Pro Adventurer
- Nate
"stealing the spot-light from the characters from the OG. "
I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing though. I didn't play Crisis Core, but I did watch someone's 4 hour "movie" of it on youtube. I'm not a hardcore fan of any particular characters, so I don't mind if he out shined anyone.
"He's also a character that I don't think really has a Western Character Archetype to fall back on either. Soldiers interested in artsy stuff isn't something normally seen in Western Literature. At least, not modern Western Literature."
That's part of why I like him. I think in our society, we pigeonhole each other (jocks, nerds, etc) that we don't really like when people are multifaceted because we aren't ourselves. I relate with Genesis in that aspect because I've played 3 sports since I was a kid. I also draw/paint, like poetry, classic cars, video games, etc. I could never fit into one category.
"And then there's the problem that he's about as destructive as Sephrioth when he finds out about being experimented on, but Crisis Core decides to redeem him anyway. Why and if that redemption should even happen can be a very hard pill to swallow for some people. "
I wonder why that is hard for some people. I mean, Star Wars did it with Anakin/Vader. They were good, went bad, and then turned back good.
"Personally, I like Genesis overall. He fixes one of my personal pet peeves with Sephrioth's backstory which is that Sephrioth was the only human-based Jenova experiment that was done (and that ended up having consequences for people). He brings some variety to the top-tier Soldier members and gives them so much needed flair"
"He's a great foil to Sephrioth's reaction to finding out all the same things and how Sephiroth ultimately cut himself off from anyone who wanted to help him."
I like that. It's good that they reacted differently to the horrible thing that happened to them. In my opinion, it reflects us in real life
I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing though. I didn't play Crisis Core, but I did watch someone's 4 hour "movie" of it on youtube. I'm not a hardcore fan of any particular characters, so I don't mind if he out shined anyone.
"He's also a character that I don't think really has a Western Character Archetype to fall back on either. Soldiers interested in artsy stuff isn't something normally seen in Western Literature. At least, not modern Western Literature."
That's part of why I like him. I think in our society, we pigeonhole each other (jocks, nerds, etc) that we don't really like when people are multifaceted because we aren't ourselves. I relate with Genesis in that aspect because I've played 3 sports since I was a kid. I also draw/paint, like poetry, classic cars, video games, etc. I could never fit into one category.
"And then there's the problem that he's about as destructive as Sephrioth when he finds out about being experimented on, but Crisis Core decides to redeem him anyway. Why and if that redemption should even happen can be a very hard pill to swallow for some people. "
I wonder why that is hard for some people. I mean, Star Wars did it with Anakin/Vader. They were good, went bad, and then turned back good.
"Personally, I like Genesis overall. He fixes one of my personal pet peeves with Sephrioth's backstory which is that Sephrioth was the only human-based Jenova experiment that was done (and that ended up having consequences for people). He brings some variety to the top-tier Soldier members and gives them so much needed flair"
"He's a great foil to Sephrioth's reaction to finding out all the same things and how Sephiroth ultimately cut himself off from anyone who wanted to help him."
I like that. It's good that they reacted differently to the horrible thing that happened to them. In my opinion, it reflects us in real life