Chapter 16
So I started as Teiocho on the Highwind, things seemed more or less in order. Kuroto clearly looks up to her:
Fangu is patient as ever:
So we made for Corel to get the Huge Materia.
Who's on the case?
I cut it pretty close, I pretty much left equipment as it was, and it wasn't optimal for the train sequence. I was closing on being under a minute when I got to the engine, and I didn't know which cutscene would play. Fortunately, I just made it and we saved Corel. (Although the cutscene when you fail is pretty cool.)
We then went to Fort Condor, since we're short on money thanks to all you jokers, and I knew I wanted to buy some crystal weapons, I simply let Shinra come to me. I know you guys played plenty of this game earlier anyway. So we decided to check back on our vegetative leader.
But not before I hit on Teiocho a little bit:
We arrived in Mideel to see Cloud but,
The Ultima Weapon attcked! Teiocho reacted to the situation with Teiocho's usual calm demeanor.
The Weapon fled, Fangu was displeased,
The town then crumbled into the Lifestream, tossing Doran and Arya into it. Arya found herself in Doran's muddled subconscious and resolved to help him piece together his identity. Finally the explanations we've awaited!
Apparently, Doran disappointed Arya in other ways:
Although he eventually managed,

Seriously though, this part was always powerful to me:
The way the camera darts around. Slowly revealing who Cloud is, and with his pained admission at remembering it.
And this line:
was always awesome. Followed by Cloud's reveal accompanied by his, and FF7's, theme song.
You got it!
Maybe not.
Anyway, with Doran back together, he explains everything to the team on the Highwind, announcing the plan to continue on, and stop Meteor.
Cue catchphrase!
Come on, Flint, you know...the thing we say...
Arya then renders the support you expect from a dear friend
Fangu too,
And Teiocho confesses the hardest part of being a leader
Chapter 17
So, where to next?
...very well then.
So, we head to Junon to raid the Underwater Reactor for the final Huge Materia.
Something bothers Doran,
But we press on, and begin carving through Shinra troops...who I always start to feel bad for at this point of the game, as they really stand no shot against us. And you're famous enough at this point that they all recognize you and comment on that when they see you.
You can run into 2nd Class SOLDIERs, which are a bit more dangerous, but with Cloud back it's not a huge deal.
I always liked the Crystal Sword.
We press through, Force, ever focused on the task at hand
We catch up to Reno in the submarine bays,
He runs off and sicks a machine on us. No problem guys! We can take it!
&#^$! I hate Carry Armor.
Take 2
went better.
However, in our distraction, they escaped!
That's one of the only two times Cloud swears, right? Here and when you can't reach the Megalixir in Kalm?
We dash to take the other sub. A bold officer taunts us, his subordinates know better,
Then, in the cockpit it's our friends from the parade! (Coincidentally, my last chapter.)
I take pity on them. They are grateful,
We pursue the red sub, and take it down easily. I really like that minigame, although the story version is laughably simple. I like the other levels in Gold Saucer. After sinking it, Shinra orders everyone back to the airport as the Huge Materia that was collected from Nibelheim will be flying from there. We disembark outside Junon...
And there we go!