Favorite FFVII Fanart

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Or just plain old talent.

No beautiful painting or image is just "plain old talent" it takes a monumental amount of hard work and study to make a great painting.

There's no oh he's just so talented, he just worked that fucking hard and is that dedicated. Talent means shit without hard work.


No beautiful painting or image is just "plain old talent" it takes a monumental amount of hard work and study to make a great painting.

There's no oh he's just so talented, he just worked that fucking hard and is that dedicated. Talent means shit without hard work.

You don't need to work hard to make something that looks good. Case in point: Bob fucking Ross. A few whisks of a pencil, and there's half a dozen pretty little trees on the canvas, :awesome:. You could say that he's worked hard to be able to do that, but once you know how to do that, it becomes automatic, talent, and you can do it without much effort.

And, last but not least, no amount of hard work can make a shit drawing look good. If you don't have an eye for what looks good, you can't make something look good.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
You don't need to work hard to make something that looks good. Case in point: Bob fucking Ross. A few whisks of a pencil, and there's half a dozen pretty little trees on the canvas, :awesome:. You could say that he's worked hard to be able to do that, but once you know how to do that, it becomes automatic, talent, and you can do it without much effort.

No. You do. Every little image takes work, you constantly have to think about what you're doing, how you want it to turn out, and how to do it. You have to keep an image in your head and get it to work.

There's no goddamn automatic anything. That's incredibly naive and demonstrates an explicit lack of knowledge on the subject. It takes work. Once you get core skills mastered, you still have to work at it. You have to continue to practice, and you have to continue to learn, or you will go to shit.

Unless you're a goddamn savant like that mentally impaired black dood that can look at something and duplicate it in seconds, you are going to have to work hard.
And, last but not least, no amount of hard work can make a shit drawing look good.

This is complete bullshit. Many pros start an image with a completely shitty looking rough draft, that gets reworked time and again. Some of the best paintings start out as shit drawings on paper, that evolve into the beautiful art we see.

Bob fucking Ross himself has worked hard at his talent, and he himself expressed the importance diligence and hard work when it comes to art.

Those pictures he painted on the spot during his program? Those started out as ideas, then doodles, then thumbnails that he did in his free time in his head or on paper. Then when the show started he would be prepared for what came next. Many artists do this, and he was no different. He didn't have some magic automatic painting machine, he worked hard and painted from his heart.

Adam Hughes can belt out awesome sketches on the fly, but he still has to work hard on it, has stated how wrestles with his mind to do so before. There's nothing automatic about any of this stuff unless you're a superfreak.

If you don't have an eye for what looks good, you can't make something look good.

This is skill that can be learned like any other. Not every great artist started out with some magical skill to imprint the things he sees onto paper. Many of these folks started out with nothing more than passion, dedication, and a willingness to learn.

A person may not be as talented as others who are more inclined to this type of skill naturally, but many have come damn close, or become even better than those who had natural talent, but didn't have the dedication to turn it into something truly impressive.

Passing it off as just being "talent" is pretty damn insulting and unfair to the people that put their blood, sweat and tears into their art.

Even the most talented have worked hard to get where they are and stay there.


The Pixie King
heh, strange you mention bob ross. Ive been studying his technique for a few months, and the last couple of weeks have been collecting some of his products, getting ready to try it out. Just waiting for a couple of things from ebay and amazon, then get an easel. Was thinking of trying to make something like the TLS layout on a canvas... think that would be easyish to start off with. Bob Ross was awsome


he are sick
Theres no specific way in saying how an artist works.

Some people work hard constantly and are painting good things. Others just pass through life doing odd things that are amazing. And just pick their skills back up as they need.

Some guy who moved in near me was a bit of a scratty junky. Spent pretty much most of the time stoned of drunk. We went round his flat once, and all his walls in every room was painted in amazing murals. And sketches on bit of paper that were awsome. He said he never planed anything, just used to paint on the spot and see what he drew. All his supplies he said he round.

He didnt work hard, got pissed most the time and forgot where he lived.

But to get anywhere in life using art as a way of making money, you'd have to put alot of hard work in. Or be very very lucky


No. You do. Every little image takes work, you constantly have to think about what you're doing, how you want it to turn out, and how to do it. You have to keep an image in your head and get it to work.

There's no goddamn automatic anything. That's incredibly naive and demonstrates an explicit lack of knowledge on the subject. It takes work. Once you get core skills mastered, you still have to work at it. You have to continue to practice, and you have to continue to learn, or you will go to shit.

Why yes, yes there is. I assume you don't have to work hard and think and shit to walk? Before you answer: No, no you don't. You've done it so often, it's becoming second nature, and you can do it without paying too much attention to it. It's the same with drawing - if you've drawn a thousand faces, the movements, how to look, how to get shading onto the paper, becomes easier, until it's automatic or requires very little thought or mental effort.

Same with writing this post. Sure, I think about what to say and all, but how to say it, which letters should be in a word, which buttons to press when, require relatively little mental effort slash thinking. Automatism by practice.

This is complete bullshit. Many pros start an image with a completely shitty looking rough draft, that gets reworked time and again. Some of the best paintings start out as shit drawings on paper, that evolve into the beautiful art we see.

If I draw a stick figure and say it's finished, it's still a stick figure, and a shit one at that. I can work on it for hours, drawing it pixel by pixel to exact specifications, but it'll still be a stick figure and be shit. The artists you describe don't start out with a sketch, they start out with a mental image, or a general idea of what they want to write, and gradually build it up. When I write software, I start out with a general idea of what I want to make, and start with the general picture, filling in the blanks as I go along. But if my initial idea or the process with which I make it is shit, it'll still be shit in the end, no matter how much effort I put into it.

Not sure if you're getting my point btw or just vehemently defending yourself, but eh.

Passing it off as just being "talent" is pretty damn insulting and unfair to the people that put their blood, sweat and tears into their art.

I'm pretty sure that those who worked hard at something are jealous of those with talent, too, who seem to be able to do the things they work hard on seemingly without effort.

But to get anywhere in life using art as a way of making money, you'd have to put alot of hard work in. Or be very very lucky

Or be able to get away with drawing a dot in a 10x10 canvas and add an incomprehensible story to it, call it art, and get away with it. Or draw squares and fill some of them in with red, yellow and blue and get rich.


he are sick
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH yes, I hate the modern art shit. Thats you have no idea what it is until you read the essay to go with it

"The artist here is expressing his inner angst and how alone he feels. Singled out in a flow of life that he dosnt understand. Surrounded by everything and nothing at once"

No its a fucking black dot in the middle of the page

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Why yes, yes there is. I assume you don't have to work hard and think and shit to walk? Before you answer: No, no you don't. You've done it so often, it's becoming second nature, and you can do it without paying too much attention to it. It's the same with drawing - if you've drawn a thousand faces, the movements, how to look, how to get shading onto the paper, becomes easier, until it's automatic or requires very little thought or mental effort.

That's a completely different issue, it's not the same. I've been drawing since I've been a toddler, and it still requires effort and work. Walking is a mental process ingrained in you during your childhood, same as writing. Both of which, are much less complicated.

It never becomes automatic. Frank Frazetta has been in the same boat since he was a kid, HE STILL had difficulty well into his twilight years depicting things how he wanted. It NEVER become automatic, NEVER. You can become better at the core skills so you know what you're doing better, but it still takes a magnitude of hardwork, planning, and research to make an image perfectly. You have to develop your own visual library in your head, which you never stop doing, and you never stop working hard at it.

Even the core skills, you have to continue to practise them every day or they'll degenerate. You have to draw different things and observe the environment,carry a sketchbook with you everywhere to catalog different items. This is a work process that never changes.

Those people you see in those videos that just start painting or drawing with seemingly no effort, they spend hours preparing for those shows readying their work for that program. That's why Gnomon's videos are much more impressive. You see their process in work.

About the only thing that you could say a person could with little effort is a simple sketch of a person or a building they're familiar with. Even then it's not "automatic" they're just working from their repertoire as best they can.

Those images however don't require that much planning or the use of perspective, proper measurement, research into character design, or architecture. All of those are things you have to learn and use and no, it's not going to become "automatic" and the older you get the harder it is to hang onto these things.

Same with writing this post. Sure, I think about what to say and all, but how to say it, which letters should be in a word, which buttons to press when, require relatively little mental effort slash thinking. Automatism by practice.
Becoming an artist takes a shitload more work, comparing that to writing and walking is silly. There's no "automatic" to it. It's horsewash. There's too much to keep in mind, too much to have to master, and too much to constantly learn. You will never learn everything there is to learn in art, and you will never completely master more than core line skills and figure building.
The artists you describe don't start out with a sketch, they start out with a mental image, or a general idea of what they want to write, and gradually build it up.
They start with sketches to develop the ideas in their heads, or to come up with an idea. I've already been over this.
If I draw a stick figure and say it's finished, it's still a stick figure, and a shit one at that. I can work on it for hours, drawing it pixel by pixel to exact specifications, but it'll still be a stick figure and be shit.

When I write software, I start out with a general idea of what I want to make, and start with the general picture, filling in the blanks as I go along. But if my initial idea or the process with which I make it is shit, it'll still be shit in the end, no matter how much effort I put into it.
Well no shit, that's because if you don't have the proper skills, and never learned them. That has nothing to do with hard work(well learning is hard work too I guess), but a general lack of knowledge on the subject. I've started pictures with stick figures and turned them into full featured images.

If you know what you're doing, you can achieve a lot with hardwork.

Not sure if you're getting my point btw or just vehemently defending yourself, but eh.
No, you're just wrong. The fact that you're simplifying a very complicated subject by passing it off as talent, irks me a bit, but I'm not pissed quite yet.
I'm pretty sure that those who worked hard at something are jealous of those with talent, too, who seem to be able to do the things they work hard on seemingly without effort.
They don't do anything seemingly without effort, believing so is ignorance. Even with talent it takes hard work.

Professional artists are jealous of other pros, many of the best artists are incredibly insecure and down on their own work,it's what keeps them diligent.


fresh to death
Guys, drawing is all about practise. It takes years of practise to be able to draw even slightly well. Fuck me, I know all about it, I've been trying to draw for ages. Even when I draw now, i rework and rework and rework until it's a little bit right.

This is humiliating to me, but just to prove my point.

Yes, I only drew this what, 1.5 years ago? It's shocking, everything about it is wrong. I can't colour, i can do proportions - it's quite plainly awful. A retard could see that.

Now look a year on:
Yes, it's not perfect (it's still a WIP - not coloured completely etc) but even you can see that with A LOT of practise that has come in between, it's now NOT SHIT.


i'm very drunk btw
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yeah, you can't equate art to taking a shit. One's an innate bodily function which you do to live and are genetically hardwired to do and the other is a humanistic/artistic skill that takes hard work, refinement, polishing, and cerebral cortical skills that are not innate within all people. You don't just automatically start off as Rembrandt.

You're over simplifying art, man. It isn't an innate skill you just are born with and know how to do. Some people may have a knack for it more than others, but it takes practice to refine it and make it meaningful. I've had musical talent since I was in elementary school, but whatever innate talent I have amounted to jack shit compared to others who've devoted their entire lives to their craft. No prodigy will ever be able to match a virtuoso if they never practice and rely on just innate skill.

Artistic skill is like muscular and mental exercise. Your craft will degrade and weaken if you don't practice it and exercise it. Just like how physical and mental muscles will weaken and degrade if they remain sedentary too long. Hard work and exercise can turn any weakling or artistic failure into a strong and talented individual because by repetition, learning, and experience, one becomes adept at their trade and are able to refine it. It's just like physical and mental exercise.


he are sick
Yes skills degrade, but you pick them back up pretty quickly.

tbh I dont think any two artist have the same way of imaging something. Depends completly on their style, the mood their in, maybe what they've eaten that day.

I think its ignorant to pigeon hole artists. I know when I draw it takes me a whiel to pick ti back up again, but I I spent a week or two drawing I'd probs be back on par with what I was a few years ago.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
No two artists have the same style,work ethic, or process, but the fact remains that it's hard work being a professional artist.

That's all there is to it.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
You didn't do it, Yopy did. Have a mod split the topic.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I think I'm gonna start drawing again. I can do cartoons more than anything but I'd like to get back on track.. .it's been years though, no idea if I still have it or not...


Higher Further Faster
I found that one on 4chan a while back. Had it as my desktop for a time. :)

There's something similar involving the death of Aerith on DA: http://fav.me/d38acff

Not sure if it is the same artist or not.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
Seeing as how I'm such a fanart whoar, it's tough to choose, But there is a particular one I find pretty cute. :P


Probably one of my fave parts of the game was the Cosmo Canyon Fire chat, mainly because it was probably one of the first times you got to see every character's raw emotions revealed. *shrug* Anywho. That's only one; I have one more that I adore. :D


I <3 this piece. I love the angle of it, the way Fenrir is drawn, the flowers around it, the airship in the sky and Cloud's distant figure sitting in the field, staring up at the ship. It's probably one of the best AC fanarts I've seen. :)

Elisa Maza

I had posted this in the Tifa FC a while ago, but I think it fits here too, since it's one of the best Tifa fanarts I've ever seen.


From here.

And now, a kinda different CGI Cloud.


From here.



Without all this silly writing and stuff. I'll be eternally grateful!
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Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
omg manly cloud is glorious
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