Favorite FFVII Characters

Your favourite FF7 character?

  • Cloud Strife

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • Aerith Gainsborough

    Votes: 13 16.0%
  • Tifa Lockhart

    Votes: 18 22.2%
  • Yuffie Kisaragi

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • Barret Wallace

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Sephiroth

    Votes: 5 6.2%
  • Vincent Valentine

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Cait Sith

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Red XIII

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Cid Highwind

    Votes: 7 8.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 8.6%

  • Total voters


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
My list is based purely on the character's roles in FFVII. It got hard after 3 ;.;

1. Tifa <3
2. Cloud
3. Aerith
4. Cid
5. Vincent
6. Barret
7. Sephiroth
8. Red XIII
9. Yuffie
10. Reno - I want to reiterate that this is FFVII Reno, who imo was much more smooth in FFVII. More of like a nonchalant badass, less of a comedic sidekick.

Special Mentions: Godo, Rude, Rufus, Jessie, Zack


Pro Adventurer
I love Cloud, Aeris, Nanaki, Tifa , Vincent , Cid and Yuffie and it's so hard to choose between them right now. This is more difficult to choose a favourite than the KH poll because FFVII has so many wonderful characters <3

Even though Cloud is a bit of a flat battery in Dissidia, I'm going to vote for him. Cloud is so misunderstood a little bit of a misfit and his life isn't exactly joyful despite him being the leader of Avalanche. He's lost the only one who saw him as a really good friend in the Shrina days, and then he looses another good friend not long after. Even though haters moan that he's "too emo " I think he has a pretty decent reason why he's not Mr. Cheerful. He's a awesome character and main character because he's so well developed and well .....likeable c: Well for most xD

I think he's so likeable, because he's always working through his struggles and fighting his inner-demons and regrets from his past, which make him sorta relateable <3

But damn, what the fuck did you do to his personality in Dissidia 012 SE ? It's like he has no emotion anymore.



Pro Adventurer
I have never played FFVII but I think the greatest character is Cloud himself. I'm too lazy to write an in depth analysis but I have to say Cloud is the fictional character that has the most issues. At first you get the illusion that he's a cool, badass hero, someone who gamers wish their protagonist will be. But then stuff happens and we find out that that image is just an illusion, his illusion based on his best friend's memory. In reality, he's a pretty weak person and we can see how he can be damaged so easily mentally and emotionally.

However despite this, Cloud rose up and became a hero he always wanted to be. He did this with his friends' help and in turn he became someone they can rely on. I know in AC a lot didn't like his depression, but I think it just shows that Cloud is just really weak that a terminal disease can break him and he was never really over his guilt. If this was portrayed well in AC is up to debate.

Second is Aerith for me. She's beautiful, bright and strong and a real heroine. Despite being around for just a short while she has made a huge impact on the story and her spirit continues to support her comrades. Her death was not a sacrifice, it was pure cruelty. And it was a great loss, a wonderful woman was taken away. Her relationship with Cloud is also fascinating and very unique.

My favorite female is Tifa because she's my role model. She's beautiful, strong and very affectionate. I want to be like her and be a mother as well. Her role to be Cloud's emotional support is touching and sweet. I also love it that she's very sexy yet her personality makes her respectable.

I also love her complexity and how her inner feelings capture a woman very well. Case of Tifa explored her character, her doubts, her weaknesses and her will to live.

MY FAVORITE MALE IS ZACK BECAUSE HE'S TALL, HANDSOME, SEXY AND AWESOME! Okay forget that for a while. Zack is the ideal hero that Cloud had wanted to be like. He's an ace, has his way with girls, cheerful, has dreams, pride and confidence. Also he has good friends, a good career and a wonderful girlfriend.

Then stuff happened. I know CC has mediocre villains and a meh plot but Zack's development is pretty good. He matures and he grows up- his master died, his hero insane, his best friend was comatosed and it seems that his girlfriend had given up on him. But he tries to start anew, journeying to Midgar, carrying his Cloud and Aerith's last letter.

He was so near but then he gets killed by mere grunts on a cliff overlooking Midgar while his Turk friends desperately tried to help him. He could have escaped alone but he chose to protect his friend. And this friend whom Zack died for became a great hero and finished his journey. (See the first paragraph :awesome:)



Pro Adventurer
Looks like I'm the first to vote for Barret.

It's true that he seems to be quite a simple character - he just does what he thinks is right, often without thinking too much about the consequences. But there are complexities beneath the surface. At first he seems to be fighting for the planet, but really that's just an excuse to get back at Shinra for what they did to Corel. He wants to fight, but wants to look after Marlene at the same time, and seems to be going through a continuous internal struggle. He is prone to showing his emotions, like after the Sector 7 plate comes down, after Dyne kills himself, and when he admits that he used to think he would be a good leader, but now he knows otherwise. It is Barret, alongside Tifa, that persuade Cloud to carry on fighting after he gives the black materia to Sephiroth at the Temple of the Ancients.

He has some of the best lines in the game, like "there ain't no gettin' offa this train we're on", "where's its fucking head?", and one of my favourites, "I've been here since the beginning and I still don't know what the hell's goin' on". His swearing is generally much more entertaining than Cid's.

He is also one of the best fighters in the game, with one of the best final limit breaks and one of the more reliable ultimate weapons, that can even be powered up to deal overflow damage. He also has some funny weapons, including a boxing glove, a chainsaw and a pair of scissors.

Finally, without Barret, there would not have been AVALANCHE, and without that, the whole game would have been completely different!

Here's my top ten, firstly the playable characters:

1. Barret
2. Cloud
3. Red (used to be my favourite)
4. Sephiroth
5. Tifa
6. Vincent

And then onto the NPCs:

7. Reno
8. Jessie
9. Seto (even though he only does one thing in the game, it's so moving)
10. Rufus

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Yuffie. Haters gonna hate.

In second place comes Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Cid, Vincent, Red, Reno, Seph, Barret, Reeve.



Pro Adventurer
First of all,I just count the characters and their development in the original game as the definitive ones.At the latest,when the newest book from Nojima came,the Compilation died for me.

No one liking Cid as much as I do? : ( I loved his choleric manners and his chaotic or unfitting behaviour in some important scenes like sleeping when everyone´s talking about searching Sephiroth and I thought smoking a cigarette after each fight I fought with him must´ve burned his lungs away sooner or later in the game,could have been funny if they would´ve included this as an optional way for killing a character :D And I liked his character development,when he realizes that he should have respected Shera a little more because she saved his life for example or reacting calmly at Aerith´s death instead of exploding in anger what I´ve thought he would do,it shows that even if he behaves sometimes in a rude way he still cares about other people.PLUS,he´s the captain of the beautiful Highwind and got a great theme song!Nuff said! ; )

2.Cloud: I guess,everything is said.He just loses to Cid because Cid´s more lively and I love that just a little bit more than the cold,mysterious acting of our spiky hero.Otherways,he´s a really tragic character nearly losing everything what he´s got in his small life by the hands of Sephiroth but coming back and evolving at the end of a journey to a hero who can win the fight against his puppet master and get the salvation from all his pain and anger by defeating Sephiroth with a final stroke and leaving his dark past behind.


Agreeing with Flintlock in mostly all of his points but I thought Cid was funnier,sorry ;)


That black caped man with a god complex?Hmm,I liked the presentation of his manners throughout the game and all his acts with the Jenova body controlled by him.I thought the picture of the dead Midgar Zolom was just brilliant and made me think that sh*t might get REALLY serious because I just couldn´t defeat that bastard of a Zolom so easily and I thought at my first run through the game that he was so damn hard and after I´ve seen what Sephiroth has done to that beast he definately became the big badass for me even if not already at Jenovas escape and the slauthering of the Shinra employees with all the blood and the great atmospheric sound fitting perfectly to the scene.And I´m not as tired of OWA as many others might be because I still wanna hear the Reunion Tracks version in a better sound quality,for me it´s the best version with the best instrumenation and the choice of the choir.


I liked how they made a huge contrast between Cloud´s two main love interests (excluding Yuffie and Barret ;P ) but I´d rather stick to the more lively,encouraging Aerith just like I choose Cid over Cloud.


Don´t know if even he actually might be the real main antagonist of FFVII?I mean,he created Sephiroth and (speculation from my side) manipulated him on a way so that he thought Jenova was his mother which leads to Nibelheim incident,he´s just an employee of Shinra because he wants to make inhuman experiments for his hunger for science,he behaves like the classic mad scientist but he always knows that his acts might bring some bad consequences for everyone,for example he willingly kills the intelligent Professor Gast instead of working together with him to find out more about the Cetra and all that stuff,he also abuses Iphalna for his own experiments which is possibly one indicator for her death at the train station.All he cares is about is to prove that his scientific theories might be right but otherways,the whole world around him can be destroyed as long as his researches were it worth.I liked it,that not even his own family is anything he really cares about,they´re just other test objects and don´t have any meaning to him.


I liked the few scenes with him,they should´ve included him more in the game with all his knowledge and his passionate words with which he wakes up the young team and leads them to think about what all their lifes are worth living for.And I thought his final scene was more interesting than Seto´s because we didn´t really get to know Seto´s character that much in my opinion.Yes he was the great,heroic warrior but there´s not much else we learn about him.Bugenhagen stays also very mysterious until his death but at least some few dialogues show that he´s a funny and wise grandpa everyone´s wanna have ;).Please correct me,if I´m wrong about that Seto thing...

8.Reeve/Cait Sith..not ^^

I always thought it was interesting to have such a multilayered character in the party who stays in the conflict between Shinra and the team.It´s a nice touch to think about all the things Shinra makes right and possibly have lead a young Reeve to join it.Nowadays,Shinra doesn´t really make anything good anymore but who knows?Maybe,in the past they had better qualities which made them attractive for new young workers to join them.I want to have a Shinra prequel game not focussing on some new stupid Compilation of FF VII characters that somehow got also in the Nibelheim incident but on Shinra in general and where the monopoly corporation had its roots.

9.Don Corneo

Totally loved his character theme,perfectly bizarre to fit a really bizarre character.And the rap song about him ´´Don of the Slums Interlude´´ is so great.I think a character like Don Corneo would never appear on a modern game due to the content he comes with.But I think the over sexualised manners of him are funny and gave the game at this point a completely other tone with much intimate stuff and more adult-themed content.In a remake I want more characters in the Honeybee Manors with intentions why they´re there for example because they just can´t stand all the boredom at their homes and just want to enjoy their lives..oh I have many ideas : ) And of course,more premature Don Corneo scenes ^^

10.Everyone´s at Costa Del Sol

A meteor crashing the planet,destroying all of its lifeforms on it?Eh,as long as the beach is still there and the sun shines and waves rock us to sleep,everything´s cool.I think this idealistic way of life should work as a criticism for every selfish human on this planet and a lot cynism for anyone of the party generation who just thinks about wasting his life instead of doing something for a better society or helping to make the earth a better place for the nature around us.


Confession: I've been purposefully avoiding this thread because I just don't know how to answer this. If I look at it based on which characters I used most often in the game and the skills that they had, I might have to go with Tifa, Barret, or Cloud. I never even got Yuffie, I never used Cait Sith, I had...issues...with Aerith, I don't remember using Cid a lot (although I did enjoy his character), and I got Vincent pretty late in the game, although I did use him quite a bit once I could. If I go by silly preferences, I think I'd have to go with Vincent. I'm just a sucker for the dark brooding sexy type, I suppose. Also, I liked DoC, and I'm not (too terribly) afraid to say that. I thought it was an enjoyable game to play. If I go by what character's story moved me the most, well, then I'm really screwed because, I mean, come on. Red XIII, Barret, Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Vincent...their stories are all tragic in ways, incredibly hopeful and uplifting in others, and surprisingly deep and well hashed out.

As far as ranking the characters, well, I'll just do this in order of the characters I preferred to use in game:
5.Red XIII
7.Aerith (come on, you can only use her for so much of the game)
8.Cait Sith
9.Yuffie (last because I never even played with her)

Ok, you know what? I'm just going to be shallow here and vote Vincent.


Great Old One
Here's my list (with NPC's):

1. Barret (Awesome backstory, awesome dude)
2. Tifa (Love the personality, very handy in my party, esp with raised luck and evasion)
3. Cid (A man who never achieved his dreams, love his story too)
4. Red XIII (Loved the whole story about him and the fact that he's a teenager)
5. Cloud (Poor little dude)
6. Rufus (That quote about using fear instead of money to control the world was hilarious)
7. Sephiroth (Villain badass)
8. Aerith (Mostly for her light spirit)
9. Rude (........)
10. Yuffie (That crazy little chick)

If I was to add AC/C into the mix, Vincent and the Turks would have been much higher up on my list. But, I tried focusing on game characters. Also, Reeve, that handsome devil, is number 11.


Well, if I think of this as "fave female of FFVII" then my decision becomes a lot easier. LOL

I think Tifa is definitely one of the best females Square has created, period.

She is given traits that aren't exaggerated and do not overwhelm other aspects of her character. She is optimistic and will put a smile on for her friends, but she's not always blindly so in all situations like a freakin robot.

She is a martial artist, but she&#8217;s not the best ever. She&#8217;s not just a hawt, badass terrorist kicking ass and taking names. She isn&#8217;t strictly defined by any one particular role. She&#8217;s kind and most people like her, and she&#8217;s good with kids, but at the same time she goes around blowing shit up and hurting other people. AVALANCHE&#8217;s actions aren&#8217;t justifiable, but at the same time the game allows you to empathize even if you have no sympathy.

On top of that, Tifa is very well integrated into FFVII&#8217;s unfolding drama; her character develops alongside the story. This allows her character to be showcased through action -- showing not telling. It&#8217;s something that I think can be said for few other characters.

Anyway, bla bla bla without writing an essay, Tifa&#8217;s fucking awesome :monster:
I'm still putting off voting though.
Last edited:


Pro Adventurer
She is given traits that aren't exaggerated and do not overwhelm other aspects of her character. She is optimistic and will put a smile on for her friends, but she's not always blindly so in all situations like a freakin robot.

I can think of one physical trait that is definitely exaggerated.

And it's precisely that which makes her friends smile! :lol:

Sorry, couldn't resist...


Pro Adventurer
Could the two people who voted for "other" please say exactly who they voted for, if they want their vote to be counted towards the series-wide character competition? Thanks.


Pro Adventurer
Haha, probably. It doesn't really make a difference; two votes wouldn't be enough for any character to qualify anyway. Why didn't you nominate Tseng, by the way?


Great Old One
Because he doesn't have a major role. Rude doesn't have a major role either, but I remembered him more than Tseng from when I was playing the game, for some reason. Rufus caught my attention because of his monologue at the top of Shinra Tower.

That Tseng stuff came later when I was brainwashed into it by the ladies here :monster:

Edit: Oh, you mean in the Finals round? I didn't think we could add anyone, but re-reading your first post I see we can.

Huh. Hmm.
Well it's hard, because the characters I notice while playing aren't necessary the ones I pay attention to when considering the whole Compilation. I'd still stand by the 4 I nominated.
I voted for Cid. The way he runs just slays me every time. I thought that would be more in the spirit of the thing, voting for a playable character. Anyway, much as I love the Turks, I play FFVII for Avalanche's story.
TBH I love them all. Even Palmer. Especially Palmer, the mustard coloured blimp who takes lard in his tea and is a popular customer with the girls at the Honeybee Inn.


Rookie Adventurer
I had to vote for Cloud, but an almost equal second would have to be Tifa. Third would likely be Aeris or Barret.

Cloud has a lot of rich character development, and I never found him to have as much self-pitying baggage as is often hoisted onto him by other fans. In fact, throughout virtually all of the game, I found him to be very stalwart, despite the horrors and chaos surrounding his character. Cloud's character development looks at him from a child, to a hero, and he's so very far from perfect. He is used, confused, abused, and manages to rise above it. Throughout most of the game, he's still "wounded" by his experiences, but is subconsciously trying to piece himself back together; while dealing with a lot of really heavy stuff. His journey requires a large degree of self reflection that takes "finding yourself" to a whole new level. He has to face that he was not the person he wanted to be, that he did fail, he wasn't perfect, but he gets past that and rises to be the hero beyond what he dreamed to be as a child - not because he wanted to, but because that was what he needed to do.

Tifa on the other hand, barely comes in just behind Cloud in this respect (and if I could have voted twice, I would have voted for both, because they're about equal in my eyes). Tifa Lockheart is solid, brave, and strong, while also being feminine in spirit (not even counting her lovely physique). Along with Cloud, she is the most developed character throughout the game; revisiting their intermingled childhood; their childhood friendship (and promises); her willingness to stand by the one she loves (especially when Cloud was rendered physically useless and mentally comatose); and she comes off as a strong and capable woman who you'd just love to know. The fact she has some of the coolest limit breaks doesn't hurt either! I'm currently replaying through the game and just reached Cosmo Canyon as of writing this post, and Tifa has had all her limits except Final Heaven since before Junon and they are still fun to unload on enemies (Beat Rush->Somersault->Water Kick->Meteodrive->Dolphin Blow->Meteor Strike is just so much fun).

Let us not also forget that both Cloud & Tifa tangled with Original Sephiroth and survived the encounter! That by itself kind of solidifies them in the annuls of badassery right there. :headbang:



Pro Adventurer
Aerith because she is the character which made me feel the most in the game. They developed her character so quickly only to have her taken away from me!!! Then The Maiden Who Traveled The Planet really developed her character and strong points further. She is probably the deepest character.


Rookie Adventurer
Aerith because she is the character which made me feel the most in the game. They developed her character so quickly only to have her taken away from me!!! Then The Maiden Who Traveled The Planet really developed her character and strong points further. She is probably the deepest character.

I really should check out these books everyone is talking about, like Maiden Who Traveled The Planet. Sounds like good stuff. Aeris is probably tied for 3rd in my lineup with Sephiroth, closely followed by Barret (I just really like Barret). I actually had literal nightmares as a result of Aeris' death, so it's undeniable that she gets into your heart pretty fast. FF VII is the only game that has ever touched me that deeply (FF VI was pretty close though, as I teared up during the Opera scene).

Aeris was someone you just had to love immediately. She kind of jumps on your heart and drives off with it with impunity. In the original game, she is behind Cloud & Tifa (and arguably even Sephiroth) in terms of character development, but her story is easily on par with their own in terms of impact and importance. Aeris is nearly completely developed by the time you first acquire her, and you spend a fair amount of time just revisiting the qualities of her development; and learning more of the history that led up to her. Plus, she went off and pulled a Jesus, and gives her life to save the world and such. Hard to top that in terms of character quality. ;)

Incidentally, Sephiroth strikes me as an interesting and deep villain because he wasn't so much villainous as he was victimized. Don't get me wrong though; I'm not saying that razing Nebelhiem was particularly virtuous, but that he had basically lost his mind at that point. Like a puppet of a greater evil. He is the fallen angel. Deceived by the destroyer. Maybe if he had a better life to cling to, like Cloud, he would have been able to resist as well. Sephiroth, however, does not have a Tifa Lockheart to keep him grounded. By the time Sephiroth has taken his first steps across the Moral Event Horizon, he truly believes that Jenova is the "good guy" in this mess, and that everyone else on the planet are destructive parasitic bad-guys. Sephiroth is presented as far more villainous in later presentations of FF VII characters (including Advent Children).
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