Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
- Tim, Ryu
I think it's a reference to both of them, really. Zack's passing of the mantle of 'hero', and Cloud's starting his role as such.
Haha, well it is kind of hard to understand what Yazoo is actually saying there, which is I believe,
"What? Aren't the peons trusted?"
Agreed. I'm very interested to hear if they've included English subtitles, and if the English dub is complete and finalized in the Japanese release. I've heard so many different sources say different things about what's included.I agree with Forcestealer, I want to hear news on the english dubb as well. I wanna know how welll they did and if they re-recorded ALL the lines for the entire movie as well as the new additions... and yeah I wanna see this movie in english!!! I hope someone puts up how the english dubb did, though I may just like it anyway... ;_;.
+ Angel-Winged Demon +
Holy hell those pictures look awesomeMY GOD I NEED IT NOW! Gotta wait till June