Kai Schulen
... ... ...▼
- Trainer Red
Genesis has shown up as an enemy before in past events focusing on CC in FFRK though, so this is bit of old news to longtime FFRK players. (He also shows up in CC realm dungeons too though.)
edit: My bad, my brain derped. G-Eraser also showed up several times as a boss in CC events, which is why I keep thinking that Genesis was in a lot of CC events......which is technically true, cause copy shenanigans and all.
(but funnily enough, I don't recall Genesis or his Eraser buddy being in the first Crisis Core event, so, lolol.)
Although what's really surprising is that in Genesis is a new character in JPN FFRK, which makes me wonder if his Soul Breaks will feature voiced lines of him reciting Loveless, which I could imagine would be a bit of a problem with Gackt, but like Force said...is that actually true, or was it something we all just assumed?
(but either way, Global FFRK won't get the voiced lines in their Soul Breaks because lol.)
edit: My bad, my brain derped. G-Eraser also showed up several times as a boss in CC events, which is why I keep thinking that Genesis was in a lot of CC events......which is technically true, cause copy shenanigans and all.

(but funnily enough, I don't recall Genesis or his Eraser buddy being in the first Crisis Core event, so, lolol.)
Although what's really surprising is that in Genesis is a new character in JPN FFRK, which makes me wonder if his Soul Breaks will feature voiced lines of him reciting Loveless, which I could imagine would be a bit of a problem with Gackt, but like Force said...is that actually true, or was it something we all just assumed?
(but either way, Global FFRK won't get the voiced lines in their Soul Breaks because lol.)
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