Fangu goes to Asia


Great Old One
Thanks. When the blocks clear, I might be able to go for a second try - apparently there's a new group coming in tomorrow for their theory, so I might be able to join them for their last two dives on Monday.

But until then, I'm gonna spend the day snorkling, sunbathing, reading and doing nothing, waiting for my ears to clear. No more getting up at 8 being stressed out about what awful we're gonna do under water :lol:

No srsly diving is good stuff. I really did struggle at first but it did get a lot better. That being said, I went snorkling today to try to clear the ear and the water was crystal clear - I saw a school of like 20-30 bright colored fish feeding off the corals. That was so win. You don't always need a tank to see cool shit :joy:

Ghost X

I'd do some research into ear and sinus "barotrauma" when scuba diving, unless you're being taught about it.


Great Old One
It's one of the first things they teach. What kind of information do I seem to be missing?

Ghost X

Probably nothing if that is the case. I was just responding to how you were saying you were having ear and sinus issues. Don't want you to get injured :aah:.


Great Old One
Aw ;) Well it's just the ears. They teach you to equalize as you descend, but I think I failed to do it right, I should have gone down slower and held my nose and blow more often. I tried wiggling my jaw as I was going down (that worked fine to that depth the day before) but no good. So I had all the theory down, I just failed to 100% put it to practice. That, or my ears was already sorta plugged due to a slight cold, or even ear wax. Who knows. It's still there but at least my ears are itching and tickling now so that's a good sign :P

Bf went for his first Adventure Dive (down to 30 meters) this morning, so now it's time to work on my tan and read some GoT \o/


Great Old One
You can take the girl out of the winter... etc :P

I expect spring to have arrived when I get back btw :monster:


Don't hold your breath (no pun intended, I promise), it's been grim as fook in the UK and the rest of upper Europe just seems to be damned cold.

How's your ears now?
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Great Old One
Yeah I heard... that sucks!! Hang in there though. You're almost there! I have until April 1st though. Or. Should I say spring has until April 1st :P

Ears are slowly getting there but they're still not 100%. Trying to avoid turning on the A/C bc that definitely makes it worse. Next time I'm staying somewhere to dive I'll definitely stick to a fan and open windows in combi with a mosquito net. I don't do well with A/C's.

Edit: Ooh I see there's a 2 new people starting the Open Water today. Which means I might get to finish the course still.
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Great Old One
Okay so ears are almost cleared up, talked to the people at the diving centre and I'm to drop by tomorrow around 9 to plan my two last dives. Chances are I'll be able to do them tomorrow, if not both then at least one of them. And bf might be coming too :joy:

So hopefully, hopefully I'll leave certified. Which would be awesome as I struggled a lot in the beginning and I didn't think I would be able to complete it at all.

It's like - I do get anxious about stuff, I'm not a fast learner, but I WILL get there in the end. (I would have if it wasn't for the damn ears, but since I struggled in the beginning, having to break did make me feel like a failure.) Which is why I really want this. I want to FINISH.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon


Great Old One
* Went for a double dive today, was totally win, ears behaved (did have a nosebleed after every ascent though, but that was nothing), even dived under rocks, and saw lots of fishies, both very tiny ones and large ones. Did I mention I saw sharks yesterday? That was really win. Didn't get to see a turtle though, but oh well.

* When I was going to the bathroom last night I flipped on the light, and there right next to the toilet, was a frog. A pretty big one, just sitting there. I was like "whoa!" and we took pictures and laughed and then I caerfully lured it into a bucket and let it outside. (Where a cat probably ate it a few hours later.) It had come in through the small drainage pipe, lewl.

And the best thing:

* We were supposed to leave tomorrow, but there's an opening for a chalet for two more nights. So we don't have to leave for Kuala Lumpur until Thursday. SO FUCKING AWESOME. It's absolutely fantastic, I am in no desire to leave this place yet.

I just. I have no words. Best holiday ever. Lots of challenges but I cleared them all. I'm even coping with the heat now!

All teh joy :joy:


Great Old One
So like I said in Trivial Shit, the plane back to KL is full on Thursday so we had to plan the ferry and a 5 hour bus ride. The ferry is apparently a pretty overcrowded, hot sea-sicknessy ride, plus it often happens the ride is delayed. I have a 15 kg suitcase to drag along, plus a bag. Was not really looking forward to spending the entire day stressing out bc of traveling. The next plane available was on Saturday. We go home on Sunday.

But today there was an opening for the plane leaving on Friday. Hooray! We booked it straight away on a Flex ticket, hopefully we'll even be able to exchange it for a Thursday ticket if there are cancellations. All we need to do now is find somewhere to stay from Thursday til Friday. I'll sleep on the porch, srsly.

I'm over the moon. One less thing to worry about. It will probably cost us some to change the ticket, but FFS it's worth the money. We'd probably spend a lot more being in KL anyway.

Also the new room/ Chalet is a lot bigger than the first one and you don't even have to shower over the toilet :joy:


Great Old One
Back in KL, different hotel, which is totally win. We ordered breakfast to our room (NO rice <3) and we haven't left the room yet :monster: Watching Americas Next Top Model now for some reason. Aaaaa lazy life. Tonight I'm gonna lie in the bath tub reading GoT. Awesome.

My mosquito bites are even giving me a break atm :monster:


Great Old One
Okay so after over 30 hours of traveling I am now on the Airport express train going home. Long and crazy ride home but we made it!

Thank you Malaysia for being awesome. I will definitely recommend you.

Pics when I cba. Right now: Get car, shower, SLEEEEEEPPP
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