Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Pro Adventurer
Okay here's my drabble:

As Cloud dimmed the lamp beside their bed, he felt Tifa’s arms gently wrap around him, warming his back with her body. “Cloud… I have good news.”

“Hmmmm?” He held her hands and locked his finger with hers.

“I-I found out this morning.” She then moved her lips near his ear and whispered, “Cloud, we’re going to have a baby.”

Cloud’s heart stopped for a second that went longer than it should, and after, it jumped as if it can’t stay in its place. He froze. “I-I… well… heh…”

“Yes you’re going to be a father.” After a light kiss on the cheek, Tifa tells him again, now with a smile.
Looking back at her, Cloud, undeniably still in shock, and can only mutter, “I’m… a father?” Slowly, a grin brightened his face. “Haha I’m a father?” He turned around and holding Tifa’s face in her hands, kissed her lips one, two, “Tifa, I love you,” he said before kissing her a few more times.

The night was warm with cuddles. Tifa, despite being filled with ecstatic feelings, fell asleep eventually- Cloud never took away from her his eyes off her and kept on stroking her cheek.

The next morning, Tifa woke up to smell a delicious breakfast being cooked. By chance and curiosity, she was able to check their phone’s call history- 1:00 AM; Barret, 2:12 AM; Cid, 3:30; Vincent, and lastly; 3:33am, Reeve.

Received calls: 4:00 AM, 5:23 AM, 6:33 AM, and 7:00 AM, from Yuffie.


Pro Adventurer
Celebrating the sentence:
Prairie: The last night before the final battle, to Cloud when he finds himself at a loss for words


For many years, Cloud and Tifa have been holding favor for one another. At last facing the impending final battle with Sephiroth, they confirm together their feelings of desire towards one another

I have a perfect Cloti sountrack.
This is the song and the fanvid:
The lyric:

It’s the last night on earth before the great divide
My hands are shaking time was never on our side
And there’s no such thing as a beautiful goodbye
As an ordinary day I prayed for you a thousand times

It’s never enough no matter how many times I tried to tell you this is love

If tomorrow never comes I want you to know right now that I
I’m gonna love you until the day I die
If tomorrow falls asleep can you hold me first
I’m gonna love you like it’s the last night on earth

Like it’s the last night on earth

A penny for your thoughts, A picture so it lasts
Let’s knock down the walls of immortality
Your fingers on my skin only you can hear my fear
Only you can help me heal, I see forever with you here

It’s never enough no matter how many miles stand between us this is love

If tomorrow never comes I want you to know right now that I
I’m gonna love you until the day I die
If tomorrow falls asleep can you hold me first
I’m gonna love you like it’s the last night on earth

It’s never enough… It’s never enough…

The afterglow, The horizon line, The shadows fall
Will you still be mine, Will you still be mine, Will you still be mine
I ask…

If tomorrow never comes I want you to know right now that I
I’m gonna love you until the day I die
If tomorrow falls asleep can you hold me first
I’m gonna love you like it’s the last night on earth

Like it’s the last night on earth…


Higher Further Faster
BTW I made a 4koma sketch

Cloud get Tifa pregnant already

"Cooking for Two"


This is so cute. <3

Cloud cooking for preggo!Tifa is totally adorbs.


I'm kind of a big deal
Marilyn Manson-Looking Fuck (no really)
When I was at work I was listening to the DJ Sammy cover of "Heaven" and for some reason, Cloud and Tifa came to mind. Some parts definitely reminded me of Tifa but there were parts that reminded me of Cloud too.

Oh - thinkin' about all our younger years
There was only you and me
We were young and wild and free
Now nothin' can take you away from me
We've been down that road before
But that's over now

You keep me comin' back for more

And baby, you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart

It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven

Oh - once in your life you find someone
Who will turn your world around
Bring you up when you're feelin' down
Yeah - nothin' could change what you mean to me
Oh there's lots that I could say
But just hold me now
Cause our love will light the way

(Can you say Highwind Scene?)

And baby, you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven

I've been waitin' for so long
For somethin' to arrive
For love to come along
Now our dreams are comin' true
Through the good times and the bad
Yeah - I'll be standin' there by you

And baby, you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven, heaven, oooh

You're all that I want
You're all that I need

We're in heaven
We're in heaven
We're in heaven


Pro Adventurer
hmmm, I reed the lyric and listen to the song and my Zerith googles work for some lines and daisy grow in his grave means undying love and dont forget the fact both of them are in heaven now.

I prefer to put song that straightly describe the pairing like what I posted before. Well. I'll try to search another song.


I'm kind of a big deal
Marilyn Manson-Looking Fuck (no really)
So I was having a conversation with my Mom the other day about the love triangle debates. Mind you, without giving away too much personal information about my family life, my mother and grandmother are women who have lost a lot in their lives. They know the pain of losing loved ones better than anybody I know. They also know how to move on from those lost loved ones and continue living their lives, for their own sake and for the sake of their families.

In any case, Mom doesn't know much about Final Fantasy except from things I've told her. And I was explaining to her some of the conversations I've had with Cloud/Aeris fans who seem to strongly imply that moving on from a dead lover is out of the question. That true love goes on forever and you can continue to love someone who is dead, but moving on from them and loving someone else is not even something worth considering. (Mind you, I'm not saying that all Cloud/Aeris fans are like this, I'm just mentioning the ones I've talked to who have this outlook).

First she asks me, "How old are these characters when this happens?" So I tell her that Cloud is about 21 (if I recall the game manual correctly) when Aeris is murdered, and that Aeris is 22.

First thing out of her mouth when I say this is, "So wait, that's it for him then? This 21-year-old man isn't allowed to get a new girlfriend? No family for him? No wife? He has to be alone for the rest of his life because his girlfriend died when he was 21?" and that entire concept to her was just completely baffling.

So then we move on to the relationship with Cloud and Tifa and I bring up the fact that they raise children together. I mention that Marlene and Denzel are not THEIR children, but at least in the case of Denzel, they are children who really have nobody else. Marlene obviously has Barret, but he has to leave her in order to work, and Denzel is an orphan. She then proceeds to talk about how realistically speaking, that says a lot when you bring children into your life, especially if they are not children of your own, in order to give them a family and love. And that odds are, you don't exactly go and raise children with your sister or your friend.

Can I say I love having nerdy conversations with my mom? lol But it does beg a couple of questions. I mean, clearly Tifa has demonstrated that she CAN raise a child with a friend (Barret is every bit as part of her family as Marlene is, I would think). Maybe once upon a time she and Barret probably had feelings for each other and then decided a platonic one would be better. But I do like the fact that Mom stressed that not only is it okay for Cloud to move on from a lost love, but that it's pretty much expected of him to, especially since now he does have a family. You can't raise kids if you're dwelling on the past, after all.

I have to go to school now so I'm going to cut this short but I just thought I'd share it here since this was too personal to post on tumblr.
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In any case, Mom doesn't know much about Final Fantasy except from things I've told her. And I was explaining to her some of the conversations I've had with Cloud/Aeris fans who seem to strongly imply that moving on from a dead lover is out of the question.

And yet that doesn't apply to Z/A.

I mean, clearly Tifa has demonstrated that she CAN raise a child with a friend (Barret is every bit as part of her family as Marlene is, I would think).

Except they are never described like that about each other. Also Tifa was not "raising" Marlene before FFVII. She was not her responsibility.

Maybe once upon a time she and Barret probably had feelings for each other and then decided a platonic one would be better.



AI Researcher
bitch didn't even wait until zack was dead

that ho-bag aerith ditched him the second he was out of the door because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants

honestly, do any of you play the games or do you get your facts from fanfics



I'm kind of a big deal
Marilyn Manson-Looking Fuck (no really)

Oh excuse me for being under the impression that living with a dude and developing a close relationship with his daughter to the point where she considered her her own daughter might imply that once upon a time maybe they might have been an item and aren't now. Who knows? Maybe having a fucking gun for an arm complicated shit for them in the bedroom and they decided this shit wasn't going to work.

And never described WHAT about each other? How was Marlene not Tifa's responsibility? If anything Tifa's the type of person who absolutely would take up the responsibility of taking care of her if Barret couldn't. I think she demonstrates that pretty clear in Advent Children. Or when she made it her responsibility to tell Aeris to get Marlene out of Sector 7 when the plate was about to fall down.

Of course it doesn't apply to Zack/Aeris to those people. I'm sure they'd make the argument that Aeris said "it was nothing serious" and therefore Zack was never "her lover." But I'd rather not go into that and would rather talk about Cloud/Tifa, since this is the Cloud/Tifa fanclub and all.
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Pro Adventurer

About Barifa, I've always seen them as a whole Avalanche family, they are living together with Jessie, Biggs and Wedge in the basement after all.


Oh excuse me for being under the impression that living with a dude and developing a close relationship with his daughter to the point where she considered her her own daughter might imply that once upon a time maybe they might have been an item and aren't now. Who knows? Maybe having a fucking gun for an arm complicated shit for them in the bedroom and they decided this shit wasn't going to work.

A couple things. The other 3 Avalanche members were there as well before FFVII. Why no implication there? Tifa tells people Marlene is her daughter in CoT long after Barret had dumped the responsibility of raising her on Tifa and Cloud.

And never described WHAT about each other?

Anything hinting at romance between the two. Either in game or in an ultimania/interview.

How was Marlene not Tifa's responsibility?

Read the part in CoT where Barret leaves Marlene in her and Cloud's care. THAT is her becoming Tifa's responsibility. Not just the person who looks after her while daddy went on bombing runs.


Pro Adventurer
Since this is a Cloti club I'll just say all of this. Although, Cloud moving on from Aerith is a could argument, I personally hold the view he just can't move on from his guilt.
True he may have loved her very much as a friend but I really have problems with them being a romantic couple. They may have playful, teasing instances in the game but there isn't anything where they can share their feelings for each other. Nothing onscreen can be seen.

Tidus and Yuna had a lot of private moments and of course: the infamous Macalania Spring incident.

Tifa has the LS scene where their souls and consciousness are together and in the HW scene they spent the whole night being with each other. Aerith only ahs her date but even at that moment, all Cloud can say is "But I'm already here" and you have an option to say you didn't enjoy.

And... Cloud and Zack slept together in a room in the Nibelheim inn for the whole night in CC canonically. :awesome:

So bottomline, I can't see any onscreen chance for powerfully emotional scene between Cloud and Aerith when she was still alive.

Alex Strife

I'm sorry, ASmilingMalice, but you're only thinking this from a "normal" point of view. FFVII is far from your usual world. They're living in the slums. Would you live on your own, in the slums? Or you'd group together as many people as you could? Was Tifa living with Barret? Yes. Does that mean they had feeling for each other? Well, I guess the same goes for Jesse, then? And that probably means Biggs and Wedge were into it as well. My Godness, what an unusual environment to raise a kid in, wouldn't you think?

Sorry but living together with someone =/= being in love with them. And especially not in pre-game FFVII. Even if there's a kid involved. Now, I can see why that'd be different in post-FFVII.

Also, I hope the "having a gun for arm" thing is a joke. Honestly, I hope so. Because if you mean this for real, I just can't take you seriously.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
^I answered the anonymous thing because I don't use tumblr. I don't describe myself as a 'cloti' because although I think that the narrative shows cloud/tifa as the canon pairing - as in Cloud and Tifa ended up together and are still together as of the last compilation entry - I don't actually give a shit, like I'm not really emotionally invested in the pairing in any way. :monster:
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