Do you think this cows had enough milking?

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad

I've only recently started to actually read the forums...Was rather surprised by the number of folks who seem to dislike the majority of the Compilation, so I'm a little shy. :S

I guess I'm one of those fans who's just happy to have more, no matter what.

[Though I will admit the original AC was...Disappointing. Especially after the...What? 3-4 years of hype and waiting? Sheesh.]

I generally like the compilation as a whole as well. Only DoC and LO dissapointed me.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I loved ACC. And although I do make fun of it a lot, I got some enjoyment from DoC as well.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
ACC was ok. Pretty much everything else is meh to terrible.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
The Compilation is looked down on pretty heavily round these parts, and the reasons for that are understandable (one needs a degree in the science of retconnery, asshollery, and plot-holeagy to really grasp the Compilation in its entirety) but some of us are able to laugh at the more idiotic parts, overlook some others, and still enjoy the ride.

Bitching about it does help though, even if it doesn't really fix anything.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
The first FF I played was 10, so I was taken a bit off guard by 10-2's battle system, but i learned to really like that style... hence I played FFVII and other games that I never finished.

You are a blight.


Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
And so they dwelled in filth, on games made of dirt and feces, and there they lay until they stumbled into the Compilation.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
See everyone seems to dislike the newer games in the Compilation, so why does everyone want a remake? aren't you afraid they'll just make it worse?

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
See everyone seems to dislike the newer games in the Compilation, so why does everyone want a remake? aren't you afraid they'll just make it worse?

A few spinoff games, if you blow those, so what? That's no biggie.

A project as big and expensive as a remake? You have to tread lightly on that ground.


Pro Adventurer
@Turk 0: I agree with you totally! As a whole I have generally liked the compilation...In fact I really really enjoyed Crisis Core. I had great fun with it. Especially, the missions, and I liked the Gameplay. Areas were restricted exploration wise, but we still got a nice shot at it. Was it not popular? I thought it also did quite well sales wise for the PSP?

As for the rest...I liked (in the loosest sense of the word) DoC and I liked AC, although AC felt very rushed, and lo and behold they have ACC to make up for that (im waiting on my copy to be delivered xD). I think where DoC fell down was it's story which suffered from not being written by Nojima (correct me if Im wrong) also felt rushed out. I am not finished watching those BC chapters on youtube so I have yet to make a judgement on that too. As for LO it really didn't bother me too much. I liked the animation and just took the events that happened in the game to be canon.

All in all Im like Turk 0 in the sense that I loved the characters of this game and Im glad we got to see them again.

Also, Im gonna sound like a graphics whore when I say this, but visually, the compilation games and the movie were stunning. I loved the quality of the cutscenes and I would love to see this applied to the OG, while keeping faithful to the original story.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Personally I prefer ACC over CC, but only a little. CC is really good storywise, but I found the gameplay repetitive and the retcons annoyed me. ACC has great action scenes a comprehensible story and doesn't seem to make any retcons. The rest is ok.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I don't think CC is so much retcon'd as...Detailed? They could tell so much with the original VII's graphics and bad translations, after all.

The only huge thing that bothers me in CC is...Genesis. Ugh. I like him as a character, but...Get your poetry-obsessed rear out of my canon, you self-insert! D'x

I don't know, I'm pretty sure Genesis being in nibelheim is a retcon, if a minor one. Plus Cloud and Sephiroth's confrontation went down differently and in a different spot from the OG. Or Zack landing on the stairs instead of a pod. It was minor stuff, nothing gamebreaking. But it did annoy me just enough that I couldn't like it more than ACC.

That and Genesis. He's a coold dude, but would it really hurt to give him his own dialogue instead os spouting poetry all the time?

Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
I could swear I said this already...maybe I put it in the wrong topic, or something? Oh well:

I don't think VII's combat was "the weakest in the series." It's actually one of my favorite battle systems. True, at a certain point, it becomes completely broken in your favor, but as was said previously, that's more of a problem with implementation. Besides, I personally prefer it to the opposite extreme. Having to stop & level grind at every turn & get stuck at every boss just ruins the game's flow.

I definitely would not want it to have anything like XII's or X's.

XII's had promise, but the Gambit/AI thing needs some serious work. Also, they need to throw out the MMO aspect & make it more like action RPs with multiple characters. Both of those I think are a ways off, but KH 358/2 Days was a decent step towards the latter.

By contrast, I really liked X's system. So far, it's the only game in the series that borrows from FFT & doesn't make me completely sick when it does so. The thing is, I just don't think it works in this particular situation. "Let's completely revamp VII! New graphics, new content, the works!" "Alright! What about the battle system?" "Modified turn-based!" "...Really?"


Rookie Adventurer
On ACF I was Pucca_Girl_VII
I honestly think it should be laid to rest now.

I mean, anymore sequels or prequels would possibly tarnish any imagination I have left for the story. Imagination I think, is a great thing to have in a game/movie/series/book.

I don't need every single thing ever in the world of FFVII explained to me. I don't want the Cetra/Jenova thing put into action as it is part of a historical event in the game. Historical events are never fully documented (besides really recent ones), especially if they are VERY old such as this one and there are usually gaps left. In real life we can only assume what has happened in the past based on evidence, the rest is upto us and our opinions and beliefs which makes it more fun to learn about.

Of course the only part of the compilation i have experienced is AC and DC. I hate the controls in DC and couldn't get the hang of them (yes lack of practise in FPS style things contribute to this) and when CC came out I couldn't justify fishing out loads of money to buy a PSP just for one game. Especially since no other game for the PSP interested me in the slightest. Never had enough money for a blu-ray player or PS3 to watch ACC.

I'm kinda in the dark about the rest of it however i enjoy knowing what i know from the game and movie and filling the gaps with my imagination.

The ONLY thing I can see being beneficial to SE related to FFVII is an exact remake of the game. Why an exact copy? Well the original one was pretty successful therefore a boost in graphics and obvious fixtures to the translation is all it really needs (although I do love some good old engrish).

However i understand that if there are things within the rest of the compilation that other fans know of that could be comfortably inserted and benefit the game then that would be interesting but i do not know of them so i cannot comment on that.

Oh and leave the battle system! It's fine! I'm used to the FFs having different battle systems and i like the materia. Maybe a few adjustments but findamentally the same. If they make it anything like XIII's that would be a damn shame.

That's my opinion.


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
It would help if the explanations were good ones but when we get brain-in-a-comp Hojo and "Not a real body" Reeve, you know writing has reached the bottom of the barrel. So yes I agree with you...except that with a remake, they would probably manage to ruin the original (your FF13 comment has it spot on), so I don't want that either.

See everyone seems to dislike the newer games in the Compilation, so why does everyone want a remake? aren't you afraid they'll just make it worse?

yes, I am. I can only hope that the want to play it cheap and the effort required to remake FF7 will deter them from attempting it (that seems to be what is happening).
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Double Growth
and "Not a real body" Reeve, you know writing has reached the bottom of the barrel.

That's what you pick out as a major writing weakness? It's one scene and the guy controls a semi-self-aware robotic cat, why would the body be that much of a stretch?
Besides the only point of the scene was to expose Vincent as caring even though he doesn't want to be.

And we've already had the "ruining the original" argument...

Pucca_ness said:
Especially since no other game for the PSP interested me in the slightest

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L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Tbh the psp had a very minute amount of games worth playing, in terms of handheld consoles it was a flop and continues to be so now with the idea that download only is the way to negate the bad press surrounding umd's.


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
I am sure if I had played them I would be able to list 100 more :) I am making the point that when you see certain types of writing in order to explain a plot, or to bring a character back from the dead (Hojo), or making implausible excuses for why a character has returned, they are tell tale signs of systemic failures in the writing itself.

So far you haven't agreed with this, but I am certainly not going to be changing my mind when I see brain-in-a-computer, possibly the most failed plot device since brain-in-a-jar or people being shot in the face with a fireball and surviving, or Reeve and his puppet body. You know my opinion on this, I think the series isn't better for all these lame excuses and sequels, it didn't need them.

That is all I have to say on it....
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Double Growth
You call it a flop, and yet it is the only handheld in history to have made even a partial stand against Nintendo handhelds. Its dwarfed by Nintendo, absolutely, but that does not mean flop. And there are many games worth playing for it.

Seriously, can you name another handheld that lasted longer than it against Nintendo? The Game Gear is the only one that comes close.
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L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Considering there are very little handheld games even out there the comparison is rather one sided.
Up until the nintendo DS was released the company was facing increased financial difficulty and have successfully cornered the market in regards to the genre they appeal to.

The psp however brilliant a gimmick failed on countless flaws such as expenses when first release, the lack of quality within the games and the general inability to provide a lasting enjoyable game period was altogether the end of it.

The UMD principle was a gimmick and thats all it ever will remain, even sony officially announced it was a flop and as a result now charge you 9.99 for downloading games that used to cost 3 quid in shops on umd.


Double Growth
But the success of the UMD as a platform doesn't necessarily correlate to the PSP itself. In the end the UMDs ended up being all they should have been anyway - something to put the games on.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Yeah but the console has never amounted to anything other than a gimmick, even the downloadable games are lacking in depth.
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