From an outsider's point of view (aka neither the staff nor a member who cared about teams) as to why I didn't give a shit: what's the point? Everything in the teams was the same as the rest of the forum and with less activity, to boot. You have to join a team strictly to talk about something you could talk about in another, more active area not requiring the joining part. Not that the joining would be a pain in the ass or anything--yes, it does look incredibly simple to me--but that there was no need for it.
Thing is it's not teams, it's just duplication of the forum made to look like teams. Teams are for groups of like-minded individuals to join together to talk of outside of normal forum topics (like shit happening in our lives) and for having competitions among them. To me they're cliques, which can be both bad and good, with contests. Since what was supplied was merely a duplication of what we already had (which was better, I might add) it really was a waste of time.
That's my thoughts anyways. Take it with a grain of salt as I really cb'd about teams stuff.