Fangu goes to Asia


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Right now it's lightning and pouring like crazy XD The east coast will orobably be a lot less rainy but KL right now is a waterhole lol

Keep in mind though the country is pretty much equatorial so it'll be sort of monsoonal thing afaik


Great Old One

* My feet isn't accustomed to sandals at all and my knees hurt
* Jalan Alor (street food street) is magic
* Had Thai food at the food court at the biggest mall I've ever been to (the one with the rollercoaster) and it was the cheapest and best meal I've had so far while being here
* NYC a melting pot? Get outta here. Go to KL. I've never seen such a diverse crowd in my life. It's awesome.
* Found FF Play Arts figurines, but they were only sold in triples meaning to get Fang I had to get Hope and Sazh as well but I can't fit them in my suitcase aaaa
* Again, the food - aaa love it. Stuff has so much FLAVOUR here!!
* Thunderstorms are serious here! Now if this was Norway I'd have no problem seeing why people believed in Tor with the Hammer.
* ...I don't know what else to say, I should rather post pics when I get back.


You could buy the play arts and whatnot and ship it to yourself, you know, :awesome:. It's what backpackers on their trip around the world do.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Late to wishing you a good trip, but glad you're enjoying it. :)


Great Old One
@Danseru, I KNO RITE! I am in your part of the world, woo!

Today it didn't rain! Or, it didn't pour down like it has the last days, which was win as we were in a bird park when it usually starts raining. But humid, oooh yes! I'm really glad it isn't sunny for more than a few hours in the morning, the sun would be the end of me, seriously. I find the crisp newly washed air a lot more appealing!

Really getting into being here now. Today we found ourselves a driver too! "Just call me when you need to go somewhere and if I'm nearby I'll pick you up!" He drives on the meter and his car has AC. Awesome stuff.

I feel spoiled, really I do. When I go somewhere I am yet reminded of my privileges. Just being able to board a plane and fly half across the world, not a lot of people can do that. I am truly lucky.


Great Old One

They had shitloads of other stuff as well, all the 25th Anniversary Ultimanas (from what I could see), tons of strategy books etc. I only got the XIII-2 one because the XIII they only had in paperback. And it's sooo pretty <3


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Have a lot of fun and learn a lot as well, Fangu. ^_^

We'll be here when you return. :) Lots of love, and take care!

Too late, but remember shots and such!


Great Old One
So I have my first lesson in scuba diving tomorrow


Also I hope I don't overheat cus the sun here is just nasty. We were out in the sun today for like 20 minutes and I had to take a nap when we came back 8)


Chloe Frazer
Scuba diving is amazing, I've done it a few times and it's so much fun. It's a little weird at first but once you get the hang of it you'll really enjoy it.


Great Old One
Thanks Hot Stuff, yeah I'm looking forward to it but it's kinda fearexcitement. I hope it doesn't feel that unnatural to me, and I hope the online class I took has prepared me well enough for the practical part, which starts up tomorrow. The other two people who are taking the course took the theory part classroom style, so maybe they went through different stuff than the things I've read. Shouldn't be too much different, though. At least I found the physics parts easy, so it's all a matter of remembering all the small things. I learn best through practice anyway.

This place is so chill, I can't tell you guys enough. The beach is like 20 m from our room, we went for a swim today and there was like five other people on the beach. We were discussing today why there aren't more tourists here. It's probably because the island is a nature reserve so there's a limit to how many hotels/ holiday resorts you can build. Fingers crossed it stays this way. But the Malay seems to be very protective of their nature, so most likely it will.


Great Old One
I have now scuba dived.
Had some moments of 'hell no this isn't for me' but I got through it and I guess I got better at it. I'm not gonna say I had a blast because it was very stressful, but I passed all the skillchecks (military style instructor had us doing the taking off the mask test on the first day - she was nice though) even though I needed some special attention X) So I hung in there, even though there was several moments I really wanted out. Breathing is so essential; feeling I couldn't breathe like I normally do was really stressful and weird. But once I calmed down it was a lot better. I was down to 7.3 meters and saw lots of fishies :3

Ghost X

Sounds awesome. When I get over my fears of submersion and stuff, I can imagine scuba diving would be pretty damn fun :wacky:.


I cried like a 6-year old when I had to put my head underwater the first time (disclaimer: I was 6 at the time or close enough) and never was really good at swimming (or, never put an effort into it). But, when I was 16 (iirc) I went to the same pool we used to have swimming lessons at and scuba dived. It was pretty awesome, and someday I'll do it in the ocean or some shit, :monster:.

You're gonna go again, right?


Great Old One
Sounds awesome. When I get over my fears of submersion and stuff, I can imagine scuba diving would be pretty damn fun :wacky:.
It is kinda cool to see stuff, but the whole course thing can be pretty intense. If you haven't done snorkling I'd suggest starting with that (with fins.) It's really not the same, but it helps with getting used to your mouth being the only source of breathing. Scuba diving feels really unnatural and it does take a while to get used to it. But once you trust that your tank will actually provide you with air, it gets better. It all comes with experience imo.

You're gonna go again, right?
Yeah apparently I'm doing the whole PADI Open Water Diver course (my bf already has the certification and encouraged me to get it since it's a nice holiday activity), which is 3-4 days. When I'm done I'll be certified to dive down to 18 meters without an instructor (you must dive with someone else though, as part of the Buddy system.) Not that I feel like diving without an instructor or anything.

To day was another dive(s), really exhausting. First we finished the confined water skills, which are things like emergency exit, what to do if your air runs out etc. Then we went for a dive, then we had lunch, and then we had our swimming (200 m), floating (for 10 minutes) and snorkling tests. Snorkling is a lot of fun now that I'm so used to breathing through my mouth. Will definitely at least do more of that :wacky: Then it was gear up again, out in the ocean, completing some surface skills, then another dive. Not counting the swimming, smorkling and the suface stuff, we dived for 55 minutes. That's really long for a dive, normally you run down to your emergency air tank after about 40. So for the last 10 minutes of the dive I was really hoping we'd get up soon :lol: Saw even more cool stuff. Steams of fishes, including clown fish, and some really funky clams that hide in the corals. Went down to a little over 8 meters.

I was soooo exhausted when I got up. I still am though. Had a shower, some Sprite and now we're just waiting for the sun to go down so we can go eat. Actually I might take a nap myself, bf is already taking one. We've got the A/C on so it's nice and chilled here now.

Tomorrow we have 2 dives but just a couple of skills to pass, so tomorrow will actually be diving. Right now I really can't think about getting into the water again, I've had enough salt water for one day :wacky: (taking your mask off under water is hell, I need to remember to pretend I have no nose bc I always end up with water in my system and it's such a bitch) but I'm pretty sure tomorrow it'll be all good.

Phew. Vacation is exhausting.


Great Old One
Today was fail.

On the way down on the first dive my sinuses refused to equalize at around 5-6 meters and after trying twice I had to go back up. I sat in the boat for 25 minutes while the others did the skills and went for a tour.

Coming up again, my ears, especially one of them, was blocked so I couldn't go on the second dive either. Had to see the others off to the boat. The ears are still blocked, especially the left one.

So bummed right now.
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