It's not always easy devoting your life to researching one and the same game.
I was hoping to piece together the unused TRAP field better than Myst6re did, since when he last did so Makou Reactor could not properly display PSX maps to begin with.
That is why some ugly dots/smudges appear in his image:
My own attempt, which I spent the last four hours trying to compile, ended up like this:
Why the white lines? Well, my method to unlock the tiles caused some glitches. What I did was delete the TRAP.DAT file, then rename any other DAT file into "TRAP", then open the field in Makou Reactor with this new DAT file. (DAT organizes the tiles, but the tiles are stored in MIM)
This meant that a lot of times I got almost nothing but non-sensical tiles that looked like static.
I was only ONCE able to unlock the tiles for the centre of the rock formation, but one row of pixels were lost for some reason. Ergo the white lines.
I did this my method because
1) I wasn't sure if this
image by Myst6re contained all the tiles, but it looks now like it truly does.
EDIT: Myst6re confirmed now that those are indeed all the tiles present in the MIM file of the TRAP field.
2) I was hoping one DAT file would, by pure coincidence, manage to connect the tiles correctly. As expected, this did not work out too well. Then again, I still have about 650 more DAT files to try out.
We still do not know the exact dimensions of this field but it looks very likely to have consisted of two layers. We can tell this by looking at the red spots, which represent places that might have obscured/hidden the playable character. Some black and green tiles may have been used to represent this too.
On a simpler note, a few days ago I looked around the "DUMMY" field. It is another one of those "black background" fields, similar to the debug rooms, except with a top-down perspective.
I unlocked the field models that exist within. One of these were Jessie of AVALANCHE. She continuously did a "shrugging/I-don't-know" animation, but for one frame her model would seemingly glitch before the animation cycle restarted.
Only by taking a snapshot did I notice that it was NOT a glitch.
Jessie is laying back and simply not giving a f*ck. The field signature is that of FFVII's famous pervert, Motomu Toriyama. However since this is the PSX version, I can't read if Jessie's animation was made by Toriyama or not. If it was, I am more inclined to believe that this is intended as a "sexy pose" and not just Jessie relaxing.