Small bump
-Some of the details I’ve mention I might have missed facts so pardon me for that.
First up is this. It's a Special Combatant, found mainly around the starting reactor and more specifically found shortly after jumping off the train at Reactor Five. If you ever got trapped in the first carriage of the train, Barret blows a hole and bails out with the team. This is where you end up; right by a station guarded by two Shinra Combatants. You'd see that the combatants look like this. Best picture I could find. It's the guard in the red.
Ya they look like a Shinra Guard right? Well... take a look at their battle model.
They don't really match do they? The battle model doesn't even look human. It has claws on its feet. The guards don't even stand up right like a human would, so what are they? Unless they've been in some incident or don't mind getting their nuts kicked in why would they stand like that? Furthermore they don't even look like the field model as shown above. The figure looks human, however their stance doesn't. Why would they stand like that? To hold the weapons in their hands? Looking more closely at it the guns look grafted into their hands... so what are they...? I know the games old so they wouldn't exactly try to match the battle model as closely, but still, you'd think they would resemble them more wouldn't you? The colours are same, however the model itself isn't.
Anyway swiftly moving on.
Little is told about Cosmyo Canyon's enemy tribe, The Gi Tribe. Where were they based? Why did they bother to attack? We can think logical about some of these questions and more about the tribe itself, but that's not to say it's true. I could say that the tribe was probably located somewhere near Cosmyo Canyon, and they probably attacked because they wanted the land. It's also clear that they based, or made a route through the canyon itself in order to attack Cosmyo Canyon. (May have missed vital stuff idk)
Also this. My avatar. Nanaki's face. He has a missing eye. Battle worn by the looks.
It's unclear how he got it, but obviously from some type of battle, but what exactly? What battle? I'd like to know more.