
Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
"Forget the past" lol. But yeah I think that's in broad strokes how it'll be.

Who said, "forget the past?" Was that a Japanese translation of Aerith's line at the beginning?

I wonder which Cloud exactly that line (and when and where it is) will be coming from? The other Cloud that alive!Zack was pulling along with him? Cloud's "inner true Cloud" maybe? Or perhaps a flashback?

I honestly don't know. But I think what's been revealed so far is that we're definitely having an interesting juxtaposition of "what is fact and what is fiction" here. Clearly the character's memories and recollections of their past have been... muddled. Because Cloud having a recollection of Zack from 5 years ago is heavy. That's something you wouldn't expect Cloud to say at all.

But then again, if Cloud never fully recalled/remembered him having the Buster Sword passed onto him... But had faint recollections of consciousness of his on-the-run adventures after escaping the Shinra Manor... Because Cloud did reach out for Zack when he just suddenly left to deal with... Things.


This makes me remember that in the OG Cloud did have recollection because didn't they etch their plans of escape on the metal of the specimen tubes?

Either way, this is interesting.

While the Singularity may have kept them physically and temporally the same, I think we'll see a bleed through of memories because of this. Something very surreal.
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Ninja Potato
Who said, "forget the past?" Was that a Japanese translation of Aerith's line at the beginning?
I gas lit myself into thinking this was a line because someone on the TLS server said it in response to Aerith's actual line:
"The future, even if it has been written can be changed".
Which, I mean, come on.


Kaiju Member

This is apparently what was posted on 4chan for those curious. Doubt it's real though (as they could easily have found out the leaked title and and made the rest up, even just guessed the title)

I think the claim that Cid won't be playable is perhaps the most damning evidence against its authenticity. Since Sonon, a lancer, was obviously made as practice for Cid's gameplay.

[QUOTE="Makoeyes987, post: 925912, member: 15"
I honestly don't know. But I think what's been revealed so far is that we're definitely having an interesting juxtaposition of "what is fact and what is fiction" here. Clearly the character's memories and recollections of their past have been... muddled. Because Cloud having a recollection of Zack from 5 years ago is heavy. That's something you wouldn't expect Cloud to say at all.

But then again, if Cloud never fully recalled/remembered him having the Buster Sword passed onto him... But had faint recollections of consciousness of his on-the-run adventures after escaping the Shinra Manor... Because Cloud did reach out for Zack when he just suddenly left to deal with... Things.[/QUOTE]
Well if it's an internal Cloud thought/dialogue, it doesn't even have to mean that Cloud is consciously fully recollecting Zack. It could easily be one those conversations Cloud has had with his inner self in both the OG and Remake when dreaming and/or being knocked out (or freaking out in general).


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I gas lit myself into thinking this was a line because someone on the TLS server said it in response to Aerith's actual line:
"The future, even if it has been written can be changed".
Which, I mean, come on.

I mean, I think that speaks to the same thing Aerith said in chapter 18.

They wanted to avert their perceived "bad" future that's been written because of Sephiroth.

I'm more fascinated and curious about their memories and Cloud's recollection of 5 years ago with Zack?

I want to know what he remembers of Zack and his "disappearance."

"You were here with me. Five years ago. Where are you? What happened to you?"

Where is "here?" What is Cloud remembering? Who is he talking to? Is it Zack right there?

Is he recollecting moments of his time on the run with Zack? How much of Zack does he remember.

And obviously the recollection is fucked up because we know Zack didn't "disappear."

So there's a very real form of mental confusion going on here. Especially with Tifa's words. The tag line, "What is fact and what is fiction" is pretty fucking telling about where they're going with this. ESPECIALLY when the cut to Zack carrying Cloud to a Midgar of the past, from the early autumn of 0007. Right before it's construction was completed.

View attachment 12541

This is apparently what was posted on 4chan for those curious. Doubt it's real though (as they could easily have found out the leaked title and and made the rest up, even just guessed the title)

I think the claim that Cid won't be playable is perhaps the most damning evidence against its authenticity. Since Sonon, a lancer, was obviously made as practice for Cid's gameplay.

That's a repost of nonsense. That same thing was posted before last year. That's pure garbage lmao


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I mean, I find it fascinating. The fact that there's a tension between what's "real" and what's "fiction" is a very interesting angle to go here.

I'm really fucking freaked but also intensely fascinated about what Cloud is talking about there. Because it's fucking crazy. What the hell is he talking about? Why does Tifa think Cloud is alluding to her being an imposter?


Is that her reaction to just how shockingly off base his recollection of 5 years ago is, given the fact he wasn't there in her memories?

It opens so many fucking wild paths of how they're going to relate to the past.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Ahhh, so our typical form of English localization flourish strikes again. :monster:

But it still conveyed the same meaning in regards to Tifa. It's what I thought, there's tension between Cloud's recollection of events and Tifa's and she can't help but blurt out a hint about how off base Cloud's memories are. A hint that something is fucked up.

REALLY am curious about who the fuck Cloud is talking to. That's wild.

Where is "here?" When is he saying this? How much awareness of the truth does Cloud carry?

This is endlessly fascinating.

So, this is what we have so far:

1.) Cloud still thinks he's a 1st Class SOLDIER and he was there with Sephiroth to investigate the Mt. Nibel Reactor.

2.) Tifa still doesn't remember him and is quite aware that there are holes, making her question what he's saying and remembers.

3.) Cloud's recollection of 5 years ago INCLUDES the time he was confined and possibly a memory of Zack. This actually tracks with what we saw in Remake Part 1. Cloud had vivid PTSD flashbacks of being trapped in a specimen pod, as seen when he went in Deepground.

My current theory is that the memory mimicry and identity recreation via Jenova cells is much more insidious this time around. I wouldn't be surprised, if Cloud has literally switched his recollection of events with Zack at far larger, greater scale than the OG. In Cloud's mind, Zack might have been a infantryman to him, and HE was the 1-C SOLDIER who was protecting and saving him.

And then, he (Cloud) was the one who fought off Shinra troopers to protect him (Zack) and then either Zack disappeared or was captured.

A complete switcheroo in terms of memories and recollection of the past. Combined with the Singularity time split that occurred in Part 1, all this would really fuck up the nature of reality for Cloud and the others. Truth and fiction are now indistinguishable.
Last edited:


to be fair everything shown seems plot oriented crypticness right now

I'm v underslept today but also I think I'll be fully hyped as soon as we see more of Nibelheim (that bridge shot looked nice) and a boss battle.

and open world???? maybe????

4chan post seems fake to me but idk who knows


Alex T
Who's excited for Sephiroth to be in your party during the Nibelheim Incident? (presumably)

Do you think Sephiroth should remain a "guest" party member during those events? It is interesting not giving the player control, like Sephiroth has autonomy, which feeds back into the story. Or make him playable and bust out some crazy combos? That's definitely more fun!


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, honestly the JPN confuses me because I'm trying to think of what scenario Cloud is able to say this. Which I'd think "five years ago" is a hint at Nibelheim, but for him to even be talking about Zack, he should know what happened. Unless the "five years" and "Zack" are from two different scenes. But it's got me intrigued.

Also, here's Audrey doing her translation within the video. Some lines are a bit different I think, too.



Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I think it's probably an internal mental/dream Cloud is having with himself. That seems the most likely. Or perhaps a line from right before Weapons awaken and Sephiroth is doing his tormenting schtick.

Well, that would be the safe assumption.

But I definitely can believe we'll see a Zack (either imaginary or a glimpse of him from his world/perspective) this time around, within the Northern Crater when the walls of false reality come crashing down around Cloud.

Cloud remembers "Zack" this time around with his false persona, but I think the Zack Cloud remembers, versus the real Zack are two different things.

Yeah, honestly the JPN confuses me because I'm trying to think of what scenario Cloud is able to say this. Which I'd think "five years ago" is a hint at Nibelheim, but for him to even be talking about Zack, he should know what happened. Unless the "five years" and "Zack" are from two different scenes. But it's got me intrigued.

Also, here's Audrey doing her translation within the video. Some lines are a bit different I think, too.

"We came here together five years ago."

It has to be a location that Zack visited after their Nibelheim escape.

So either Gongaga, Banora, or even Shinra Manor.

But clearly Zack carries a recollection of a "Zack" within his mind. But I'm pretty positive it's not the real one.
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Double Growth
Aerith's line about 'searching for you' is almost certainly taken from the Gold Saucer date.

Cloud is obviously talking to Zack. Could be at literally any point. Personal druthers, could be if the part 2 makes it to the Mideel flashback, but that's probably unlikely.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I think it's the Shinra Manor, personally. I really think Cloud's memories have incorporated aspects of Zack's literal journey and experiences, especially with the Singularity potentially having fucked with his memories now too. It might be why the Jenova cells have incorporated Zack's recollection and experiences this far now. To really create a fictional reality for Cloud now.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
We don't know if it's a dream or not. We have no idea when, where or how Cloud is speaking to Zack.

The Midgar we see Zack carrying Cloud to is the one of the past. Before it was finally completed in late 0007, when FFVII begins.


Pro Adventurer
I think it's the Shinra Manor, personally. I really think Cloud's memories have incorporated aspects of Zack's literal journey and experiences, especially with the Singularity potentially having fucked with his memories now too. It might be why the Jenova cells have incorporated Zack's recollection and experiences this far now. To really create a fictional reality for Cloud now.

You mean like, Cloud thinks he was the one carrying a mako-poisoned Zack instead? As in, he reversed the roles in his altered memories rather than erasing Zack out of them? Or am I'm misunderstanding?


Alex T
I don't think it's a past Midgar, like before it was completed. Are we sure they're not just approaching Sector 6? Is it interesting that the Shinra Building isn't visible. But also, the Shinra Building is clearing visible during Zack's scenes in Remake.


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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Current crack theory: Cloud and Sephiroth at the beginning isn't a flashback

I mean, at least you said it was crack :wacky:

I think the reason we're seeing Cloud in his current outfit in the past of Nibelheim, is because it's playing out just like it did in the original.

We're going to be experiencing/playing it as Cloud. As a playable flashback. So it just transplants Cloud as he is into his memories. Just like Sephiroth is in his Remake design in the flashback.

You mean like, Cloud thinks he was the one carrying a mako-poisoned Zack instead? As in, he reversed the roles in his altered memories rather than erasing Zack out of them? Or am I'm misunderstanding?

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.
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