SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 17 Spoiler Discussion


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
That speech wasn't meant for the masses, Rufus said that to Cloud and his friends.

I could easily see the writers reworking that speech into another future confrontation with Rufus.

Or Rufus could say those similar lines to someone else in his company like Tseng and the Turks. And Tseng replying, "With all do respect, sir... You sound like an 'edgelord.' Perhaps the saying, 'one attracts more flies with honey' would be more appropriate here..."

It just depends.

The scene from the OG was split apart and recontextualized. Instead of Rufus asking the party who this ragtag band of misfits were and getting a funny answer from everyone, Heidegger did it. And Cloud and Tifa were absent.

So Rufus "introducing" his inauguration speech never happened. However, it simply could happen under a different circumstance.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I mean, I presented the idea from the start as being in a possible future confrontation at Junon, not as part of a televised address. =P
That would completely change the current tenor of the Junon episode, in which Cloud and Co don't confront Shinra in Junon, but instead Infantryman!Cloud gains Rufus's approval and he and his group sneak onto the ship. If Cloud was instead to confront Rufus in Junon, how would that change the larger plot?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
That could work. Likewise, a confrontation with Rufus on the ship itself.

Hell, who knows at this point, though, if we'll even be doing the ship. They may decide that doesn't seem to fit the level of sophistication at which Remake Shin-Ra should be operating.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Worst case scenario for me is Shinra detecting AVALANCHE, but knowingly letting them go. I will hate that, but I think it's quite likely.
I can see it making sense, though, if they think it will lead them to Sephiroth or give them some sort of tactical advantage over him. I mean, even in the original game, they had a spy on the team, and it's not like they just immediately utilized that to surround an inn Avalanche stayed the night in at any point.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
First thing Cait did was get them all thrown in Corel prison. Second thing he did was set the Turks on their trail in Gongaga.

Letting AVALANCHE run loose is a complication, not a benefit.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
First thing Cait did was get them all thrown in Corel prison.

Second thing he did was set the Turks on their trail in Gongaga.

That whole thing comes off as mostly Reno acting on the desire for a rematch Rude previously told them he wanted (back in the mines). It's not as though a massive ambush was waiting to be sprung on them to put them down once and for all.
Aren't they using Avalanche to figure out what Sephiroth is up to? After he killed the President, they don't want to provoke Sephiroth, but they do want to know why he left Midgar and where he's going, and Avalanche seem to be helpfully following Sephiroth, so....

Lacking their Palmer witness, how will Shinra figure out this time that it was Sephiroth who killed the President, and not the Avalanche who are storming the building, or Cloud & Co? None of them believed Palmer when he told them earlier. Do you think Hojo will just tell them? I'm not sure Hojo saw what happened either. Maybe Domino? Or will it turn out Palmer was there earlier when Sephiroth threw the President out the window?


astray ay-ay-ay
Wow. I can't believe I finally made it through. Again, the Drum is that kind of a dungeon which is incredibly boring to watch in videos but amazingly engaging when you play it yourself. The pacing was just right, but I wasn't prepared for one specific thing... As soon as the party suggest taking the elevator to the President's floor, there's also a possibility to take the other one and go to the lower level. I'd imagined I'd be able to go back to Chadley because I remembered seeing him in Hojo's lab in someone's videos, but I could only travel around the Drum! :wacky: I guess I'll have to wait until the chapter select, because I still haven't fought Leviathan, and there's still one fight left in Shinra Combat Sim. My green materia is still leveling anyway, so I guess there's no choice but to keep going. What I love about this final dungeon though is that it forces you to switch parties and keep everyone well-equipped and ready to fight any single moment.

The game gets significantly harder the further you progress (no wonder), and Zenenes were a pain in the backside, and the girls kept losing to them. Swordipede was a funny joke, Brain Pods were horrifying but what an exilarating mess of a fight they were. Jenova was another joke in terms of difficulty, but Rufus and Arsenal sincerely made me sweat. Especially Rufus as you have to be extremely careful with when to guard and when to attack. The strategic element of boss fights is another feature of the game that I can't stop admiring.

I'm only a tiny bit disappointed in the summons. Their gauge appears at the least convenient moment and the damage done is insignificant because the boss is most likely to go through some hellish stage with barriers, and resistances, and what not, when they are around. Sorry guys, you're not helping. At least I always keep the Chocobo & Moogle materia on Cloud because... Well... Cloud looks a lot like chocobo, doesn't he? :mon:

I've seen the scene with Avalanche VS Heidegger so many times, but their job titles and Barret's responces still make me grin. And when Cloud appears on a bike... Gosh! What a badass recreation of an already badass scene, but now the badassery is simply skyrocketing! Love it. Loveitloveitloveit.

Also Cloud's character development is on point. He keeps saying after battles that it makes a decent team, also that conversation between him and Barret about Wedge. And then, Cloud, who is hardly ever being polite, asks Barret with a please to take Aerith somewhere safe... That must have been a big step ahead for him.

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