Elder Scrolls Online


I'm going to be a cynical bastard, as always.

CGI trailer? Really? That must mean the actual game is shit and they don't dare to show it because it definitely won't be anything like the CGI trailer.

And I definitely am not going to judge a game for its first couple minutes. If they did hire high-end voice actors, I expect that same quality to persist throughout the game. The fact they used big names for just the early minutes suggests... the rest will be mediocre at best.

[/cynical bastard]


Pro Adventurer
Agreed with Yop.

Even with that aside the non-gameplay elements of this game are so all over the place it screams "cash grab". I think there going to gun for a huge burst of money early on and then eventually drop the game or be fine with gamers not caring for the game.

I love MMO's and the things ESO has are very... anti-gamer? For lack of a better term.
There doing things for the $$$ that no other MMO either has or no other MMO started with, the only other comparable MMO that has similar money generation options didnt implement some of them until they already had there huge lead (WoW).

You have to buy the game, you have to subscribe to the game, it has a Cash shop (pay to win) and now theres an entire Class/Race behind a paywall (Imperial race/collector edition).

There is also talk of the game retconning TES lore quite a bit, toss in the fact that it is extremely cookie cutter MMORPG with just a TES skin mod and on top of this its not even from the main Bethesda crew and its a total meh. Im not sold.

There intentions are totally in the wrong place here its like the Xbone of MMORPG's. The cash shop at day 1 was over the top but the class behind a pay wall is just 100% over kill and it shows they are not afraid to do there best to force you into buying into the game beyond your subscription and initial purchase.

edit :

For context Ill expand why Cash shops are bad in MMORPG's and Ill expand on the most common trend of Cash shop mmo's.

Imagine a Armor/Weapon refinery system similar to Skyrims method of buffing your armor so that you are stronger/tankier.

Thats great right? Lets add in a RNG element to this system so that at level 1 of an item you have 100% chance to succeed and buff it.

At level two 90% succeed but 10% chance to destroy (yes destroy) the item. And it scales appropriately.
Imagine the cash shop offering an item that prevents the item from being destroyed in case of failure. Or an item that increases the chance of success.
Eventually these items are necessary for the highest tier of an armors rating, which in turn means that high tier armor is probably necessary for high tier raids ect.

Cool right? No. Imagine these items only being available in the cash shop with no way of farming it in game.
So now if you want to say PVP or Raid you have to invest money into the game just to buff yourself.

But what if thats ot enough? MMORPG's are notorious for power creeps. Eventually the enemies even just high level non-boss mobs can get to the point where they knock your socks off.

So what if the cash shop starts selling a buff potion raising your armor/damage and again with no option to drop it in game ect.
Now your stuck in a position where if you even want to consider doing certain areas/raids you not only need to buy items to buff armor you made but you also have to buy potions to actually buff yourself.

Think this is farfetched? Its extremely common practice in cash shop mmorpgs.
It all starts off harmless enough with just "aesthetic items" in the shops but eventually you see pay to win elements get more and more dedicated space in the shops.

With how ESO is selling the game so aggressively early on I am 100% this will be the case with their cash shop.
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Gabriel said:
I think there going to gun for a huge burst of money early on and then eventually drop the game or be fine with gamers not caring for the game.

You mean pretty much every 'major' MMO announced and deployed over the past couple years, which switch to 'free 2 play' after 6-12 months? :monster:

But yeah. MMO's have been formulaic ever since WoW took all the formulas and perfected them, and none stick with me. I play Eve, as I like to remind everyone, and the main thing is that it's just different. And sandbox, i.e. no endgame like all the other MMO's have, which also rely on releasing expansions every X period to retain their playerbase.


Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Which is probably why people like games like Skyrim in the first place... you can have all the content... and it is entirely possible to play the game nth amount of times and have each play though be different... not to mention the modding community...


Pro Adventurer
Which is probably why people like games like Skyrim in the first place... you can have all the content... and it is entirely possible to play the game nth amount of times and have each play though be different... not to mention the modding community...

Yeah they really missed the point for ESO.
When people said they wanted TES+ friends they meant skyrim with friends.

Instead we get WoW(very optimistic name drop) with a TES skin mod.

Which is very lame.


iä. It's probably more like the Old Republic though. Same engine, at least. But that's another example of wasted potential; they spent hundreds of millions on things like voice acting, stories and storytelling, designs, etc... but the basic gameplay is still limited to go here, kill ten rats, come back to me. There's just no actual game in there, and it just feels like a big grindfest where the goal of the game is to reach a higher level and get better gear.

Not so with the actual TES games, where you can just wander around and find your own way, make your own story. I'd rather have them pump that kind of money into development for the next TES game, build a new engine, make storytelling more compelling and less robotic, hire more voice actors, give money to the modding community, and if need be build in some small-scale online play, like co-op or shared, non-invasive environments. Parts of GTA V's ideas could be transferred over to the game series, and it would be awesome.

TESO is just a giant money-sink and will be a huge disappointment. I'll go look at some gameplay videos to support my preliminary negative opinions.

edit: alright, some video gameplay watched. Graphics are meh, they're somewhere between the quality of Morrowind and Oblivion, and in the bits I've watched you see about as much as you would in the other TES games. Animations are very choppy, which really isn't helping.


Alright, playing the beta now.

First, the gameplay. It's a bit jerky and much faster than the offline games, and one ends up being halfway inside an enemy most of the time (yeah lolz), doesn't feel as 'visceral' if that makes any sense. But it's bearable and doesn't feel like the traditional MMO, so far. A shame about the quickbar with abilities though, with very specific percentages and the like.

Graphics-wise, it's acceptable. The scale is differernt from the offline games, but then, those are pretty weird in themselves (cities in Skyrim are... rather grotesquely scaled, everything comes across as small or comically off-scale or something). This is a bit more realistic, I guess.

First part of the game, you have all these people passing you by; took me a while to realize they're actually other players, lol. Watching other players run by and kill random spawns reminds me a lot of the common MMO though.

Interactions with NPC's are a bit static; you get an animated version of the character next to the text and conversation options, bit static animations, no attempts at lip sync, feels a bit dead. But eh. Voice acting is good quality so far.

At the end of the first part (Coldharbour), but the next area (Bleakrock Isle) isn't loading, stuck at the loading screen. Tried restarting the game, end up back in Coldharbour... falling down from where you're supposed to leave the area and dying, :mon:. Not sure if I should hand in a support ticket or just go meh whatevz beta and I can't be the only one stuck here.

edit: okay after a while / retries it worked. I'm thinking it's probably some kind of server load thing, where you get chucked in a queue to enter that area. Would be nice if they indicated as such though. I went through the first area (actually IDK, I'm under an NDA, beta testing and such, which I'm sure everyone disregards), and it didn't really feel like the general MMO. The main thing it has in common with other MMO's is respawning enemies (and quite a few of them) and looting items (even from plants, lolol), as well as the quickbar thingy. But those are bearable.

The quests were mostly running around a lot, talk or interact with people or items with a thin storyline behind it. Eh, not too impressed yet.

Moving to the next area (Morrowind), loading screen issues again. Now says 'An unknown error occurred'


That article is valid, and yet, playing TESO this weekend I realized something.

It's not a multiplayer game. The only multiplayer aspect of it so far is that you have other people running around, and that there's a chatbox wherein people complain about stuff.

You do a quest, and the world around you changes in relation to your current quest's progress - enemies spawn or get replaced by friendly NPC's cheering for you once you complete it, things are on fire or not, etcetera. It's a personal experience based on your own current progress in the quest.

There is - at least so far (< level 10) no incentive for any kind of group play whatsoever. It does not give you any significant benefits, etc.

Of course, I'm sure there will be secluded bits of content - instances - that require a group to perform, and perhaps things will get better in higher levels, but still.

Another thing that irks me is lost potential. In the TES games, and also in TESO, you can craft items, mine ore, make weapons. However, so far at least, all that crafting system is only for your personal gain - and completely optional to boot. You can get your gear from NPC traders and from quest rewards, just like every other MMO out there. What I imagine - and what I really want every MMO ever to start doing - is that there are no NPC traders, or if there are, only for the basics, and that the rest is all player-created content.

You know, (and here it comes), like Eve. TESO isn't as much of a sandbox as the other TES games are, or as much as Eve is, and it loses its opportunity to be truly different there.

Now, I will give some props to TESO in that it doesn't have the same feel as the common MMO; the first-person view and the non-target-and-spam-quickbar gameplay (i.e. direct control) is a welcome change.

But yeah, see the points above. Like far too many MMO games, TESO is all about your personal progression, your personal travel through the content, and it's both pathed / linear and finite. It's lost the freedom, sandbox feel from the single player games (at least in the part I've played so far), and puts you on a path from one quest to the next; there's little incentive to stop with the main quest and just go wandering somewhere.

And it doesn't have breathtakingly impressive visuals and scenery either. In Morrowind, you wander through the land, it turns nightfall, and you look up and soak up the atmosphere of a starry sky and soothing music. In Oblivion, you wander through sunny, grassy meadows. In Skyrim, you take up an epic pilgrimage up a mountain, then look down upon the world and realize you can go everywhere.

In TESO, you follow a path through rather unimpressive countryside while other players run past you and grind on mining bits of iron ore, the weather (if you can speak of it) is depressing, and you're just another grunt checking boxes, walking from point A to B to finish quests.

I really want to like this game, and I do think it's a good attempt, but they've just failed on the core of what makes the TES games awesome; sandbox gameplay, beautiful and impressive graphics, that kinda thing. And they missed out on what TES with online play could become; collaboration and player-powered economy.

Plus I just want to bash someone's head in. Is there any kind of PVP in the game?

teal deer, I'm not going to spend money on this game; it's a single-player game that lacks good single-player entertainment, or a multiplayer game without actually any multiplayer going on.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
So I really wasn't going to have anything to do with this, but my brother sent me an access code for the beta so I figured I might as well try it out...


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Is anyone going to get this for console? It releases in June and they're going to be doing the beta tests soon, apparently. I got an email reminder asking what platform I wanted to try it on and selected PS4. I may not get it on initial release and may wait to see if it drops down in price, although this could be entirely dependent on how the beta goes.

Also depends on what my gaming backlog is like by then. :monster:


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I have a PC code to play for free this weekend if anyone's interested.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I haven't played, Yop, and am offering it on here because I can't play it on this laptop.

Is that code for, "I'll have it"? :awesome:


Save your valediction (she/her)
Planning on getting a PC and this game by the end of the summer. Too much of a TES fan to pass this up... which is more than I could say for FF.

Anyone wanna join me? Should be a fun way to spend an autumn.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^^It depends why you're playing it.

If you're playing it for the gameplay, I can see why you would have that reaction (although it does a way better job then most games do at how character classes are separate from weapon types and armor types. So it's actually possible to pull things off like being a Nightblade who uses a destruction staff for ranged damage...).

If you're playing it for the lore aspect of TES, they nailed it so good. In fact, the reason I finally started playing it was because of how good a lot of people on the TES lore forums (who can be pretty critical of Bethesda's own games) said it was. So Role-Playing is something that's definitely viable. And man, is there a story if you actually want to pay attention to it. The devs really paid attention to a lot of obscure lore from other titles, so going out to find where they put all of it is really fun to do.

Now is actually a really good time to be getting into it, as they dropped the monthly sub fee and finally got around to implementing crime vs NPCs (and the bounties that come with it). And there's still more stuff coming...

I think ESO really makes apparent that TES games appeal to two very different demographics of games. One demographic wants good deep gameplay that won't get boring after playing for hours, while the other demographic wants an open world with well thought out reasons for doing quests and plenty of Role Playing opportunity. Balancing one game between the two different demographics can get tricky. Currently, ESO does a better job a being a role-playing game then a gameplay mechanics game. So if you're playing it for the lore, you'll probably be sticking around for a while.

Unfortunately for most of you guys, I'm on the North American server...


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Anyone getting this for consoles?

It comes out next week. My order was being processed today, so I suspect it could come as early as Friday.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
The update file for PS4 is over 15GB. Unbelievable! If I'd known, I would've stayed at home a bit longer, seen if it came, let it download all day and finished work that bit later. Guess I'll be playing/streaming tomorrow if I'm lucky (social life calls), if not Thursday and this weekend.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Welp! It seems like all you PS4 and XBox peeps have your own servers. So the PC crowd can't transfer over accounts and characters over there. At least us PC people get to keep our chatbox!
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