will make more sense in the finalized english release and if it doesn't we will make things understandable. You people did it with the first game and you will eventually do it with the prequel.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
It would have been nice if the story was well done but hell we are getting some interesting and fun little scenes at the very least...the fact we are getting a story mode at all (with much more than most fighting games...MvC3 for example) should be thanked

This is some bullshit logic. The fact that a lot of fighting games don't have real story modes, or bork them doesn't excuse a shitty story and does not mean that shitty story should be lauded just because they bothered to include it.
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