
I can get that. Auron was awesome.
However Auron said right at the end of FFX, in porobably the third or forurth best scene in the game, "t\his is your world now."

So I can just imagine what people, who already cry "this is pure fanservice crap!!", would say if they brought Auron back too.
"They just put him in there because the game sucked without him! It totally ruins his ending iN FFX1"

Well, that's why they fixed it with X-2, right? Giving you free control right from the get go, allowing you to complete the game in 10 hours or 100. Despite it being one giant sidequest (it seemed at times) I still liked that it had some plot to it. New characters, a small story for each character, as well as bringing back the old favs.

Well that's why I think a lot of X-2 came from the simple ide a"make it the opposite of X"
X was too linear. X-2 is the most non-liniear game of the series.
X was too somber and depressing. X-2 was upbeat and cheery most of the time.

I like how in X-2 you do have a sizeable control of the plot though. Sure it all turns out the same in the end but the path along the way can be altered extensively. What other FF offers you the chance to commit genocide? You basically do that by not stopping Garik in Chapter 3.



We have come to terms
It's not that I wanted to play as Auron, per se (I do, but Paine is a suitable substitute). It's more that he deserved more than just being a disembodied voice.

I mean, you're in the Farplane, where you've just finished fighting the collective whateveriness of the aeons that you used to have. Would a real Auron cameo have been SO bad?


My secound favourite FF is X, the characters are what make it so good, not particulary the storyline. The music plays a big part aswell.


Great Old One
Old topic is very old.

But. I need to figure out what to do now that I finally have the airship.

- Monsters arena
- ???



Double Growth
Have you gotten the bonus Aeons? Then there are the Celestial weapons, some are simply a pain in the ass to get and not worth it, imo, but others are doable.

Also there's the Omega dungeon/boss, but that's probably out of your level range.


Great Old One
No, I haven't really done anything other than the necessities.

Ok so

- Monster arena
- Bonus Aeons
- Celestial (ultimate, yeah?) weapons
- Omega

If I go back to the villages now, will there be small cutscenes and stuff? Or at least NPCs with new info?

Alex Strife

I second Force's motion.

Bonus Aeons are always useful. And some weapons are reasonably "quick" to get.

I'll confess I never did much of the Monster Arena :sadpanda:


Yeah you'll get a nasty shock that makes getting Auron's limits a pain in the ass.


Pro Adventurer
I always prioritise sidequests that will be rewarded by things that make you stronger in battle. With that in mind, you'll want to get the Celestial Weapons (yes, they are the ultimate ones), but you'll also want to get the necessary items to customise some badass armour, as there's no Celestial Armour or anything. You'll want Break HP Limit and Break MP Limit if you have any intention of taking on the game's superbosses or the monster arena creations. The chocobo racing at Remiem Temple, near the Calm Lands, is a good place to start collecting the necessary items.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Truth be told, you don't absolutely need Break HP and MP Limit to defeat the Monster Arena creations, but without them, you'll need to max out at least three characters' Strength and Speed stats (making sure one of the three is Yuna, so her Aeons get the benefits as well), give them all Quick Hit, and then spam the hell out of Hastega and Auto-Life.

Oh, and use the Aeons as shields for the strongest bosses' attacks.

Don't know how effective this strategy would be against the Dark Aeons, but it totally works with everything else. Even Nemesis will go down just as you run out of Aeons as long as you have them put in as many hits as they can too.
Last edited:


Rookie Adventurer
... If I go back to the villages now, will there be small cutscenes and stuff? Or at least NPCs with new info?

Yes. Almost every location on the map is updated according to your present progress. :arr:

My strategy for where you are now was to level every party member up to ninety nine, and append as much Gil as possible so that I could rinse and repeat Yojimbo's dispatching Overdrive for every round of tedious fighting (specially referring to meeting the Game Over screen a myriad of times before rage quitting and returning to fight).

To tally with everything else said in the thread, you might not want to take my petty approach or else you won't feel the full satisfaction of defeating ridiculously powerful bosses. ;)

In the end, it depends on how you develop during your fighting trajectory that will determine what you are comfortable with doing at this stage in the game.


I actually have a cheet sheet with all the sidequests and shit for FFX, :monster:. Let me find it.

* Find / get Anima, Yojimbo, and the Magus Sisters
* Find the hidden locations (
Baaj Temple, Battle Site, Besaid Falls, Mi'ihen Ruins, Omega Ruins, Sanubia Sands
Use a guide that indicates their x/y coordinates, :monster:
* Ultimate weapons
* Airship passwords
* Find the Celestial Mirror
* Omega Ruins (find / fight Omega and Ultima weapons)
* Chocobo training / stuff, :awesome:
* Lightning dodging
* Village of the Cactuars minigame.
* Obviously: Max level up and beat all the Dark Aeons. ALL OF THEM.


Great Old One
All right so my list looks as follows right now...

* Find the hidden locations (
Baaj Temple, Battle Site, Besaid Falls, Mi'ihen Ruins, Omega Ruins, Sanubia Sands
Use a guide that indicates their x/y coordinates, :monster:
* Cloudy Mirror, then ofc...
* ...Celestial Mirror, leading to
* Ultimate weapons (at least Yuna's and maybe a couple more)
* Upgrading Ultimate weapons
* Airship passwords
* Chocobo training / stuff, :awesome:
* Monster arena
* Find / get Anima, Yojimbo, and the Magus Sisters
* Omega Ruins (find / fight Omega and Ultima weapons)
* Lightning dodging
* Village of the Cactuars minigame.
* Obviously: Max level up and beat all the Dark Aeons. ALL OF THEM. (Maybe.)

I'll start on the top and see how far I get. I'm thinking of at least getting a few Ultimate weapons, doing a bit of monster grinding and maybe a few boss fights before I finish the game.

Thanks everyone!

Ghost X

* Obviously: Max level up and beat all the Dark Aeons. ALL OF THEM. (Maybe.)

If you can do this without zanmato, even better. I couldn't be fucked. Zanmato'ed a majority of them :awesome:.


I did most the sidequests and ultimate weapons (bar Wakka's, fuck you biltzball, you suck dicks), got around 200 hours into the game, :monster:. And didn't even get much of the Dark Aeons, maybe the first couple, :monster:.

Alex Strife

You just need to send her towards an STR type of route! :D

I was using the large "board", and made her follow the path Auron had taken during my playthrough, first of all... Seeing her slowly become a powerhouse was hilarious, I'll have you know.

My post was ambiguous; the weapon merely "breaks" the 9999 limit, but it's up to you, to actually make the character powerful enough to make the most out of it!
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