Final Fantasy VIII General Discussion


3x3 Eyes
Yeah ... the entire Orphanage reveal is as bad and poorly executed as I remember it to be.

Finally made it to Zeh Time Comprezzed Future. Ugh, I had forgotten about the locked everything aspect. Time to bust out a guide.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I think for me it's not so problematic that this was the direction nor even how it was unveiled. It's just kind of annoying that the plot point raises implications and questions that it isn't concerned with ever addressing again.

I remember playing the game at the age of 13 and thinking that it was going to have a bittersweet ending where they succeed in saving the world, but at the cost of completely losing their memories of one another.

The narrative long-legged sidestepped that one.


Sincerity-Genuinity & Comedy
FFVIII was good. But does anybody feel much of the overworld map was too empty? Or bland? So much of it was just empty. But i loved the game.
It's a very mysterious game cuz so much of it is obscure and not explained until you play through again. The ending FMV was.... Well i didn't like it that much. I really enjoyed how Squall speaks to Edea during the fall psychedelic part near the end. And it ties it it up well. But the flashes if rinoa and stuff werent the top notch cgi that we see throughout the game. Loved it tho.


Yeah I can see that. I think VIII was a very "between" game in a lot of ways.

Movement for example - it was the first to have analogue support but it wasn't as refined as it could have been. I always feel like the characters move a bit too much, like their models should be shrunk slightly. And while I like seeing my party on screen I think it's a bit awkward looking.

And the world map is just (comparatively to VII's) much bigger, but there's not much else in it. VII was the first to do it so it has that novelty, it's also more cartoon-type stylised where VIII tried to go for a bit more realism. There are a lot of little nooks and crannies on VIII's world map that I can't help but feel are a bit of a missed opportunity. There should have been more on the Centra and Esthar continents for sure (although Centra does have that big crater part that's obscurely references as having something to do with Hyne IIRC, I barely remember). But it needed more of that stuff.

IX has the perfect blend tbh. There's a shitload to find and do on the world map in FFIX, and a lot of it is optional. Chocobo hot and cold really helps, but even things like the gates between regions (most of which are optional), Quan's Dwelling, Daguerro etc. all really manage to feel like they have a story behind them.

FFVIII's world map and town/ settlement placement is just weird, but that's par for the course with the game and I guess part of its charm. I think a lot of it is the design of the game aswell. I'm thinking about Esthar here, the way they put that on the world map is neat but it contrasts so sharply with all the other settlements in the game that it just doesn't really make sense.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, FFIX's map was great. These days I usually look the chocographs up on the internet in my replays, but the first time I did it legit and it was hard but rewarding. Exploring the world was just so fun.

I have to disagree on FFVIII's ending, though I get why it's not everyone's cup of tea. From a purely aesthetic point of view, it's one of my favorites, though others are more chatartic or fulfilling.

PS: sorry for any typos, I'm writing from my dumb phone > : (


Sincerity-Genuinity & Comedy
Absolutely, IX's map was well designed with tow locations and terrain. Even if there was a small area that seemed empty you know there was choco-treasure to be found so it made it fun roaming it. Tbh i think with VII's map was exeptionally well recieved and when they went with VIII's they simply had a bigger map with fewer idea's of which to put in it. That being said I'm sure they had heard reviews and knew themselves about it and didba great job wuth IX's as a result. I loved the town's and city's of IX.

And the ending of VIII wasn't bad by any means story wise. I mean the actual flashes of rinoa and everything.
I lived the conciousness-memory finding eachother part. It was a good feeling seeing Rinoa and Squall ay the end, so heart warming.


Ninja Potato
In IX, the mist continent is for sure tightly packed with interesting locations and sights, but I feel like the outer continents are a bit barren in comparison. I know there's story reasons for that, though, and between the entries in the PS1 trilogy, its definitely still got the best over world.

I've never been able to get into VIII enough to really judge though, never made it past disc 2.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
How is the FFVIII recent PC remaster overall BTW?

Reviews on Steam were mixed last time I looked. Does anyone know which is the best version? (PS4 or Steam)


Double Growth
I don't think there's any difference between the the Steam and PS4 releases. Your real choice is Steam/PS4 vs PS3 which is the PS1 game exactly. The Steam/PS4 prettied up the character models which is nice but could maybe clash for you with the backgrounds and stuff that aren't uprezzed. Also it lost analog movement which kinda sucks. But it gained the cheat modes and trophies, if that matters to you.

I will set you free

Lv. 25 Adventurer
I am currently playing this game for the first time, just reached Galbadia Garden. My experience thus far as been absolutely amazing. I played tons of 7 and got everything, even defeated emerald and ruby as well as gold chocobo and so much more. I somewhat enjoyed 9 but i am just frustrated a ton with 9 in general and I looked at 8 to be something I wanted to try and my goodness what a ride so far. My favorite part is the draw(s) which I do a ton in battle. How many of you have played this enough to where you recall it daily? I am excited for this adventure with this game.

Nanaki Skywalker

Kate Lord of the Sith
Tarkatan Trash
I'm already about to crash into the Lunatic Pandora on my current playthrough. Actually, I might go back to Esthar to farm some more Energy Crystals and Moon Stones first.

And for some reason, I'm just finding out now, as I'm looking up trade rule manipulation shit, that it's beneficial to leave the Queen of Cards at Shumi Village before the Time Compression happens, as it has something to do with CC member Diamond on the Ragnarok. Anyone know for sure what this does?

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Finishing the CC-Group Quest earlier in the game makes all the CC Group members show up on the Ragnarok after Time Compression. The real reason you want this to happen is because they can have any rare Triple Triad Card in the game with a few exceptions (Rinoa, Kiros, Irvine, Chubby Chocobo, Doomtrain, Phoenix). However, that is a relatively rare event (their decks need to be "shuffled well"; basicly they have an harsher RNG factor). The exception is Left Diamond, who can have any card in the game and doesn't need a "shuffled well" deck to have high ranked cards. The different CC Group members have rule sets from around the word and Left Diamond has Trabia Rules.

After Time Compression, you can find the Queen of Cards by the escape pod crash site. She has all the rare cards the rest of the CC Group can't use... and the rule set of what ever region you left her in when Time Compression started. She can still do her trick of manipulating the rules of the region she is "in" from the crash site to.

So leaving the Queen of Cards in Shumi before Time Compression leaves her in Trabia... so she can change the Trabia rules around so that beating Left Diamond to farm all the rare cards is as easy as possible!

I am... pretty sure that I spent more time playing Triple Triad than actually playing the FFVIII game itself. It just gives you so many items and refined magic, it's hard not to...


Save your valediction (she/her)
What part of “I’m playing for the first time” did you spoiler-spouters not hear? LOL

Enjoy the game! The plot takes some real twists, and many people find the foreshadowing, um, subtle, to put it mildly. I still love it though, a second playthrough really highlights some hints you missed the first time through.

The card game is awesome and will really boost your power level. Don’t grind levels — it will make future bosses much harder, not easier. And pay close attention to Irvine... he knows more about what’s going on than he pretends to...


Kaiju Member
The “don’t grind” (plus how weird the Draw and Junction systems are) advice is so counterintuitive for me, it’s actually hampering my motivation to progress through the game (playing it for the first time on the Switch).


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Not grinding is hampering you to progress? That's honestly what I loved about FFVIII. It's a counterintuitive strategy that rewards you just going through the game low level :monster:

Like, my low-level run to get the Lionheart Ultimate Weapon on disc 1 was honestly the most fun I've ever played with FFVIII. The only grind-y thing about it was trying to win Triple Triad cards, specifically the Elnoyle card, lol.

As for Junctioning, just remember certain magic spells are best used for certain stats. And use the turbo fast-forward option in fights to quickly draw 99 of a magic spell and you're all set.

Nanaki Skywalker

Kate Lord of the Sith
Tarkatan Trash
Is it just me, or
might Sorceress Adel be a steroid user? Her muscular build and lack of feminine features seem to raise that question.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Psychometabolism! Who need steroids when you can ensorcel your own body to be giant and unstoppable!? Those bug-eyed Estharians will have to worship you now!

Headcanon-wise, most sorceresses take this approach, as when you fight through the gauntlet of past sorceresses, most are huge and mutated. Ultimecia was a bit of an outlier in this regard, perhaps she saw what good it did those other broads.

I will set you free

Lv. 25 Adventurer
Nearing the end of disc 2 of this magical ride of a game so far, i wish i had enjoyed it sooner but none the less, so much fun. The bosses of Fujin and Raijin were a bit of a reach of back to back but even though it tested my knowledge i was able to win. Such a cool game. Do i need all of my party members for final battles or can i focus on 3? I like using squall zell and irvine.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
i really should hunt down a way to replay this. most likely on the switch.

same as og 7. my first play thru i could not figure out junctioning for the life of me. but when i tried it again i got stuck around the end of disc 1 or 2? (the one where you fight seifer before moving onto the enxt disc. and can draw alexander from medea?)

so its one of the few FF's that i started but didnt finish to this day.

thanks to the internet i know about the big twist(s) that happen after that boss fight. but it is a bit of a regret that i didnt make the time to finish it.
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