DoC Online Multiplayer info???


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Really, based on the evidence, I think H-J and "Patricia" are just arbitrary names for the computer virus and program. It just sounded cool :monster: HJ's not a real virus, it's just a virus program that needed to be uploaded into the mainframe of the DG facility.

And Weiss's restrictor chip released a timelimit virus when Restrictor died. It was a failsafe to keep him from being able to live if DG fell apart. So that's all true.

A DG SOLDIER is a SOLDIER for Deep Ground. Think of it as a different division of SOLDIER that was created. They're all SOLDIERs.

And Mako Addiction is not poisoning. It's a side effect of constant mako infusion and augmentation. Their bodies need mako to function, or they weaken and die. Mako poisoning is where your mind breaks due to the influx of dead people's memories in your brain.

Mako Poisoning =/= Mako Addiction.



Lv. 25 Adventurer
I believe Andalegogo is referring to the retranslation in Crisis Core which states that Cloud has Mako addiction instead of poisoning. There was a thread dedicated to the term back on ACF and one of our Japanese speakers said something along the lines of the kanji being very similar for both terms and that the translators must have decided to go with addiction knowing that the game was translated very poorly to begin with and just assuming poisoning was wrong. It's a little upsetting that the terms are getting confused by the translators since addiction definitely doesn't fit Cloud's status in Crisis Core.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Well that's fucking stupid because the original script, original game, the FFVII UOG, Crisis Core Complete Guide, and CC Ultimania state that Cloud suffered from Mako Poisoning. He's not addicted to it. If he got more, he'd end up worst. Way to go Square, I thought the Ted Woosley and Sony days of shitty translations were over.

Yeah, it doesn't fit at all. *sigh* And a confusion of such a key concept is definitely pretty sad.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Yeah, it is pretty stupid, but at the same time it's understandable, at least in my opinion. The translators knew the original game's translation was really shitty and so just assumed that they were fixing just another previous mistake in Crisis Core. I'm sure they've realized their mistake by now though and won't make it in future titles.


Double Growth
Yeah...that pissed me off too. It's bad enough that I have to get used to "Mah-koh," much less hear him say 'addiction' when he means 'poisoning'.


Pro Adventurer
[quote author=ForceStealer link=topic=173.msg4321#msg4321 date=1230264481]
Yeah...that pissed me off too. It's bad enough that I have to get used to "Mah-koh," much hear him say 'addiction' when he means 'poisoning'.

:/ stupid translaters :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Old topic but I wanted to bump it and add a few little goodies.

Multiplayer Mode is truly a relic of the past. Many of the old guides and blogs have also disappeared, and even the official website has been removed, but some still exist.

I've got a database of some 301 screenshots and a considerable amount of translations backed up. I figured I might as well share some of this stuff with the interested public.

First up, character creation and the armor suits:

Character Creation
Name: Alphabit only, first letter is capitalized.
Gender: Male or Female
Face: Type 1, Type 2, Type 3
Armor: Soldier Suit, Sniper Suit, Speed Suit, Magic Suit, Toughness Suit
Voice: Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4
Color: Basic, Camouflage, Variety.

Male Face Type 1: Hair similar to Squall. Type 2: Hair similar to Zell. Type 3: Short hair with an officer's cap.

Female Face Type 1: Hair similar to Selphie. Type 2: Short, boyish hair. Type 3: Beret and hair parted over the left eye.

Male Voice Type 1: Brave sounding. Type 2: Polite sounding. Type 3: Old sounding. Type 4: Robotic.

Female Voice Type 1: Energetic sounding. Type 2: Classy sounding. Type 3: Uptight sounding. Type 4: Robotic.

Color changes not only the color of clothing, but also the skin/texture map, and hair color. Basic is the default, usually resembling the black and blue designs in the main game. Camoflauge is usually darker, only sometimes actually camo-patterned. Variety is just that, sometimes makes the armor look like regular SOLDIER armor, or just alternate color schemes and decorations.

Also of note, the strips and glowing eyes serve a special purpose within Deepground: to define allies and enemies during competetive battles. DGS on "Team Shiva" will have the standard blue glow, while their opponents, "Team Ifrit", will instead have a red glow.

Soldier Suit

HP: 270
Durability .... B Mobility ...... B
Firepower ..... B Melee Combat .. B
Effects: None

The standard issue armor for DG Soldiers. It is well rounded, neither failing or standing out in any one area.

It is best suited for Soldiers who would like to be able to easily adapt to any situation, and would prefer not to limit themselves to any one play style.

Sniper Suit

HP: 210
Durability .... D Mobility ...... C
Firepower ..... A Melee Combat .. C
Effects: None

A uniform-style suit designed for snipers. It allows the wearer to deal more damage with their guns, but lacks mobility and durabilty.

It is best suited for those who want to stay out of the line of fire and ambush or assassinate their enemies.

Speed Suit

HP: 240
Durability .... C Mobility ...... A
Firepower ..... D Melee Combat .. A
Effects: None

A light weight uniform designed for close range combat and speed. It has good durability, but is the worst for gunplay.

It is best suited for Soldiers who want to get in quickly, avoid gunfire, and destroy their opponents with their own hands.

Magic Suit

HP: 250
Durability .... C Mobility ...... C
Firepower ..... C Melee Combat .. C
Effects: MP Costs Decreased

Armor that has been magically reinforced. It enhances the strength of magic and reduces MP costs, but is weak in all other areas.

This armor is best suited for Soldiers who want to avoid gunfights and barrage enemies or aid allies with magic.

Toughness Suit

HP: 360
Durability .... A Mobility ...... D
Firepower ..... C Melee Combat .. B
Effects: None

Heavy armor that can withstand almost anything. It is extremely durable and decent for close ranged combat, however, it's very slow and not the best for firepower.

This armor is best for Soldiers who need to take a defensive role, and are willing to sustain more punishment for the benefit of the team.


The Basic Soldier Suit is the armor worn by the standard DG Soldier enemies during the main game, and is the only armor/color combination seen in the main game. The others are exclusive to Multiplayer Mode.

The Sniper Suit resembles a double-breasted military dress jacket with shirt shoulder straps and a belt across the waste, worn over a dress shirt and tie. They also wear thigh-high chaps/boots (for lack of a better description), somewhat similar to the boots worn by Sephiroth and Genesis.

The Speed Suit resembles the FFXI thief armor, with a simple vest (sometimes with a hood), wristguards, baggy shorts, and boots. Closest thing to casual wear in the DG attire.

The Magic Suit is vaguely similar to the Soldier Suit, but with wide shoulder armor that has a hanging, triangular armor plate.

The Toughness Suit is bulky, with large, samurai-style shoulder and waste armor made of segmented plates.

I'll get to the Headgear later, but for now I'll just mention that the helmets worn by the standard male DG Soldier enemies in the main game is the Soldier Mask, and the one worn by females is the Nouvelle Mask. The regular SOLDIER helmet is called the "Shinra Reishiki Kabuto", or "Shinra Type Zero Helmet", a possible referance to Bahamut Reishiki (known in English as Bahamut Zero).


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Oh wow, this is some great stuff. Please share what you can. It'd be great to get those pics and host them here too! It's sad all this stuff is gone now and it never took off.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
I'm pretty sure the screenshots Suzaku is talking about were the ones I sent you with the caption translations a while back. The ones with all the different NPCs, areas of DG, modes, missions, etc.

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Any chance these things being labeled with "This art canon because I hath said it to be so" could actually be cited? That would be cool.
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