E3 2018 -Official Thread of Games and LOWERED EXPECTATIONS-


That Man
I'm just really really REALLY wondering: if people KNOW E3 is going to be bad... why doesn't anyone say something to the guys who run it?

Can't they fix the issue?


Harbinger O Great Justice
I don't think E3's gonna be bad. There're plenty of things to look forward to, especially depending on what kind of games you're anticipating. The fighting game community is VERY likely to be seeing Smash, Soul Calibur, and Mortal Kombat which are ALL HUGE. They already got a DoA announcement the other day, too.

'Round these parts, it's just trepidation as to whether or not SE/Sony are gonna barely tease us with Remake stuff we want, quietly avoid the subject altogether, or actually deliver.

When it comes to the various presentations themselves, that's all just a matter of how well everyone's marketing teams have their shit together, and insofar as EA is concerned, they leave a LOT to be desired. They have a few good moments here and there, but overall, they're very disjointed in delivering a good presentation.

There're lots of reasons that it could be great, and lots of reasons that it could be a tire fire, which is basically true of every E3.


X :neo:


The thing about the EA conference is that they spend a lot of time on sports - if you draw a graph of their sales this makes sense because the large chunk of money they make from their sports line represents the large chunk of time they spend on it during E3.

The issue is that the demographic who watch E3 and are looking for announcements and hype etc. give zero shits about any of the sports games. EA giving them that large chunk of time doesn't change the fact that their annual sports line is going to sell a shitload, they're not going to sell significantly more by showing at E3. Like, the people who even buy and enjoy the sports games don't even want to see them showcased at E3. What's the point? The changes from game to game are tiny anyway.

They should be spending the majority of their time promoting Bioware, Star Wars and Indie titles and hell, even The Sims with a 5 minute segment on sports.

Last night they spent what they consider a large chunk of time on Anthem and I'm still ambivalent towards it. It seems clear to me they've pushed it back as far as they can to keep it in the fiscal year which is never a good sign. That game is going to decide Bioware's fate.


That Man
I see, so it's basically the idea that EA is pushing games on to a demographic that doesn't care, and the demographic that DOES care doesn't actually WATCH E3.

Like trying to sell Beer at a Children's Birthday Party.


Microsoft had a great conference - the first time I've ever said that. They've really taken a cue from Sony's 2016 and 2017 conferences in terms of just showing games, I wasn't bored.

The two low points were the voice acted "chatting" fake advertising bullshit from the Division 2 trailer (which is Ubisoft's fault) and the Gears of War funko pop tease but that was "fixed" with the "actual" Gears 5 trailer.

It was neat to see Kingdom Hearts there too.

Coming off EA it was godly :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Yeah, Microsoft fucking NAILED IT ON ALL LEVELS. Fingers crossed that SE & Sony can step up to this, and not be wallowing in the ballpit with EA.

X :neo:


Square definitely won't top it in terms of presentation but Sony can if they don't go too deep on their 4 exclusives and stick to the format they developed over the past two years. A 5-7 minute segment is all we need from the 4 actual exclusives they've announced they're showing, but I'm not sure what else they could "world premiere" after MS seems to have paid for the rights to show all those games off first :monster:

MS obviously still have that issues of announcing "EXCLUSIVE" when none of them are actually exclusive because they can all be played on PC, and there's some dubiousness around them doing the "WORLD PREMIERE" thing with titles that are third party and also releasing on PS4 (and not mentioning that they're multiplat) - but it was still a fantastic conference.


3x3 Eyes
I'm still shocked that they just casually slipped in 'a new Xbox' into the convo like that. I mean, we all know they plan / work on new consoles all the time ... but isn't it far too early to even mention that?

But yeah, strong showing from Microsoft.


Go to 3:17:01 for Brandon Jones's (and my own) thoughts on the Bethesda conference.

He absolutely nails it.


Chloe Frazer
Square Enix:

- 30 minute conference

- Here's two new frames of the KH3 trailer you already saw a Microsoft

Ok bye

Square Enix...



At the very least, Sony's gonna have four major games I'm massively interested in/excited about, even if they're not gonna do VII and it's dead forever :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
They are ripping it apart on Twitch

"Skate 4 is in the same territory as the FFVII Remake right now"

X :neo:


Waiting for something
Total let down of a conference to be honest, I expected at least a very small mention of FFVII.

Welp at least i'm looking forward to the FFBE showcase on Wednesday a lot of speculation on what Gumi has planned for the second anniversary of the global launch this year.
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