Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Actually she seems like a pretty good assist, but I take your point. It's kind of odd that its being called a demo, actually. Considering it has its own story and stuff. If it came out a few weeks later it would be DLC. It's not a demo in the sense that you're not paying for the ability to play the beginning of the game that you're gonna have to play again when you get the game. It is an additional chapter to the story, Dissidia's story just happens to be a joke, but that's an unrelated problem.

And, I didn't buy it, just for the record.

DR Case Zero is the same, but it's still a demo you pay for. It gives you a taste of the gameplay to get you hyped for the full game. If it came after, then yeah I'd agree with you, but it doesn't.


unsavory tart
Paid demo is always a dick move. Just like having exclusive dlc by preodering through different mediums (fuck you I want KH!Cloud and Amano!Tifa).

I suppose the reason why I don't particularly care this time is because Dissidia is suppose to play just the same, just with more additions, assist, and balancing tweeks. I already know how the game plays. So if someone really has a burning desire to want to know how to play the game, they could just get the original demo.

But still, meh. It is more like dlc story, and if the story where good, I would get it. I play Dissidia just for gameplay fun, and from what I read Aerith wasn't as broken as I'd hope (apparently, she's a sitting duck for most of her assists).

That said, I think EU is actually getting the demo after the game. Which means I guess they aren't even pretending it is a real demo at this point.


Oh fuck, I forgot to add the thing I went to post for.

Awesome medley in Dissidia credits

Why so wonderful, squeenix music?

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
This dilemma of buying demos, I don't understand it.

Hi, torrents. :monster:



Member of S.T.A.R.S
Blazefire Edge
Well, it does have a bit more of a Story then a Demo would have, so I guess it could be called a DLC. But I play Dissidia for the Story and Gameplay. Sure, the Story is just showing more of the Characters Own Game stories, but it's still a good game. I Pre-ordered 012 from Gamestop so Meh. I should have just gotten Legacy Edition or whatever. But I'ts okay, I'm still gonna be satisfied by the overall game itself.:cloudfacepalm:


Double Growth
Thanks to my promotional credits received from buying LittleBigPlanet2 and Mass Effect 2 on Amazon, I got 012 completely free of charge. :D
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
I did the same thing with credit from amazon and managed to pick it up for free.

In regards to the new characters though I really like the character/voice actor of Kain (Liam O'brian ?) however I cannot stand his play style. I hate it. This may just be an inability to figure his moves out (jump for example never goes where I want it to) but his play style is annoying to fight with and against.

I also have not been able to fight Tifa in the demo/dlc arcade mode and can't unlock Cloud (I am a completionist so this drives me up the wall).

I will say one thing though Garland may become one of the characters I begin using. He has issues in a number of places but I think I like what they have done with him.

Kefka is tweaked a bit better as well but nothing really worth switching to him for. I noticed no difference with Sephiroth although Jecht I think has a new move (don't quote me on that).

Lightning was kinda a bitch in the demo/dlc. I like her character. Her play style on the other hand I noticed no major changes between rav and com where as medic is for the most part useless unless playing against a character that gets stuck somewhere.

The story for the demo/dlc sucked. Very very short and not all the lines were voiced (which leaves me questioning whether they all will be in the official release). The final boss though for the demo/dlc story though was annoying as hell to beat since the AI would spam certain moves. The fight basically comes down to a wait for the attack, block and strike back in order to build your attack strength and then attack when a little over to win. Only four battles though for the "story".


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
In regards to the new characters though I really like the character/voice actor of Kain (Liam O'brian ?)

I felt Kain's voice was...overdramatic. idk. Or at least out of place with these characters. He'd probably fit right in with Cecil and Golbez, lol.

I also have not been able to fight Tifa in the demo/dlc arcade mode and can't unlock Cloud (I am a completionist so this drives me up the wall).

Tifa not being a playable character is fail. Cloud is unlockable by beating Tifa in arcade mode? I didn't know that. Do you have to beat her on hard mode?

Lightning was kinda a bitch in the demo/dlc. I like her character.

Thank you! I actually liked Lightning in FFXIII. She was hard-edge but not a bitch. Something about her in the demo...she's rude and I want to punch her in the face. But her narration wasn't annoying, so maybe it won't be so bad in the game?

The story for the demo/dlc sucked. Very very short and not all the lines were voiced (which leaves me questioning whether they all will be in the official release).

They probably won't ALL be voiced in the game, but I imagine it will be the same as the original dissidia. They probably weren't going to go crazy with voice acting for just a demo.

The final boss though for the demo/dlc story though was annoying as hell to beat since the AI would spam certain moves. The fight basically comes down to a wait for the attack, block and strike back in order to build your attack strength and then attack when a little over to win.

I had no problem with the final boss. Is it spoilers to post who it was? Anyway, I thought it was easy enough. But as in the original game, ISSUES WITH KEFKA. WHY CAN'T I FIGHT YOU? UGH. He took all my HP so by the time I got to the 3rd and 4th fights I was fighting with like 300 HP. So I had to be very careful in the final battles and keep my distance until just the right moment.

As for assists, I found that more times than not, my assist character missed his attack. Not sure if it's just WOL or I wasn't using it right, or if that's just how it is.

Overall though, even though I have complaints, I don't really mind having gotten the demo. I am having fun with it. There are accomplishments that you can unlock and transfer over the prizes. I don't really know what they do yet as my PSP ran out of battery and cba to locate the charger :P


unsavory tart
Thanks to my promotional credits received from buying LittleBigPlanet2 and Mass Effect 2 on Amazon, I got 012 completely free of charge. :D
I'm getting it for free for my old celebration day.

I'm just bitching about the price of the demo because I like bitching.
Thank you! I actually liked Lightning in FFXIII. She was hard-edge but not a bitch. Something about her in the demo...she's rude and I want to punch her in the face. But her narration wasn't annoying, so maybe it won't be so bad in the game?
I like Lightning too, but she's a bitch in FFXIII. At least in the beginning. It's just that her bitchiness is explained in context. Then again I haven't looked at prologus.
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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I like Lightning too, but she's a bitch in FFXIII. At least in the beginning. It's just that her bitchiness is explained in context. Then again I haven't looked at prologus.

ermmmmm. To me, there is a difference between having an attitude and being a bitch. idk. It was weird. But it could just be the demo.

I had read somewhere (forget where) that Lightning was supposedly difficult to use, but I thought she was rather easy to play as.

Also of note is that when Lightning gets hit, she makes a sound like a sea lion. CAN NOT UNHEAR.

EDIT: Although I guess it shouldn't come as a suprise since most of the characters in dissidia were sort of charicatures of their original selves anyway. Take character trait, multiply by 100, you get the characters in dissidia :P
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unsavory tart
To me, there is a difference between having an attitude and being a bitch.
I dunno, imo it goes to more than attitude. She smacks Snow around a bit. It makes her both a bitch, and a hero of mankind.
Tifa sounds totally different from what I remember in AC.
I hear it more of Rachel Leigh Cook in the ex mode attack (feels like you're flying? It his a reference to something) and her win quote. But everywhere else, I thought they chose a different VA for awhile?

I'm meh to the voices, neither like it, nor hate it. It took me a bit to get use to Gilgamesh's but he's not bad. Tifa's not as soft as that one trailer presented. (Except for Lightning, because I love her VA :'<)


Double Growth
For everyone that was beside themselves when she sounded too "sweet" for those 3 whole words in the trailer, she actually sounds tougher than usual to me.


unsavory tart
For everyone that was beside themselves when she sounded too "sweet" for those 3 whole words in the trailer, she actually sounds tougher than usual to me.
It's weird, because her voice was super soft in the trailer, almost bad anime/Hinata-ish. Granted it was only a word or two, but it was kind of striking.

Here is almost sounds like a different person.

But whatever.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Guess what time it is!

It does do the heart good to see that made it in here.

Anyhow, those who remember the FAQ I put together of the official English translation of the first Dissidia may be interested to know that I've begun one for 012 as well, starting with prologus. That part of the script is already finished and I've uploaded it to GameFAQs.

I don't know if they'll accept it just yet, seeing as how nothing from 012 itself is in there yet, but hopefully.

Also, I'm preparing an article for the frontpage now with my reactions to the story of 012. Expect complaints.


unsavory tart
Screw WoL and Lightning, I want Gilgamesh to be the main character in the next Dissidia.
Also, I'm preparing an article for the frontpage now with my reactions to the story of 012. Expect complaints.
:3 Tres Ultimate Essay time.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
The story is full of plot holes I'm sure. It wouldn't be Dissidia without a problematic story.

I liked Lightning's character in the game although she was a bit more of a bitch (and I stand by bitch) in the demo. She only had a few lines mind you but definitely a bitch. I'm sure this is her persona of early lightning (like in the game). I also think she is relatively easy to use not that I will ever use medic (most likely).

Kain...lol yeah way over dramatic but fits in perfectly fine with Golbez and Cecil. Can't for the life of me figure out how to fight as this character though.

Tifa...fought through hard arcade mode with every character except Kain and Kefka...knowing my luck she probably only appears when fighting as one of them.

In regards to the chocobo colognes they increase a character by one level for each one used. Pretty useless (although all of mine will go towards the annoyance (can't play as her character) that is shanttoto).

The flower on the other hand I have no idea what it is for or what it does.

Gilgamesh...he sounds like a parody of a samurai. It fits but odd it is.

Desperado Chaos: Apparently for the english release they decided to name it Feral Chaos. I'm slightly disappointed because I imagined Desperado Chaos wearing a cowboy hat.
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