Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Series (Mobile/Steam)


Save your valediction (she/her)
I didn’t know Faris was a woman until Butz did. But, even if I had, I think it’s good form in general to create your art with the expectation that people are going to be coming in without prior previews or spoilers. The big titty mobile sprite is just an embarrassment. I still prefer the original, looks dirtier, like the hair is wet with sea breeze.


Standing guard
Did people not automatically think that based on the original sprite anyway? The Amano artwork is ambiguous, but I don't think the sprite does well at it. The Steam/mobile sprite is certainly worse at it, but I still don't think they tried in the original.

Couldn't tell you cuz I had it spoiled for me by the time I played it. You'd have to ask someone who went in blind.

But the story is set up to where it is a spoiler.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I 100% thought Faris was a bishie foul-mouthed pirate and thought Bartz was the first gay FF main character when he found Faris attractive while she slept.

Didn't help that Bartz revealed his fondness for ass in the Ancient Library.


Standing guard
And the point I'm making is that, this time, enough attention went into the design of the sprite that this spoiler which everyone seems okay with talking about, was preserved, lol


AI Researcher
What's up with this font? Also, so small and not filling the whole text box >:(

why is this game so dead set on wasting as much screen space as possible on nothingness

imagine how bad that will look on a mobile phone screen as you squint to make out the tiny text

or is that what they mean by hd, that it will use the microscopic font hd console games sometimes use


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'll forgive the ugly-as-sin font if they include the content from the Advance ports.

The new sprites look great, these all have great potential as new remasters but if they fuck up and cut content this whole project is D.O.A. to me.

It's as simple as that.


Pro Adventurer
Too little because it's the first and only English release featuring the most (of the six) especially made content, or too much because "NES game old"?
Ew, yikes, that font is gross. And why is it so small? That’s gonna be a pain to read on mobile.

Some people suggested it might be to adjust the shading for being displayed on modern devices.
The old sprites were made with CRTs in mind and on those, a lot of the hard shading and lines naturally blur to form smooth gradients and such.

This is a very good point. I always forget nowadays about the CRT screen thing and whenever I see comparison images like this it’s always illuminating. I’m guessing CRT filters aren’t good enough to approximate the effect from the real thing (and people may not like them anyway if they’re not optional, I guess), so the sprites get redesigned instead?

This is true and her history with the series is cool, I have this book which highlights her work and includes an interview with her. BUT...she also did the sprites for those V/VI mobile ports, so her involvement is not automatically reassuring, lol.

I agree that the FFV/VI mobile ports are super ugly, and I prefer the original sprites, but from what I’ve seen I don’t think the sprites alone are the problem with those - IMO it’s more that none of the elements (sprites, background, UI) feel like they belong together.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I agree that the FFV/VI mobile ports are super ugly, and I prefer the original sprites, but from what I’ve seen I don’t think the sprites alone are the problem with those - IMO it’s more that none of the elements (sprites, background, UI) feel like they belong together.

ngl that is how I have felt about the updated battle bgs from most of the ports. As someone who made so many games in RPGMaker, fine detail/shading next to blocky sprites/solid color just screams “fanmade.”
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Alex T
I'm okay with the missing bonus content because I don't think I'd play these past the main story, but it sucks for anyone that enjoyed it.

I was thinking of getting the mobile versions, but that font is so hideous that maybe PC would be best. Mod it outta there, increase the size. These are fantasy games. No one wants to play a fantasy game in like Arial or whatever.

Fonts are tricky because I imagine they'll release these in a bunch of different countries. Making a custom font for every character in every language for six games might've been a lot. Maybe that also explains why the text boxes have so much blank space? The box has to be big enough to fit that line in every language? Just speculating.

Is anyone fully satisfied with these ports? Between the sprites, font, or missing content, it seems like there's something missing for everyone haha.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
How the fuck did they think it was okay to omit the content that they've included in every re-release of these classics for around a decade...?

Why would they...? Clearly they're aware of said content and some of its value, because they kept the stupid music player and bestiary... But then you omit the actual new shit that gives it replay value, challenge, and extra story?

FFII without Soul of Rebirth is fucking lame. FFV without the extra jobs, abilities, The Cloister of the Dead and Enuo, forerunner of ExDeath that was designed by Nomura (the original enemy designer of that game who got his start with said enemy designs) is barebones at this point. FFVI without the true Kaiser Dragon and extra Espers is just. Ugh. Why???

That's so braindead stupid I cannot believe it. Who's consulting and project managing this shit? This is on par with them being unaware people actually liked their sprite work.

Once more, they fall short of creating a modern definitive edition of their own classics.


Save your valediction (she/her)
How the fuck did they think it was okay to omit the content that they've included in every re-release of these classics for around a decade...?

DLC ???

Once more, they fall short of creating a modern definitive edition of their own classics.

Can I please please pleeeease use this quote in FF7R discussions? ;)
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