Final Fantasy VII PC Achievements


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Ok, well in that case it should just be to get more slaps in overall :monster:


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Meet a certain someone late in the game, with a certain someone else.
Meet Yuffie when Tifa is the leader of the party. (Boobs! is what Yuffie calls Tifa. :D )

Beacause Nostalgia
Find several spelling errors.
Beacause you are a puppet, This guy are sick etc

One of the guys
Find a down-to-earth guy.
See Rude in Junon drinking with the guys at the bar

See the elite drinkers.
See the rest of the Turks drinking in the rich bar next door.

Commit a crime against nature.
Inbred a Chocobo.


I was going to ask how you inbreed a chocobo, and then I remembered the game actively encourages it. I don't know why I didn't think about the implications of this when I played it >_>

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
Don Giovanni : date with Yuffie, Barrett, Tifa and Aerith in this order
True name: correct Aerith's name (Aerith instead of Aeris), call Red XIII Nanaki and call Caith Sith Reeve (the last two are quite funny imo :D )
Who I Am: never call Cloud Zack, no matter if they are the same person in Midgar.
And tonight the lucky girl is.. you!: be always chosen by Corneo, with every item avaible


Pro Adventurer
T, Zulo, Thomas
What did you feed them?! - Fill the stables with Golden Chocobos and the pen with Wonderful Chocobos

EDIT: Alternative title - Must be Cloud's hair...


Save your valediction (she/her)
"Crybaby" -- take over five minutes to toggle all the lines of Dialogue between the Final Wish FMV and the battle with Jenova-LIFE.


unsavory tart
HAHAHA you're fucked now- get Vincent the first time you go to the Shinra mansion and use him on the next boss.

Circle of Life - successfully avoid trying to use X as the confirm button after you've been playing another Final Fantasy game.
As soon as I start, I change the commands to avoid that.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Dragon King -- collect all three Bahamut summons.

Clash of the Titans -- defeat Lifeform Hojo with Chaos.

You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry -- fill the Limit Bar in one battle.

Improvise -- win a battle with a joke weapon equipped.


The Pixie King

The re-release of the PC version of Final Fantasy VII that was announced back in early July was released on Square-Enix’s online store for $11.99 a few hours ago. This was followed by the game being suddenly yanked from the service a few hours later.

Going by the messages currently found in the technical support section on Square-Enix’s forum, several people who purchased the game are experiencing issues with the game’s built-in DRM, which uses the often-criticized SecuROM. According to one user:

“After installation, it asks you to enter your serial for it to connect and unlock the game for you. I entered my serial, it connected to the license server, and it tells me my activation failed and my serial was invalid. I did it manually with my serial and unlock code, and still nothing. I paid $12.70 for something that doesn’t work. Perhaps you could flip the ‘on’ switch, SE? Thanks”

Sounds like a Square-Enix employee may have been influenced under a ‘Haste’ spell and got a little ahead of his or herself. We’ll keep you updated as the situation develops further.


Double Growth
WHY do companies insist on continuing to use SecuROM?

Yes, I know the answer, but come on. It ALWAYS ends with said company looking like a jackass.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Oh Jesus why am I even surprised? You can't even release a game you made 15 years ago as DLC.


Pro Adventurer
As excited as I am about FFVII being rereleased on the PC (I told some friends who were interested in the game but never got a chance to play it about the game)
I am reading this and thinking "how hard would it be to update the DRM?"
I mean you read about Baldur's gate I&II being rereleased HD, new characters and updated and it is going to be playable on I-pad and the Android pad.
Also it is at least a year old the FF7

Come on Square, I love you, at least update the DRM.


Pro Adventurer
Oh my gosh those post are making me all excited and the opening sequence looks so clear.


AI Researcher
i might actually buy it to play the spanish version

or wait for someone to rip the text of the script idk


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
So they lost the source code and are building around the original PC release. Wow.

The fact its the midi music converted to OGG just is laughably bad.

One of the mods off Qhimm would probably be better than this, ironically.


One of the mods off Qhimm would probably be better than this, ironically.

The mods from Qhimm already far surpass what this version will produce (based on the file analysis at Qhimm). I honestly didn't think they'd have the gall to unleash the original PC midi on the current generation, but there's always a chance that this isn't a complete version of the game.

It's still probably going to be the nicest looking version of FFVII that's not modded though, so if someone wants to play a vanilla VII I'd definitely pick this up. The FMV's for example have been upscaled very well. To my eyes it so far looks better than any attempt on Qhimm, and there have been a lot of attempts to do that.

The backgrounds are the same in their original resolution, they've just applied shaders and filters to run in-engine but I'm not sure how that's going to look.

Apparently there's also an alternative font but it's unknown whether or not this'll be available to use in game or if it's for something else (Achievement system maybe?).

The filesystem is almost exactly the same as the original PC version, the only differences of note are the MIDI conversion to OGG (which means replacing music could be as simple as drag and drop, unless they're still packaged in LGP files) and seperate .exe files for different languages.

I'm still very interested to know what it's going to look like on a field background/ the world map running at high resolution. It could end up looking very nice.


Double Growth
Well, SE is compensating the people that jumped on the accidental posting of the game that didn't work. Both refunding their money AND giving them a free copy.

This weekend, our teams were testing the product website for the upcoming relaunch of Final Fantasy VII on PC. While the website was being tested in its live state, a small number of people were able to purchase a pre-release build of the game. For those customers, Square Enix will be offering full refunds for the purchases and for their inconvenience, a free version of the classic Final Fantasy VII on PC when it is launched.

We want to thank our community for their continued support and excitement regarding the upcoming rerelease of Final Fantasy VII. We will have more information to share about the launch of this anticipated title shortly.

Honestly, classy move, Square. And that's something we don't get to say about you very often. Refunding their money makes sense, but you didn't have to offer them a free copy. They're actually giving preference to their more loyal fans that saw the posting immediately.


Pro Adventurer
Wow that is great to hear Square doing that though giving it to them for free. But I wonder why they won't show a release date for it instead of "coming this August" or "Coming this Summer!"

Kain Strife

Some Kind of Animator
Oh so after all these years they don't have a backup of FFVII anymore? So they're using the PC version? Odd.... and the comments of people who saw it before it was pulled had nothing really good to say about it? PC version with crappy music and no real visual change huh? Not amused.
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