"Final Fantasy VII Lateral Biography: TURKS - The Kids Are Alright"


It restless me a bit the past of Marle and Leslie with Don Corneo... I can imagine things but I hope they aren´t true! D:
I think that now that he it´s in a wheelchair we finally can believe in the "divine punishment" hahaha

By the way, I love to see how Evan say that of "People sometimes say I look like the idiot President." it makes me laugh....
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The Pixie King
I cant figure out this description of Corneo's henchman.


His hair was parted into SOMETHING and 73, He was a giant man with piercing eyes. He had a long scar on his cheek. My eyes wandered. SOMETHING.

Maybe I've transcribed it wrong. Guess I should check.


AI Researcher
A 7:3 ratio hairstyle is something like this (Google image search can be helpful for cases like this).

I would say the last part represents Evan's tendency to belch in stressful situations, maybe?


The Pixie King
I thought げふ may be his reaction at seeing the big guy, like "fuck" or "crap". Its an exclamation of disgust like yuck or eww, not sure if has a broader meaning.

I dont think this description of Corneo is right.

The old man, Don Corneo, said in a shrill voice. Below his balding head was a wrinkled face. But only one eye shone glaringly. In contrast, the eye on the other side looked useless. Maybe he's not as old as he looks.

I think it mentions rotting eyes on the outside or something

I changed this a little from whats in the japanese, It exactly the same info, but a bit funnier I think.

隠し撮りらしいその写真には三人の女が写っていた。ひとりはセブンスヘブンのティファだ。それだけでも驚きなのに、中央に映っているのは明らかに、女装したクラウドだった 。見てはいけないものを見てしまった気がして、おれは慌てて目をそらした。
Three women appeared in a what looked like a hidden camera shot. One was Tifa from Seventh Heaven. That's a surprise... Wait... In the middle... Is that Cloud dressed as a woman? I felt like I had seen something that could never be unseen. I quickly averted my eyes.

Translated as it is it would be something like
"Surprising in itself, but standing in the middle was Cloud, dreesed as a woman. I felt like I had seen something that should never be seen. I quickly turned away.

And this. Im not quite sure what it says, but it's creepy as fuck


"...Except for Cloud. He's the kind of guy I'd like to have around. ...... So, the fuel. At dawn tomorrow, the main avenue of Edge. The south end. I'll bring it there. Is that okay with you?"

I can see the word Handyman in there


The Pixie King
26. Half-assed Wrap-up

I stood in front Leslie's house. What and how should I tell him? As usual, I found myself preparing to explain the situation, while defending myself. I can’t be doing that. This isn’t that kind of a problem.

"It's Evan. Sorry for all the trouble."

I said, while knocking on the door.

"I'll be right there."

Leslie responded, and eventually came out.

"Marle's not well. Do you know what morning sickness is?

"Well, kinda,"

"So, what’s up? You weren’t able to find the Wall Market?"

"No, I went. I also met Corneo."

"I see?"

"I found a photo of Marle from back then..."

Leslie glared at me.

"I stole it, tore it up, and threw it away."


Leslie's face showed relief. No, that’s not it, I thought in a panic.

"Corneo realised. It even seems that he has copies of the photos. So, if that guy notices that it’s Marle's photo that is missing... What I mean is that I think that it’ll end up causing the two of you trouble...?

Leslie punched me in the chest. Twice, lightly. Then, he grabbed my hand.

"You know what, I like that stupid sense of justice of yours. Aside from that, I also like you for your utter lack of merit. Was it 2 years ago? I thought this when I was introduced to you by Kyrie. This guy is just some noisy, know-it-all rich kid raised in Midgar pretending to be a pro,

"Those are some pretty terrible things to say."

"But, I knew after we hung out together for while. Your conscience was something we didn't have. Kyrie changed thanks to you. Did you know that? It was because of you that Kyrie decided to live an honest life. Same with me. I had done my share of dirty work. I was a henchman at Corneo's place, you see. But after seeing how much Kyrie had changed, I thought that I should mend my ways. Fabio too, as far as I know, has stopped stealing altogether. Well, except for that recent thing with the Shin-Ra."

"I didn't know that."

"You never know anything and you don't notice, either. You’re always busy thinking all about yourself, aren’t you? Then you realize later. You’ve gone and stirred up some trouble again, you know."

"I'm really sorry. If you need to disappear somewhere, you can use my house. The key..."

I quickly tried to take the key out of my bag, but Leslie stopped me.

"It's ok. This is my problem. I knew that I would have to settle things, someday. I've managed to stumble this far, but I've made up my mind. You have my thanks, Evan."

Leslie turned his back to me, and was about to go back to the house, but he looked back...

"Hey, what do you mean I can use your house if I want?"

"I'm going on a little trip. I managed to get a car. I went to Corneo's place to stock up on fuel."


Leslie looked at me with amusement.

"I'll be away for a while."

"Don’t do anything stupid, Evan."

Saying that, Leslie went into the house. I had a feeling that there was more that I had to tell him, but maybe they were just things I wanted to say that wouldn’t matter to him. I started walking toward Edge. There was one more stop I had to make.


The Pixie King
I really like the conversations with Tifa. Looking at the chapter summaries, her appearance seems like an afterthought. It is a cameo, but it gives nice character moments.

After leaving Leslie, I arrived at Seventh Heaven by dusk. It was the first time I had visited twice in one day.


When Tifa realised it was me, she looked curious, and soon burst into laughter.

"This is gonna be a short story..."

Saying that, I slid on to the edge of the seat at the counter.

"Did you give up on going to Nibelheim?"

"Well, that's not the story."

"Seems serious."


「実は----」 おれはレズリーにした話を、さらに圧縮して報告することにした。「ドン・コルネオが脅迫のネタに使っているらしい写真があって、その中にティファが写っているのがあったんだ。それを盗んで破り捨てたんだけど、コルネオに、まだコピーがあるって言われて----」
"Actually..." I decided to shorten the story I told Leslie. "Don Corneo seems to be using photographs to intimidate people, you were in one of them, Tifa. I stole it and tore it up, but Corneo said he has copies..."

"Wait a minute. Corneo's alive?"

"Alive... what do you mean?"

"Oh, sorry. That's kind of complicated. There's a lot of things I don't know. So, Corneo had a picture of me?"

"Yeah, Tifa, with that girl, Aerith... and Cloud. I wasn't sure if I should say. Cloud was dressed as a woman."

"Oh, that time. There must have been a hidden camera."

"Yeah, I think so."

「あれ? クラウドと知り合いなの?」
"Huh? You know Cloud?"

"I only know him a little. Our conversation only lasted about 3 minutes."

"He usually doesn't speak to anyone for more than 5 minutes."

Tifa said with a smile. But she seemed to realise something immediately...

"You know of Aerith too?"

"No, three names were written on the back of the photograph."

"Oh, I see."

"Is she a friend?"

"Yeah. Well, she was more special..."

"She seems so."

My curiosity about Aerith was piqued. I was hesitant to ask about someone who had died, and yet, I haven't talked about the most important thing.

"Anyway, I may have done something to anger Corneo, Tifa, I wanted to tell you. I may have done something unnessisary."

「エヴァンって----」 ティファは真正面からおれを見つめながら言った。いたたまれなくなって視線を下げると、そこにはティファの胸があった。慌てて顔を上げる。
"Evan..." Tifa said, staring right at me. I lowered my gaze, unable to concentrate... and there was Tifa's chest. I quickly looked up.

"Evan, you're a good person."

"There's no such thing."

"Why do you pretend to be bad?]

"I'm not pretending."

Tifa laughted again when she heard my reply.

"Well, I'm going."

"Don't worry about Corneo. I have Cloud."

Tifa said in a voice full of confidence. The relationship Tifa had with people in her life, is beyond my imagination. It must be complicated in it's endless complexity.

"Hey, have you spoken to Kyrie?"

I looked blankly at Tifa.

"She was sitting here until a little while ago. She ate a lot."

"By any chance, did you tell Kyrie I was going to Nibelheim?"

Tifa looked at me with surprise this time.

"Sorry, was that a secret?"

I nodded slightly.

"I'm sorry..."

「いや----」 その時、おれの腹が盛大た鳴った。そういえば、この何日か、まともな食事をしていない。
"No..." That moment, my stomach rumbled loudly. That reminds me, I haven't had a proper meal for a few days.

"I'll make you something. It's my treat, so eat as much as you'd like."

Before I could answer, Tifa placed a frying pan on the stove.


Attention question: When is suppose that this novel take place? I know is after the OTWTS novels, but I mean: this happend before Cloud started to live on his own in the Church or does he still living with Denzel, Marlene and Tifa? ^^U
I think that this novel starts just... a week (? correct me if I´m wrong) after OTWTS Case of Shinra finish, but I´m a little confuse about the way Tifa and Cloud are related right now (as always) hahaha


The Pixie King
Its definitely after Case of Shin-Ra. That's around 2 years after "that fated day". Case of Tifa takes us up to that point too. Think all of them do, actually.

In Case of Lifestream, Kadaj is created, and fails, then is recreated just before AC with the other 2.

Shin-Ra only starts looking for Jenova at the end of CoS to keep it out of the hands of people like Kilmister. And Healin only got it's name at the end


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I googled it, it means compilation I think.


The Pixie King
27. Starting the Project

As Reno kept an eye on Rude, who was speaking with their superior on the phone, he checked the memorial's construction schedule.



When he looked up, there was the middle-aged man looking around nervously.

"I'm Doyle."

The man furrowed his thick eyebrows and identified himself.

"Ah, The Mayor."

"More or less. Anyway, as promised, starting tomorrow we'd like to help with the project. Keough, Throp and I. Fabio can’t yet. Let him rest up some more."

"You’re certainly welcome. So, what can you do? What are you good... Hey, are you listening to me?!"


Doyle looked at the car parked beside the monument.

"Evan left it. I'm lookin' after it for a while."

"He actually came here?"


"What is that guy doing..."

"I dunno what he's doin’, but I'm sure he’s doin’ his best, yo."

"Oh, I understand what you're saying. You seem like you understand the guy.”

"I’ve seen lotsa people like that."

Reno responded with a snort. After Doyle promised he would ‘get to work’ starting tomorrow, he started walking toward the car, which now belonged to Evan. Reno turned his attention back down at the construction schedule.



Rude walked back, putting the phone in his suit pocket.

"I'm going up to Midgar now. The helicopter doesn't seem to be working."

"Midgar? The helicopter?"

Without thinking, Reno looked up at Midgar.

"The Chief and Elena are coming."

"What are you plannin' to do with the helicopter?

"I don't know."

“Pfft, still leavin' me out, are we?”

"Anyway, I'm going."

"Wait, I'm going too."


The Pixie King
What would you call these kinds of boots? ゴツいブーツ

It describes what Kyrie is wearing.
Something like
She was wearing rough boots on her feet, a sleeveless riders jacket, and simple demim hotpants.

Im not sure about the hotpants. It might just be jean shortpants

Its whatever you would call this


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
You could call them cutoff shorts or jean/denim shorts.

As for the boots, I reckon biker boots are the closest descriptor I can think of.


The Pixie King
28. Kyrie Fights Back

By the time I had left Leslie and arrived at Seventh Heaven, it was already dusk. It was the first time I had visited twice in one day.


When Tifa realised it was me, she gave a curious look, and soon burst into laughter.

"There was something I wanted to talk about..."

Saying that, I slid on to the edge of the seat at the counter.

"Did you give up on going to Nibelheim?"

"No, it’s not about that.."

"Sounds serious."


"Actually..." I decided to further shorten the story I told Leslie. "Don Corneo seems to be using photographs to intimidate people, you were in one of them, Tifa. I stole it and tore it up, but Corneo said he has copies..."

"Wait a minute. Corneo's still alive?"

"Still alive... what do you mean?"

"Oh, sorry. It’s kind of complicated. There's a lot of stuff I don't know either. So, Corneo had a picture of me?"

"Yeah, You, a girl named Aerith... and Cloud. I’m not sure how to say it. Cloud was dressed as a woman."

"Oh, eh, that. There must have been a hidden camera."

"Yeah, seems like it."

"Wait, so you know Cloud?"

"Well, just barely. Even if I add all of our conversations together, there’s only about three minutes."

"There aren't many who can last five with him."

Tifa said with a cheerful smile. But soon she seemed to have another question on her mind...

"You know of Aerith too?"

"No, it’s just, there were three names written on the back of the photo."

"Oh, I see."

"Is she a friend?"

"Yeah. Well, she was someone more special... I guess"

"I see."

My curiosity about Aerith had been more than piqued, but it felt awkward asking about someone who had died, and plus, I hadn’t even gotten down to the point yet.

"Anyway, I just figured what I did at Corneo’s place might cause you some trouble, so I wanted to let you know. I may have done something unnecessary."

"Evan..." Tifa said, staring right at me. I lowered my gaze, feeling uneasy... and there was Tifa's chest. I quickly looked up.

"Evan, you're a good person."

"That’s not true."

"Why are you pretending to be bad?"

"I'm not pretending."

Tifa laughed again when she heard my reply.

"Anyway, I'm going."

"Don't worry about Corneo. I have Cloud."

Tifa said in a voice full of confidence. The relationship between Tifa and those around her had to have been more complicated than I could ever imagine.

"Hey, have you spoken to Kyrie since then?"

I looked at Tifa, slack-jawed.

"She was sitting here until a little while ago. She ate a lot."

"By any chance, did you tell Kyrie I was going to Nibelheim?"

Tifa looked at me with surprise this time.

"Sorry, was that a secret?"

I nodded slightly.

"I'm sorry..."

"Nah..." That moment, my stomach rumbled loudly. That reminds me, I haven't had a proper meal for a few days.

"I'll make you something. It's my treat, so eat as much as you'd like."

Before I could answer, an apologetic looking Tifa had placed a frying pan on the stove.


As I rubbed my full stomach and surveyed the central square, I spotted Kyrie’s face from the side. She was sitting in the driver's seat of the car, with her eyes staring straight ahead. There was nothing special in the direction she was looking in. She stared into space, contemplating something. I sorted through the information that Tifa had given me, and pondered what I should say to her. Now, what to do. Before I could even think of any choices, nevermind an answer, I was at the side of the car. Whatever. Even if it was to chew me out, Kyrie was waiting for me. It made me happy enough to want to take that step forward. I no longer cared about how I had gone off on my own because of what happened between us, or what I thought, for that matter.


As I called out to her, Kyrie gave me a glare and got out of the car. She was wearing a sleeveless riders jacket, a simple pair of denim shorts, and sturdy boots on her feet. In her hand was the usual military backpack. It was as if she was getting ready to go on a trip― wait, could it be? Kyrie places both hands on her hips, and looks up at me in defiance.

"Get in."

She ordered me and quickly went around to the passenger seat, herself.


I replied, getting into the driver's seat.

"The Turks aren't here."

"They said something urgent came up."



Kyrie suddenly twisted her body, and stuck her head toward the rear seats. When I looked, there was a big bag, made out of light brown cloth, sitting on the seat. Whatever's in there, it's packed to bursting point. After placing her backpack on top of that, she shoved her hand into the pocket of the cloth bag.

"The Turks lent me this."

Kyrie held out what looked like biker's goggles.

"That’s great. They looks pretty good."

"But, if you wear them too long, they leave marks around your eyes."

She quickly put on her own pair to show me.

"You have a pair too?"

"Of course I do."


"Well, let's go."

The car was completely under Kyrie's control. We had always struggled to maintain a comfortable distance between each other, but it was completely different now. Things felt comfortable. Nothing felt out of place, either. I started the car, and slowly drove into the main avenue, heading toward the south end. The goggles kept the wind at bay, but occasionally pebbles and dirt would fly into my face. It seemed if I had wanted to avoid those, I still wouldn’t be able to drive very fast. Before long, Kyrie stuck her head in the rear seat again, and started rummaging through the bag. She quickly turned back around, put on a woolen hat, fit for a snowy mountain, pulling it down over her eyes and covered her nose and mouth with a cloth featuring a large floral design.

"Go faster!"

Obeying Kyrie's muffled voice, I stepped on the accelerator.


Kyrie said something else, but it was drowned out by the sound of the wind, and the cloth over her mouth.


When I showed her that I couldn't hear, placing a hand against my ear, Kyrie pulled down the cloth covering the lower half of her face.

"Feels great, doesn’t it!"

The gravel and small stones continued flying through the window and painfully against my cheeks. But if it made Kyrie happy, then I couldn’t complain. I stepped on the accelerator as hard as I could. The engine would roar to life and propel us even faster― or so I thought. The engine sputtered in protest, and before long, stopped altogether. I look at the fuel gauge. It was the telltale sign that we were out of gas. The car continued coasting for a while, but eventually stopped dead. Kyrie folded her arms and looked down.

"Where’s the fuel?"

"It should be delivered to the southern end of the main avenue at dawn tomorrow."

Given what had happened at Corneo’s, I didn't think things would go as planned. But that was something I wouldn’t know until tomorrow. Kyrie was more important right now.

"We still have quite some time as well as distance to cover, but what do you want to do?"

"I wonder."

"There’s nothing we can do but push the car, right? Then we’ll sleep in the car and wait."

"Yeah. Well, I'll push. You sit here and turn the steering wheel for me."


I got out of the car, and made sure Kyrie was sitting in the driver’s seat. Then, I went around to the back and started pushing the body of the car with both hands. There was no sign that it was starting to move at all. I turned around, putting my back to the body, and put the strength into my legs. I pushed even harder, despite thinking it was no use. The car started moving all of a sudden, and I almost fell over. Somehow, I managed to turn around and continued pushing with both hands again. Once the car started moving, it continued forward with unexpected ease.

"I heard from Tifa. That your mother isn't dead. She's still missing. She may be in Nibelheim."

Kyrie, who was inside the car, must have been yelling quite loudly.


Suddenly, the car started to meander.

"Kyrie, the steering wheel!"

As I looked inside while pushing, I saw Kyrie was turning the steering wheel hard to the left and right.

"This. Is how. I feel."

"It gets really heavy when you do that."

"Of course. You noticed? First of all, on the way back from Healin. What you said, that hurt. But it was also my fault for making you say that."

It wasn’t Kyrie’s fault. I just ruined things for myself.

"But then, what happened at the clinic, that’s was too much. That was really just too much! I hate being tested like that."

Yeah. That was bad.

"What you did after that was even worse. You disappeared. I don’t really know what was going on, but you spread your lies everywhere. And yet, you told it all to Tifa. Hey, Evan. I thought I wanted you to like me, and put in a boatload of effort. I stopped being bad. I cut out the old friends who tempted me back."

"A boatload of effort?"

"I'm worn out."

The meandering stopped. She seemed tired of pointlessly steering rather than helping.

"What was it? Oh, right. It's because I grew up in a crime family in the slums. The border between good and bad is vague and really thin. You hate that, right?

"I don’t think... that’s it."

"I know you go overdo things to fit in with us. I know you’re trying to act all mean and tough because you’ve got some sort of misconception in your head about the slums. But the real Evan is different. I know that. You're a good person. You don't want to do bad things."

I wonder if there are actually any guys who would feel happy about being called a good person? At any rate, I’ve heard too much about the "real me" today. I wish people would just lay off it already.

"Well, anyway, both of us have been living a lie with each other."

"Why are you making it seem like you want to call it a draw."

"I didn't mean it like that."

"No, you did mean it like that. You’re always like this. When you don't get the response you’re looking for, you just say you didn't mean it like that. Even when you don't say it, that’s what your heart says."

"If you put it that way, then there’s nothing more I can say."

It seemed she was pretty angry.

"What should I do."

"You tell me."

Kyrie fell silent, and I pushed the car in silence.


The Pixie King
29. Reno and Rude, In A Rush

There was noone who knew exactly how many helicopters the Shinra Comapny had. The majority had been looted in the first six months after "Meteorfall". In the end, after all the trouble they had gone through, Rufus Shinra and the Turks were only able to secure 3 of the aircraft. There weren't many, but given the efforts required for maintenance, this was just the right amount. They were hidden, one aircraft in the vicinity of Healin, and the other two in Midgar. A warehouse with a collapsed roof was used as the hangar for units No.1 and 2.

"It's a starter malfunction. I’ve just replaced it with unit no.2 for the time being."

Rude said while wiping off the oil on his hand with an old rag.

"When will no.2 be able to fly?"

Tseng asked.

"Beats me. I’d have to dismantle the part I took off No.1 and check―"

"You better hurry."

Tseng raised the corner of his mouth.

"Chief. Was that a smile just now?"

"When you can fly all depends on Rude."

"Flying, to where? We’re workin’ undercover here aren’t we, Chief?"

"We're going to look for Jenova."

As Tseng said that, Reno and Rude exchanged glances.

“That’s awesome!”

"First, Elena and I will meet with our allies scatter all over. We’re having them gather information."

Elena averted her gaze guiltily.

"Oh, let us do something, too. That’s what we Turks do, after all. We’re the Department of Administrative Research, the Turks!"

"What about the memorial monument?"

"We’ll finish it in three days!"

"No, it'll take five days."

Rude corrected him calmly.

"We’ll do it in four!"

Reno held on.

"Meet up again when it’s done."

"Got it! Let's go, partner!"

"Chief," Rude said as he watched Reno take off out of the corner of his eye. "The President... what’s he planning to do with Jenova?"

"It belongs to Shinra. That includes the right to dispose of it."

"I suppose."

Rude nodded while playing with the starter.

"This is bad, yo. Someone was listening to us just now. I heard footsteps running away."

Reported Reno as he carefully came back from outside the warehouse.

"What should we do, Tseng?"

Elena said without hiding her agitation.

"Elena, go and search. Come back if you don't find them in one hour."

"What should I do if I find them? Should I deal with them?"

"Bring them here. I’ll decide after I listen to what they have to say."


Elena gave a dissatisfied reply, and ran outside.

"We'll fly as soon as Elena comes back. Rude, stay here and guard unit No.2."

"Roger that. I’ll move it once the repairs are finished."

"Good thinking. Reno, get to the memorial monument."

"Yeah, yeah! I’m goin’!"


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
'Fuel cap' is a happy medium I think.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
"Gas" is a synonym for "fuel" here. =P

We don't shorten "gasoline" to "gas," though my guess is that would be the origin of the colloquialism.
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