Final Fantasy XIII-2


Great Old One
I got a purple one \o/
So now I have... three. I want to have like ten.
Also, found my first Paradox Ending <3
I do love how the bosses become super hard. I'm working on Caius at Oerba 200 AF now. hsfdfsf all of a sudden he's like Healer Man. After 4 minutes he's like full health again. Lawl.


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
I only have a yellow chocobo I got from Archylte Steppe. It's a COM and honestly I have better COMs than him.

I want a Green one so bad though, they're apparently the best MEDs.
I retired my Green Chocobo after getting a White one. White seems to be a bit better imo.


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
Treasure pod in AF700 :monster:

Back there I go, lol. Thank you.

White ones? I didn't even know those existed LOL are they MEDs too? Where'd you get it?
Minor spoiler:
Oerba 400AF. It seems to be a really rare spawn.
And yep it's a MED as well. Unlike the Green Chocobo, it has Esuna and Esunada :D


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
I found the Blue Chocobo five times in Bresha Ruins 300AF. Wasn't lucky enough ;_;
I also found a Tonberi. He tested my very soul.


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
Sami, you so lucky lol ; ; Took me about an hour to get him to spawn three times. Thankfully he spawned twice in a row after the first spawn :desu:

The Blue Chocobo is so hard to get imo ; ; He took the most amount of tries for me. Almost hit the 10 spawn mark with him and about 3 hours of running around in circles in the Steppe lol

Then of course right after I got him, he proceeded to spawn four times in a row in five minutes -_-


unsavory tart
Wow, my drop rate must be glitched or something because I have like... four white cocobos and I didn't even farm in that area, they just kept popping up. I might of have had the monster crystal drop rate skill activated though. The only chocobo I had a real issue with was the blue one, It took me forever to spawn one when I was trying to complete my bestiary. I was raging so hard.


AI Researcher
I fought the White Chocobo four times in Oerba 300 AF
I found him in the span of like 10 minutes lmao

Like. Ten. Times.


I got one of those colourful gremlins from AF700 that have a capture rate of like 2% but not Omega still. (All DLC is 10% iirc, those Light/Amodar depends on which of them you defeat last.)


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.

Japanese sources have leaked some upcoming information on the next FFXIII-2 DLC.

Following Lightning & Amodar from last week will be Sazh’s Episode content. The DLC itself will be priced at 600 yen and is called the “Casino and Sazh Compilation.”

Noel and Serah’s swimsuit costumes are also due out in February for 300 yen each.


Oh my god.
Noel is getting a swimsuit costume too.
Oh god.
Am I dreaming.
What's an ovary.


wangxian married
i remember there's one scene in oerba where the camera just hardcore pans down her top and i'm just sitting there like daMN

what are we talking about again oh right

i hope noel gets a snorkel outfit like lloyd in tales of symphonia
with like the flippers and everything
he can be an extra kawaii babby


unsavory tart
I'm just holding out for the Ezio costume. Why are you not in my life yet.

Also, every day is a good day for more Sazh. I hope it's more than just minigames though, Serendipity can burn in minigame hell for all eternity.


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
They really are going to milk this game as much as they can, aren't they?

I still wish they were a few unlockable alternate outfits on the disk though. But anyways, looking foward run around in Serah's bikini so I can sexually harass Noel tbh.

Alex Strife

Sounds good. I finished the game yesterday and.. wow, just wow. I'm not going to call this a masterpiece, but I really, REALLY think it's very well done. Of course, I still have to get all the fragments and whatnot. But I loved it. This game had me regain the faith in Square.


AI Researcher
Jikuu no shugosha = "shugosha" is whatever they call the seeress in English

Omote ka ura ka = in the context of a casino/games of chance, more likely "heads or tails" (as in of a coin)

But noooo, now I need to add money to my account for Sazh. Damn you Square for taking up DLC.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
I wonder if this means that Noel will be shirtless and with shorter pants. Me gusta :monster:

Also i got to a part when I saw Sazh. It was weird. He couldn't see Serah yet he talked about a dream with Lightning (Like Snow). ANDD getting Twilight Odin was amazing. I couldn't believe it. I haven't played with him tho'. I plan on doing it today.

Either way I'm loving the Casino. Thank God its a fake one otherwise I would've been broke from playing so much last night.


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
Serendipity is alright, but I wish the chocobo races were... Better. I mean, you can't even play as your own chocobo, what's up with that? I would have loved something like VII's chocobo races, those were my favourites.
The slot machine is pretty fun though, and I'm looking foward to more minigames in the future!
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