6. ミレイュ探偵社
6. Mireille Detective Agency
おれとキリエは大通りの終点―スラム育ちの連中は起点と呼ぶ―つまり、エッジとスラムの境界あたりを歩いていた。ここで街の雰囲気がガラリと変わる。スラムはまるで迷路だ 。その迷路を軽やかにキリエは進む。ステップを踏むように歩くキリエの足もとを見ながら、おれは、ノロノロと付いていく。キリエの後ろを歩くのが好きだった。理由は、言えない。
Kyrie and I walked along the main avenue toward the border between Edge and the slums. To the guys, the slums were a place they could call home. The atmosphere of the town changed completely here. The slums are like a huge maze. Kyrie advanced carefully through the maze. I followed at a snail's pace, watching her feet as she went step by step. I liked to walk behind Kyrie. The reason, I can't say.
"Fabio swore he wouldn't steal anymore."
"But if it's for Vits, it can't be helped. If it were me, I'd do the same..."
I wouldn't. No. I couldn't. Sure, I'd plan it, but at the same time, I'd find a reason not to go ahead with it. That's what I think anyway.
「ルール違反だけど、どうする? 本当ならクビ」
"It's against the rules, so what are you gonna do?"
"I'll let it slide. No-one died."
"The lifestream says," Kyrie said suddenly. "Evan will stay forever, because he knows its the best place to be."
It would be great if the prophecy was true.
"The Lifestream doesn't do prophecies. There's no such thing."
「予言も有りにすれば良かったな。そしたら大金持ちになれたと思わない? コスタ・デル・ソルで遊んで暮らせるかも」
"If I could make those predictions, don't you think we'd be filthy rich? Living it up in Costa del Sol."
"Nah, we'd be lynched and hung from Midgar's pillars."
おれたち―キリエ、レズリー、ファビオ、おれ―は探偵社を営んでぃる。輝かしきその名はミレイュ探偵社。ミレイユはキリエのお婆さんの名前を借りた。お婆さんは生涯を詐欺 師として過ごした人だ。探偵社の名前としてはふさわしくないが、キリエが気に入っているのだから仕方がない。ちなみにキリエの両親は腕の良い―という言い方はどうかと思う が―スリだった。キリエ自身も、探偵を始める前は、当然のように、犯罪によって生計を立てていた。おれたちの出会いがどんなものだったか想像がつくというもの だ。
We - Kyrie, Fabio, Lesley and I - ran a detective agency. Mireille Detective Agency. It's got a nice ring to it. Mireille is a name we borrowed from Kyrie's grandmother. The old lady spent her whole life as crook. I guess it wasn't the best name for a detective agency, but Kyrie liked it. By the way, Kyrie didn't come from a very good family - that's not a very nice thing to say - but they were pickpockets. Before we started the detective agency, Kyrie lived a life of crime. I couldn't imagine why she would want to join us.
ミレイユ探偵社の主な業務は行方不明者を探し出すこと。開業して、ほぼ二年になる。ミッドガル崩壊から一年ほどの間は、人口の半分がライバルではないかと思うほど探偵は多 かった。時間を持て余している者は大勢いたし、失われた誰か、何かを探している人も多かった。しかし、今は、探偵も依頼人もあまりいない。世の中が落ち着いたせいだ。ほと んどの人、物がしかるべき場所に落ち着きつつある。パズルが完成しつつあるのだ。でも、需要が減ったといってもゼロではなかったし、加えて、商売上のちょっとしたアイディ アのおかげで、日々の生活には困らない程度に仕事にありついている。
Mireille Detective Agency's main business is finding the missing persons. It's been nearly 2 years now. There were many more detectives over the past year after Midgar's collape. Seemed like half the population were our rivals. Alot of people lost someone or something, and there were also alot people with too much time on their hands. There aren't many detectives these days, nor clients for that matter. It's because the world has calmed. Most people are settling down in the right place. Things are falling into place. But it's not a complete loss. Even though demand had decreased, we still got by thanks to some creative business ideas.
'We read the Lifestream'
それがミレイユ探偵社の宣伝文句だ。キリエが特殊な能力、つまり、ライフストリームに秘められた様々な情報にアクセスする力を使って、失踪者や失せ物を見つけ出すというの がおれたちの特徴だった。一年ほど前、十七日間連続で依頼人がなかった時にキリエが提案した。もちろん、彼女は生まれながらにしてそんな能力を持っていたわけではない。いや、今でも、ない。レズリーは面白がったが、おれとファビオは懐疑的だった。いったい誰が信じる? しかし、驚いたことに、これが当たった。ライフストリームにはこの世を去った者たちの知識、記憶が溶け込んでいるというヨタ話を信じている人は意外と多かったということだ 。おれが無知なだけで、実は本当のことなのかと思ったくらいだ。実際のところ、おれたちが依頼を受けて、対象を見つけることができる確率は二割もない。それにもかかわらず 、数少ない成功例が口コミで広がり、依頼人が二日にひとりはあった。着手金と成功報酬をもらうことにしていたので、着手金だけでも、四人の生活を支える程度には稼ぐことが できた。けして詐欺ではない。キリエが、足を使って情報を集め、依頼人のために誠意を尽くすという、正しい探偵の姿にこだわったからだ。入り口と出口はイソチキだが、中身 は真っ当だ。
That's the slogan we use for Mireille Detective Agency. Kyrie uses her special ability to access information hidden in the lifestream to find missing persons or items. Kyrie proposed the idea about a year ago, after 17 without a single client. Of course, she wasn't born with this ability. Nope, not even now. Lesley was amused, but Fabio and I were skeptical. Who the hell would believe that? As it turns out, a lot. People believe stories that the memories and knowledge of those who leave this world merge with the lifestream. I was ignorant to whether there was any truth in it. In reality, there was only about a 20% chance of us finding something. Nevertheless, one of our few success stories spread by word of mouth, and we had clients within 2 days. It was decided to get a deposit upfront plus contingency fees. With the deposits alone, we were able to make enough to support four people. It's not really a scam. I mean, it is real detective work. Kirie gathered information for the client in good faith, because she's pretty particular about being a good detective. Sure, the ins and outs are a bit dubious, but the results are legitimate.
依頼の多くは、二年前、ライフストリームが吹き荒れた日に行方不明になったままの人か、なくした物の調査だった。ミッドガルやエッジに限ってしまえば、世界はそう広くはない。調査対象が生きていて、依頼人と会いたいと思っていればすでに再会を果たしているだろう。物の場合は、完全に失われたか、人手に渡ってしまい、もう世に出ることはない。二年というのはそんな時問だ。つまり、今、おれたちに頼る客は、半ば諦めている人たち。これでダメなら諦めようと思っている人たち。そんな彼らにとってミレイユ探偵社は 最後の砦なのだ。だからこそおれたちは誠実に捜索する。全員で集めた情報を下敷きに、ライフストリームというおとぎ話の要素を加味して、真面目にエピソードを紡ぐ。キリエはそれを、心を込めて依頼人に聞かせる。成功の場合はもちろん、失敗しても、客は、それなりに満足して帰ることができる。これほど人の心を慰める仕事が他にあ るだろうか。
Many of the requests are for people or items that went missing when the lifestream surged 2 years ago. Compared to Midgar and Edge, the rest of the world really isn't that big. If a person we search for is still alive, and wants to make contact, surely they would have done so by now. In the case of an object, which is completely lost, it covers human labour, it will never be seen again. Two years is a long time. In other words, clients who rely on us now, are people who have given up half way. Or people who intend to give up, because they're no good at it. Mireille Detective Agency's the last hope for them. We sincerely weave events together into a story, based on the information we all gather, and throw in elements of the fairytale of the lifestream. With that, Kyrie whole-heartedly tells the client. Of course, whether it's a success or failure, the client is able to go home satisfied either way. What other job can provide comfort to people like this?
"What kind of person is today's client?"
I called out to Kyrie ahead of me.
"Today, the client's name is Mr. Arde. I can't say I'm best pleased, but it's easier to work with female clients. Men just get the wrong idea."
Once or twice male clients made advances on Kyrie.
"Well, you are pretty attractive, Kyrie."
As usual, I'm not very good at giving compliments.
"Oh, thanks very much. Leslie says I take too many chances."
One vote for Lesley.
"Well, I'm with you today. Nothin' weird's gonna happen."
Wonder if Mr. Arde's an old guy.
オフィスはスラムの奥まった所にある。元はキリエが家族と住んでいた家だった。家族といっても、おれが出入りするようになった頃には、すでにミレイユお婆さんしかいなかっ た。両親はたちの悪い奴の財布をスリ取って、その結果殺されてしまったそうだ。凄惨な話だが、その話をしてくれたのはミレイユお婆さんだったので、どこまで信じて良いのや ら。やがてそのお婆さんが風邪をこじらせて死んでしまい、キリエはひとりになった。しばらく落ち込んでいたが、悲しみを封じ込めると、彼女は家をオフィスに改造した。おれ とファビオ、レズリーの知り合い何人かで資材を集め、キリエの指示でそれらしく作り上げた。
The office is located in a secluded part of the slums. It was originally Kyrie's family home. When I came and went, her grandmother, Mireille was the only one left. As for her parents, they pickpocketed a wallet from a bad guy, and as a result they were killed. It's a pretty gruesome story, but I beleved it since it was Mireille who told me. The old lady caught a cold and died soon after. Kyrie was all alone. She was depressed for a while, but she remodeled the house into an office when she overcame the grief. I collected building materials along with Fabio and a friend of his, Leslie, and finished it under Kyrie's instructions.
オフィスに来た客が最初に目にするのは大きなテーブルだ。黒檀の天板は見事なものだが、脚はスラムで拾ってきた無愛想な鉄の棒だった。それを隠すために黒い布でぐるぐる巻 きにしてある。テープルの上には 「ライフストリームを読む」 という特殊能力を持つ女の雰囲気作りに役立つと判断されたものが雑多に置かれている。古い虫食いだらけの本、魔法使いを思わせる杖、丸い手鏡、何枚もの古い風景写真。背後 の壁には、刺々しく、不気味な山を描いた風景画、カーテン代わりのひらひらした黒布。明るい中で見るとガラクタの集まりなのだが、カーテンを閉めた薄暗い部屋の中、黒いフ ード付きのロープを被ったキリエが席に着くと、客は神秘の世界が放つ魔法にかかってしまうのだ。
The first thing clients see when they walk in is a big table. The top was a thing of beauty, but the legs were made out of rusty old iron rods that I found in the slums. I wrapped them with black cloth to cover them up. Little things like that helped create the atmosphere of a woman who has the ability to 'read the lifestream'. On it was an old, moth eaten book that looked like it belonged to a magician, a round hand mirror and several old landscape photographs. On the back wall, I put a painting of this creepy looking spiky mountain, and used some of the black cloth to look like fluttering curtains. It looks like a collection of crap when it's bright, but when we have a client visitting, we draw the curtains so it's dimly lit, and Kyrie puts on a black hooded robe and sits down, it kinda looks other-worldly.
"I'll go change."
キリエは奥の私室へ行き、おれは定位置に座る。ドアの横に置かれた三脚の丸椅子だ。ほどなく、キリエはロープを羽織ってオフィスに戻ってきた。靴を脱ぎ、素足になっている 。地下を流れるライフストリームを感じるために、仕事の時はいつも素足―という設定に従って。
Kyrie went to her room at the back, and I stayed put. There were three chair sitting next to the door. Kyrie soon came back out to the office wearing her robe. She took off her shoes so she was barefoot. Apparently it was so she could feel the lifestream flowing beneath her feet.
"He should be here soon. Be nice."
I nodded, then took out a notepad from my shoulder bag to take notes.
"Quick, dim the lights."
キリエがおれの顔を指さしながら言った。ほとんど痛みはをかったが、顔をしかめてみせる。ドアの外に人の気配がした。おれは客を迎えようと立ち上がる。ドアが開き、額が禿 げ上がった老人が入ってきた。七十歳くらいだろうか。背筋がしゃんとして、身長はおれとそう変わらない。ヨボヨボではないが、スキンへッドのタークスのような男でもなかっ たので、おれは安堵した。手には暗い黄色の紙袋を持ち、古いが、仕立ての良さそうなチャコールグレーのスーツを着ている。物持ちは良さそうだ。報酬は期待できる。
Kyrie pointed her finger right at my face. I grimaced, almost expecting pain. We heard the sound of someone outside the door. I stood up to welcome the visitor. The door opened, and an old man with a receding hairline entered. He must have been around seventy, I'd guess. He had pretty good posture, not quite as tall as me. He wasn't the feeble old man I had imagined, but I was just relieved he wasn't that skinhead guy from the Turks. He was holding a dark yellow paper bag in his hand, but he wore a well tailored charcoal grey suit. He looked wealthy. We should expect a pretty good reward.
"Mr. Arde, is it?"
"I'm Tyran Arde. You are...?"
"I'm Kyrie Canaan. Please, this way, Mr. Arde."
Kyrie directed him toward a small sofa facing the table in a soft voice.
"Oh, excuse me."
When Arde sat down, his back started to look more rounded. I think it was because he lowered his shoulders and hunched his back.
"This is our analyst, Evan. He'll be taking notes. Don't mind him."
Arde turned his head to look back at me and nodded. Analyst Evan. I like the sound of that.
"Thanks in advance."
I spoke softly. Tranquility is essential to make it feel mysterious.
「これは―いささか緊張しますな」 とアールド氏。
"Don't be nervous," said Arde.
"I'm alright. I always get like this when we commune with the lifestream."
Because it's a lie.
"Well then, let's begin."
Mr. Arde took something from the chest pocket of the jacket and gave it to Kyrie. Perhaps a photograph.
"Please look at this."
As I thought, Mr. Arde was held out a photo. Kyrie reached across the table and took it.
"That's my son in the front row, on the far right."
Gould Arde. Gould Arde. I repeated the rhythmical name in my head.
"With the longish hair?"
"You mean, scruffy?"
"Well, er. So, you'd like us to look for your son?"
「いかにも」 そしてアールド氏は身を乗り出して 「何か、その―感じますかな?」
"Exactly," Arde leaned forward. "Do you feel anything?"
Kyrie stared at the photo, and showed her palm to stop Mr. Arde.
「お時間をいただけますか? そうですね、十日ほどでしょうか」
"Would you have the time? Maybe 10 days or so?"
"Hmmm... it can quite a while."
「ご存じのとおり、ライフストリームは星を巡り、 常に移動しています。息子さんに繋がる記憶 を捕まえるには少し時間がかかるのです。ご期待に添えず―」
"As you know, the lifestream is constantly on the move within the planet. It will take a little time to find a memory that leads to your son. You shouldn't raise your expectations."
「いや、結構。そういうことであれば待ちましょう。わたしはそっちの方は、全然知りませんからな。いや、 正直に言おう。信じてもいない」
"No, it's ok. If that's the case, I can wait. I didn't know that. Well, to be honest, I don't believe it."
Oops, I was cautious. Sometimes I can be a bit over the top.
"Then why are you here?"
Kyrie was calm.
"I've tried everything I could think of. I just want to settle down. That's the truth."
「わかりました。でも、きっと最後にはライフストリームの力を信じて頂けると思いますよ。それで、息子さんが行方不明になったのは、やはりあの日ですか? メテオをライフストリームが消し去った、運命の夜」
"I understand, but surely you believe in the power of the lifestream. After all, your son has been missing since that fateful night when the lifestream wiped out Meteor."
Kirie excessively emphasises the lifestream. To a person who doesn't believe, it might be a little too much.
「もっと前ですな。息子は神羅軍のソルジャーで、まぁ、セカンドですから、たいしたことはあ りません。それが特別な任務でしばらく留守にすると連絡をよこしたきり―その写真は後で届けられたものです。後というのは、ほれ、あんたの言う、運命の夜の後。わたしはミ ッドガルに留まっていたものですから、受け取ることができたわけです。すぐにでも逃げ出したかったのですが、足を挫いてしまいましてね。しかし、そのおかげで息子の手がか りを手に入れたわけで― 足を痛めたことは、吉兆なのではないかと思って、ずっと行方を探しているわけです」
"My son is a Soldier 2nd Class in the Shinra army. He contacted me to tell me he was going away on a special mission for a while. The photo was delivered later. It was 'that fateful day', as you call it. It was only because I remained in Midgar that I recieved it. I wanted to leave, but I sprained my ankle. I guess it was fortunate that I was still there to recieve this clue to my sons whereabouts."
"Where was this photograph taken?"
"Over the last 2 years, I've shown it to many people, but I still have no idea."
ァールド氏の背中がますます丸くなったように見えた。キリエが写真をおれに渡そうと差し出したので、立ち上がり、ソファ越しに受け取った。前列の右端。すぐにわかった。ソルジャーの制服のせいだ、ソルジャーは、いわば、神羅軍のエリート兵士。子供時代は誰もがソルジャーに憧れる。おれも一時期、そうだった。が、実際になろうとする者は少ないらしい。 おそらく不気味な噂のせいだ。彼らは常人とは違う能力を身につけるために、体内に特殊な物質を埋め込むとか、魔晄エネルギーのタンクに何日も浸かるとか、いろいる言われていた。
Mr. Arde looked back around at me. Kyrie held out the photo to me, so I stood up and went over to take it from her. Front row, far right. I found him immediately. He was wearing a SOLDIER uniform. SOLDIER was the name given to Shin-Ra's elite troops. Every child wanted to be in SOLDIER. At one point, I did too. But, there seem to be very few people who actually make it. Maybe it's just a weird rumour, but I heard that for normal people to acquire different abilities, their bodies are submerged in this special substance. They spend days in tanks, soaking in the Mako energy. That's what I've heard, anyway.
「写真はどのようにして届いたんですか? 世の中が混乱している頃ですよね?」
"How did the photograph reach you? Araund that time, the world was going a bit crazy, right?"
Kyrie asked. That was what I was wondering. I placed the photo on my knee, an concentrated on the back of Mr. Arde's head.
「―ある夜、ドアをノックする者がいましてな。息子はノックなんてするような奴ではないし、知り合いはミッドガルを下りてしまってぃたので―ゎたしは警戒して出なかったの です」
"...Someone knocked on my door one night. My son isn't the kind of guy who would knock. I didn't know many people in lower Midgar... so being cautious, I didn't go out."
"I know how you feel."
"It was pretty late, so I fell asleep. The next morning, I was concerned, so I opened the door. A man had collapsed. He was a tall guy, wearing motorcycle gear. A black liquid was flowing from his ears and a mouth. I now know it was the Geostigma. That was the first time I had seen it. The man was frightened, and was shaking slightly. I felt like he murmured my son's name when he came to, but he couldn't have."
Mr. Arde fell silent. He must have been remembering those days.
「ほどなく、そう、三十分もしないうちに男は死んでしまいました。それまで、わたしはなんとか息子のことを聞き出したくて何度も話しかけましたが、もう意識が混濁していた ようで、結局、聞けず仕舞いです。その後、身元が確認できないか衣類を探ると、それと同じ写真が十枚ほど出てきました。その他にも、個人の写真が何枚かありましたむ。それを見たわたしの後悔と言ったら―この男は間違いなく、息子の消息を伝えに来たに違いない。なぜわたしはすぐにドアを開けなかつた―」
"30 minutes later, the man was dead. Since then, I've spoken many times, trying to get information about my son. My memories seems to have become hazy, after all, I can't tell anymore. I checked his clothing, but couldn't find any ID. Though I did find about 10 photographs. Among them, there were some personal photos. I regret I saw them... I had no doubt, that guy had surely come to convey news about my son. That's why I didn't open the door right away..."
It felt hot and clostraphobic. How long is this gonna take? Well, that's how it is. When I think of the choices I didn't make, those are my biggest regrets in life is. I'm a mass of those types of regrets. I completely understood how Mr. Arde felt.
「アールドさん。ご依頼の内容はわかりました。でも、ソルジャー探しは通常より難しいので最初に申し上げた時間よりも多く頂くことになるかもしれません。ご了承いただけま すか?」
"Mr. Arde, I understand your request. But, it may prove to take longer than I mentioned at the start. Looking for a soldier is usually more difficult."
"I don't mind how long it takes, but why is it so difficult?"
「ソルジャーはライフストリームの影響を受けやすいのです。息子さんがソルジャーだとすると、 そのご友人たちもまたソルジャーである確率が高いですよね? つまりもし息子さんに関する情報を持っている人がソルジャーで、かっ、亡くなっていた場合―」
"Members of SOLDIER are more susceptible to the lifestream's influence. If your son was in SOLDIER, it's highly likely that that guy was in SOLDIER too, don't you think? In other words, the person with information about your son was in SOLDIER, and has died..."
キリエが嘘を並べ立て、アールド氏がそれを聞く気になつたのを確認するとおれは写真に戻った。古めかしい屋敷―ミッドガルにはなかったタイプの、石造りの大きな屋敷―の前に立っている十五人の男女が写っていた。年齢は二十歳前後、いや、何人かは中年といってもいいだろう。どこかの村の住人たちと派遣されてきたソルジャーの記念写真。そんな 感じだった。ほとんど笑顔のない、記念写真としては不思議な印象の写真だ。笑顔を見せているのはグールド・アールドと―
Kyrie finished lying. I checked how Mr. Arde was after hearing that, then looked back at the photo. There was an old mansion - the kind of big stone mansion that you don't find in Midgar. 15 men and women stood infront of it. They were around 20 years old. Well, a few were probably middle-aged. It looked like a commemorative photo of members of SOLDIER and the inhabitants of some village. Almost no smiles, it seemed a bit strange for a commemorative photo. Gould Arde was smiling.
"Well, thank you."
Mr Arde got up from his seat.
"Mr. Arde!"
My voice became hoarse. Arde and Kerie looked at me with surprise.
「ああ、失礼」 アールド氏がうなずきながら言った。「着手金ですな」
"Oh, excuse me." Said Mr. Arde, nodding his head. "Here's the deposite."
He handed the paper bag over to Kyrie.
"Shortly after my son elisted, he pilfered these from the company. I realise that was a crime, but I doubt anyone's going to complain now. I'll be waited to hear from you. My contact details are in the bag."
"Wait a minute. Mr. Arde, do you know the name of the man who brought this photo?"
I asked.
"Oh, look at the back of the photograph."
When I flipped it over, a phone number and the name of a man were written on the back.
"I can't get through to the number, since the phones in Midgar were cut off back then."
"Are there photos of the individuals anywhere else?"
「そう。老若男女いろいろありました―おそらく、集合写真の人たちの家族なんでしょうな。全部裏に同じ連絡先が書いてありました。想像ですが、 あの男は、 離ればなれになっている家族を再会させるために病を押して歩き回っていたのではないかと―」
"Well, there were lots of men and women of all ages - perhaps the family of the people in the photo. The same address was written on the back of all of them. It may be my imagination, but that man way have been walking around in spite of the illness, trying to reunite families."
"Using the photographs?"
I stopped Mr. Arde and asked.
「誰かの役に立つかもしれないと、訳の掲示板に貼っておきました。ニ年近く前なので、もう無い でしょうが―」
"They may be useful to someone, so I put them on the bulletin board. Though it was a year ago, so they may not be there anymore."
Arde shook his head regretfully and left.
「ねえ、エヴァン、すごい! アールドさんがくれたの、なんだと思う? マテリアが二個。ってことは成功したらもう二個ってこと?」
"Wow, hey Evan! Look what Mr. Arde gave us, what do you think? Two materia. If we succeed, do we get these?"
"Shops sometimes buy them in. Wonder how much they go for. You should take a look."
"Don't you want to go to the train station?"
"Right now?"
"Yeah, to check the bulletin board."
「アールドさんが貼った写真を探すの? 二年前でしよ? もう、 ないよ」
"To find the pictures posted by Arde? Think they'll still be there from 2 years ago?"
Kyrie seemed distracted by the materia.
"Could be."
「ねえ、これを使ってソルジャーは戦ったんでしょ? 訓練次第では魔法みたいな技も使えちゃうんだよね」
"Hey, don't they fight using these in SOLDIER? They use skills like magic, depending on their training, right?"
"I'm going."
「え? ごはん食べに行こうよ」
"Huh? Let's go get something to eat."
Finally, she took her eyes off the materia and looked at me.
"Yeah, I'll see you soon. I'm not feeling good."
「大丈夫? 目? タークスにやられたところ?」
"Are you alright? Is it your eye? From being beaten by the Turks?"
Kyrie looked at me with an anxious expression.
"I guess. I think i'll be fine once I get some sleep."
I made every effort to avert my eyes.
"Wait a minute. I'll just change my clothes."
キリエはそう言って、奥の部屋へ入っていった。 おれは机の上にあったメモ用紙に、明日、同じ時間にセブンスヘブンで、と書き残してオフィスを出た。
Saying that, Kyrie went back to her room. I left a note in the pad on the desk, saying that I would see her in Seventh Heaven tomorrow, at the same time, then left the office.
スラムの道には未だに慣れていない。近道をしょうとすると確実に迷う。それがわかっているのに、当てずっぽうに曲がり、案の定、迷った。駅に着いた時には、柱時計の針が頂 点で重なりかけていた。おれはホーム近くの掲示板に駆け寄る。街のあちこちに立てられている掲示板のひとつだ。何枚ものメモが押しピンで乱雑に貼り付けられている。風雨に さらされて判読不能なものからついさっき貼られたものまで。おれはタイラン・アールド氏が貼ったという写真を探した。二年前のものが残っていると期待したわけではない。し かし、確認せずにはいられなかった。もちろん、なかった。期待したわけではないのに、裏切られたような気がした。腹立ち紛れに、掲示板の支柱を蹴りつける。振動で、貼られ ていたメモが一枚、足下に落ちた。文面が目に飛び込んでくる。
I'm still not used to the slums. I was sure I'd get lost if I tried taking a shortcut. I figured I'd try, and sure enough, I got lost. When I arrived at the station, the hand on the clock had overlapped at the top. I ran up to the bulletin board near the house.It was one of the bulletin boards they put up all around the city. Lots of notes were pinned all over it. They ranged from ones posted pretty recently, to ones from a while ago that were now illegible due to being exposed to the wind and rain. I searched for the photo Tyran Arde said he had posted. I didn't expect that something from 2 years ago would still be there. But I couldn't help but check. Of course, it wasn't there. Though I didn't expect it, I had a feeling that I was betrayed. In a fit of anger, I kicked the struts of the bulletin board. One of the notes came loose and fell at my feet. The words jumped out at him.
《パパ、ママ、わたしはリズおばさんの家にいます セディ》――下手くそな子供の字だった。
《Daddy, Mommy, it's Ceddie. I'm at Aunt Liz's house》― It was written by a little boy.
おれは慌てて、そのメモを掲示板に戻そうとした。しかし、ピンが見当たらなかった。仕方なく、掲示板から、広告らしき内容のチラシを一枚剥がしてポケットに押し込み、その ピンで、見知らぬセディの貼り紙を元に戻した。
I quickly tried to put it back on the bulletin board, but I couldn't find the pin. Reluctantly, I tore off an advertisement flyer and put it in my pocket, and used the pin from it to put Ceddie's note back on the board.