From a Staff perspective:
1. Yes we want more members. We always want new members not just for the forums, but for the betterment of the site as well. More and new members equals a more diverse community, more production, different ideas, and of course, more activity.
2. We shouldn't have to worry about people being into FF. There are literally millions of people that are ardent fans of Final Fantasy and still even millions of people that are ardent fans of Final Fantasy VII.
3, All new members should be respected and treated fairly. I know a lot of us know each other from ACF so there's some familarity there, but sometimes people can still be offended, and if you ask me, sometimes you guys joke around a little too much, and well, most of the time if you ask me, some of you guys can take something that was funny for like, one post and drive it into the ground with ten more posts of image spam.
That may be cool every now and again, but as the old ACF base begins to become more and more of a minority relative to newcomers who 'don't get it' (and rightly so), more discretion would be recommended by all of us. Have fun, but not at the expense of others, a thread, and each other.
I mean honestly I see some stupid shit here myself, but if you see it, please don't imagespam with shitty 4chan pictures or whatever, or go out of your way to be the 10th out of 9 posts making some retarded joke/meme. Just use the report button. Jesus.