Does anyone want to restart the FF7 playalong?


I'm so in. I also recently had to do a test playthrough on the PC version so I made saves for every major section and am happy to jump in from whenever people want to start.

Also, if anyone is going to be using the PC version I can send you saves if you want to start at Junon ^_^


Waiting for something
That's a fantastic idea, considering the last play through stopped due to confusion of whether it was continuing, where we were leaving off etc so yeah I'm down with that and happy to contribute to ideas for checkpoints if you want Mog.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One

Everything up to Junon has already been established. Why mess with a good thing? If we restart, I'd like the checkpoints to remain the same that we did before. However for the new ones...

After Junon

1. Junon to the Cargo Ship
2. Costa Del Sol to Corel
3. The Gold Saucer to the Prison
4. Gongaga gets its own little section
5. As does Cosmo. A lot happens here.
6. Nibelheim to the mountains
7. Rocket Town gets its own section since it introduces Cid
8. Sidebar section; I'd strongly recommend going to Wutai at this point. If so, that's its own section.
9. The search for the Ancient Temple, and Date Night
10. Temple of the Ancients
11. Bone Village to the City of the Ancients events
12. Icicle Inn to the Glacier
13. The Glacier back to Junon
14. Airship, and the search for Cloud (I implore you to start some sidequests at this point. Fuck around in Gold Saucer)
15. The Huge Materia, Corel
16. The Huge Materia, Fort Condor
17. Cloud finds himself
18. Sidequests continued
19. Junon Reactor
20. Space Jam
21. Search for the Key
22. Back to Midgar
23. The Wrap Up
24. The Final Battle

...Get the gist? Of course things can be moved around a bit as it needs to.


Pro Adventurer
I would like to take part in the VII play along always although I wasn't involved the last time. So will it start at the beginning or will I have to quickly get to Junon to join in?
Oh, I would also be interested in a VI play along since I have the game but never actually play it yet. :P It would be fun to play along with other people. :D


Waiting for something
It's starting again from the beginning but the last playthrough stopped at Junon so we'd already established checkpoints and so on I linked the original thread in so people can see what the layout was like, I won't be joining in again until after Junon because that's where I originally left off, I might post all my last entries again though, just as a recap :monster:


Pro Adventurer
How about we make a new thread for the pre-Junon part and see exactly how many people are taking part? As I said, I think the timetable there should be relatively quick, so we don't waste too much time catching up to the rest of you.

Actually, it would be good to have a target for how long each chapter will take, as the previous playalong had gaps of four, five, seven, eight and finally 31 days between chapters.

I was going to suggest one chapter per week, but then I realised that it would take us until the end of the year to finish it, and I doubt many people have the patience for that. So how about two per week? They could start on Monday and Friday, creating "weekend" and "weekday" chapters, with a bit more time to complete the weekday chapters as people are likely to be working/studying/otherwise busy.


Waiting for something
That's a good Idea Flintock, I think seeing how many people are taking part is a good idea too, last time there was a lot of interest in the beginning but it dwindled over time.

It wasn't that there wasn't a target the last time, most of the time we suggested a week tops on the bigger chapters to let people have time to catch up but like I said interest dwindled so less people responded but I think this time regardless we just keep moving on and people can catch up when necessary :)


So we're talking a goal of 2 chapters per week? That seems reasonable. Having had a look at the chapter list, some are disproportionately more time consuming than others, but I can see why it's necessary considering there are short ones on either side of long ones and vice versa, so I think it's fine.

It's totally doable, I'm just going to have to resist going ahead of the schedule ^_^


Pro Adventurer
I'm going to join too! ^^ I have to say though, that I will be quite busy with my entrance exams until summer, so don't be surprised if I drop out at some point. I'd just like to do this, as I have never played VII for more than 15min. And even if I'll drop out, I might try to catch up when I have more time to play. :)

I'd also love to do Final Fantasy X playalong. Or any other really. Maybe these playalongs will help me to actually finish the games. :D


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I'm going to join too! ^^ I have to say though, that I will be quite busy with my entrance exams until summer, so don't be surprised if I drop out at some point. I'd just like to do this, as I have never played VII for more than 15min. And even if I'll drop out, I might try to catch up when I have more time to play. :)

I'd also love to do Final Fantasy X playalong. Or any other really. Maybe these playalongs will help me to actually finish the games. :D

I hope you can stick it out, because it would be great to see a first timers POV.


Waiting for something
Monday would be fine with me, just one thing though, isn't the Saga playthrough happening around the same time, will people be ok doing two playthroughs?


Pro Adventurer
Monday would be fine with me, just one thing though, isn't the Saga playthrough happening around the same time, will people be ok doing two playthroughs?

That's a good point. I will be, of course, but I have a lot of free time on my hands right now that probably isn't available to most others.

I should probably discuss it with Ryu, but I feel like it's not really my place to do so. It's up to Mog to make decisions like that, or alternatively give me (or anyone else - Force volunteered in this thread) the go-ahead to run it ourselves in his absence.

How many people are planning to take part in both playalongs, I wonder?


Waiting for something
I'm not doing the Saga one, mostly because I have no way of getting a copy, but it means I'm freed up in the evenings to do the FFVII one, I just wonder because it'll be pretty crappy if we arrange this and then people don't post because they're busy with the Saga one and vice versa.


Pro Adventurer
It's going to be Monday soon. So I was just wondering if I have a reason to escape my entrance exam book from tomorrow onwards. :D

In otherwords, is the playalong going to start tomorrow or not?


Yes people, let's reach consensus on this. Are we starting today, are we starting from Junon etc?

I'm free to start today. All this time off uni is delicious.


Pro Adventurer
I've been trying in vain to get a consensus together for the past week :\ I'd love to start today. I'm sure we're going to start from the beginning again though.

If nobody has any objections, I will take charge of the pre-Junon part, starting today, before handing it over to Mog or whoever else wants to run the rest of the playthrough.

Edit: I still want to discuss the timing of it with Ryu though, to make sure it's not a problem for it to happen at the same time as the Saga Frontier playthrough.
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Pro Adventurer
I'd be fine to start today but pereferable from the beginning. I also won't be doing the Saga playthrough, if that any use to anyone.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
I might jump into this when school's done, unfortunately don't have the time until then >:
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