Very informative, thanks for posting the interview. I think they could have found some way to include details about Alyssa's betrayal in the game (aside from requiring players to collect fragments to read about it) because I didn't quite understand it. I guess she really did see her name on that tombstone.
I'm a little bit worried about to what extent they can resolve the game through DLC; there is just so much unresolved between the fate of Fang and Vanille, Snow, Lightning, the entire world among other things. I can understand using DLC to expand upon character side stories. Explaining, for instance, the events leading up to Lightning turning to crystal or Sazh's visit to Serendipity. But as for ending the game like that and expecting to answer all questions over time with DLC, I don't know. I guess I just want a full sequel. I never experienced DLC so maybe its a common practice to "finish" games in this manner?
I think they could have left FFXIII as it was; the ending presented full resolution of the main storyline. If they took it upon themselves to make FFXIII-2 when it really wasn't needed, how can they not be considering a full trilogy given the nonending ending of this installment. It just seems like XIII-2 is a bridge to the true conclusion to be revealed in XIII-3. I actually really loved XIII-2 over all, including the ending, just want closure not tack on DLC.
With that said, I look forward to seeing how things turn out.
that woman in the house who just talks about stuff cats do
and i just found myself going
cat feelings
and then i forgot what the game was supposed to be about
Thanks for that, I'm still using my same RAV from the Bresha Ruins. He's a good RAV but I just maxed him out and I'm well on my way to Serah and Noel's growth. Didn't know where to look for a good RAV. I might have held out for a Lightning RAV but eh.Cloudburst apparently. I need to go get him.
He's in the Steppe.
I was lucky, I think he dropped for me the first time I fought him. I don't think I have a blue chocobo yet. I don't think I fought a blue chocobo yet >__>lso, the Red Chocobo, what a bitchI did defeat it thought, but I couldn't recruit it - so sad, because that bird is a really bad fucker
Encountered the blue one too, but I just gave that one up
It's a fragment option. It's after you find all the cactaurs and unlock chocobos, you'll be given missions.Where can you fight the optional c'ieth?MUST FIGHT
It took me a long time and a lot of mistaken fushions to figure it out tbh. I think they explain it awkwardly but once you figure out how it goes it's not difficult. Although I kind of wish you could pick and chose passive abilities like the other abilities because apparently you can only have 10. I have no idea what happens if you try and load on more.Also I keep looking at the infusion option, but I'm too chicken to actually commit to giving up one of my monsters. I need to look up some info in some kind of guide about that
I just caught a Red Chocobo and I fought my first Blue Chocobo (it's on the other side of the map, I finally figured out how to get there!) but I didn't capture it. FFFFFFFF
Arianna, I'm pretty sure whatever happens on FFXIII and it's universe (FFXIII-2 and the future FFXIII-3, possibly?) does NOT affect Versus, since they're not related. They just use the same myth and ideas, but they're not in the same universe... at least not until Square says the opposite. Same goes with Agito, especially now it's Type Zero, and not "XIII" anymore.
Why is Serah the only character who remembers the original events as seen at the end of FFXIII?
Daisuke Watanabe, Lead Writer: "Final Fantasy XIII-2 reveals that the goddess Etro saved Serah during the final scenes of FF XIII, releasing her from her crystal stasis. Through her interactions with Etro, Serah acquired certain powers normally non-accessible to humans. This is why she can time-travel when passing through the Gates (like Noel or Snow). This is also how she received the gift of the "Eyes of Etro", enabling her to see changes in the timeline, as does Yeul. It is also for this reason that she has a special bond with monster, allowing her to tame them in their crystal form and use them as allies."
Episode Zero - Promise (novel)
Episode Zero Fabula Nova Dramatica Alpha & Omega (drama CDs, two)
Final Fantasy XIII
Episode i (short story)
Fragments Before (novel)
Fragments After (novel, not yet released)
oh youToriyama may fail worse than Nomura at telling a story in a reasonable timeframe.
is this the english 'hungry joe', a white wolfy thingAlbino Lobo