Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster [PS3/PS4/Vita]

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
If that's from Baaj Temple, isn't it supposed to be dark and hope-crushing? I still say they're making the game too bright and pretty.


Hmmm I'm not sure about that one Tres, I see it more like finally looking at the image in focus instead of blurry and discernible.


Higher Further Faster
It's so beautiful I could cry.

Why can't this be out yet?


Squenix hurry up.


Pro Adventurer
I think XII's graphics still hold up pretty well, to be honest. But if Square used the HD remake as an excuse to release the IZJS version in Europe, I'd definitely buy it.


Well they "hold up" in the sense that it's not unplayable, but on an HDTV the graphical imperfections are quite noticeable unless you've got some nice screen options on your TV. They look especially bad on a PS3 that can play PS2 games.

That said, XII needs far less work than X and X-2 did. They could definitely just up-convert everything from XII and it would still look amazing. Just give me the motherfucking option to make the X-axis camera normal, I had to get used to invert again when I started playing it recently because for some bizarre reason there's no option to change it :D

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Tempting, my ass. I'm more interested in that than the remaster of X and X-2. Those were already great games. XII was a really good game on the cusp of being a great one, and my understanding is that the ZJS version gets it there.

I think XII's graphics still hold up pretty well, to be honest. But if Square used the HD remake as an excuse to release the IZJS version in Europe, I'd definitely buy it.

Heck, even correcting the wonky compression of the voice files might be enough of an excuse. There's some really good voice acting in that game, but it sounds like everyone's talking inside a metal tube -- which is fine for helmeted Judges, yet less so for everyone else.


Pro Adventurer
FFX was just the most relaxing game in the world. Hamauzu's music, them visuals, the strategically intense but infinite time turn based battle, the fast load times. You got a real sense this team wasn't just sandwiched together out of a basic necessity for a party, too, unlike in VIII or some other games. They all genuinely cared about Yuna and had good reasons to.

I'll be looking forward to this.
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AI Researcher
Have they said if the main games will have the International additions like KH HD has the Final Mix stuff (extra sphere grid and dark Aeons for FFX, extra dresspheres and Creature Create/Coliseum for FFX-2)?


Joe, Arcana
Not only that but his hair and hood move around a lot more realistically than they do in the actual game. What's the deal with making it less graphically realistic for the finished product? :huh:


Great Old One
Yeah the hair thing's happened at least twice now, and who knows how many other times X( Another thing that irks me is how the menu looks in that trailer. I HATE the menu of X. It's the ugliest thing ever, and the sorting system is fucked up. I barely bothered with any upgrading (both Aeons and Weapons) because I found the whole thing put me in a bad mood.

But then again it's no secret I'm not a big fan of X. The whole game is candyland fanservice, the only interesting story taking place in flashbacks. /shootingwithbigcanon


I've never really understood how stories in any medium can be "fanservice" if its the first time it's being told. I always thought fanservice came with sequels. Just doesn't make much sense to me that a story can be full of fan service if it's the original and everything you discover is pretty much new :monster:


Great Old One
From my point of view, no stories are really "new", ever. They're a cocktail of stuff we've heard in some way or another - family drama, romance, culture clashes, daddy issues, etc. When I say 'fanservice', what I mean is that all the events in X lines up so neatly for kids to like. There's two teenagers who act like they're in their late 20's, there's that old dude we all like, there's that dumb dude who doesn't understand anything because he's religious, and they're all pretty much Mary Sues (except for that old dude who learned his lesson; obviously, because he's missing an arm and an eye.) There's different cultures and races and shit and we have to put them in because if we don't it's not Final Fantasy, but all we bother doing is mentioning some strange things they do because they're Of A Different Culture, which doesn't give them personality or life at all.

It just bothers me. They set up a really nice machina vs gods thing but failed to make it interesting because they made Wakka easy to misunderstand and Rikku too smart, which really makes her very uninteresting. They needed to balance her out with something which isn't there.

My opinion, which is very much an opinion and probably needs a fact check. X) Maybe if I played the game again I'd pick up more of the story, and I know I'm being unfair towards many... no, all of the characters. There's probably a lot to be said for XII's characters too, but at least the teenagers act like teenagers. I fucking love how they made Vaan that dumb. Makes him a lot more lovable (and realistic!) in my eyes.

But then again I come from a country where we love Donald more than Mickey, because he is such a major fail.


Great Old One
He's not completely irrelevant, there are some usages to him in the story:

* Introduction wise, it's nice to start the story with him, AKA "the daily life of a struggling Rabanastrian"
* Describing Balthier's need for attention by the "hey!" look on his face when Vaan all of a sudden hero worships Basch instead of Balthier
* Balthier and Fran probably wouldn't given a damn about Ashe (because they didn't know her true identity at the time; you see how they exchange looks when they learn who she is) in the sewers like Vaan does; it's thanks to him they pick her up
* Comic relief

...okay I'm out

I still adore him though :P
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