Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
What is a good way to gain experience in this game? I mean, besides playing on your special day :awesome: I feel like I don't get much out of playing the Labyrinth or other arcade modes.

I'm trying to go through this 000 scenario, and some of the battles are Level 50+ and I'm getting my ass handed to me. I know those are the optional battles, but I want them anyway :wacky:


unsavory tart
Story mode? I feel like a level up twice as fast there, even when I'm over leveled. You can also try party mode, because other characters get a share of your exp.

Other than that, I'm still grinding D:


Save your valediction (she/her)
Can someone explain what this 'special day' thing is, please? I am no smart.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
To get easy experience, just use party mode. :monster: I do it with my lower level ones first (basically the newbies). I stick Firion on top of the party, then the weaklings behind him. Then I beat all 5 enemies. Then I do it again. Easy as pie.

As for story mode, I only use it when I want to stock up on some KP. I wanted to get 1000KP before using any of them. /hoarder

My special day is
, but I wasted it once in the Labyrinth, because I thought I can get more experience there. It was also very addicting so I couldn't just leave the darned place. >.>

I'm glad I got my Duodecim early though. :awesome: I have enough time to get tired of it before my Pokemon White. :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
You get to chose a day of the week that you are most likely to play on, and that week day you get extra PP, AP, and exp.

If you go to your calendar, you will see which day you picked (in case you don't remember). You can make the bonus day even better by purchasing better benefits in the PP Catalog (the purchases carry over if you transfer your data, so I already have all the bonuses purchased).

lol, my bonus day is Sunday.

Mei said:
but I wasted it once in the Labyrinth, because I thought I can get more experience there. It was also very addicting so I couldn't just leave the darned place. >.>

Wait. The bonuses don't work in Battle Mode? Or just in the Labyrinth? I thought they applied everywhere. Either way, thanks guys. I'll stick with Story Mode battles. I get bonus Exp tomorrow :wacky:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Wait. The bonuses don't work in Battle Mode? Or just in the Labyrinth? I thought they applied everywhere. Either way, thanks guys. I'll stick with Story Mode battles. I get bonus Exp tomorrow :wacky:

It applies in battle mode too. Just not Labyrinth. I know because I didn't get my bonus AP and PP, or Exp. :sadpanda: Though I did get some neat-o equips.

lol, my bonus day is Sunday.

If it's Sunday, do the bonuses double? Because I get bonuses on Sunday on top of the bonuses I get on Friday. So... two bonus days...

...wait, that's not possible, right? D: I forget now. What happened last Sunday?


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
It's not specific to any day, but occassionally you'll get a random day where you get a bunch of bonuses, close to or sometimes the same as your normal bonus day. You won't get that every week though.


unsavory tart
Out of curiosity, since by now a good chunk of the people have used all the new characters, what are your character gameplay preferences.

Mine goes

1. Vaan. Holy crap he's good. His ground HP attack is meh, but he's got a brave attack for every occasion. As of right now he doesn't have a good long range attack, but I'm not a long range fighter. The only issue with him is that he's got a ton of bravery abilities and I haven't even tries most of them.

2. Lightning. I mostly stay in Commando because Ravanger is meh and rarely connects until you get aeroa and blizzara. She was confusing until I finally got rid of her med abilities, so now I don't get messed up on which paragim I'm in. hurr.

3. Laguna.He's high up here even if he only had his machine gun brave attack, because the thing absolutely destroys. His HP attacks are pretty good too.

4. Tifa. I'm terrible with her, but I keep trying to main her so I know her best. Feints work decently, but are only useful against AI rarely. She's got a lot of fast one-two-wall rush attacks, but she's uncomfortably close range. Though I do have to say I love blizzara and blizaga.

5. Yuna. For some reason I have a terrible time getting bravery with Yuna. But she's not as bad as I thought she would be, she's just kinda boring to play as. But her HP attacks are amazing, I never have problems connecting them.

6. Kain. Eh. He's really good in the air, and he's pretty devastating as long as you keep him up there. But his HP attacks suck.
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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Out of curiosity, since by now a good chunk of the people have used all the new characters, what are your character gameplay preferences.

Here's mine:

1. Vaan - Gotta agree with you there, he's GOOD. I love how he has a lot of Bravery attacks to choose from, and his HP attacks aren't that hard to connect. He's starting to become one of my mains, really. He seems like a good all-rounder, and is a lot like Bartz, only less cute and less clothed. I basically love characters that combo, so yeah, I love using him. I'm starting to like him more now, too, especially after the story modes. I really love how he and Laguna interact, and he pisses Lightning off too. :awesome:

2. Tifa - Since I'm a mid-close range type of fighter, she's just right up my alley. Though to be honest I haven't really tried feinting a lot with her, but it worked the few times I did. It's really kinda hard, and I end up button mashing. Anyway, she has amazing attack power, like, I love how she just Breaks you real fast with just her fists, doing around 300+ damage with just Beat Rush. She gets some more awesome moves on leveling, so she's totally not a cheap knock-off of Prishe. >.> She's definitely one of my mains. I lose a lot while using her though, particularly because I sometimes just charge right in and get in the attack; but it's k cuz you can see her panties when she dies. :wacky:

3. Laguna - This guy... I just basically cheat with him. :wacky: I kind of use him more simply because I love him as a character. But I love how he's so amazing and original he is to control. I really have to use my head with him (I don't often). I love the feeling of just spamming things with bullets with his Machine Gun. His Satellite Laser is really easy to connect too, as long as he's far away as possible, and the AI is a bit stupider than normal. I can't wait to equip his Ragnarok Buster move.

4. Yuna - She's really easy to play as. I'm saddened by her lack of "combos" but I guess it's because I haven't tried using her enough yet. I hate making her move as well--she's slow as heck, and I love fast characters. Also, I hate her Alt 1 costume. >.> But I have fun with her Bravery attacks and HP attacks, but most of the time I end up spamming...uh...that thing with the straight line of light and the BOOM. Yeah. Also, attacking with Ifrit makes awesome Breaks. :awesome:

5. Kain - He was kinda hard to get used to at first, but he started growing on me the more I play with him. I love that thrusting thing he does. :wacky: But I guess the main reason I don't play with him as much is because I can't connect his Jumps--which are supposed to be his most awesome moves. I can't time it right, and he just looks dumb jumping around not hitting anything. D: His Bravery attacks are awesome in mid-air though.

6. Lightning - She's actually really easy to get used to, but I mainly never played with her as much because she got whoared. Plus, I don't know her that well, and I'm a bit bitter because I never played FF13. :wacky: I always have her in my Labyrinth party though, because she's a good last resort. Yes, she's that cheap. I always play as Commando, because I love the sounds of swords hitting stuff, and she actually looks pretty slashing at things. ...that's basically it.

That's all. :monster:

It's not specific to any day, but occassionally you'll get a random day where you get a bunch of bonuses, close to or sometimes the same as your normal bonus day. You won't get that every week though.

Ohh. Okay. I didn't know that. I thought I always get bonuses on Sunday, but I think my last bonus day was Sunday too. Not sure now. :desu:

But in Duodecim, it's
. I can't wait for my bonus daaaaaaaay~ fun, fun, fun, fun, looking forward to the weekeee--*shot*
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unsavory tart
doing around 300+ damage with just Beat Rush.
Beat rush is my staple move, I do it constantly. And it's easy to feint so I feel accomplished when I pull it off. I also do her stomp kick a lot too.
hate making her move as well--she's slow as heck, and I love fast characters.
Probably the main reason I don't use her. There's nothing more annoying than trying to rush to an excore, and then being beat there because Yuna won't move her ass.
But I guess the main reason I don't play with him as much is because I can't connect his Jumps--which are supposed to be his most awesome moves.
I can't either. And it took me till, like, level 7 to realize that jump was a charged attack. And even then it's like you've got to wait for the stars to align in just the right way.

Meanwhile AI!manikin Kain is spamming jumps and I'm barely dodging away with my life. The AI is a cheater.


Double Growth
I feel like I get brave breaks frequently with Yuna...But yeah, if you're facing a gold piece, USE YUNA. The AI is incapable of dodging her HP attacks.

As for leveling, I'm sad that they fixed Exdeath. Beating a level 99 Exdeath wit ha level one character did wonders :monster:


There's always Gabranth. He can't do **** unless you initiate a chase. Now that Exmode has been nerved he's even more harmless.


Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde



・クレイジーモーターサイクル (Crazy Motorcycle)
・エレキ・デ・チョコボ (Electric de Chocobo)
・神の誕生 (Birth of a God)

・Liberi Fatali
・The Landing
・Shuffle or Boogie





Everything will be available on the Japanese PSN, April 7th

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