Joyful Blue
Rookie Adventurer
- Too many to list.
Assuming that the poster wasn't being sarcastic, here's the way I see it:
"Midgar" has been called a mistranslation of "Midgard." However, thanks to additional Compilation entries, we know that "Midgar" is, in fact, official*. The Zolom's swamp is in close proximity to Midgar. Things are named after adjacent areas all the time, hence "Midgar Something" makes perfect sense, as a name.
I'm not 100% positive on this next part, but I also believe that "Zolom" is another word for "snake," in some such language, or a reference to such a word.
In the end, it's impossible to know for certain until another title comes along with the serpent in it, but all things considered, I think it's more likely that the name is intentional, rather than a mistranslation.
*=Midgar isn't alone, either. Nibelheim was called a mistranslation of "Nifleheim" before Crisis Core came out. The problem is that people are too quick to label something as a mistranslation, rather than a reference.
I wasn't being sarcastic; and as you can probably see form all the posts that came after your own it was probably a worthwhile question to ask. Maybe. Nobody's ever going to agree on what is and isn't correctly translated and even those working on the game themselves may not want to admit to a msitake they may have made. That's why I was wondering why exactly you thought some of them seemed obvious as personally I don't think it's that easy at all.