^I agree with this.
At first they were original, now they're all over the place. I still think some stories deserve a prequel, but they're just overly popular nowadays.
That said, I still like a good prequel every now and then.
I'm still waiting for an FFX prequel starring Auron, Braska & Jecht. The story is obvious and the character development writes itself.
Braska’s inevitable martyrdom trying to rid the world of Sin for his daughters sake & lamenting the consequence of not being there to watch her grown up. Jecht’s tale of redemption from arrogant egotistical drunk to honourable man ready to die for his friends and regretting his poor relationship with his son, and Auron’s evolution to undead badass.
No winy Tidus, no painfully sickening romance story, no smurf-klingon-furry (or whatever the fuck that guy was) no “I love you but I have to die saving the world” BS from the equally annoying Yuna, just 3 guys out to save the world, it would have been a fantastic game.
But no. What sequel do we get for FFX?
A couple of Powerpuffs girls, a butch dike, and a guy named ‘Brother’ who wants to bone Yuna, his cousin. Yeah nothing sells a game like a unbalanced nutcase who’s only dream in life is incest.
FFX started with a futuristic city being wiped out by a giant floating ball of death to the soundtrack of Linkin Park, it’s sequel started with a miley-cyrus-goes-Japanence pop song.
It was as disappointing as it was headache inducing, but that could have been my brain saying “fuck this!” & trying to escape out of my head. @_@
Hmmm, appear to have gone on a bit of a rant there, my point: I found the only other FF direct sequel a disappointment.
My expectations for a FFXIII-2 are shitness of truly epic proportions. Still, we will all hope in vain for SE to learn from past mistakes and put a descent game out of it’s ass.