Final Fantasy XIII-2

Alex Strife

I finished Academia 400 a.F. yesterday. My goodness. That was crazy. It took me a bit more than 2 hours, and I made about 20,000 crystal points, which were rather useful, actually.

By the way, does anyone know if there's anything supposed to happen in the middle of the map, on the collapsed bridge? I walked there, and saw the "Live" logo on top left corner of the screen, Noel had his weapon out and was standing there. But nothing happened. I tried moving around but in the end I got tired and left. And nothing happened.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I finished Academia 400 a.F. yesterday. My goodness. That was crazy. It took me a bit more than 2 hours, and I made about 20,000 crystal points, which were rather useful, actually.

By the way, does anyone know if there's anything supposed to happen in the middle of the map, on the collapsed bridge? I walked there, and saw the "Live" logo on top left corner of the screen, Noel had his weapon out and was standing there. But nothing happened. I tried moving around but in the end I got tired and left. And nothing happened.

Yeah, I know, that place is a chore - even if your leveled well. You have very little time and space to breathe before another bunch of Cie'th are on their way.

No, nothing is on the collapsed bridge - but of course, I could be wrong. I'm 95% sure nothing is there though. I saw that icon too, but I think it was because of the cutscene right before it and then actually trans-versing that small jump area.

Uhm, I don't think anything there is spoilerific, so...


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Laura Bailey
And yep same VA!

Our baby Laura. She's one of my favorites in this game Catherine eherm

TBH I don't have any complaints on the VA's. They were pretty much better than XIII cast. Also I had Hope saying "The Story so far" and I could feel something dying inside me


Baaaaaaah I haven't been able to play for a few days, and just knowing it's sitting at my friend's house where he could play it if he wanted is driving me crazy, haha.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.

So when does this happen? What's being said?


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT. I hope they confirm a release date soon! I've always been upset over the fact that we didn't even get to see Jihl's fighting style in XIII. Ahhh, so happy ;w;


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
It would be awesome that after the first part of the fight it looks like Jihl is about to get serious, then out of nowhere Dysley comes and kills her off so you have to fight him.

If Dysley would also be on the coliseum, I would cry tears of joy. He's my favorite villain along with Seymour :geek:

And wow!! Jihl. That's a nice one. SE stop making me go bankrupt.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
So when does this happen? What's being said?
well a good chunk of it can't be read for the watermark, but it seems like she's saying she's offering something to the heroes, and she'd guessed that they'd say that or something? idk its hard without context


AI Researcher
微笑みながら 言うでしょう
I will reach out my hand [to help] and say with a smile.

(I'm guessing maybe what sinister thing she would say comes after this line or something.)

It looked awesome when she flicked out the cane and leapt down to fight in FFXIII. And then Dysley was just "lolz ruin to the face"


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Really? I did enjoy 13 and I'm usually defending it, but even I had to say that Dysley was a pretty lame villain...

Though he's voiced by Dan Green, so that helps :monster:

Dysley was an old man; and, people think old = not cute = lame. :(

I don't think this way. I do think he was an effective boss; and truly, it wasn't Dysley we were fighting, it was his true form Barthandelus.

Except for the outfit, which was borderline flamboyant. I will agree with that argument.

Yes, I also think he was handsome.

私は手をさしのべて ... 微笑みながら 言うでしょう ... I will reach out my hand [to help] and say with a smile.

(I'm guessing maybe what sinister thing she would say comes after this line or something.)

Is that all hiragana or a mix of Hiragana and Kanji?

And thank you for the translation.

well a good chunk of it can't be read for the watermark, but it seems like she's saying she's offering something to the heroes, and she'd guessed that they'd say that or something? idk its hard without context

Maybe she's saying she'll help them out when they need it (like a tamed creature or Lightning and Amodar.)


unsavory tart
Mixed feelings about Dysley. I just don't think he was a compelling villain. Or at least, a lot of Final Fantasy villains can steal the show, Caius is a villain like this. But not Dysley. There just wasn't enough interaction with him and not enough to him.

A few things I like, whoever his voice actor is... he's amazing. It's sinister and commanding, makes you hate him and feel like a child at the same time. His opening scene where he shows himself to be the final boss after he killed Jihl and his "fuck you humanity" speech I felt was kind of epic.

The only problem is, after that he fell flat. Nothing really topped that performance unless you can't the time you realize that killing Dysley booted up Orphan and his appearance after that. There were a few things that could have been interesting- like he's an old looking bastard but there are continuous references to be like an "orphan" and he was trying to find their "father"- it was strange but interesting clashing symbolism. And his apparent death wish- some people want to destroy shit and gain power- Dysley always had all the power he wanted- he just wanted to die. But they were never fully explored.

The only other thing I liked was his character design- not the old guy but his fal'cie and final forms are pretty awesome. Whoever designed him deserves whatever good comes their way.


Great Old One
Okay so I got back home and continued playing. I am now obsessed with solving a couple of mysteries I have going on and I refuse to google, which means that I'm probably going to end up with a play time of 200 hours plus. I'm already ridiculously over leveled. And I haven't really started on the monster consuming thing yet. Noel currently has 32,000 unused CP.


I did find all of the Wild Artifacts though (FINALLY) which means there will be more artifacts I'll desperately have to find. Right now I'm just sad I finished all of the Oerba puzzles. I like those :(

Epic storyline. Epic. When I heard Vanille's voice I cried. And walking around in the red and dark atmosphere in The Dying World must be one of the most intense FF moments I've played. All of those halfway dead people. It's up there with
Celes' suicide attempt
which is one of my all time favorite FF moments (though sad as it is). I love Noel so much right now, he's really becoming a complete character.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I keep forgetting to type this:

The voice actor for Galenth Dysley/Barthandelus/male half of Orphan's first form:

S. Scott Bullock.


Great Old One
Finished. Phew.

Great quality of the end cutscenes. Now on to hunt Paradox Endings... I love games that aren't finished when they're finished :D

Overall I'm really pleased with the game. I've already mentioned my displeases in this thread, so I won't repeat them. But yeah, happy. Good game.

Alex Strife

I worked hard last weekend, and I'm now up to 110 fragments. Not bad, if I do say so!

Now I'm trying to kill some tough monsters before I actually continue the story from where I left off, which is Academia 4xx A.F.


dem titans
Palumpolum, Jack the Ripper, Colonel AI, laurash65, Re-L Mayer
Almost reached 100 fragments! Managed to unlock both of the Vile Peaks gates (10AF and 200AF).
I felt kinda sad during the scenes where Lightning's watching over Serah from a distance. I really hope SE will make a ending where they're reunited.

Used the Chaos Crystal to get the Odinbolt bow for Serah, and bought the Odinblade sword in Serendipity.

I'm making progress with Noel in the Crystarium, but Serah's still kinda underleveled. I hope I can beat the game soon. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
All I need is Gold Chocobo and I think I'll have my chocobo collection complete.

Can't find it anywhere though ;~; And curse the quiz guy. Needles in haystacks are easier to find


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
I only have a yellow chocobo I got from Archylte Steppe. It's a COM and honestly I have better COMs than him.

I want a Green one so bad though, they're apparently the best MEDs.
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