^That guy's MichaelCthulhu, he's made a ton of different swords based off of tv and games. He's made a Masamune, a Buster Sword and the CC style Buster Sword above. He puts up videos of his stuff here
His Masamune videos are hilarious, as he breaks into his friend's house in order to retrieve it once again and smash watermelons with it
Oh jeez.... *looks through 21,000+ files in FFVII folder*....
A veeeeery small sampling of a collection I've amassed over the years.. sadly a lot of the sites are long down... but if anyone has a favorite, I'll see if I have any more from that artist.
I found this one made way back in 2006 when Dirge of Cerberus was released. It shows Jenova whispering into Lucrecia's ear taunting her about her unborn son.